+ ss = u.subscription_settings
+ notify = el.add('notifications', enabled=ss.enable_notifications and 'true' or 'false')
+ notify.add('notify', **dict([(t, ss.__dict__.get(t, 'n') == 'i' and 'true' or 'false') for t in ['member_joins', 'new_question', 'new_question_watched_tags', 'subscribed_questions']]))
+ notify.add('autoSubscribe', **dict([(t, ss.__dict__.get(t, False) and 'true' or 'false') for t in [
+ 'all_questions', 'all_questions_watched_tags', 'questions_asked', 'questions_answered', 'questions_commented', 'questions_viewed']]))
+ notify.add('notifyOnSubscribed', **dict([(t, ss.__dict__.get("notify_%s" % t, False) and 'true' or 'false') for t in [
+ 'answers', 'reply_to_comments', 'comments_own_post', 'comments', 'accepted']]))
+ notify.add('digest', ss.send_digest and 'on' or 'off')
+ watched = el.add('watchedTags')
+ rejected = el.add('rejectedTags')
+ for m in u.tag_selections.all():
+ if m.reason == 'good':
+ watched.add('tag', m.tag.name)
+ else:
+ rejected.add('tag', m.tag.name)