1 require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper' )
2 require 'globalize/backend/pluralizing'
4 class PluralizingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
6 @backend = Globalize::Backend::Pluralizing.new
7 @cz_pluralizer = lambda{|c| c == 1 ? :one : (2..4).include?(c) ? :few : :other }
10 test "#pluralizer returns the pluralizer for a given locale if defined" do
11 assert_instance_of Proc, @backend.pluralizer(:en)
14 test "#pluralizer returns the default pluralizer if no pluralizer is defined for the given locale" do
15 assert_equal @backend.pluralizer(:en), @backend.pluralizer(:de)
18 test "#add_pluralizer allows to store a pluralizer per locale" do
19 assert_nothing_raised { @backend.add_pluralizer(:cz, @cz_pluralizer) }
20 assert_equal @cz_pluralizer, @backend.pluralizer(:cz)
25 class PluralizePluralizingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
27 @backend = Globalize::Backend::Pluralizing.new
28 @cz_pluralizer = lambda{|c| c == 1 ? :one : (2..4).include?(c) ? :few : :other }
29 @backend.store_translations :en, :foo => {:one => 'one en foo', :other => 'many en foos'}
30 @backend.store_translations :cz, :foo => {:one => 'one cz foo', :few => 'few cz foos', :other => 'many cz foos'}
33 test "looks up the :one translation when count is 1" do
34 assert_equal 'one en foo', @backend.translate(:en, :foo, :count => 1)
37 test "looks up the :other translation when count is 2" do
38 assert_equal 'many en foos', @backend.translate(:en, :foo, :count => 2)
42 class CzPluralizingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
44 @backend = Globalize::Backend::Pluralizing.new
45 @cz_pluralizer = lambda{|c| c == 1 ? :one : (2..4).include?(c) ? :few : :other }
46 @backend.store_translations :en, :foo => {:one => 'one en foo', :other => 'many en foos'}
47 @backend.store_translations :cz, :foo => {:one => 'one cz foo', :few => 'few cz foos', :other => 'many cz foos'}
48 @backend.add_pluralizer(:cz, @cz_pluralizer)
51 test "looks up the :one translation when count is 1 (:cz)" do
52 assert_equal 'one cz foo', @backend.translate(:cz, :foo, :count => 1)
55 test "looks up the :few translation when count is 2 (:cz)" do
56 assert_equal 'few cz foos', @backend.translate(:cz, :foo, :count => 2)
59 test "looks up the :other translation when count is 5 (:cz)" do
60 assert_equal 'many cz foos', @backend.translate(:cz, :foo, :count => 5)