1 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
2 require 'changeset_controller'
4 class ChangesetControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
7 # -----------------------
8 # Test simple changeset creation
9 # -----------------------
12 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
13 # Create the first user's changeset
14 content "<osm><changeset>" +
15 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
18 assert_require_public_data
21 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
22 # Create the first user's changeset
23 content "<osm><changeset>" +
24 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
28 assert_response :success, "Creation of changeset did not return sucess status"
29 newid = @response.body.to_i
31 # check end time, should be an hour ahead of creation time
32 cs = Changeset.find(newid)
33 duration = cs.closed_at - cs.created_at
34 # the difference can either be a rational, or a floating point number
35 # of seconds, depending on the code path taken :-(
36 if duration.class == Rational
37 assert_equal Rational(1,24), duration , "initial idle timeout should be an hour (#{cs.created_at} -> #{cs.closed_at})"
39 # must be number of seconds...
40 assert_equal 3600, duration.round, "initial idle timeout should be an hour (#{cs.created_at} -> #{cs.closed_at})"
44 def test_create_invalid
45 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
46 content "<osm><changeset></osm>"
48 assert_require_public_data
50 ## Try the public user
51 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
52 content "<osm><changeset></osm>"
54 assert_response :bad_request, "creating a invalid changeset should fail"
57 def test_create_invalid_no_content
58 ## First check with no auth
60 assert_response :unauthorized, "shouldn't be able to create a changeset with no auth"
62 ## Now try to with the non-public user
63 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
65 assert_require_public_data
67 ## Try the inactive user
68 basic_authorization users(:inactive_user).email, "test"
72 ## Now try to use the public user
73 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
75 assert_response :bad_request, "creating a changeset with no content should fail"
78 def test_create_wrong_method
79 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
81 assert_response :method_not_allowed
83 assert_response :method_not_allowed
87 # check that the changeset can be read and returns the correct
90 changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
91 get :read, :id => changeset_id
92 assert_response :success, "cannot get first changeset"
94 assert_select "osm[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
95 assert_select "osm>changeset[id=#{changeset_id}]", 1
99 # check that a changeset that doesn't exist returns an appropriate message
100 def test_read_not_found
101 [0, -32, 233455644, "afg", "213"].each do |id|
103 assert_response :not_found, "should get a not found"
108 # test that the user who opened a change can close it
110 ## Try without authentication
111 put :close, :id => changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
112 assert_response :unauthorized
115 ## Try using the non-public user
116 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
117 put :close, :id => changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
118 assert_require_public_data
121 ## The try with the public user
122 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
124 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
125 put :close, :id => cs_id
126 assert_response :success
128 # test that it really is closed now
129 cs = Changeset.find(cs_id)
131 "changeset should be closed now (#{cs.closed_at} > #{Time.now.getutc}.")
135 # test that a different user can't close another user's changeset
136 def test_close_invalid
137 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
139 put :close, :id => changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
140 assert_response :conflict
141 assert_equal "The user doesn't own that changeset", @response.body
145 # test that you can't close using another method
146 def test_close_method_invalid
147 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
149 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
150 get :close, :id => cs_id
151 assert_response :method_not_allowed
153 post :close, :id => cs_id
154 assert_response :method_not_allowed
158 # check that you can't close a changeset that isn't found
159 def test_close_not_found
160 cs_ids = [0, -132, "123"]
162 # First try to do it with no auth
164 put :close, :id => id
165 assert_response :unauthorized, "Shouldn't be able close the non-existant changeset #{id}, when not authorized"
169 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
171 put :close, :id => id
172 assert_response :not_found, "The changeset #{id} doesn't exist, so can't be closed"
177 # upload something simple, but valid and check that it can
179 # Also try without auth and another user.
