1 class Trace < ActiveRecord::Base
2 self.table_name = "gpx_files"
4 belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true
5 has_many :tags, :class_name => 'Tracetag', :foreign_key => 'gpx_id', :dependent => :delete_all
6 has_many :points, :class_name => 'Tracepoint', :foreign_key => 'gpx_id', :dependent => :delete_all
8 scope :visible, where(:visible => true)
9 scope :visible_to, lambda { |u| visible.where("visibility IN ('public', 'identifiable') OR user_id = ?", u) }
10 scope :public, where(:visibility => ["public", "identifiable"])
11 scope :tagged, lambda { |t| joins(:tags).where(:gpx_file_tags => { :tag => t }) }
13 validates_presence_of :user_id, :name, :timestamp
14 validates_presence_of :description, :on => :create
15 validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 255
16 validates_length_of :description, :maximum => 255
17 # validates_numericality_of :latitude, :longitude
18 validates_inclusion_of :inserted, :in => [ true, false ]
19 validates_inclusion_of :visibility, :in => ["private", "public", "trackable", "identifiable"]
23 FileUtils.rm_f(trace_name)
24 FileUtils.rm_f(icon_picture_name)
25 FileUtils.rm_f(large_picture_name)
29 return tags.collect {|tt| tt.tag}.join(", ")
34 self.tags = s.split(/\s*,\s*/).select {|tag| tag !~ /^\s*$/}.collect {|tag|
40 #do as before for backwards compatibility:
41 self.tags = s.split().collect {|tag|
50 visibility == "public" || visibility == "identifiable"
54 visibility == "trackable" || visibility == "identifiable"
58 visibility == "identifiable"
61 def large_picture= (data)
62 f = File.new(large_picture_name, "wb")
67 def icon_picture= (data)
68 f = File.new(icon_picture_name, "wb")
74 f = File.new(large_picture_name, "rb")
75 logger.info "large picture file: '#{f.path}', bytes: #{File.size(f.path)}"
76 data = f.sysread(File.size(f.path))
77 logger.info "have read data, bytes: '#{data.length}'"
83 f = File.new(icon_picture_name, "rb")
84 logger.info "icon picture file: '#{f.path}'"
85 data = f.sysread(File.size(f.path))
90 def large_picture_name
91 "#{GPX_IMAGE_DIR}/#{id}.gif"
95 "#{GPX_IMAGE_DIR}/#{id}_icon.gif"
99 "#{GPX_TRACE_DIR}/#{id}.gpx"
103 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
104 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
105 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
106 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
109 mimetype = "application/x-gzip"
111 mimetype = "application/x-bzip2"
113 mimetype = "application/x-zip"
115 mimetype = "application/gpx+xml"
122 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
123 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
124 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
125 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
126 tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
128 if tarred and gzipped then
129 extension = ".tar.gz"
130 elsif tarred and bzipped then
131 extension = ".tar.bz2"
135 extension = ".gpx.gz"
137 extension = ".gpx.bz2"
148 doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
149 doc.root << to_xml_node()
154 el1 = XML::Node.new 'gpx_file'
155 el1['id'] = self.id.to_s
156 el1['name'] = self.name.to_s
157 el1['lat'] = self.latitude.to_s if self.inserted
158 el1['lon'] = self.longitude.to_s if self.inserted
159 el1['user'] = self.user.display_name
160 el1['visibility'] = self.visibility
161 el1['pending'] = (!self.inserted).to_s
162 el1['timestamp'] = self.timestamp.xmlschema
164 el2 = XML::Node.new 'description'
165 el2 << self.description
168 self.tags.each do |tag|
169 el2 = XML::Node.new('tag')
177 # Read in xml as text and return it's Node object representation
178 def self.from_xml(xml, create=false)
180 p = XML::Parser.string(xml)
183 doc.find('//osm/gpx_file').each do |pt|
184 return Trace.from_xml_node(pt, create)
187 raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", xml, "XML doesn't contain an osm/gpx_file element.")
188 rescue LibXML::XML::Error, ArgumentError => ex
189 raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", xml, ex.message)
193 def self.from_xml_node(pt, create=false)
196 raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "visibility missing") if pt['visibility'].nil?
197 trace.visibility = pt['visibility']
200 raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "ID is required when updating.") if pt['id'].nil?
201 trace.id = pt['id'].to_i
202 # .to_i will return 0 if there is no number that can be parsed.
203 # We want to make sure that there is no id with zero anyway
204 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("ID of trace cannot be zero when updating.") if trace.id == 0
207 # We don't care about the time, as it is explicitly set on create/update/delete
208 # We don't care about the visibility as it is implicit based on the action
209 # and set manually before the actual delete
212 description = pt.find('description').first
213 raise OSM::APIBadXMLError.new("trace", pt, "description missing") if description.nil?
214 trace.description = description.content
216 pt.find('tag').each do |tag|
217 trace.tags.build(:tag => tag.content)
224 # TODO *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
225 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
226 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
227 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
228 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
229 tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
231 if gzipped or bzipped or zipped or tarred then
232 tmpfile = Tempfile.new("trace.#{id}");
234 if tarred and gzipped then
235 system("tar -zxOf #{trace_name} > #{tmpfile.path}")
236 elsif tarred and bzipped then
237 system("tar -jxOf #{trace_name} > #{tmpfile.path}")
239 system("tar -xOf #{trace_name} > #{tmpfile.path}")
241 system("gunzip -c #{trace_name} > #{tmpfile.path}")
243 system("bunzip2 -c #{trace_name} > #{tmpfile.path}")
245 system("unzip -p #{trace_name} -x '__MACOSX/*' > #{tmpfile.path}")
252 file = File.open(trace_name)
259 logger.info("GPX Import importing #{name} (#{id}) from #{user.email}")
261 gpx = GPX::File.new(self.xml_file)
267 # If there are any existing points for this trace then delete
268 # them - we check for existing points first to avoid locking
269 # the table in the common case where there aren't any.
270 if Tracepoint.where(:gpx_id => self.id).exists?
271 Tracepoint.delete_all(:gpx_id => self.id)
274 gpx.points do |point|
276 f_lat = point.latitude
277 f_lon = point.longitude
282 tp.lat = point.latitude
283 tp.lon = point.longitude
284 tp.altitude = point.altitude
285 tp.timestamp = point.timestamp
287 tp.trackid = point.segment
291 if gpx.actual_points > 0
292 max_lat = Tracepoint.maximum('latitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
293 min_lat = Tracepoint.minimum('latitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
294 max_lon = Tracepoint.maximum('longitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
295 min_lon = Tracepoint.minimum('longitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
297 max_lat = max_lat.to_f / 10000000
298 min_lat = min_lat.to_f / 10000000
299 max_lon = max_lon.to_f / 10000000
300 min_lon = min_lon.to_f / 10000000
302 self.latitude = f_lat
303 self.longitude = f_lon
304 self.large_picture = gpx.picture(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, gpx.actual_points)
305 self.icon_picture = gpx.icon(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)
306 self.size = gpx.actual_points
311 logger.info "done trace #{id}"