1 <h2><%= t 'user.account.my settings' %></h2>
2 <%= error_messages_for 'user' %>
3 <%= form_for :user, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>
4 <table id="accountForm">
6 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.new.display name' %></td>
7 <td><%= f.text_field :display_name %></td>
11 <td class="fieldName" style="padding-bottom:0px;"><%= t 'user.account.current email address' %></td>
12 <td style="padding-bottom:0px;"><%= @user.email %> <span class="minorNote"><%= t 'user.account.email never displayed publicly' %></span></td>
16 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.new email address' %></td>
17 <td><%= f.email_field :new_email, {:size => 50, :maxlength => 255} %> <span class="minorNote"><%= t 'user.account.email never displayed publicly' %></span></td>
21 <td class="fieldName" style="padding-bottom:0px;"><%= t 'user.new.password' %></td>
22 <td style="padding-bottom:0px;"><%= f.password_field :pass_crypt, {:value => '', :size => 30, :maxlength => 255, :autocomplete => :off} %></td>
26 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.new.confirm password' %></td>
27 <td><%= f.password_field :pass_crypt_confirmation, {:value => '', :size => 30, :maxlength => 255, :autocomplete => :off} %></td>
31 <td class="fieldName" ><%= t 'user.account.openid.openid' %></td>
32 <td><%= f.url_field :openid_url, {:id => "openid_url", :class => "openid_url"} %> <span class="minorNote">(<a href="<%= t 'user.account.openid.link' %>" target="_new"><%= t 'user.account.openid.link text' %></a>)</span></td>
36 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.public editing.heading' %></td>
38 <% if @user.data_public? %>
39 <%= t 'user.account.public editing.enabled' %> <span class="minorNote">(<a href="<%= t 'user.account.public editing.enabled link' %>" target="_new"><%= t 'user.account.public editing.enabled link text' %></a>)</span>
41 <%= t 'user.account.public editing.disabled' %> <span class="minorNote">(<a href="#public"><%= t 'user.account.public editing.disabled link text' %></a>)</span>
47 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.heading' %></td>
49 <% if @user.terms_agreed? %>
50 <%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.agreed' %>
51 <span class="minorNote">(<a href="<%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.link' %>" target="_new"><%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.link text' %></a>)</span>
53 <% if @user.consider_pd? %>
54 <%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.agreed_with_pd' %>
57 <%= t 'user.account.contributor terms.not yet agreed' %> <br />
59 <%= link_to t('user.account.contributor terms.review link text'), :controller => 'user', :action => 'terms' %>
65 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.profile description' %></td>
66 <td><%= f.text_area :description, :rows => '5', :cols => '60' %></td>
70 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.preferred languages' %></td>
71 <td><%= f.text_field :languages %></td>
75 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.preferred editor' %></td>
76 <td><%= f.select :preferred_editor, [[t("editor.default", :name => t("editor.#{DEFAULT_EDITOR}.name")), 'default']] + Editors::ALL_EDITORS.collect { |e| [t("editor.#{e}.description"), e] } %></td>
80 <td class="fieldName">
81 <%= t 'user.account.image' %>
84 <% if @user.image.file? %>
85 <table id="accountImage">
87 <td rowspan="3" valign="top"><%= user_image @user %></td>
88 <td><%= radio_button_tag "image_action", "keep", true %></td>
89 <td><%= t 'user.account.keep image' %></td>
92 <td><%= radio_button_tag "image_action", "delete" %></td>
93 <td><%= t 'user.account.delete image' %></td>
96 <td><%= radio_button_tag "image_action", "new" %></td>
97 <td><%= t 'user.account.replace image' %><br /><%= f.file_field :image, :onchange => "$('image_action_new').prop('checked', true)" %><br /><span class="minorNote"><%= t 'user.account.image size hint' %></span></td>
101 <%= hidden_field_tag "image_action", "new" %>
102 <%= t 'user.account.new image' %><br /><%= f.file_field :image %><br /><span class="minorNote"><%= t 'user.account.image size hint' %></span>
107 <tr id="homerow" <% unless @user.home_lat and @user.home_lon %> class="nohome" <%end%> >
108 <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.account.home location' %></td>
109 <td><em class="message"><%= t 'user.account.no home location' %></em><span class="location"><%= t 'user.account.latitude' %> <%= f.text_field :home_lat, :size => 20, :id => "home_lat" %> <%= t 'user.account.longitude' %><%= f.text_field :home_lon, :size => 20, :id => "home_lon" %></span></td>
115 <p><%= t 'user.account.update home location on click' %> <input type="checkbox" value="1" <% unless @user.home_lat and @user.home_lon %> checked="checked" <% end %> id="updatehome" /> </p>
116 <div id="map" class="user_map"></div>
122 <td class="submitButton"><%= submit_tag t('user.account.save changes button') %></td>
127 <%= render :partial => 'map', :locals => { :setting_location => true, :show_other_users => false } %>
129 <% unless @user.data_public? %>
130 <a name="public"></a>
131 <h2><%= t 'user.account.public editing note.heading' %></h2>
132 <%= raw t 'user.account.public editing note.text' %>
133 <%= button_to t('user.account.make edits public button'), :action => :go_public %>
137 <%= link_to t('user.account.return to profile'), :controller => 'user', :action => 'view', :display_name => @user.display_name %>