1 # Messages for Scots (Scots)
2 # Exported from translatewiki.net
3 # Export driver: phpyaml
4 # Author: AmaryllisGardener
15 friendly: '%e %B %Y at %H:%M'
31 acl: Access Control Leet
33 changeset_tag: Chyngeset Tag
35 diary_comment: Diarie Comment
36 diary_entry: Diarie Entry
43 old_node_tag: Auld Node Tag
44 old_relation: Auld Relation
45 old_relation_member: Auld Relation Member
46 old_relation_tag: Auld Relation Tag
48 old_way_node: Auld Wey Node
49 old_way_tag: Auld Wey Tag
51 relation_member: Relation Memmer
52 relation_tag: Relation Tag
55 tracepoint: Trace Pynt
58 user_preference: Uiser Praiference
59 user_token: Uiser Token
83 description: Descreeption
92 display_name: Display Name
93 description: Descreeption
97 default: Defaut (currently %{name})
100 description: iD (in-brouser editor)
103 description: Remote Control (JOSM or Merkaartor)
109 in_changeset: Chyngeset
111 no_comment: (nae comment)
113 download_xml: Dounload XML
114 view_history: View History
115 view_details: View Details
116 location: 'Location:'
118 title_html: 'Node: %{name}'
120 title_html: 'Wey: %{name}'
123 one: pairt o wey %{related_ways}
124 other: pairt o weys %{related_ways}
126 title_html: 'Relation: %{name}'
129 entry_role_html: '%{type} %{name} as %{role}'
135 entry_role_html: Relation %{relation_name} (as %{relation_role})
137 sorry: Sorry, the data for the %{type} wi the id %{id}, teuk too lang tae retrieve.
144 redaction: Redaction %{id}
145 message_html: Vairsion %{version} o this %{type} cannae be shawn as it's been
146 redactit. Please see %{redaction_link} for mair.
152 feature_warning: Loadin %{num_features} featurs, which mey mak yer brouser slow
153 or unresponsive. Are sur ye want tae display this data?
159 key: The wiki description page fir the %{key} tag
160 tag: The wiki description page fir the %{key}=%{value} tag%{value}
161 wikidata_link: The %{page} item on Wikidata
162 wikipedia_link: The %{page} airticle on Wikipaedia
163 telephone_link: Caw %{phone_number}
167 title_html: 'Node History: %{name}'
169 title_html: 'Wey Historie: %{name}'
171 title_html: 'Relation Historie: %{name}'
175 commented_at_by_html: Updatit %{when} ago bi %{user}
179 title_user: Chyngesets bi %{user}
180 title_nearby: Chyngesets bi nearbi uisers
181 empty: No chyngesets foond.
182 empty_area: No chyngesets in this aurie.
183 empty_user: No chyngesets bi this uiser.
184 no_more: No mair chyngesets foond.
185 no_more_area: No mair chyngesets in this aurie.
186 no_more_user: No mair chyngesets bi this uiser.
189 title: Chyngeset %{id}
190 title_comment: Chyngeset %{id} - %{comment}
195 title: 'Chyngeset: %{id}'
196 discussion: Discussion
197 join_discussion: Log in tae jyn the discussion
198 changesetxml: Chyngeset XML
199 osmchangexml: osmChange XML
201 nodes: Nodes (%{count})
202 nodes_paginated: Nodes (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
203 ways: Ways (%{count})
204 ways_paginated: Ways (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
205 relations: Relations (%{count})
206 relations_paginated: Relations (%{x}-%{y} of %{count})
208 sorry: Sorry, the leet o chyngesets ye requestit teuk too lang tae retrieve.
211 no_edits: (nae edits)
212 view_changeset_details: View chyngeset details
215 title: New Diary Entry
217 location: 'Location:'
218 use_map_link: uise map
220 title: Uisers' diaries
221 title_nearby: Nearbi Uisers' diaries
222 user_title: '%{user}''s diary'
223 in_language_title: Diary Entries in %{language}
225 new_title: Compone a new entry in yer uiser diary
226 no_entries: No diary entries
228 recent_entries: Recent diary entries
230 title: Edit diary entry
231 marker_text: Diary entry location
233 title: '%{user}''s diary | %{title}'
234 user_title: '%{user}''s diary'
235 leave_a_comment: Leave a comment
236 login_to_leave_a_comment_html: '%{login_link} tae leave a comment'
239 title: No such diary entry
240 heading: 'No entry wi the id: %{id}'
241 body: Sorry, thare is no diary entry or comment wi the id %{id}. Please check
242 yer spellin, or meybe the airtin ye clicked is wrang.
