5 use YAML::Syck qw(Dump LoadFile);
9 use File::Basename qw(fileparse);
13 locale-diff - Compare two YAML files and print how their datastructures differ
17 # --keys is the default
19 diff --keys en.yml is.yml
21 # --untranslated-values compares prints keys whose values don't differ
22 diff --untranslated-values en.yml is.yml
24 # --untranslated-values-all compares prints keys whose values
25 # don't differ. Ignoring the blacklist which prunes things
26 # unlikley to be translated
27 diff --untranslated-values-all en.yml is.yml
29 # Check that interpolated variables ({{var}} and [[var]]) are the same
30 diff --validate-variables en.yml is.yml
34 This utility prints the differences between two YAML files using
35 L<Test::Differences>. The purpose of it is to diff the files is
36 F<config/locales> to find out what keys need to be added to the
37 translated files when F<en.yml> changes.
45 Print this help message.
49 Show the hash keys that differ between the two files, useful merging
50 new entries from F<en.yml> to a local file.
52 =item --untranslated-values
54 Show keys that B<exist in both the compared files> and whose values
55 are exactly the same. Use C<--keys> to a list of values that hasn't
58 The values are pruned according to global and language specific
59 blacklists found in the C<__DATA__> section of this script.
61 This helps to find untranslated values.
63 =item --untranslated-values-all
65 Like C<--untranslated-values> but ignores blacklists.
67 =item --validate-variables
69 Check that interpolated Ruby i18n variables (C<{{foo}}> and
70 C<[[foo]]>) are equivalent in the two provided files.
74 Dump a flat version of the translation hash in YAML format,
75 i.e. "foo.bar" instead of "{foo}->{bar}".
81 E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com>
85 # Get the command-line options
86 Getopt::Long::Parser->new(
87 config => [ qw< bundling no_ignore_case no_require_order pass_through > ],
89 'h|help' => \my $help,
91 'dump-flat' => \my $dump_flat,
92 'untranslated-values' => \my $untranslated_values,
93 'untranslated-values-all' => \my $untranslated_values_all,
94 'validate-variables' => \my $validate_variables,
97 # --keys is the default
98 $keys = 1 if not $untranslated_values_all and not $untranslated_values and not $validate_variables and not $dump_flat;
103 # If we're not given two .yml files
104 help() if (@ARGV != 2 or (!-f $ARGV[0] or !-f $ARGV[1])) and not $dump_flat;
106 my ($from, $to) = @ARGV;
108 my $from_data = LoadFile($from);
109 my $from_parsed = { iterate($from_data->{fileparse($from, qr/\.[^.]*/)}) };
114 map { if (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { map { utf8::decode($_) } @$_ } else { utf8::decode($_) } } values %$from_parsed;
116 print Dump $from_parsed;
121 my $to_data = LoadFile($to);
122 my $to_parsed = { iterate($to_data->{fileparse($to, qr/\.[^.]*/)}) };
126 print_key_differences($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
128 elsif ($untranslated_values or $untranslated_values_all)
130 my @untranslated = untranslated_keys($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
132 # Prune according to blacklist
133 if ($untranslated_values) {
134 @untranslated = prune_untranslated_with_blacklist(scalar(fileparse($to, qr/\.[^.]*/)), @untranslated);
137 say for @untranslated;
138 } elsif ($validate_variables)
140 print_validate_variables($from_parsed, $to_parsed);
145 sub print_key_differences
149 # Hack around Test::Differences wanting a Test::* module loaded
151 sub Test::ok { print shift }
154 eq_or_diff([ sort keys %$f ], [ sort keys %$t ]);
157 sub untranslated_keys
159 my ($from_parsed, $to_parsed) = @_;
160 sort grep { exists $to_parsed->{$_} and $from_parsed->{$_} eq $to_parsed->{$_} } keys %$from_parsed;
163 sub prune_untranslated_with_blacklist
165 my ($language, @keys) = @_;
169 my $end_yaml = LoadFile(*DATA);
170 my $untranslated_values = $end_yaml->{untranslated_values};
171 my $default = $untranslated_values->{default};
172 my $this_language = $untranslated_values->{$language} || {};
174 my %bw_list = (%$default, %$this_language);
176 while (my ($key, $blacklisted) = each %bw_list)
178 # FIXME: Does syck actually support true/false booleans in yaml?
179 delete $keys{$key} if $blacklisted eq 'true'
185 sub print_validate_variables
189 while (my ($key, $val) = each %$f)
191 next if exists $f->{$key} and not exists $t->{$key};
193 my @from_var = parse_variables_from_string($f->{$key});
194 my @to_var = parse_variables_from_string($t->{$key});
196 unless (@from_var ~~ @to_var) {
197 say "$key in $from has (@from_var) and $to has (@to_var)";
203 sub parse_variables_from_string
207 # This probably matches most of the variables
208 my $var = qr/ [a-z0-9_]+? /xs;
210 if (my @var = $string =~ m/ \{\{ ($var) \}\} | \[\[ ($var) \]\] /gsx) {
211 return sort grep { defined } @var;
219 my ($hash, @path) = @_;
222 while (my ($k, $v) = each %$hash)
224 if (ref $v eq 'HASH')
226 push @ret => iterate($v, @path, $k);
230 push @ret => join(".",@path, $k), $v;
241 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(
242 -verbose => $arg{ verbose },
243 -exitval => $arg{ exitval } || 0,
250 # Default/Per language blacklist/whitelist for the
251 # --untranslated-values switch. "true" as a value indicates that the
252 # key is to be blacklisted, and "false" that it's to be
253 # whitelisted. "false" is only required to whitelist a key
254 # blacklisted by default on a per-language basis.
258 layouts.intro_3_bytemark: true
259 layouts.intro_3_ucl: true
260 layouts.project_name.h1: true
261 layouts.project_name.title: true
262 site.index.license.project_url: true
263 browse.relation_member.entry: true
266 changeset.changeset.id: true
269 activerecord.attributes.message.sender: true
270 activerecord.attributes.trace.name: true
271 activerecord.models.changeset: true
272 activerecord.models.relation: true
273 browse.changeset.changeset: true
274 browse.changeset.changesetxml: true
275 browse.changeset.osmchangexml: true
276 browse.changeset.title: true
277 browse.common_details.version: true
278 browse.containing_relation.relation: true
279 browse.relation.relation: true
280 browse.relation.relation_title: true
281 browse.start_rjs.details: true
282 browse.start_rjs.object_list.details: true
283 browse.tag_details.tags: true
284 changeset.changesets.id: true
285 export.start.export_button: true
286 export.start.format: true
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292 site.edit.anon_edits: true
293 site.index.license.license_name: true
294 site.index.permalink: true
295 site.key.table.entry.park: true
296 site.search.submit_text: true
297 trace.edit.tags: true
299 trace.trace_form.tags: true
300 trace.trace_optionals.tags: true
301 trace.view.tags: true
302 user.account.public editing.enabled link: true
306 site.edit.anon_edits: true
308 # Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0
309 site.index.license.license_name: true
311 # http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/
312 site.index.license.license_url: true
315 printable_name.with_id: true
318 printable_name.with_name: true
321 geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.prefix: true
323 # {{suffix}}, {{parentname}}
324 geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_suburb: true