1 class GeocoderController < ApplicationController
5 require 'rexml/document'
10 unless params[:query][:postcode].empty?
11 postcode = params[:query][:postcode].upcase
12 escaped_postcode = postcode.sub(/\s/,'%20')
14 if postcode.match(/(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/)
15 # Its a zip code - ask geocoder.us
16 # (They have a non commerical use api)
17 Net::HTTP.start('rpc.geocoder.us') do |http|
18 resp = http.get("/service/csv?zip=#{postcode}")
19 if resp.body.match(/couldn't find this zip/)
20 redirect_to "/index.html?error=invalid_zip_code"
23 data = resp.body.split(/, /) # lat,long,town,state,zip
26 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
29 elsif postcode.match(/^([A-Z]{1,2}\d+[A-Z]?\s*\d[A-Z]{2})/)
30 # It matched our naive UK postcode regexp
31 # Ask npemap to do a combined npemap + freethepostcode search
32 Net::HTTP.start('www.npemap.org.uk') do |http|
33 resp = http.get("/cgi/geocoder.fcgi?format=text&postcode=#{escaped_postcode}")
34 dataline = resp.body.split(/\n/)[1]
35 data = dataline.split(/,/) # easting,northing,postcode,lat,long
38 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
41 elsif postcode.match(/^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s*\d[A-Z]\d/)
42 # It's a canadian postcode
43 # Ask geocoder.ca (note - they have a per-day limit)
44 postcode = postcode.sub(/\s/,'')
45 Net::HTTP.start('geocoder.ca') do |http|
46 resp = http.get("?geoit=XML&postal=#{postcode}")
47 data_lat = resp.body.slice(/latt>.*?</)
48 data_lon = resp.body.slice(/longt>.*?</)
49 lat = data_lat.split(/[<>]/)[1]
50 lon = data_lon.split(/[<>]/)[1]
51 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
54 elsif postcode.match(/(GIR 0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRV-Y]))|[0-9][A-HJKS-UW]) [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})
58 Net::HTTP.start('www.freethepostcode.org') do |http|
59 resp = http.get("/geocode?postcode=#{postcode}")
60 lat = resp.body.scan(/[4-6][0-9]\.?[0-9]+/)
61 lon = resp.body.scan(/[-+][0-9]\.?[0-9]+/)
62 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
66 redirect_to "/index.html"
67 #redirect to somewhere else
69 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
70 #redirect_to "/index.html?error=unknown_postcode_or_zip"
72 # Some other postcode / zip code
73 # Throw it at geonames, and see if they have any luck with it
74 Net::HTTP.start('ws.geonames.org') do |http|
75 resp = http.get("/postalCodeSearch?postalcode=#{escaped_postcode}&maxRows=1")
76 hits = resp.body.slice(/totalResultsCount>.*?</).split(/[<>]/)[1]
78 # Geonames doesn't know, it's probably wrong
79 redirect_to "/index.html?error=unknown_postcode_or_zip"
82 data_lat = resp.body.slice(/lat>.*?</)
83 data_lon = resp.body.slice(/lng>.*?</)
84 lat = data_lat.split(/[<>]/)[1]
85 lon = data_lon.split(/[<>]/)[1]
86 redirect_to "/index.html?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=14"
89 # Some other postcode / zip file
90 redirect_to "/index.html?error=unknown_postcode_or_zip"
95 if params[:query][:place_name]
96 @place_name = params[:query][:place_name]
97 redirect_to :controller => 'geocoder', :action => 'results', :params => {:place_name => @place_name}
102 @place_name = params[:place_name]
106 Net::HTTP.start('ws.geonames.org') do |http|
107 res = http.get("/search?q=#{@place_name}&maxRows=10")
108 xml = REXML::Document.new(res.body)
109 xml.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |ele|
111 ele.elements.each("name"){ |n| res_hash['name'] = n.text }
112 ele.elements.each("countryCode"){ |n| res_hash['countrycode'] = n.text }
113 ele.elements.each("countryName"){ |n| res_hash['countryname'] = n.text }
114 ele.elements.each("lat"){ |n| res_hash['lat'] = n.text }
115 ele.elements.each("lng"){ |n| res_hash['lon']= n.text }
120 #Flash a notice to say that geonames is broken
121 redirect_to "/index.html"