]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - osqa.git/history - forum/skins
Problem with case insensitive tag search.
[osqa.git] / forum / skins /
2010-11-10 hernaniFixes a problem with i18n in the digest sender. Fixes...
2010-11-10 hernaniApplies some of the Justin Grant's patches.
2010-10-12 hernaniApplies patches by Justing Grant. Makes several improve...
2010-10-08 hernaniHandle big reputation numbers slightly better.
2010-09-23 hernaniSome more tweaks and fixes.
2010-09-23 hernaniSome small tweaks.
2010-09-18 hernaniFixes an error in the tag editor.
2010-09-14 hernaniAdds question and answer metrics (chars and words)...
2010-09-13 mattputs back the i18n code for the editor and adds back...
2010-09-13 mattfixes OSQA-439. IE should work again. Sorry about...
2010-09-12 hernaniShould fix the error reported in http://meta.osqa.net...
2010-09-11 hernaniBulk management changes:
2010-09-10 hernaniAdds the hability to hard delete nodes in the bulk...
2010-09-10 hernaniAdds the option to save filters in the node management.
2010-09-10 hernaniSome more changes in node management.
2010-09-09 hernaniLast minute fix.
2010-09-09 hernaniSeveral improvements in the node bulk management featur...
2010-08-31 hernaniBetter handling for the last_activity user profile...
2010-08-31 hernaniFixes a bug where the profile page of users with now...
2010-08-31 hernaniAdds quick creation of new users through the admin...
2010-08-30 hernaniFinished with node bulk management, although only optio...
2010-08-26 hernaniAdds the bulk management interface with node bulk manag...
2010-08-25 hernaniMoves the myopenid logo to a big button, and the aol...
2010-08-20 courtThis is for the online users page. It has been disable...
2010-08-20 mattfixed up some english and changed markdown default...
2010-08-20 courtforgot to check in the main javascript file. sorry.
2010-08-20 courtshould now be working for chrome/safari/firefox. still...
2010-08-20 mattfixes problem with always showing alert dialog in chrom...
2010-08-19 courthopefully this will clear up all issues concerning...
2010-08-18 courtadding some images for wmd
2010-08-18 courtupdates for the wmd
2010-08-17 courtdisabling the submit buttons for question and answers.
2010-08-17 courtwarning users that edits will be lost if they navigate...
2010-07-24 hernaniFixes OSQA 398, patch by Tim Whittington. Thanks.
2010-07-24 hernaniFixes OSQA 413, 414, 415, 416, 417 (patches from mathie...
2010-07-19 hernaniSome more fixes in the subscribe button.
2010-07-16 qw3rtynow superusers and staff can unsubscribe users subscrip...
2010-07-16 qw3rtymade some changes to the subscriptions view. works...
2010-07-16 mattfixes localization issues with end of line returns...
2010-07-16 mattsome cleanup on the listing of subscriptions and changi...
2010-07-16 hernaniFixes a css problem in the user profile page.
2010-07-16 mattsorry, but showing a scrollbar all the time isn't going...
2010-07-16 qw3rtyOSQA-266
2010-07-16 hernaniApplys patches by Sandeep Ghael to fix OSQA-355, OSQA...
2010-07-15 hernaniAdds a couple of options to manage the "accepting answe...
2010-07-15 mattfix for OSQA-408 - dzone address was always in the...
2010-07-15 hernaniFixes the upload path problem.
2010-07-14 hernaniAnother small js change.
2010-07-13 qw3rtyOSQA-302
2010-07-12 hernaniAdds quotes to a js object object definition to prevent...
2010-07-12 mattmore OSQA-377 fixes. We had some extra } lying around...
2010-07-12 mattputs the "Validate my email link" in a p tag so that...
2010-07-12 mattfixes OSQA-397. Removes the extra %}
2010-07-10 hernaniFixes question and answer count in the sidebar.
2010-07-09 hernaniFixes a bad template tag in the front page.
2010-07-09 hernaniFixes OSQA-88 (Improve "hottest" functionality on front...
2010-07-09 hernaniAdds options to control the behaviour of urls.
2010-07-09 hernaniAdds a user preferences page. Not much to see yet,...
2010-07-08 hernaniClosing OSQA-36. Applied patch from Tom Hughes.
2010-07-08 hernaniAdds feeds for answers or comments to questions.
2010-07-08 hernaniAdds pagination in user stats (questions and answers...
2010-07-07 hernaniFixes OSQA 348, Last seen field is not updated.
2010-07-07 hernaniMakes tags and users lists use the new paginators,...
2010-07-07 hernaniFixes OSQA 393, cannot send feedback when user is authe...
2010-07-07 hernaniAdds better permalinks to answers, computing the positi...
2010-07-07 hernaniFixes the problem with the hardcoded matching_tags...
2010-07-06 hernaniFixes the answer count on the question page, makes...
2010-07-06 hernaniAdds fixed width to head and footer.
2010-07-06 hernaniImproves the pagination, adds a new sorting method...
2010-07-05 hernaniAdds the user menu to the injectable places, makes...
2010-07-01 hernaniAdds the option to enable/disable email digests and...
2010-07-01 hernaniAdds the option to enable/disable email digests and...
2010-06-30 qw3rtyOSQA-375
2010-06-30 qw3rtyOSQA-374
2010-06-29 qw3rtyforgot to commit this.
2010-06-29 hernaniShows user diamonds in some missing spots, and adds...
2010-06-29 qw3rtyextracted markdown sidebar and included information...
2010-06-29 hernaniRemoves a redundant piece of text from the tags template.
2010-06-29 hernaniAdds a head content injection spot for modules, and...
2010-06-28 qw3rtyOSQA-357
2010-06-28 hernaniFixes unstyled p tag in the digest template.
2010-06-28 qw3rtyOSQA-349
2010-06-28 qw3rtyI don't think this was an issue but it was annoying...
2010-06-28 qw3rtyforgot to load the trans tag
2010-06-28 hernaniFixes (finaly) the email digest. Needs some improvement...
2010-06-28 qw3rtyOSQA-265
2010-06-28 qw3rtyOSQA-363
2010-06-28 qw3rtyOSQA-266
2010-06-28 hernaniHides that ugly text on answer form for the moment.
2010-06-28 hernaniAMore rss feed improvements.
2010-06-28 hernaniAdds user based question listings and context sensitive...
2010-06-27 hernaniSmall error in the previous checkin.
2010-06-27 hernaniFixes a styling problem with blobkquotes
2010-06-26 hernaniAdds diamonds to comments too.
2010-06-26 hernaniAdds optional status diamonds next to the usernames.
2010-06-25 hernaniAdds a positional style for the announcement bar.
2010-06-25 hernaniAdds an optional "announcement bar".
2010-06-24 hernaniFixes a possible django 1.1 compatibility issue.
2010-06-24 hernaniCloses OSQA 175 and OSQA 318. Added a bunch of options...
2010-06-22 hernaniFixes broken questions feed link.