-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Name: Syndication feed class for subsribtion
-# Purpose:
-# Author: Mike
-# Created: 29/01/2009
-# Copyright: (c) CNPROG.COM 2009
-# Licence: GPL V2
-from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed, FeedDoesNotExist
+ from django.contrib.syndication.views import Feed, FeedDoesNotExist
+ old_version = False
+ from django.contrib.syndication.feeds import Feed, FeedDoesNotExist
+ old_version = True
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from models import Question
from forum import settings
-class RssLastestQuestionsFeed(Feed):
- title = settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ')+ _('latest questions')
- link = settings.APP_URL #+ '/' + _('question/')
- description = settings.APP_DESCRIPTION
- #ttl = 10
+class RssQuestionFeed(Feed):
copyright = settings.APP_COPYRIGHT
+ def __init__(self, question_list, title, description, request):
+ self._title = title
+ self._description = description
+ self._question_list = question_list
+ self._url = request.path
+ if old_version:
+ super(Feed, self).__init__(request, '')
+ def title(self):
+ return self._title
+ def link(self):
+ return self._url
def item_link(self, item):
- return self.link + item.get_absolute_url()
+ return item.get_absolute_url()
def item_author_name(self, item):
return item.author.username
return item.added_at
def items(self, item):
- return Question.objects.filter_state(deleted=False).order_by('-last_activity_at')[:30]
-def main():
- pass
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ return self._question_list[:30]
def get_absolute_url(self):
return self.get_profile_url()
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_asked_url(self):
+ return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('asked-by'), 'user': self.id, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_answered_url(self):
+ return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('answered-by'), 'user': self.id, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
+ @models.permalink
+ def get_subscribed_url(self):
+ return ('user_questions', (), {'mode': _('subscribed-by'), 'user': self.id, 'slug': slugify(self.username)})
def get_profile_link(self):
profile_link = u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (self.get_profile_url(), self.username)
return mark_safe(profile_link)
{% block content %}\r
<div class="tabBar">\r
{% question_list_title %}\r
- <a style="float:left" href="{% url latest_questions_feed %}" title="{% trans "subscribe to question RSS feed" %}"><img src="{% media "media/images/feed-icon-small.png" %}" alt=""></a>\r
+ <a style="float:left" href="{{ feed_url }}" title="{% trans "subscribe to question RSS feed" %}"><img src="{% media "media/images/feed-icon-small.png" %}" alt=""></a>\r
{% question_sort_tabs sort_context %}\r
<div id="listA">{% for question in questions %}\r
{% load humanize %}
{% load question_list_tags %}
{% block usercontent %}
+ {% declare %}
+ question_count = questions.count()
+ show_more_questions_link = question_count > 15
+ questions = questions[:15]
+ answer_count = answers.count()
+ show_more_answers_link = answer_count > 30
+ answers = answers[:30]
+ {% enddeclare %}
<a name="questions"></a>
{% spaceless %}
- {% blocktrans count questions|length as counter %}
+ {% blocktrans count question_count as counter %}
<span class="count">1</span> Question
{% plural %}
<span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Questions
{% for question in questions %}
{% question_list_item question favorite_count=yes signature_type=badges %}
{% endfor %}
+ {% if show_more_questions_link %}
+ <div class="short-summary" style="text-align: right">
+ <a href="{{ view_user.get_asked_url }}">{% blocktrans with view_user.username as username %}View all questions by {{ username }}{% endblocktrans %}</a>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
<br clear="all"/>
<a name="answers"></a>
{% spaceless %}
- {% blocktrans count answers|length as counter %}
+ {% blocktrans count answer_count as counter %}
<span class="count">1</span> Answer
{% plural %}
<span class="count">{{counter}}</span> Answers
{% endfor %}
+ {% if show_more_answers_link %}
+ <div class="short-summary" style="text-align: right">
+ <a href="{{ view_user.get_answered_url }}">{% blocktrans with view_user.username as username %}View all questions answered by {{ username }}{% endblocktrans %}</a>
+ </div>
+ {% endif %}
- <br/>
+ <br clear="all"/>
<a name="votes"></a>
{% spaceless %}
from django.conf import settings as djsettings
from django.contrib import admin
from forum import views as app
-from forum.feed import RssLastestQuestionsFeed
from forum.sitemap import QuestionsSitemap
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
import logging
-feeds = {
- 'rss': RssLastestQuestionsFeed
sitemaps = {
'questions': QuestionsSitemap
