]> git.openstreetmap.org Git - rails.git/blob - vendor/gems/composite_primary_keys-2.2.2/.specification
Force all OpenLayers resources to load through the asset pipeline
[rails.git] / vendor / gems / composite_primary_keys-2.2.2 / .specification
1 --- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification 
2 name: composite_primary_keys
3 version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
4   version: 2.2.2
5 platform: ruby
6 authors: 
7 - Dr Nic Williams
8 autorequire: 
9 bindir: bin
10 cert_chain: []
12 date: 2009-01-24 00:00:00 +00:00
13 default_executable: 
14 dependencies: 
15 - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency 
16   name: activerecord
17   type: :runtime
18   version_requirement: 
19   version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement 
20     requirements: 
21     - - ">="
22       - !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
23         version: 2.2.0
24     version: 
25 - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency 
26   name: hoe
27   type: :development
28   version_requirement: 
29   version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement 
30     requirements: 
31     - - ">="
32       - !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
33         version: 1.8.3
34     version: 
35 description: Composite key support for ActiveRecords
36 email: drnicwilliams@gmail.com
37 executables: []
39 extensions: []
41 extra_rdoc_files: 
42 - History.txt
43 - Manifest.txt
44 - README.txt
45 - README_DB2.txt
46 - test/README_tests.txt
47 - website/index.txt
48 - website/version-raw.txt
49 - website/version.txt
50 files: 
51 - History.txt
52 - Manifest.txt
53 - README.txt
54 - README_DB2.txt
55 - Rakefile
56 - init.rb
57 - install.rb
58 - lib/adapter_helper/base.rb
59 - lib/adapter_helper/mysql.rb
60 - lib/adapter_helper/oracle.rb
61 - lib/adapter_helper/postgresql.rb
62 - lib/adapter_helper/sqlite3.rb
63 - lib/composite_primary_keys.rb
64 - lib/composite_primary_keys/association_preload.rb
65 - lib/composite_primary_keys/associations.rb
66 - lib/composite_primary_keys/attribute_methods.rb
67 - lib/composite_primary_keys/base.rb
68 - lib/composite_primary_keys/calculations.rb
69 - lib/composite_primary_keys/composite_arrays.rb
70 - lib/composite_primary_keys/connection_adapters/ibm_db_adapter.rb
71 - lib/composite_primary_keys/connection_adapters/oracle_adapter.rb
72 - lib/composite_primary_keys/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb
73 - lib/composite_primary_keys/connection_adapters/sqlite3_adapter.rb
74 - lib/composite_primary_keys/fixtures.rb
75 - lib/composite_primary_keys/migration.rb
76 - lib/composite_primary_keys/reflection.rb
77 - lib/composite_primary_keys/version.rb
78 - loader.rb
79 - local/database_connections.rb.sample
80 - local/paths.rb.sample
81 - local/tasks.rb.sample
82 - scripts/console.rb
83 - scripts/txt2html
84 - scripts/txt2js
85 - tasks/activerecord_selection.rake
86 - tasks/databases.rake
87 - tasks/databases/mysql.rake
88 - tasks/databases/oracle.rake
89 - tasks/databases/postgresql.rake
90 - tasks/databases/sqlite3.rake
91 - tasks/deployment.rake
92 - tasks/local_setup.rake
93 - tasks/website.rake
94 - test/README_tests.txt
95 - test/abstract_unit.rb
96 - test/connections/native_ibm_db/connection.rb
97 - test/connections/native_mysql/connection.rb
98 - test/connections/native_oracle/connection.rb
99 - test/connections/native_postgresql/connection.rb
100 - test/connections/native_sqlite/connection.rb
101 - test/fixtures/article.rb
102 - test/fixtures/articles.yml
103 - test/fixtures/comment.rb
104 - test/fixtures/comments.yml
105 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/db2-create-tables.sql
106 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/db2-drop-tables.sql
107 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/mysql.sql
108 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/oracle.drop.sql
109 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/oracle.sql
110 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/postgresql.sql
111 - test/fixtures/db_definitions/sqlite.sql
112 - test/fixtures/department.rb
113 - test/fixtures/departments.yml
114 - test/fixtures/employee.rb
115 - test/fixtures/employees.yml
116 - test/fixtures/group.rb
117 - test/fixtures/groups.yml
118 - test/fixtures/hack.rb
119 - test/fixtures/hacks.yml
120 - test/fixtures/membership.rb
121 - test/fixtures/membership_status.rb
122 - test/fixtures/membership_statuses.yml
123 - test/fixtures/memberships.yml
124 - test/fixtures/product.rb
125 - test/fixtures/product_tariff.rb
126 - test/fixtures/product_tariffs.yml
127 - test/fixtures/products.yml
128 - test/fixtures/reading.rb
129 - test/fixtures/readings.yml
130 - test/fixtures/reference_code.rb
131 - test/fixtures/reference_codes.yml
132 - test/fixtures/reference_type.rb
133 - test/fixtures/reference_types.yml
134 - test/fixtures/street.rb
135 - test/fixtures/streets.yml
136 - test/fixtures/suburb.rb
137 - test/fixtures/suburbs.yml
138 - test/fixtures/tariff.rb
139 - test/fixtures/tariffs.yml
140 - test/fixtures/user.rb
141 - test/fixtures/users.yml
142 - test/hash_tricks.rb
143 - test/plugins/pagination.rb
144 - test/plugins/pagination_helper.rb
145 - test/test_associations.rb
146 - test/test_attribute_methods.rb
147 - test/test_attributes.rb
148 - test/test_clone.rb
149 - test/test_composite_arrays.rb
150 - test/test_create.rb
151 - test/test_delete.rb
152 - test/test_dummy.rb
153 - test/test_exists.rb
154 - test/test_find.rb
155 - test/test_ids.rb
156 - test/test_miscellaneous.rb
157 - test/test_pagination.rb
158 - test/test_polymorphic.rb
159 - test/test_santiago.rb
160 - test/test_tutorial_examle.rb
161 - test/test_update.rb
162 - tmp/test.db
163 - website/index.html
164 - website/index.txt
165 - website/javascripts/rounded_corners_lite.inc.js
166 - website/stylesheets/screen.css
167 - website/template.js
168 - website/template.rhtml
169 - website/version-raw.js
170 - website/version-raw.txt
171 - website/version.js
172 - website/version.txt
173 has_rdoc: true
174 homepage: http://compositekeys.rubyforge.org
175 post_install_message: 
176 rdoc_options: 
177 - --main
178 - README.txt
179 require_paths: 
180 - lib
181 required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement 
182   requirements: 
183   - - ">="
184     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
185       version: "0"
186   version: 
187 required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement 
188   requirements: 
189   - - ">="
190     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
191       version: "0"
192   version: 
193 requirements: []
195 rubyforge_project: compositekeys
196 rubygems_version: 1.3.1
197 signing_key: 
198 specification_version: 2
199 summary: Composite key support for ActiveRecords
200 test_files: 
201 - test/test_associations.rb
202 - test/test_attribute_methods.rb
203 - test/test_attributes.rb
204 - test/test_clone.rb
205 - test/test_composite_arrays.rb
206 - test/test_create.rb
207 - test/test_delete.rb
208 - test/test_dummy.rb
209 - test/test_exists.rb
210 - test/test_find.rb
211 - test/test_ids.rb
212 - test/test_miscellaneous.rb
213 - test/test_pagination.rb
214 - test/test_polymorphic.rb
215 - test/test_santiago.rb
216 - test/test_tutorial_examle.rb
217 - test/test_update.rb