180 def test_upload_simple_valid
182 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
184 # simple diff to change a node, way and relation by removing
189 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
190 <way id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
195 <relation id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
196 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
197 <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
198 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
206 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
207 assert_response :unauthorized,
208 "shouldnn't be able to upload a simple valid diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
212 ## Now try with a private user
213 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
214 changeset_id = changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
216 # simple diff to change a node, way and relation by removing
221 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
222 <way id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
227 <relation id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
228 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
229 <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
230 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
238 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
239 assert_response :forbidden,
240 "can't upload a simple valid diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
244 ## Now try with the public user
245 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
246 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
248 # simple diff to change a node, way and relation by removing
253 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
254 <way id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
259 <relation id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
260 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
261 <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
262 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
270 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
271 assert_response :success,
272 "can't upload a simple valid diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
274 # check that the changes made it into the database
275 assert_equal 0, Node.find(1).tags.size, "node 1 should now have no tags"
276 assert_equal 0, Way.find(1).tags.size, "way 1 should now have no tags"
277 assert_equal 0, Relation.find(1).tags.size, "relation 1 should now have no tags"
281 # upload something which creates new objects using placeholders
282 def test_upload_create_valid
283 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
284 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
286 # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
290 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}'>
291 <tag k='foo' v='bar'/>
292 <tag k='baz' v='bat'/>
294 <way id='-1' changeset='#{cs_id}'>
299 <relation id='-1' changeset='#{cs_id}'>
300 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
301 <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
302 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
310 post :upload, :id => cs_id
311 assert_response :success,
312 "can't upload a simple valid creation to changeset: #{@response.body}"
314 # check the returned payload
315 assert_select "diffResult[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"OpenStreetMap server\"]", 1
316 assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
317 assert_select "diffresult>way", 1
318 assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
320 # inspect the response to find out what the new element IDs are
321 doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
322 new_node_id = doc.find("//diffResult/node").first["new_id"].to_i
323 new_way_id = doc.find("//diffResult/way").first["new_id"].to_i
324 new_rel_id = doc.find("//diffResult/relation").first["new_id"].to_i
326 # check the old IDs are all present and negative one
327 assert_equal -1, doc.find("//diffResult/node").first["old_id"].to_i
328 assert_equal -1, doc.find("//diffResult/way").first["old_id"].to_i
329 assert_equal -1, doc.find("//diffResult/relation").first["old_id"].to_i
331 # check the versions are present and equal one
332 assert_equal 1, doc.find("//diffResult/node").first["new_version"].to_i
333 assert_equal 1, doc.find("//diffResult/way").first["new_version"].to_i
334 assert_equal 1, doc.find("//diffResult/relation").first["new_version"].to_i
336 # check that the changes made it into the database
337 assert_equal 2, Node.find(new_node_id).tags.size, "new node should have two tags"
338 assert_equal 0, Way.find(new_way_id).tags.size, "new way should have no tags"
339 assert_equal 0, Relation.find(new_rel_id).tags.size, "new relation should have no tags"
343 # test a complex delete where we delete elements which rely on eachother
344 # in the same transaction.
345 def test_upload_delete
346 basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
348 diff = XML::Document.new
349 diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
350 delete = XML::Node.new "delete"
352 delete << current_relations(:visible_relation).to_xml_node
353 delete << current_relations(:used_relation).to_xml_node
354 delete << current_ways(:used_way).to_xml_node
355 delete << current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).to_xml_node
357 # update the changeset to one that this user owns
358 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
359 ["node", "way", "relation"].each do |type|
360 delete.find("//osmChange/delete/#{type}").each do |n|
361 n['changeset'] = changeset_id.to_s
367 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
368 assert_response :success,
369 "can't upload a deletion diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
371 # check the response is well-formed
372 assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
373 assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
374 assert_select "diffResult>relation", 2
376 # check that everything was deleted
377 assert_equal false, Node.find(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id).visible
378 assert_equal false, Way.find(current_ways(:used_way).id).visible
379 assert_equal false, Relation.find(current_relations(:visible_relation).id).visible
380 assert_equal false, Relation.find(current_relations(:used_relation).id).visible
384 # test uploading a delete with no lat/lon, as they are optional in
385 # the osmChange spec.
386 def test_upload_nolatlon_delete
387 basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
389 node = current_nodes(:public_visible_node)
390 cs = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
391 diff = "<osmChange><delete><node id='#{node.id}' version='#{node.version}' changeset='#{cs.id}'/></delete></osmChange>"
395 post :upload, :id => cs.id
396 assert_response :success,
397 "can't upload a deletion diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
399 # check the response is well-formed
400 assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
402 # check that everything was deleted
403 assert_equal false, Node.find(node.id).visible
406 def test_repeated_changeset_create
408 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
410 # create a temporary changeset
411 content "<osm><changeset>" +
412 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
414 assert_difference('Changeset.count', 1) do
417 assert_response :success
418 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
422 def test_upload_large_changeset
423 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
426 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
428 assert_response :success, "Should be able to create a changeset: #{@response.body}"
429 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
431 # upload some widely-spaced nodes, spiralling positive and negative to cause
432 # largest bbox over-expansion possible.
436 <node id='-1' lon='-20' lat='-10' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
437 <node id='-10' lon='20' lat='10' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
438 <node id='-2' lon='-40' lat='-20' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
439 <node id='-11' lon='40' lat='20' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
440 <node id='-3' lon='-60' lat='-30' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
441 <node id='-12' lon='60' lat='30' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
442 <node id='-4' lon='-80' lat='-40' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
443 <node id='-13' lon='80' lat='40' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
444 <node id='-5' lon='-100' lat='-50' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
445 <node id='-14' lon='100' lat='50' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
446 <node id='-6' lon='-120' lat='-60' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
447 <node id='-15' lon='120' lat='60' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
448 <node id='-7' lon='-140' lat='-70' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
449 <node id='-16' lon='140' lat='70' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
450 <node id='-8' lon='-160' lat='-80' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
451 <node id='-17' lon='160' lat='80' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
452 <node id='-9' lon='-179.9' lat='-89.9' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
453 <node id='-18' lon='179.9' lat='89.9' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/>
458 # upload it, which used to cause an error like "PGError: ERROR:
459 # integer out of range" (bug #2152). but shouldn't any more.
461 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
462 assert_response :success,
463 "can't upload a spatially-large diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
465 # check that the changeset bbox is within bounds
466 cs = Changeset.find(changeset_id)
467 assert cs.min_lon >= -180 * SCALE, "Minimum longitude (#{cs.min_lon / SCALE}) should be >= -180 to be valid."
468 assert cs.max_lon <= 180 * SCALE, "Maximum longitude (#{cs.max_lon / SCALE}) should be <= 180 to be valid."
469 assert cs.min_lat >= -90 * SCALE, "Minimum latitude (#{cs.min_lat / SCALE}) should be >= -90 to be valid."
470 assert cs.max_lat >= 90 * SCALE, "Maximum latitude (#{cs.max_lat / SCALE}) should be <= 90 to be valid."
474 # test that deleting stuff in a transaction doesn't bypass the checks
475 # to ensure that used elements are not deleted.
476 def test_upload_delete_invalid
477 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
479 diff = XML::Document.new
480 diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
481 delete = XML::Node.new "delete"
483 delete << current_relations(:public_visible_relation).to_xml_node
484 delete << current_ways(:used_way).to_xml_node
485 delete << current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).to_xml_node
489 post :upload, :id => 2
490 assert_response :precondition_failed,
491 "shouldn't be able to upload a invalid deletion diff: #{@response.body}"
492 assert_equal "Precondition failed: Way 3 still used by relation 1.", @response.body
494 # check that nothing was, in fact, deleted
495 assert_equal true, Node.find(current_nodes(:node_used_by_relationship).id).visible
496 assert_equal true, Way.find(current_ways(:used_way).id).visible
497 assert_equal true, Relation.find(current_relations(:visible_relation).id).visible
501 # upload an element with a really long tag value
502 def test_upload_invalid_too_long_tag
503 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
504 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
506 # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
510 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}'>
511 <tag k='foo' v='#{"x"*256}'/>
519 post :upload, :id => cs_id
520 assert_response :bad_request,
521 "shoudln't be able to upload too long a tag to changeset: #{@response.body}"
526 # upload something which creates new objects and inserts them into
527 # existing containers using placeholders.
528 def test_upload_complex
529 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
530 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
532 # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
536 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}'>
537 <tag k='foo' v='bar'/>
538 <tag k='baz' v='bat'/>
542 <way id='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'>
546 <relation id='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'>
547 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
548 <member type='node' role='some' ref='-1'/>
549 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
557 post :upload, :id => cs_id
558 assert_response :success,
559 "can't upload a complex diff to changeset: #{@response.body}"
561 # check the returned payload
562 assert_select "diffResult[version=#{API_VERSION}][generator=\"#{GENERATOR}\"]", 1
563 assert_select "diffResult>node", 1
564 assert_select "diffResult>way", 1
565 assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
567 # inspect the response to find out what the new element IDs are
568 doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
569 new_node_id = doc.find("//diffResult/node").first["new_id"].to_i
571 # check that the changes made it into the database
572 assert_equal 2, Node.find(new_node_id).tags.size, "new node should have two tags"
573 assert_equal [new_node_id, 3], Way.find(1).nds, "way nodes should match"
574 Relation.find(1).members.each do |type,id,role|
576 assert_equal new_node_id, id, "relation should contain new node"
582 # create a diff which references several changesets, which should cause
583 # a rollback and none of the diff gets committed
584 def test_upload_invalid_changesets
585 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
586 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
588 # simple diff to create a node way and relation using placeholders
592 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'/>
593 <way id='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'>
598 <relation id='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'>
599 <member type='way' role='some' ref='3'/>
600 <member type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
601 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
605 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='4'>
606 <tag k='foo' v='bar'/>
607 <tag k='baz' v='bat'/>
612 # cache the objects before uploading them
613 node = current_nodes(:visible_node)
614 way = current_ways(:visible_way)
615 rel = current_relations(:visible_relation)
619 post :upload, :id => cs_id
620 assert_response :conflict,
621 "uploading a diff with multiple changsets should have failed"
623 # check that objects are unmodified
624 assert_nodes_are_equal(node, Node.find(1))
625 assert_ways_are_equal(way, Way.find(1))
629 # upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff.
630 def test_upload_multiple_valid
631 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
632 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
634 # change the location of a node multiple times, each time referencing
635 # the last version. doesn't this depend on version numbers being
640 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'/>
641 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='2'/>
642 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='3'/>
643 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='2' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='4'/>
644 <node id='1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='5'/>
645 <node id='1' lon='3' lat='2' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='6'/>
646 <node id='1' lon='3' lat='3' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='7'/>
647 <node id='1' lon='9' lat='9' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='8'/>
654 post :upload, :id => cs_id
655 assert_response :success,
656 "can't upload multiple versions of an element in a diff: #{@response.body}"
658 # check the response is well-formed. its counter-intuitive, but the
659 # API will return multiple elements with the same ID and different
660 # version numbers for each change we made.