url(r'^%s%s$' % (_('questions/'), _('unanswered/')), app.readers.unanswered, name='unanswered'),
+ url(r'^%s(?P<mode>[\w-]+)/(?P<user>\d+)/(?P<slug>.+)/$' % _('questions/'), app.readers.user_questions, name="user_questions"),
url(r'^%s(?P<id>\d+)/%s$' % (_('questions/'), _('edit/')), app.writers.edit_question,
url(r'^%s(?P<id>\d+)/%s$' % (_('questions/'), _('close/')), app.commands.close,
url(r'^%s(?P<id>\d+)/(?P<slug>.+)$' % _('badges/'), app.meta.badge, name='badge'),
# (r'^admin/doc/' % _('admin/doc'), include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
url(r'^%s(.*)' % _('nimda/'), admin.site.root, name='osqa_admin'),
- url(r'^feeds/(?P<url>.*)/$', 'django.contrib.syndication.views.feed', {'feed_dict': feeds},
- name='feeds'),
url(r'^%s$' % _('upload/'), app.writers.upload, name='upload'),
url(r'^%s$' % _('search/'), app.readers.search, name='search'),
url(r'^%s$' % _('contact/'), app.meta.feedback, name='feedback'),
url(r'^%s%s(?P<set_name>\w+)/$' % (_('admin/'), _('settings/')), app.admin.settings_set,
- url(r'^feeds/rss/$', RssLastestQuestionsFeed, name="latest_questions_feed"),
+ url(r'^feeds/rss/$', app.readers.feed, name="latest_questions_feed"),
url(r'^(?P<path>.+)$', app.meta.page, name="static_page")
def decorated(request, *args, **kwargs):\r
context = func(request, *args, **kwargs)\r
+ if isinstance(context, HttpResponse):\r
+ return context\r
if tab is not None:\r
context['tab'] = tab\r
def decorated(request, *args, **kwargs):\r
context = func(request, *args, **kwargs)\r
+ if isinstance(context, HttpResponse):\r
+ return context\r
pagesize = request.utils.page_size(default_page_size)\r
page = int(request.GET.get('page', 1))\r
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
-from forum.utils.html import sanitize_html
+from forum.utils.html import sanitize_html, hyperlink
from forum.utils.diff import textDiff as htmldiff
from forum.forms import *
from forum.models import *
from forum.forms import get_next_url
from forum.actions import QuestionViewAction
+from forum.http_responses import HttpResponseUnauthorized
+from forum.feed import RssQuestionFeed
import decorators
# used in index page
# used in answers
+def feed(request):
+ return RssQuestionFeed(
+ Question.objects.filter_state(deleted=False).order_by('-last_activity_at'),
+ settings.APP_TITLE + _(' - ')+ _('latest questions'),
+ request)(request)
def index(request):
return question_list(request,
- base_path=reverse('questions'))
+ base_path=reverse('questions'),
+ feed_url=reverse('latest_questions_feed'))
@decorators.render('questions.html', 'unanswered', _('unanswered'), weight=400)
def unanswered(request):
mark_safe(_('questions tagged <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
- mark_safe(_('Questions Tagged With <span class="tag">%(tag)s</span>') % {'tag': tag}),
+ mark_safe(_('Questions Tagged With %(tag)s') % {'tag': tag}),
+@decorators.render('questions.html', 'questions', tabbed=False)
+def user_questions(request, mode, user, slug):
+ user = get_object_or_404(User, id=user)
+ if mode == _('asked-by'):
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(author=user)
+ description = _("Questions asked by %s")
+ elif mode == _('answered-by'):
+ questions = Question.objects.filter(children__author=user, children__node_type='answer').distinct()
+ description = _("Questions answered by %s")
+ elif mode == _('subscribed-by'):
+ if not (request.user.is_superuser or request.user == user):
+ return HttpResponseUnauthorized(request)
+ questions = user.subscriptions
+ if request.user == user:
+ description = _("Questions you subscribed %s")
+ else:
+ description = _("Questions subscribed by %s")
+ else:
+ raise Http404
+ return question_list(request, questions,
+ mark_safe(description % hyperlink(user.get_profile_url(), user.username)),
+ request.utils.set_sort_method('active'),
+ page_title=description % user.username)
@decorators.list('questions', QUESTIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
def question_list(request, initial,
page_title=_("All Questions"),
- allowIgnoreTags=True):
+ allowIgnoreTags=True,
+ feed_url=None):
questions = initial.filter_state(deleted=False)
if page_title is None:
page_title = _("Questions")
+ if request.GET.get('type', None) == 'rss':
+ return RssQuestionFeed(questions, page_title, list_description, request)(request)
keywords = ""
if request.GET.get("q"):
keywords = request.GET.get("q").strip()
answer_count = Answer.objects.filter_state(deleted=False).filter(parent__in=questions).count()
answer_description = _("answers")
+ if not feed_url:
+ feed_url = request.path + "?type=rss"
return {
"questions" : questions,
"questions_count" : questions.count(),
"answer_count" : answer_count,
"keywords" : keywords,
- #"tags_autocomplete" : _get_tags_cache_json(),
"list_description": list_description,
"answer_description": answer_description,
"base_path" : base_path,
"page_title" : page_title,
"tab" : "questions",
+ 'feed_url': feed_url,