244 posted_by_html: Postit bi %{link_user} on %{created} in %{language_link}
245 comment_link: Comment on this entry
246 reply_link: Reply tae this entry
249 one: '%{count} comment'
250 other: '%{count} comments'
251 edit_link: Edit this entry
252 hide_link: Hide this entry
255 comment_from_html: Comment frae %{link_user} on %{comment_created_at}
256 hide_link: Hide this comment
259 location: 'Location:'
262 title: OpenStreetMap diary entries for %{user}
263 description: Recent OpenStreetMap diary entries frae %{user}
265 title: OpenStreetMap diary entries in %{language_name}
266 description: Recent diary entries frae uisers o OpenStreetMap in %{language_name}
268 title: OpenStreetMap diary entries
269 description: Recent diary entries frae uisers o OpenStreetMap
271 search_osm_nominatim:
274 chair_lift: Chair Lift
276 station: Aerialway Station
286 arts_centre: Airts Centre
292 bicycle_parking: Cycle Pairkin
293 bicycle_rental: Cycle Rental
294 biergarten: Beer Gairden
296 bureau_de_change: Bureau de Change
297 bus_station: Bus Station
299 car_rental: Caur Rental
300 car_sharing: Caur Sharin
303 charging_station: Chairgin Station
307 community_centre: Communitie Centre
308 courthouse: Coorthoose
309 crematorium: Crematorium
312 drinking_water: Drinkin Watter
313 driving_school: Drivin Schuil
316 ferry_terminal: Ferry Terminal
317 fire_station: Fire Station
318 food_court: Fuid Coort
321 grave_yard: Kirkyaird
323 hunting_stand: Huntin Staund
325 kindergarten: Nursery
327 marketplace: Mercatplace
328 nightclub: Nicht Club
329 nursing_home: Nursin Home
332 place_of_worship: Place o Worship
335 post_office: Post Office
338 public_building: Public Biggin
339 recycling: Recyclin Pynt
340 restaurant: Restaurant
344 social_centre: Social Centre
345 social_facility: Social Facility
347 swimming_pool: Swimmin Puil
349 telephone: Public Telephone
354 vending_machine: Vendin Machine
355 veterinary: Veterinary Surgery
356 village_hall: Veelage Haa
357 waste_basket: Waste Basket
359 administrative: Admeenistrative Boondary
360 census: Census Boondary
361 national_park: Naitional Pairk
362 protected_area: Protectit Area
365 suspension: Suspension Brig
375 phone: Emergency Phone
378 bus_guideway: Guidit Bus Lane
380 construction: Highway unner Construction
382 emergency_access_point: Emergency Access Pynt
385 living_street: Livin Street
388 motorway_junction: Motorway Junction
389 motorway_link: Motorway Road
391 pedestrian: Pedestrian Way
393 primary: Primary Road
394 primary_link: Primary Road
395 proposed: Proponed Road
397 residential: Residential
400 secondary: Seicontary Road
401 secondary_link: Seicontary Road
402 service: Service Road
403 services: Motorway Services
404 speed_camera: Speed Camera
406 street_lamp: Street Lamp
407 tertiary: Tertiary Road
408 tertiary_link: Tertiary Road
411 trunk_link: Trunk Road
412 unclassified: Unclassified Road
414 archaeological_site: Airchaeological Steid
415 battlefield: Battlefield
416 boundary_stone: Boondary Stane
417 building: Historic Biggin
420 citywalls: Ceety Waas
422 heritage: Heritage Steid
432 wayside_cross: Wayside Cross
433 wayside_shrine: Wayside Shrine
436 allotments: Allotments
438 brownfield: Brounfield Laund
440 commercial: Commercial Area
441 conservation: Conservation
442 construction: Construction
448 greenfield: Greenfield Laund
449 industrial: Industrial Area
452 military: Militar Area
457 recreation_ground: Recreation Grund
459 reservoir_watershed: Reservoir Wattershed
460 residential: Residential Area
462 village_green: Village Green
466 beach_resort: Beach Resort
471 fitness_station: Fitness Station
473 golf_course: Gowf Coorse
474 horse_riding: Horse Ridin
477 miniature_golf: Miniature Gowf
478 nature_reserve: Naitur Reserve
481 playground: Playgrund
482 recreation_ground: Recreation Grund
486 sports_centre: Sports Centre
488 swimming_pool: Soomin Puil
490 water_park: Watter Pairk
493 lighthouse: Lichthoose
496 airfield: Militar Airfield
505 cave_entrance: Cave Entrance
540 accountant: Accoontant
541 administrative: Admeenistration
542 architect: Airchitect
544 employment_agency: Employment Agency
545 estate_agent: Estate Agent
546 government: Govrenmental Office
547 insurance: Insurance Office
550 telecommunication: Telecommunication Office
551 travel_agent: Travel Agency
563 isolated_dwelling: Isolatit Dwellin
565 municipality: Municipality
566 neighbourhood: Neighbourhuid
571 subdivision: Subdiveesion
576 abandoned: Abandoned Railway