661 assert_select "diffResult>node", 8
665 # upload multiple versions of the same element in the same diff, but
666 # keep the version numbers the same.
667 def test_upload_multiple_duplicate
668 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
669 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
674 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'/>
675 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' version='1'/>
682 post :upload, :id => cs_id
683 assert_response :conflict,
684 "shouldn't be able to upload the same element twice in a diff: #{@response.body}"
688 # try to upload some elements without specifying the version
689 def test_upload_missing_version
690 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
691 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
696 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='cs_id'/>
703 post :upload, :id => cs_id
704 assert_response :bad_request,
705 "shouldn't be able to upload an element without version: #{@response.body}"
709 # try to upload with commands other than create, modify, or delete
710 def test_action_upload_invalid
711 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
712 cs_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
717 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{cs_id}' />
722 post :upload, :id => cs_id
723 assert_response :bad_request, "Shouldn't be able to upload a diff with the action ping"
724 assert_equal @response.body, "Unknown action ping, choices are create, modify, delete"
728 # upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
729 # to check a bug reported by ivansanchez (#1565).
730 def test_upload_whitespace_valid
731 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
732 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
736 <modify><node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}'
738 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='2'><tag k='k' v='v'/></node></modify>
740 <relation id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'><member
741 type='way' role='some' ref='3'/><member
742 type='node' role='some' ref='5'/>
743 <member type='relation' role='some' ref='3'/>
745 </modify></osmChange>
750 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
751 assert_response :success,
752 "can't upload a valid diff with whitespace variations to changeset: #{@response.body}"
754 # check the response is well-formed
755 assert_select "diffResult>node", 2
756 assert_select "diffResult>relation", 1
758 # check that the changes made it into the database
759 assert_equal 1, Node.find(1).tags.size, "node 1 should now have one tag"
760 assert_equal 0, Relation.find(1).tags.size, "relation 1 should now have no tags"
764 # upload a valid changeset which has a mixture of whitespace
765 # to check a bug reported by ivansanchez.
766 def test_upload_reuse_placeholder_valid
767 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
768 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
773 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}'>
774 <tag k="foo" v="bar"/>
778 <node id='-1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
781 <node id='-1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='2'/>
788 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
789 assert_response :success,
790 "can't upload a valid diff with re-used placeholders to changeset: #{@response.body}"
792 # check the response is well-formed
793 assert_select "diffResult>node", 3
794 assert_select "diffResult>node[old_id=-1]", 3
798 # test what happens if a diff upload re-uses placeholder IDs in an
800 def test_upload_placeholder_invalid
801 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
802 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
807 <node id='-1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
808 <node id='-1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
809 <node id='-1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='2'/>
816 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
817 assert_response :bad_request,
818 "shouldn't be able to re-use placeholder IDs"
822 # test that uploading a way referencing invalid placeholders gives a
823 # proper error, not a 500.
824 def test_upload_placeholder_invalid_way
825 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
826 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
831 <node id="-1" lon="0" lat="0" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
832 <node id="-2" lon="1" lat="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
833 <node id="-3" lon="2" lat="2" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
834 <way id="-1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1">
846 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
847 assert_response :bad_request,
848 "shouldn't be able to use invalid placeholder IDs"
849 assert_equal "Placeholder node not found for reference -4 in way -1", @response.body
851 # the same again, but this time use an existing way
855 <node id="-1" lon="0" lat="0" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
856 <node id="-2" lon="1" lat="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
857 <node id="-3" lon="2" lat="2" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
858 <way id="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1">
870 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
871 assert_response :bad_request,
872 "shouldn't be able to use invalid placeholder IDs"
873 assert_equal "Placeholder node not found for reference -4 in way 1", @response.body
877 # test that uploading a relation referencing invalid placeholders gives a
878 # proper error, not a 500.
879 def test_upload_placeholder_invalid_relation
880 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
881 changeset_id = changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
886 <node id="-1" lon="0" lat="0" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
887 <node id="-2" lon="1" lat="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
888 <node id="-3" lon="2" lat="2" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
889 <relation id="-1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1">
890 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-1"/>
891 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-2"/>
892 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-3"/>
893 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-4"/>
901 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
902 assert_response :bad_request,
903 "shouldn't be able to use invalid placeholder IDs"
904 assert_equal "Placeholder Node not found for reference -4 in relation -1.", @response.body
906 # the same again, but this time use an existing way
910 <node id="-1" lon="0" lat="0" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
911 <node id="-2" lon="1" lat="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
912 <node id="-3" lon="2" lat="2" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1"/>
913 <relation id="1" changeset="#{changeset_id}" version="1">
914 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-1"/>
915 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-2"/>
916 <member type="node" role="foo" ref="-3"/>
917 <member type="way" role="bar" ref="-1"/>
925 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
926 assert_response :bad_request,
927 "shouldn't be able to use invalid placeholder IDs"
928 assert_equal "Placeholder Way not found for reference -1 in relation 1.", @response.body
932 # test what happens if a diff is uploaded containing only a node
934 def test_upload_node_move
935 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
937 content "<osm><changeset>" +
938 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
941 assert_response :success
942 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
944 old_node = current_nodes(:visible_node)
946 diff = XML::Document.new
947 diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
948 modify = XML::Node.new "modify"
949 xml_old_node = old_node.to_xml_node
950 xml_old_node["lat"] = (2.0).to_s
951 xml_old_node["lon"] = (2.0).to_s
952 xml_old_node["changeset"] = changeset_id.to_s
953 modify << xml_old_node
958 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
959 assert_response :success,
960 "diff should have uploaded OK"
963 changeset = Changeset.find(changeset_id)
964 assert_equal 1*SCALE, changeset.min_lon, "min_lon should be 1 degree"
965 assert_equal 2*SCALE, changeset.max_lon, "max_lon should be 2 degrees"
966 assert_equal 1*SCALE, changeset.min_lat, "min_lat should be 1 degree"
967 assert_equal 2*SCALE, changeset.max_lat, "max_lat should be 2 degrees"
971 # test what happens if a diff is uploaded adding a node to a way.
