1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
2 require 'relation_controller'
4 class RelationControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
7 def basic_authorization(user, pass)
8 @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = "Basic %s" % Base64.encode64("#{user}:#{pass}")
12 @request.env["RAW_POST_DATA"] = c.to_s
15 # -------------------------------------
16 # Test reading relations.
17 # -------------------------------------
20 # check that a visible relation is returned properly
21 get :read, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
22 assert_response :success
24 # check that an invisible relation is not returned
25 get :read, :id => current_relations(:invisible_relation).id
28 # check chat a non-existent relation is not returned
30 assert_response :not_found
34 # check that all relations containing a particular node, and no extra
35 # relations, are returned from the relations_for_node call.
36 def test_relations_for_node
37 check_relations_for_element(:relations_for_node, "node",
38 current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id,
39 [ :visible_relation, :used_relation ])
42 def test_relations_for_way
43 check_relations_for_element(:relations_for_way, "way",
44 current_ways(:used_way).id,
45 [ :visible_relation ])
48 def test_relations_for_relation
49 check_relations_for_element(:relations_for_relation, "relation",
50 current_relations(:used_relation).id,
51 [ :visible_relation ])
54 def check_relations_for_element(method, type, id, expected_relations)
55 # check the "relations for relation" mode
57 assert_response :success
59 # count one osm element
60 assert_select "osm[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
62 # we should have only the expected number of relations
63 assert_select "osm>relation", expected_relations.size
65 # and each of them should contain the node we originally searched for
66 expected_relations.each do |r|
67 relation_id = current_relations(r).id
68 assert_select "osm>relation#?", relation_id
69 assert_select "osm>relation#?>member[type=\"#{type}\"][ref=#{id}]", relation_id
74 # check the "full" mode
75 get :full, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
76 assert_response :success
77 # FIXME check whether this contains the stuff we want!
83 # -------------------------------------
84 # Test simple relation creation.
85 # -------------------------------------
88 basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
90 # put the relation in a dummy fixture changset
91 changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
93 # create an relation without members
94 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'><tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
97 assert_response :success,
98 "relation upload did not return success status"
99 # read id of created relation and search for it
100 relationid = @response.body
101 checkrelation = Relation.find(relationid)
102 assert_not_nil checkrelation,
103 "uploaded relation not found in data base after upload"
105 assert_equal checkrelation.members.length, 0,
106 "saved relation contains members but should not"
107 assert_equal checkrelation.tags.length, 1,
108 "saved relation does not contain exactly one tag"
109 assert_equal changeset_id, checkrelation.changeset.id,
110 "saved relation does not belong in the changeset it was assigned to"
111 assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkrelation.changeset.user_id,
112 "saved relation does not belong to user that created it"
113 assert_equal true, checkrelation.visible,
114 "saved relation is not visible"
115 # ok the relation is there but can we also retrieve it?
116 get :read, :id => relationid
117 assert_response :success
121 # create an relation with a node as member
122 # This time try with a role attribute in the relation
123 nid = current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
124 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
125 "<member ref='#{nid}' type='node' role='some'/>" +
126 "<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
129 assert_response :success,
130 "relation upload did not return success status"
131 # read id of created relation and search for it
132 relationid = @response.body
133 checkrelation = Relation.find(relationid)
134 assert_not_nil checkrelation,
135 "uploaded relation not found in data base after upload"
137 assert_equal checkrelation.members.length, 1,
138 "saved relation does not contain exactly one member"
139 assert_equal checkrelation.tags.length, 1,
140 "saved relation does not contain exactly one tag"
141 assert_equal changeset_id, checkrelation.changeset.id,
142 "saved relation does not belong in the changeset it was assigned to"
143 assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkrelation.changeset.user_id,
144 "saved relation does not belong to user that created it"
145 assert_equal true, checkrelation.visible,
146 "saved relation is not visible"
147 # ok the relation is there but can we also retrieve it?
149 get :read, :id => relationid
150 assert_response :success
154 # create an relation with a node as member, this time test that we don't
155 # need a role attribute to be included
156 nid = current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
157 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
158 "<member ref='#{nid}' type='node'/>"+
159 "<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
162 assert_response :success,
163 "relation upload did not return success status"
164 # read id of created relation and search for it
165 relationid = @response.body
166 checkrelation = Relation.find(relationid)
167 assert_not_nil checkrelation,
168 "uploaded relation not found in data base after upload"
170 assert_equal checkrelation.members.length, 1,
171 "saved relation does not contain exactly one member"
172 assert_equal checkrelation.tags.length, 1,
173 "saved relation does not contain exactly one tag"
174 assert_equal changeset_id, checkrelation.changeset.id,
175 "saved relation does not belong in the changeset it was assigned to"
176 assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkrelation.changeset.user_id,
177 "saved relation does not belong to user that created it"
178 assert_equal true, checkrelation.visible,
179 "saved relation is not visible"
180 # ok the relation is there but can we also retrieve it?
