6 def initialize(target, name)
15 def raise_unexpected_message_error(sym, *args)
16 __raise "#{intro} received unexpected message :#{sym}#{arg_message(*args)}"
19 def raise_unexpected_message_args_error(expectation, *args)
20 expected_args = format_args(*expectation.expected_args)
21 actual_args = args.empty? ? "(no args)" : format_args(*args)
22 __raise "#{intro} expected #{expectation.sym.inspect} with #{expected_args} but received it with #{actual_args}"
25 def raise_expectation_error(sym, expected_received_count, actual_received_count, *args)
26 __raise "#{intro} expected :#{sym}#{arg_message(*args)} #{count_message(expected_received_count)}, but received it #{count_message(actual_received_count)}"
29 def raise_out_of_order_error(sym)
30 __raise "#{intro} received :#{sym} out of order"
33 def raise_block_failed_error(sym, detail)
34 __raise "#{intro} received :#{sym} but passed block failed with: #{detail}"
37 def raise_missing_block_error(args_to_yield)
38 __raise "#{intro} asked to yield |#{arg_list(*args_to_yield)}| but no block was passed"
41 def raise_wrong_arity_error(args_to_yield, arity)
42 __raise "#{intro} yielded |#{arg_list(*args_to_yield)}| to block with arity of #{arity}"
47 @name ? "Mock '#{@name}'" : @target.inspect
51 message = opts[:message] unless opts[:message].nil?
52 Kernel::raise(Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError, message)
55 def arg_message(*args)
56 " with " + format_args(*args)
59 def format_args(*args)
60 return "(no args)" if args.empty? || args == [:no_args]
61 return "(any args)" if args == [:any_args]
62 "(" + arg_list(*args) + ")"
67 arg.respond_to?(:description) ? arg.description : arg.inspect
71 def count_message(count)
72 return "at least #{pretty_print(count.abs)}" if count < 0
73 return pretty_print(count)
76 def pretty_print(count)
77 return "once" if count == 1
78 return "twice" if count == 2
79 return "#{count} times"