972 def test_upload_way_extend
973 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
975 content "<osm><changeset>" +
976 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
979 assert_response :success
980 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
982 old_way = current_ways(:visible_way)
984 diff = XML::Document.new
985 diff.root = XML::Node.new "osmChange"
986 modify = XML::Node.new "modify"
987 xml_old_way = old_way.to_xml_node
988 nd_ref = XML::Node.new "nd"
989 nd_ref["ref"] = current_nodes(:visible_node).id.to_s
990 xml_old_way << nd_ref
991 xml_old_way["changeset"] = changeset_id.to_s
992 modify << xml_old_way
997 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
998 assert_response :success,
999 "diff should have uploaded OK"
1002 changeset = Changeset.find(changeset_id)
1003 assert_equal 1*SCALE, changeset.min_lon, "min_lon should be 1 degree"
1004 assert_equal 3*SCALE, changeset.max_lon, "max_lon should be 3 degrees"
1005 assert_equal 1*SCALE, changeset.min_lat, "min_lat should be 1 degree"
1006 assert_equal 3*SCALE, changeset.max_lat, "max_lat should be 3 degrees"
1010 # test for more issues in #1568
1011 def test_upload_empty_invalid
1012 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1015 "<osmChange></osmChange>",
1016 "<osmChange><modify/></osmChange>",
1017 "<osmChange><modify></modify></osmChange>"
1021 post :upload, :id => changesets(:public_user_first_change).id
1022 assert_response(:success, "should be able to upload " +
1023 "empty changeset: " + diff)
1028 # when we make some simple changes we get the same changes back from the
1030 def test_diff_download_simple
1031 ## First try with the normal user, which should get a forbidden
1032 basic_authorization(users(:normal_user).email, "test")
1034 # create a temporary changeset
1035 content "<osm><changeset>" +
1036 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
1037 "</changeset></osm>"
1039 assert_response :forbidden
1043 ## Now try with the public user
1044 basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
1046 # create a temporary changeset
1047 content "<osm><changeset>" +
1048 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
1049 "</changeset></osm>"
1051 assert_response :success
1052 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1058 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
1059 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='2'/>
1060 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='3'/>
1061 <node id='1' lon='1' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='4'/>
1062 <node id='1' lon='2' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='5'/>
1063 <node id='1' lon='3' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='6'/>
1064 <node id='1' lon='3' lat='3' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='7'/>
1065 <node id='1' lon='9' lat='9' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='8'/>
1072 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
1073 assert_response :success,
1074 "can't upload multiple versions of an element in a diff: #{@response.body}"
1076 get :download, :id => changeset_id
1077 assert_response :success
1079 assert_select "osmChange", 1
1080 assert_select "osmChange>modify", 8
1081 assert_select "osmChange>modify>node", 8
1085 # culled this from josm to ensure that nothing in the way that josm
1086 # is formatting the request is causing it to fail.
1088 # NOTE: the error turned out to be something else completely!