182 get :read, :id => relationid
183 assert_response :success
186 # create an relation with a way and a node as members
187 nid = current_nodes(:used_node_1).id
188 wid = current_ways(:used_way).id
189 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
190 "<member type='node' ref='#{nid}' role='some'/>" +
191 "<member type='way' ref='#{wid}' role='other'/>" +
192 "<tag k='test' v='yes' /></relation></osm>"
195 assert_response :success,
196 "relation upload did not return success status"
197 # read id of created relation and search for it
198 relationid = @response.body
199 checkrelation = Relation.find(relationid)
200 assert_not_nil checkrelation,
201 "uploaded relation not found in data base after upload"
203 assert_equal checkrelation.members.length, 2,
204 "saved relation does not have exactly two members"
205 assert_equal checkrelation.tags.length, 1,
206 "saved relation does not contain exactly one tag"
207 assert_equal changeset_id, checkrelation.changeset.id,
208 "saved relation does not belong in the changeset it was assigned to"
209 assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, checkrelation.changeset.user_id,
210 "saved relation does not belong to user that created it"
211 assert_equal true, checkrelation.visible,
212 "saved relation is not visible"
213 # ok the relation is there but can we also retrieve it?
214 get :read, :id => relationid
215 assert_response :success
219 # -------------------------------------
220 # Test creating some invalid relations.
221 # -------------------------------------
223 def test_create_invalid
224 basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
226 # put the relation in a dummy fixture changset
227 changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
229 # create a relation with non-existing node as member
230 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
231 "<member type='node' ref='0'/><tag k='test' v='yes' />" +
235 assert_response :precondition_failed,
236 "relation upload with invalid node did not return 'precondition failed'"
239 # -------------------------------------
240 # Test creating a relation, with some invalid XML
241 # -------------------------------------
242 def test_create_invalid_xml
243 basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
245 # put the relation in a dummy fixture changeset that works
246 changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
248 # create some xml that should return an error
249 content "<osm><relation changeset='#{changeset_id}'>" +
250 "<member type='type' ref='#{current_nodes(:used_node_1).id}' role=''/>" +
251 "<tag k='tester' v='yep'/></relation></osm>"
254 assert_response :bad_request
255 assert_match(/Cannot parse valid relation from xml string/, @response.body)
256 assert_match(/The type is not allowed only, /, @response.body)
260 # -------------------------------------
261 # Test deleting relations.
262 # -------------------------------------
265 # first try to delete relation without auth
266 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
267 assert_response :unauthorized
270 basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
272 # this shouldn't work, as we should need the payload...
273 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
274 assert_response :bad_request
276 # try to delete without specifying a changeset
277 content "<osm><relation id='#{current_relations(:visible_relation).id}'/></osm>"
278 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
279 assert_response :conflict
281 # try to delete with an invalid (closed) changeset
282 content update_changeset(current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml,
283 changesets(:normal_user_closed_change).id)
284 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
285 assert_response :conflict
287 # try to delete with an invalid (non-existent) changeset
288 content update_changeset(current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml,0)
289 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
290 assert_response :conflict
292 # this won't work because the relation is in-use by another relation
293 content(relations(:used_relation).to_xml)
294 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:used_relation).id
295 assert_response :precondition_failed,
296 "shouldn't be able to delete a relation used in a relation (#{@response.body})"
298 # this should work when we provide the appropriate payload...
299 content(relations(:visible_relation).to_xml)
300 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
301 assert_response :success
303 # valid delete should return the new version number, which should
304 # be greater than the old version number
305 assert @response.body.to_i > current_relations(:visible_relation).version,
306 "delete request should return a new version number for relation"
308 # this won't work since the relation is already deleted
309 content(relations(:invisible_relation).to_xml)
310 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:invisible_relation).id
311 assert_response :gone
313 # this works now because the relation which was using this one
315 content(relations(:used_relation).to_xml)
316 delete :delete, :id => current_relations(:used_relation).id
317 assert_response :success,
318 "should be able to delete a relation used in an old relation (#{@response.body})"
320 # this won't work since the relation never existed
321 delete :delete, :id => 0
322 assert_response :not_found
326 # when a relation's tag is modified then it should put the bounding
327 # box of all its members into the changeset.
328 def test_tag_modify_bounding_box
329 # in current fixtures, relation 5 contains nodes 3 and 5 (node 3
330 # indirectly via way 3), so the bbox should be [3,3,5,5].