577 construction: Railway unner Construction
578 disused: Disuised Railway
579 funicular: Funicular Railway
581 junction: Railway Junction
582 level_crossing: Level Crossin
583 light_rail: Licht Rail
584 miniature: Miniatur Rail
586 narrow_gauge: Narrow Gauge Railway
587 platform: Railway Platform
588 preserved: Preserved Railway
589 proposed: Proponed Railway
591 station: Railway Station
593 subway: Subway Station
594 subway_entrance: Subway Entrance
595 switch: Railway Pynts
605 beverages: Beverages Shop
606 bicycle: Bicycle Shop
611 car_parts: Caur Pairts
612 car_repair: Caur Repair
614 charity: Charity Shop
616 clothes: Clothes Shop
617 computer: Computer Shop
618 confectionery: Confectionery Shop
619 convenience: Convenience Store
621 cosmetics: Cosmetics Shop
623 department_store: Depairtment Store
624 discount: Discoont Items Shop
625 doityourself: Dae-It-Yersel
626 dry_cleaning: Dry Cleanin
627 electronics: Electronics Shop
628 estate_agent: Estate Agent
630 fashion: Fashion Shop
633 funeral_directors: Funeral Directors
635 garden_centre: Gairden Centre
636 general: General Store
638 greengrocer: Greengrocer
639 grocery: Grocery Shop
640 hairdresser: Hairdressers
641 hardware: Hairdware Store
643 jewelry: Jewelry Shop
647 mobile_phone: Mobile Phone Shop
648 motorcycle: Motorcycle Shop
650 newsagent: Paper Shop
652 organic: Organic Fuid Shop
653 outdoor: Ootduir Shop
656 second_hand: Seicont-haund Shop
659 stationery: Stationery Shop
660 supermarket: Supermercat
663 travel_agency: Travel Agency
668 alpine_hut: Alpine Hut
670 attraction: Attraction
671 bed_and_breakfast: Bed an Breakfast
673 camp_site: Camp Steid
674 caravan_site: Caravan Steid
676 guest_house: Guest Hoose
679 information: Information
682 picnic_site: Picnic Steid
683 theme_park: Theme Pairk
690 artificial: Airtifeecial Watterway
694 derelict_canal: Derelict Canal
709 level2: Kintra Boondary
710 level4: State Boondary
711 level5: Region Boondary
712 level6: Coonty Boondary
713 level8: Ceety Boondary
714 level9: Veelage Boondary
715 level10: Suburb Boondary
717 no_results: Nae results foond
718 more_results: Mair results
721 alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
722 home: Gaun tae Home Location
726 start_mapping: Stairt Cairttin
730 gps_traces: GPS Traces
731 user_diaries: Uiser Diaries
732 edit_with: Edit wi %{editor}
733 intro_header: Walcome tae OpenStreetMap!
734 intro_text: OpenStreetMap is a cairt o the warld, creatit bi fowk lik ye an free
735 tae uise unner an open license.
736 partners_partners: pairtners
740 learn_more: Learn Mair
744 hopefully_you: Somebody (likely you) haes asked for the passwird tae be reset
745 on this email address's openstreetmap.org accoont.
746 click_the_link: If it's you, could ye please click the airtin ablow tae reset
748 note_comment_notification:
749 anonymous: An anonymous uiser
752 subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} haes commentit on ane o yer notes'
753 subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} haes commentit on a note ye are
758 heading: Forgot Passwird?
762 heading: Logoot frae OpenStreetMap
763 logout_button: Logoot
767 older: Aulder Comments
768 newer: Newer Comments
770 older: Aulder Entries
774 title: Copyricht an License
776 title: Aboot this translation
777 html: In the event of a conflict atween this translatit page an %{english_original_link},
778 the Inglis page shall tak precedence
779 english_link: the Inglis oreeginal
781 title: Aboot this page
782 html: Ye are viewin the Inglis version o the copyricht page. Ye can gang back
783 tae the %{native_link} o this page or ye can stap readin aboot copyricht
785 native_link: Scots version
786 mapping_link: stairt cairttin
788 credit_title_html: Hou tae credit OpenStreetMap
790 We require that ye uise the credit “© OpenStreetMap
793 alt: Example o hou tae attribute OpenStreetMap on a wabpage
794 title: Attreibution example
795 more_title_html: Findin oot mair
796 contributors_title_html: Oor contreibutors
797 contributors_intro_html: |-
798 Oor contreibutors are thoosands o individuals. We forbye include
799 apenly-licensed data fae naitional mappin agencies
800 an ither soorces, amang thaim:
801 infringement_title_html: Copyricht infringement
804 manually_select: Manually select a different area
807 advice: 'If the abuin export fails, please consider uisin ane o the soorces
809 body: This aurie is too lairge tae be exportit as OpenStreetMap XML Data.