1089 def test_josm_upload
1090 basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
1092 # create a temporary changeset
1093 content "<osm><changeset>" +
1094 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
1095 "</changeset></osm>"
1097 assert_response :success
1098 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1101 <osmChange version="0.6" generator="JOSM">
1102 <create version="0.6" generator="JOSM">
1103 <node id='-1' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49619982187321' lon='-0.18722061869438314' />
1104 <node id='-2' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.496359883909605' lon='-0.18653093576241928' />
1105 <node id='-3' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49598132358285' lon='-0.18719613290981638' />
1106 <node id='-4' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.4961591711078' lon='-0.18629015888084607' />
1107 <node id='-5' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49582126021711' lon='-0.18708186591517145' />
1108 <node id='-6' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49591018437858' lon='-0.1861432441734455' />
1109 <node id='-7' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49560784152179' lon='-0.18694719410005425' />
1110 <node id='-8' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49567389979617' lon='-0.1860289771788006' />
1111 <node id='-9' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}' lat='51.49543761398892' lon='-0.186820684213126' />
1112 <way id='-10' action='modiy' visible='true' changeset='#{changeset_id}'>
1122 <tag k='highway' v='residential' />
1123 <tag k='name' v='Foobar Street' />
1131 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
1132 assert_response :success,
1133 "can't upload a diff from JOSM: #{@response.body}"
1135 get :download, :id => changeset_id
1136 assert_response :success
1138 assert_select "osmChange", 1
1139 assert_select "osmChange>create>node", 9
1140 assert_select "osmChange>create>way", 1
1141 assert_select "osmChange>create>way>nd", 9
1142 assert_select "osmChange>create>way>tag", 2
1146 # when we make some complex changes we get the same changes back from the
1148 def test_diff_download_complex
1149 basic_authorization(users(:public_user).email, "test")
1151 # create a temporary changeset
1152 content "<osm><changeset>" +
1153 "<tag k='created_by' v='osm test suite checking changesets'/>" +
1154 "</changeset></osm>"
1156 assert_response :success
1157 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1163 <node id='1' lon='0' lat='0' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
1166 <node id='-1' lon='9' lat='9' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='0'/>
1167 <node id='-2' lon='8' lat='9' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='0'/>
1168 <node id='-3' lon='7' lat='9' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='0'/>
1171 <node id='3' lon='20' lat='15' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'/>
1172 <way id='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}' version='1'>
1184 post :upload, :id => changeset_id
1185 assert_response :success,
1186 "can't upload multiple versions of an element in a diff: #{@response.body}"
1188 get :download, :id => changeset_id
1189 assert_response :success
1191 assert_select "osmChange", 1
1192 assert_select "osmChange>create", 3
1193 assert_select "osmChange>delete", 1
1194 assert_select "osmChange>modify", 2
1195 assert_select "osmChange>create>node", 3
1196 assert_select "osmChange>delete>node", 1
1197 assert_select "osmChange>modify>node", 1
1198 assert_select "osmChange>modify>way", 1
1201 def test_changeset_download
1202 get :download, :id => changesets(:normal_user_first_change).id
1203 assert_response :success
1205 #print @response.body
1206 # FIXME needs more assert_select tests
1207 assert_select "osmChange[version='#{API_VERSION}'][generator='#{GENERATOR}']" do
1208 assert_select "create", :count => 5
1209 assert_select "create>node[id=#{nodes(:used_node_2).id}][visible=#{nodes(:used_node_2).visible?}][version=#{nodes(:used_node_2).version}]" do
1210 assert_select "tag[k=#{node_tags(:t3).k}][v=#{node_tags(:t3).v}]"
1212 assert_select "create>node[id=#{nodes(:visible_node).id}]"
1217 # check that the bounding box of a changeset gets updated correctly
1218 ## FIXME: This should really be moded to a integration test due to the with_controller
1219 def test_changeset_bbox
1220 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1222 # create a new changeset
1223 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
1225 assert_response :success, "Creating of changeset failed."
1226 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1228 # add a single node to it
1229 with_controller(NodeController.new) do
1230 content "<osm><node lon='1' lat='2' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/></osm>"
1232 assert_response :success, "Couldn't create node."
1235 # get the bounding box back from the changeset
1236 get :read, :id => changeset_id
1237 assert_response :success, "Couldn't read back changeset."
1238 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lon=1.0]", 1
1239 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lon=1.0]", 1
1240 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lat=2.0]", 1
1241 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lat=2.0]", 1
1243 # add another node to it
1244 with_controller(NodeController.new) do
1245 content "<osm><node lon='2' lat='1' changeset='#{changeset_id}'/></osm>"
1247 assert_response :success, "Couldn't create second node."
1250 # get the bounding box back from the changeset
1251 get :read, :id => changeset_id
1252 assert_response :success, "Couldn't read back changeset for the second time."
1253 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lon=1.0]", 1
1254 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lon=2.0]", 1
1255 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lat=1.0]", 1
1256 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lat=2.0]", 1
1258 # add (delete) a way to it, which contains a point at (3,3)
1259 with_controller(WayController.new) do
1260 content update_changeset(current_ways(:visible_way).to_xml,
1262 put :delete, :id => current_ways(:visible_way).id
1263 assert_response :success, "Couldn't delete a way."
1266 # get the bounding box back from the changeset
1267 get :read, :id => changeset_id
1268 assert_response :success, "Couldn't read back changeset for the third time."
1269 # note that the 3.1 here is because of the bbox overexpansion
1270 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lon=1.0]", 1
1271 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lon=3.1]", 1
1272 assert_select "osm>changeset[min_lat=1.0]", 1
1273 assert_select "osm>changeset[max_lat=3.1]", 1
1277 # test that the changeset :include method works as it should
1278 def test_changeset_include
1279 basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
1281 # create a new changeset
1282 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
1284 assert_response :success, "Creating of changeset failed."
