1 # This configuration was generated by `rubocop --auto-gen-config`
2 # on 2015-02-16 19:20:52 +0000 using RuboCop version 0.29.1.
3 # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records
4 # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base.
5 # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
6 # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
9 Lint/AmbiguousOperator:
13 Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral:
17 # Configuration parameters: AllowSafeAssignment.
18 Lint/AssignmentInCondition:
22 Lint/HandleExceptions:
26 Lint/ParenthesesAsGroupedExpression:
38 # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
43 Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity:
47 # Configuration parameters: AllowURI, URISchemes.
52 # Configuration parameters: CountComments.
57 # Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs.
58 Metrics/ParameterLists:
62 Metrics/PerceivedComplexity:
66 Style/AccessorMethodName:
78 # Configuration parameters: Keywords.
79 Style/CommentAnnotation:
87 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
92 # Configuration parameters: AllowedVariables.
97 # Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength.
102 # Cop supports --auto-correct.
103 Style/LineEndConcatenation:
107 # Cop supports --auto-correct.
108 Style/NumericLiterals:
112 Style/OneLineConditional:
116 # Cop supports --auto-correct.
121 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist.
126 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
135 Style/RescueModifier:
139 # Cop supports --auto-correct.
140 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles.
141 Style/StringLiteralsInInterpolation:
145 Style/StructInheritance:
149 # Configuration parameters: ExactNameMatch, AllowPredicates, AllowDSLWriters, Whitelist.
150 Style/TrivialAccessors: