1 # == Schema Information
3 # Table name: user_blocks
5 # id :integer not null, primary key
6 # user_id :bigint not null
7 # creator_id :bigint not null
8 # reason :text not null
9 # ends_at :datetime not null
10 # needs_view :boolean default(FALSE), not null
12 # created_at :datetime
13 # updated_at :datetime
14 # reason_format :enum default("markdown"), not null
15 # deactivates_at :datetime
19 # index_user_blocks_on_creator_id_and_id (creator_id,id)
20 # index_user_blocks_on_user_id (user_id)
24 # user_blocks_moderator_id_fkey (creator_id => users.id)
25 # user_blocks_revoker_id_fkey (revoker_id => users.id)
26 # user_blocks_user_id_fkey (user_id => users.id)
29 class UserBlock < ApplicationRecord
30 validate :moderator_permissions
31 validates :reason, :characters => true, :length => { :maximum => 10000 }
32 validates :deactivates_at, :comparison => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => :ends_at }, :unless => -> { needs_view }
33 validates :deactivates_at, :absence => true, :if => -> { needs_view }
35 belongs_to :user, :class_name => "User"
36 belongs_to :creator, :class_name => "User"
37 belongs_to :revoker, :class_name => "User", :optional => true
39 PERIODS = Settings.user_block_periods
42 # scope to match active blocks
44 where("needs_view or ends_at > ?", Time.now.utc)
48 # return a renderable version of the reason text.
50 RichText.new(self[:reason_format], self[:reason])
54 # returns true if the block is currently active (i.e: the user can't
57 needs_view || ends_at > Time.now.utc
61 # returns true if the block is a "zero hour" block
63 # if the times differ more than 1 minute we probably have more important issues
64 needs_view && (ends_at.to_i - updated_at.to_i) < 60
68 # revokes the block, allowing the user to use the API again. the argument
69 # is the user object who is revoking the ban.
72 :ends_at => Time.now.utc,
73 :deactivates_at => Time.now.utc,
74 :revoker_id => revoker.id,
82 # validate that only moderators are allowed to change the
83 # block. this should be caught and dealt with in the controller,
84 # but i've also included it here just in case.
85 def moderator_permissions
86 errors.add(:base, I18n.t("user_blocks.model.non_moderator_update")) if creator_id_changed? && !creator.moderator?
87 errors.add(:base, I18n.t("user_blocks.model.non_moderator_revoke")) if revoker_id_changed? && !revoker_id.nil? && !revoker.moderator?