1285 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1287 # NOTE: the include method doesn't over-expand, like inserting
1288 # a real method does. this is because we expect the client to
1289 # know what it is doing!
1290 check_after_include(changeset_id, 1, 1, [ 1, 1, 1, 1])
1291 check_after_include(changeset_id, 3, 3, [ 1, 1, 3, 3])
1292 check_after_include(changeset_id, 4, 2, [ 1, 1, 4, 3])
1293 check_after_include(changeset_id, 2, 2, [ 1, 1, 4, 3])
1294 check_after_include(changeset_id, -1, -1, [-1, -1, 4, 3])
1295 check_after_include(changeset_id, -2, 5, [-2, -1, 4, 5])
1299 # test that a not found, wrong method with the expand bbox works as expected
1300 def test_changeset_expand_bbox_error
1301 basic_authorization users(:public_user).display_name, "test"
1303 # create a new changeset
1304 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
1306 assert_response :success, "Creating of changeset failed."
1307 changeset_id = @response.body.to_i
1313 content "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
1314 put :expand_bbox, :id => changeset_id
1315 assert_response :method_not_allowed, "shouldn't be able to put a bbox expand"
1317 # Try to get the update
1318 content "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
1319 get :expand_bbox, :id => changeset_id
1320 assert_response :method_not_allowed, "shouldn't be able to get a bbox expand"
1322 # Try to use a hopefully missing changeset
1323 content "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
1324 post :expand_bbox, :id => changeset_id+13245
1325 assert_response :not_found, "shouldn't be able to do a bbox expand on a nonexistant changeset"
1330 # test the query functionality of changesets
1332 get :query, :bbox => "-10,-10, 10, 10"
1333 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets in bbox"
1334 assert_changesets [1,4,6]
1336 get :query, :bbox => "4.5,4.5,4.6,4.6"
1337 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets in bbox"
1338 assert_changesets [1]
1340 # can't get changesets of user 1 without authenticating
1341 get :query, :user => users(:normal_user).id
1342 assert_response :not_found, "shouldn't be able to get changesets by non-public user"
1344 # but this should work
1345 basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
1346 get :query, :user => users(:normal_user).id
1347 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by user"
1348 assert_changesets [1,3,6]
1350 get :query, :user => users(:normal_user).id, :open => true
1351 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by user and open"
1352 assert_changesets [1]
1354 get :query, :time => '2007-12-31'
1355 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by time-since"
1356 assert_changesets [1,2,4,5,6]
1358 get :query, :time => '2008-01-01T12:34Z'
1359 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by time-since with hour"
1360 assert_changesets [1,2,4,5,6]
1362 get :query, :time => '2007-12-31T23:59Z,2008-01-01T00:01Z'
1363 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by time-range"
1364 assert_changesets [1,5,6]
1366 get :query, :open => 'true'
1367 assert_response :success, "can't get changesets by open-ness"
1368 assert_changesets [1,2,4]
1372 # check that errors are returned if garbage is inserted
1373 # into query strings
1374 def test_query_invalid
1377 ";drop table users;"
1379 get :query, :bbox => bbox
1380 assert_response :bad_request, "'#{bbox}' isn't a bbox"
1385 ";drop table users;",
1389 get :query, :time => time
1390 assert_response :bad_request, "'#{time}' isn't a valid time range"
1398 get :query, :user => uid
1399 assert_response :bad_request, "'#{uid}' isn't a valid user ID"
1404 # check updating tags on a changeset
1405 def test_changeset_update
1406 ## First try with the non-public user
1407 changeset = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
1408 new_changeset = changeset.to_xml
1409 new_tag = XML::Node.new "tag"
1410 new_tag['k'] = "tagtesting"
1411 new_tag['v'] = "valuetesting"
1412 new_changeset.find("//osm/changeset").first << new_tag
1413 content new_changeset
1415 # try without any authorization
1416 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1417 assert_response :unauthorized
1419 # try with the wrong authorization
1420 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1421 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1422 assert_response :conflict
1424 # now this should get an unauthorized
1425 basic_authorization users(:normal_user).email, "test"
1426 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1427 assert_require_public_data "user with their data non-public, shouldn't be able to edit their changeset"
1430 ## Now try with the public user
1431 changeset = changesets(:public_user_first_change)
1432 new_changeset = changeset.to_xml
1433 new_tag = XML::Node.new "tag"
1434 new_tag['k'] = "tagtesting"
1435 new_tag['v'] = "valuetesting"
1436 new_changeset.find("//osm/changeset").first << new_tag
1437 content new_changeset
1439 # try without any authorization
1440 @request.env["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = nil
1441 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1442 assert_response :unauthorized
1444 # try with the wrong authorization
1445 basic_authorization users(:second_public_user).email, "test"
1446 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1447 assert_response :conflict
1449 # now this should work...
