1 require "application_system_test_case"
3 class BrowseTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
4 test "relation member nodes should be visible on the map when viewing relations" do
5 relation = create(:relation)
7 create(:relation_member, :relation => relation, :member => node)
9 visit relation_path(relation)
11 assert_selector "#map .leaflet-overlay-pane path"
14 test "map should center on a viewed node" do
15 node = create(:node, :lat => 59.55555, :lon => 29.55555)
19 find("#map [aria-label='Share']").click
20 share_url = find_by_id("long_input").value
21 assert_match %r{map=\d+/59\.\d+/29\.\d+}, share_url