+ <a href="{{ view_user.get_asked_url }}">{% blocktrans with view_user.username as username %}View all questions by {{ username }}{% endblocktrans %}</a>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
<br clear="all"/>
<a name="answers"></a>
{% spaceless %}
- {% blocktrans count answers|length as counter %}
- <span class="{% if answer.accepted %}answered-accepted {% endif %} answer-votes"
- title="{% blocktrans with answer.score as vote_count %}the answer has been voted for {{ vote_count }} times{% endblocktrans %} {% if answer.accepted %}{% trans "this answer has been selected as correct" %}{%endif%}">
+ <span class="{% if answer.nis.accepted %}answered-accepted {% endif %} answer-votes"
+ title="{% blocktrans with answer.score as vote_count %}the answer has been voted for {{ vote_count }} times{% endblocktrans %} {% if answer.nis.accepted %}{% trans "this answer has been selected as correct" %}{%endif%}">
+ <a href="{{ view_user.get_answered_url }}">{% blocktrans with view_user.username as username %}View all questions answered by {{ username }}{% endblocktrans %}</a>