331 check_changeset_modify([3,3,5,5]) do |changeset_id|
332 # add a tag to an existing relation
333 relation_xml = current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml
334 relation_element = relation_xml.find("//osm/relation").first
335 new_tag = XML::Node.new("tag")
336 new_tag['k'] = "some_new_tag"
337 new_tag['v'] = "some_new_value"
338 relation_element << new_tag
340 # update changeset ID to point to new changeset
341 update_changeset(relation_xml, changeset_id)
345 put :update, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
346 assert_response :success, "can't update relation for tag/bbox test"
351 # add a member to a relation and check the bounding box is only that
353 def test_add_member_bounding_box
354 check_changeset_modify([4,4,4,4]) do |changeset_id|
355 # add node 4 (4,4) to an existing relation
356 relation_xml = current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml
357 relation_element = relation_xml.find("//osm/relation").first
358 new_member = XML::Node.new("member")
359 new_member['ref'] = current_nodes(:used_node_2).id.to_s
360 new_member['type'] = "node"
361 new_member['role'] = "some_role"
362 relation_element << new_member
364 # update changeset ID to point to new changeset
365 update_changeset(relation_xml, changeset_id)
369 put :update, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
370 assert_response :success, "can't update relation for add node/bbox test"
375 # remove a member from a relation and check the bounding box is
377 def test_remove_member_bounding_box
378 check_changeset_modify([5,5,5,5]) do |changeset_id|
379 # remove node 5 (5,5) from an existing relation
380 relation_xml = current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml
382 find("//osm/relation/member[@type='node'][@ref='5']").
385 # update changeset ID to point to new changeset
386 update_changeset(relation_xml, changeset_id)
390 put :update, :id => current_relations(:visible_relation).id
391 assert_response :success, "can't update relation for remove node/bbox test"
396 # check that relations are ordered
397 def test_relation_member_ordering
398 basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
402 <relation changeset='1'>
403 <member ref='1' type='node' role='first'/>
404 <member ref='3' type='node' role='second'/>
405 <member ref='1' type='way' role='third'/>
406 <member ref='3' type='way' role='fourth'/>
410 doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
414 assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
415 relation_id = @response.body.to_i
417 # get it back and check the ordering
418 get :read, :id => relation_id
419 assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
420 check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
422 # insert a member at the front
423 new_member = XML::Node.new "member"
424 new_member['ref'] = 5.to_s
425 new_member['type'] = 'node'
426 new_member['role'] = 'new first'
427 doc.find("//osm/relation").first.child.prev = new_member
428 # update the version, should be 1?
429 doc.find("//osm/relation").first['id'] = relation_id.to_s
430 doc.find("//osm/relation").first['version'] = 1.to_s
432 # upload the next version of the relation
434 put :update, :id => relation_id
435 assert_response :success, "can't update relation: #{@response.body}"
436 new_version = @response.body.to_i
438 # get it back again and check the ordering again
439 get :read, :id => relation_id
440 assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
441 check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
445 # check that relations can contain duplicate members
446 def test_relation_member_duplicates
447 basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
451 <relation changeset='1'>
452 <member ref='1' type='node' role='forward'/>
453 <member ref='3' type='node' role='forward'/>
454 <member ref='1' type='node' role='forward'/>
455 <member ref='3' type='node' role='forward'/>
459 doc = XML::Parser.string(doc_str).parse
463 assert_response :success, "can't create a relation: #{@response.body}"
464 relation_id = @response.body.to_i
466 # get it back and check the ordering
467 get :read, :id => relation_id
468 assert_response :success, "can't read back the relation: #{@response.body}"
469 check_ordering(doc, @response.body)
472 # ============================================================
474 # ============================================================
477 # checks that the XML document and the string arguments have
478 # members in the same order.
479 def check_ordering(doc, xml)
480 new_doc = XML::Parser.string(xml).parse
482 doc_members = doc.find("//osm/relation/member").collect do |m|
483 [m['ref'].to_i, m['type'].to_sym, m['role']]
486 new_members = new_doc.find("//osm/relation/member").collect do |m|
487 [m['ref'].to_i, m['type'].to_sym, m['role']]
490 doc_members.zip(new_members).each do |d, n|
491 assert_equal d, n, "members are not equal - ordering is wrong? (#{doc}, #{xml})"
496 # create a changeset and yield to the caller to set it up, then assert
497 # that the changeset bounding box is +bbox+.
498 def check_changeset_modify(bbox)
499 basic_authorization("test@openstreetmap.org", "test");
501 # create a new changeset for this operation, so we are assured
502 # that the bounding box will be newly-generated.
503 changeset_id = with_controller(ChangesetController.new) do
504 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
506 assert_response :success, "couldn't create changeset for modify test"
510 # go back to the block to do the actual modifies
513 # now download the changeset to check its bounding box
514 with_controller(ChangesetController.new) do
515 get :read, :id => changeset_id
516 assert_response :success, "can't re-read changeset for modify test"
517 assert_select "osm>changeset", 1
518 assert_select "osm>changeset[id=#{changeset_id}]", 1
519 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lon=#{bbox[0].to_f}]", 1
520 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lat=#{bbox[1].to_f}]", 1
521 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lon=#{bbox[2].to_f}]", 1
522 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lat=#{bbox[3].to_f}]", 1
527 # update the changeset_id of a node element
528 def update_changeset(xml, changeset_id)
529 xml_attr_rewrite(xml, 'changeset', changeset_id)
533 # update an attribute in the node element
534 def xml_attr_rewrite(xml, name, value)
535 xml.find("//osm/relation").first[name] = value.to_s
542 parser = XML::Parser.new