3 class ReportsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
4 def test_new_report_without_login
5 target_user = create(:user)
6 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
7 assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User"))
10 def test_new_report_after_login
11 target_user = create(:user)
13 session_for(create(:user))
15 # Create an Issue and a report
16 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
17 assert_response :success
18 assert_difference "Issue.count", 1 do
19 details = "Details of a report"
21 post reports_path(:report => {
23 :category => category,
24 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
27 assert_redirected_to user_path(target_user)
30 def test_new_report_with_incomplete_details
31 # Test creation of a new issue and a new report
32 target_user = create(:user)
35 session_for(create(:user))
37 # Create an Issue and a report
38 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
39 assert_response :success
40 assert_difference "Issue.count", 1 do
41 details = "Details of a report"
43 post reports_path(:report => {
45 :category => category,
46 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
49 assert_redirected_to user_path(target_user)
53 assert_equal 1, issue.reports.count
55 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
56 assert_response :success
58 # Report without details
59 assert_no_difference "Issue.count" do
61 post reports_path(:report => {
62 :category => category,
63 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
66 assert_response :success
68 assert_match(/Please provide the required details/, flash[:notice])
70 assert_equal 1, issue.reports.count
73 def test_new_report_with_complete_details
74 # Test creation of a new issue and a new report
75 target_user = create(:user)
78 session_for(create(:user))
80 # Create an Issue and a report
81 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
82 assert_response :success
83 assert_difference "Issue.count", 1 do
84 details = "Details of a report"
86 post reports_path(:report => {
88 :category => category,
89 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
92 assert_redirected_to user_path(target_user)
96 assert_equal 1, issue.reports.count
98 # Create a report for an existing Issue
99 get new_report_path(:reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User")
100 assert_response :success
101 assert_no_difference "Issue.count" do
102 details = "Details of another report under the same issue"
104 post reports_path(:report => {
106 :category => category,
107 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
110 assert_response :redirect
112 assert_equal 2, issue.reports.count
115 def test_spam_reports_can_suspend
116 target_user = create(:user)
118 session_for(create(:user))
120 post reports_path(:report => {
121 :details => "Spammer",
123 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
125 assert_equal "active", target_user.reload.status
127 session_for(create(:user))
129 post reports_path(:report => {
130 :details => "Spammer",
132 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
134 assert_equal "active", target_user.reload.status
136 post reports_path(:report => {
137 :details => "Spammer",
139 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
141 assert_equal "active", target_user.reload.status
143 session_for(create(:user))
145 post reports_path(:report => {
146 :details => "Spammer",
148 :issue => { :reportable_id => target_user.id, :reportable_type => "User" }
150 assert_equal "suspended", target_user.reload.status