1450 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1451 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1452 assert_response :success
1454 assert_select "osm>changeset[id=#{changeset.id}]", 1
1455 assert_select "osm>changeset>tag", 2
1456 assert_select "osm>changeset>tag[k=tagtesting][v=valuetesting]", 1
1460 # check that a user different from the one who opened the changeset
1462 def test_changeset_update_invalid
1463 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1465 changeset = changesets(:normal_user_first_change)
1466 new_changeset = changeset.to_xml
1467 new_tag = XML::Node.new "tag"
1468 new_tag['k'] = "testing"
1469 new_tag['v'] = "testing"
1470 new_changeset.find("//osm/changeset").first << new_tag
1472 content new_changeset
1473 put :update, :id => changeset.id
1474 assert_response :conflict
1478 # check that a changeset can contain a certain max number of changes.
1479 ## FIXME should be changed to an integration test due to the with_controller
1480 def test_changeset_limits
1481 basic_authorization users(:public_user).email, "test"
1483 # open a new changeset
1484 content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
1486 assert_response :success, "can't create a new changeset"
1487 cs_id = @response.body.to_i
1489 # start the counter just short of where the changeset should finish.
1491 # alter the database to set the counter on the changeset directly,
1492 # otherwise it takes about 6 minutes to fill all of them.
1493 changeset = Changeset.find(cs_id)
1494 changeset.num_changes = Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS - offset
1497 with_controller(NodeController.new) do
1499 content "<osm><node changeset='#{cs_id}' lat='0.0' lon='0.0'/></osm>"
1501 assert_response :success, "can't create a new node"
1502 node_id = @response.body.to_i
1504 get :read, :id => node_id
1505 assert_response :success, "can't read back new node"
1506 node_doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
1507 node_xml = node_doc.find("//osm/node").first
1509 # loop until we fill the changeset with nodes
1511 node_xml['lat'] = rand.to_s
1512 node_xml['lon'] = rand.to_s
1513 node_xml['version'] = (i+1).to_s
1516 put :update, :id => node_id
1517 assert_response :success, "attempt #{i} should have succeeded"
1520 # trying again should fail
1521 node_xml['lat'] = rand.to_s
1522 node_xml['lon'] = rand.to_s
1523 node_xml['version'] = offset.to_s
1526 put :update, :id => node_id
1527 assert_response :conflict, "final attempt should have failed"
1530 changeset = Changeset.find(cs_id)
1531 assert_equal Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS + 1, changeset.num_changes
1533 # check that the changeset is now closed as well
1534 assert(!changeset.is_open?,
1535 "changeset should have been auto-closed by exceeding " +
1540 # This should display the last 20 changesets closed.
1542 changesets = Changeset.find(:all, :order => "created_at DESC", :conditions => ['min_lat IS NOT NULL'], :limit=> 20)
1543 assert changesets.size <= 20
1544 get :list, {:format => "html"}
1545 assert_response :success
1546 assert_template "list"
1547 # Now check that all 20 (or however many were returned) changesets are in the html
1548 assert_select "h1", :text => "Changesets", :count => 1
1549 assert_select "table[id='changeset_list'] tr", :count => changesets.size + 1
1550 changesets.each do |changeset|
1551 # FIXME this test needs rewriting - test for table contents
1556 # Checks the display of the user changesets listing
1558 user = users(:public_user)
1559 get :list, {:format => "html", :display_name => user.display_name}
1560 assert_response :success
1561 assert_template "changeset/_user"
1562 ## FIXME need to add more checks to see which if edits are actually shown if your data is public
1566 # Check the not found of the list user changesets
1567 def test_list_user_not_found
1568 get :list, {:format => "html", :display_name => "Some random user"}
1569 assert_response :not_found
1570 assert_template 'user/no_such_user'
1573 #------------------------------------------------------------
1575 #------------------------------------------------------------
1578 # boilerplate for checking that certain changesets exist in the
1580 def assert_changesets(ids)
1581 assert_select "osm>changeset", ids.size
1583 assert_select "osm>changeset[id=#{id}]", 1
1588 # call the include method and assert properties of the bbox
1589 def check_after_include(changeset_id, lon, lat, bbox)
1590 content "<osm><node lon='#{lon}' lat='#{lat}'/></osm>"
1591 post :expand_bbox, :id => changeset_id
1592 assert_response :success, "Setting include of changeset failed: #{@response.body}"
1594 # check exactly one changeset
1595 assert_select "osm>changeset", 1
1596 assert_select "osm>changeset[id=#{changeset_id}]", 1
1599 doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
1600 changeset = doc.find("//osm/changeset").first
1601 assert_equal bbox[0], changeset['min_lon'].to_f, "min lon"
1602 assert_equal bbox[1], changeset['min_lat'].to_f, "min lat"
1603 assert_equal bbox[2], changeset['max_lon'].to_f, "max lon"
1604 assert_equal bbox[3], changeset['max_lat'].to_f, "max lat"
1608 # update the changeset_id of a way element
1609 def update_changeset(xml, changeset_id)
1610 xml_attr_rewrite(xml, 'changeset', changeset_id)
1614 # update an attribute in a way element
1615 def xml_attr_rewrite(xml, name, value)
1616 xml.find("//osm/way").first[name] = value.to_s