3 <a href="{{ question.get_absolute_url }}">{{ question.get_question_title }}</a>
8 <td><span class="num">{{ question.answer_count|intcomma }}</span> </td>
9 <td><span class="num">{{ question.score|intcomma }}</span> </td>
10 <td><span class="num">{{ question.view_count|cnprog_intword|safe }}</span> </td>
13 <td><span class="unit">{% trans "answers" %}</span></td>
14 <td><span class="unit">{% trans "votes" %}</span></td>
15 <td><span class="unit">{% trans "views" %}</span></td>
21 {{ question.summary }}...
24 {% ifequal tab_id 'active'%}
25 {% if question.wiki and settings.WIKI_ON %}
26 <span class="from wiki">{% trans "community wiki" %}</span>
27 <span class="date" title="{{ question.added_at }}">{% diff_date question.added_at %}</span>
30 {% comment %}{% gravatar question.last_activity_by 24 %}{% endcomment %}
31 <span class="author"><a href="{{ question.last_activity_by.get_profile_url }}">{{ question.last_activity_by }}</a></span>
32 <span class="score">{% get_score_badge question.last_activity_by %} </span>
33 <span class="date" title="{{ question.last_activity_at }}">{% diff_date question.last_activity_at %}</span>
37 {% if question.wiki and settings.WIKI_ON %}
38 <span class="from wiki">{% trans "community wiki" %}</span>
39 <span class="date" title="{{ question.added_at }}">{% diff_date question.added_at %}</span>
42 {% comment %}{% gravatar question.author 24 %}{% endcomment %}
43 <span class="author"><a href="{{ question.author.get_profile_url }}">{{ question.author }}</a></span>
44 <span class="score">{% get_score_badge question.author %} </span>
45 <span class="date" title="{{ question.added_at }}">{% diff_date question.added_at %}</span>
51 {% for tag in question.tagname_list %}
52 <a href="{% url tag_questions tag|urlencode %}" title="{% trans "see questions tagged" %}'{{ tag }}'{% trans "using tags" %}" rel="tag">{{ tag }}</a>