810 Please zuim in or select a smawer aurie, or uise ane o the soorces leetit
811 ablo for bulk data dounloads.
814 description: Regularly-updated copies o the complete OpenStreetMap database
817 description: Dounload this boondin box frae a mirror o the OpenStreetMap
820 title: Geofabrik Dounloads
821 description: Regularly-updatit extracts o continents, kintras, an selectit
825 description: Addeetional soorces leetit on the OpenStreetMap wiki
826 export_button: Export
831 Gif ye'v seen ae proablem wi oor map data, fer example ae road is missin or yer address, the best waa tae
832 proceed is tae jyn the OpenStreetMap communitie n eik or repair the data yersel.
834 search_results: Sairch Results
838 where_am_i: Whaur am I?
839 where_am_i_title: Descrive the current location uisin the sairch ingine
847 resident: Residential area
849 industrial: Industrial aurie
850 commercial: Commercial aurie
853 military: Militar aurie
856 building: Signeeficant biggin
860 Walcome tae OpenStreetMap, the free an editable cairt o the warld. Seein as ye're signed
861 up, ye're aw set tae get stairtit cairttin. Here's a quick guide wi the maist important
862 hings ye'll need tae ken.
864 title: Whit's on the Cairt
867 upload_trace: Uplaid GPS Trace
871 title: Login wi Google
872 alt: Login wi a Google OpenID
874 title: Login wi Facebook
875 alt: Login wi a Facebook Accoont
877 title: Login wi Windows Live
878 alt: Login wi a Windows Live Accoont
880 title: Login wi GitHub
881 alt: Login wi a GitHub Account
883 title: Login wi Wikipedia
884 alt: Login wi a Wikipedia Accoont
888 created from: 'Made frae:'
899 description: Descreeption
900 open_title: 'Unresolved note #%{note_name}'
901 closed_title: 'Resolved note #%{note_name}'
902 hidden_title: 'Hidden note #%{note_name}'
905 intro: Spotted ae mistake or sommit missin? Lat ither mappers ken sae that we
906 can fix it. Muiv the maurker til the richt poseetion n type ae few wairds
907 tae explain the proablem. (Please dinna enter personal information here.)
909 showing_page: Page %{page}
913 no_place: Sairy - couldna find that place.
915 continue_without_exit: Conteena on %{name}
916 slight_right_without_exit: Slicht richt ontae %{name}
917 offramp_right_with_name: Tak the ramp on the richt ontae %{name}
918 onramp_right_without_exit: Turn richt on the ramp ontae %{name}
919 endofroad_right_without_exit: At the end o the road turn richt ontae %{name}
920 merge_right_without_exit: Merge richt ontae %{name}
921 fork_right_without_exit: At the fork turn richt ontae %{name}
922 turn_right_without_exit: Turn richt ontae %{name}
923 sharp_right_without_exit: Shairp richt ontae %{name}
924 uturn_without_exit: U-turn alang %{name}
925 sharp_left_without_exit: Shairp left ontae %{name}
926 turn_left_without_exit: Turn left ontae %{name}
927 offramp_left_with_name: Tak the ramp on the left ontae %{name}
928 onramp_left_without_exit: Turn left on the ramp ontae %{name}
929 endofroad_left_without_exit: At the end o the road turn left ontae %{name}
930 merge_left_without_exit: Merge left ontae %{name}
931 fork_left_without_exit: At the fork turn left ontae %{name}
932 slight_left_without_exit: Slicht left ontae %{name}
933 via_point_without_exit: (via pynt)
934 follow_without_exit: Follae %{name}
935 roundabout_without_exit: At roondaboot tak %{name}
936 leave_roundabout_without_exit: Leave roondaboot - %{name}
937 stay_roundabout_without_exit: Stay on roondaboot - %{name}
938 start_without_exit: Stairt at end o %{name}
939 destination_without_exit: Reach feenish
940 against_oneway_without_exit: Gae agin ane-wey on %{name}
941 end_oneway_without_exit: End o ane-wey on %{name}
942 roundabout_with_exit: At roondaboot tak exit %{exit} ontae %{name}
943 unnamed: unnamed road
944 courtesy: Directions coortesy o %{link}
950 nothing_found: Nae featurs foond
951 error: 'Error contactin %{server}: %{error}'
952 timeout: Timeoot contactin %{server}
954 directions_from: Directions frae here
955 directions_to: Directions tae here
956 add_note: Add a note here
957 show_address: Shaw address
958 query_features: Query featurs
959 centre_map: Pit cairt in middle
962 heading: Edit redaction