1 <% content_for :heading do %>
2 <% if @locale == "en" %>
3 <!-- Maybe ease foreigners back to their native page -->
5 <% if t(".legal_babble", :locale => I18n.locale) != t(".legal_babble", :locale => :en) %>
6 <h1><%= t ".native.title" %></h1>
9 :native_link => link_to(t(".native.native_link"),
10 :controller => "site",
11 :action => "copyright",
12 :copyright_locale => nil),
13 :mapping_link => link_to(t(".native.mapping_link"),
14 :controller => "site",
15 :action => "index") %>
20 <!-- Maybe note that this page has been translated -->
21 <% if t(".legal_babble", :locale => @locale) != t(".legal_babble", :locale => :en) %>
22 <%= tag.div :lang => "en", :dir => t("html.dir", :locale => "en") do %>
23 <h1><%= t ".foreign.title" %></h1>
25 <%= t ".foreign.html",
26 :english_original_link => link_to(t(".foreign.english_link"),
27 :controller => "site",
28 :action => "copyright",
29 :copyright_locale => "en") %>
36 <%= tag.h1 :lang => @locale, :dir => t("html.dir", :locale => @locale) do %>
37 <%= t ".legal_babble.title_html", :locale => @locale %>
42 <%= tag.div :lang => @locale, :dir => t("html.dir", :locale => @locale) do %>
43 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.intro_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
44 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.intro_2_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
45 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.intro_3_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
47 <h3><%= t ".legal_babble.credit_title_html", :locale => @locale %></h3>
48 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.credit_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
49 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.credit_2_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
50 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.credit_3_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
51 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.credit_4_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
52 <p><%= image_tag("attribution_example.png",
53 :alt => t(".legal_babble.attribution_example.alt"),
55 :title => t(".legal_babble.attribution_example.title")) %></p>
57 <h3><%= t ".legal_babble.more_title_html", :locale => @locale %></h3>
58 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.more_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
59 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.more_2_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
61 <h3><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_title_html", :locale => @locale %></h3>
62 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_intro_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
63 <ul id="contributors">
64 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_at_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
65 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_au_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
66 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_ca_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
67 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_fi_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
68 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_fr_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
69 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_nl_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
70 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_nz_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
71 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_si_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
72 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_es_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
73 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_za_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
74 <li><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_gb_html", :locale => @locale %></li>
76 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_footer_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
77 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.contributors_footer_2_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
79 <h3><%= t ".legal_babble.infringement_title_html", :locale => @locale %></h3>
80 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.infringement_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
81 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.infringement_2_html", :locale => @locale %></p>
83 <h3><%= t ".legal_babble.trademarks_title_html", :locale => @locale %></h3>
84 <p><%= t ".legal_babble.trademarks_1_html", :locale => @locale %></p>