+OSQA: Open Source Q&A Forum is a question and answer site - it is not a discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend to dilute the essense of questions and answers. For brief discussions please use commenting facility.
+** Why are email notifications so important? **
+Email notifications are the bedrock of a successful question and answer community. These notifications allow community members to be notified of important events, such as:
+* When their questions have been answered
+* When one of their posts is commented on by another member
+* When other members post new questions, answers, or comments in their area of interest
+The success of the community relies upon community member involvement, and members are much more likely to become involved, active participants on the site when they're notified of interesting developments. That is why this community considers a valid email address as a requirement for participating in the community and using this site.
+If you're already a member of this community and haven't validated your email address, you can do so [here](/account/send-validation/ "Validate Email Address"). If you aren't yet a member of this community, join up by [creating a new account](/account/local/register/ "Create a new account").