1 class Trace < ActiveRecord::Base
2 set_table_name 'gpx_files'
4 validates_presence_of :user_id, :name, :timestamp
5 validates_presence_of :description, :on => :create
6 validates_format_of :tagstring, :with => /^[^\/;.,?]*$/
7 # validates_numericality_of :latitude, :longitude
8 validates_inclusion_of :public, :inserted, :in => [ true, false]
11 has_many :tags, :class_name => 'Tracetag', :foreign_key => 'gpx_id', :dependent => :delete_all
12 has_many :points, :class_name => 'Tracepoint', :foreign_key => 'gpx_id', :dependent => :delete_all
16 FileUtils.rm_f(trace_name)
17 FileUtils.rm_f(icon_picture_name)
18 FileUtils.rm_f(large_picture_name)
22 return tags.collect {|tt| tt.tag}.join(" ")
26 self.tags = s.split().collect {|tag|
33 def large_picture= (data)
34 f = File.new(large_picture_name, "wb")
39 def icon_picture= (data)
40 f = File.new(icon_picture_name, "wb")
46 f = File.new(large_picture_name, "rb")
47 logger.info "large picture file: '#{f.path}', bytes: #{File.size(f.path)}"
48 data = f.sysread(File.size(f.path))
49 logger.info "have read data, bytes: '#{data.length}'"
55 f = File.new(icon_picture_name, "rb")
56 logger.info "icon picture file: '#{f.path}'"
57 data = f.sysread(File.size(f.path))
62 # FIXME change to permanent filestore area
63 def large_picture_name
64 "/home/osm/icons/#{id}.gif"
67 # FIXME change to permanent filestore area
69 "/home/osm/icons/#{id}_icon.gif"
73 "/home/osm/gpx/#{id}.gpx"
77 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
78 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
79 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
80 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
83 mimetype = "application/x-gzip"
85 mimetype = "application/x-bzip2"
87 mimetype = "application/x-zip"
96 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
97 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
98 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
99 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
100 tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
102 if tarred and gzipped then
103 extension = ".tar.gz"
104 elsif tarred and bzipped then
105 extension = ".tar.bz2"
109 extension = ".gpx.gz"
111 extension = ".gpx.bz2"
122 doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
123 doc.root << to_xml_node()
128 el1 = XML::Node.new 'gpx_file'
129 el1['id'] = self.id.to_s
130 el1['name'] = self.name.to_s
131 el1['lat'] = self.latitude.to_s
132 el1['lon'] = self.longitude.to_s
133 el1['user'] = self.user.display_name
134 el1['public'] = self.public.to_s
135 el1['pending'] = (!self.inserted).to_s
136 el1['timestamp'] = self.timestamp.xmlschema
142 logger.info("GPX Import importing #{name} (#{id}) from #{user.email}")
144 # TODO *nix specific, could do to work on windows... would be functionally inferior though - check for '.gz'
145 filetype = `/usr/bin/file -bz #{trace_name}`.chomp
146 gzipped = filetype =~ /gzip compressed/
147 bzipped = filetype =~ /bzip2 compressed/
148 zipped = filetype =~ /Zip archive/
149 tarred = filetype =~ /tar archive/
151 if tarred and gzipped then
152 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
153 system("tar -zxOf #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
154 elsif tarred and bzipped then
155 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
156 system("tar -jxOf #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
158 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
159 system("tar -xOf #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
161 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
162 system("gunzip -c #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
164 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
165 system("bunzip2 -c #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
167 filename = tempfile = "/tmp/#{rand}"
168 system("unzip -p #{trace_name} > #{filename}")
170 filename = trace_name
173 gpx = OSM::GPXImporter.new(filename)
179 Tracepoint.delete_all(['gpx_id = ?', self.id])
181 gpx.points do |point|
183 f_lat = point['latitude']
184 f_lon = point['longitude']
188 tp.lat = point['latitude'].to_f
189 tp.lng = point['longitude'].to_f
190 tp.altitude = point['altitude'].to_f
191 tp.timestamp = point['timestamp']
193 tp.trackid = point['segment'].to_i
197 if gpx.actual_points > 0
198 max_lat = Tracepoint.maximum('latitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
199 min_lat = Tracepoint.minimum('latitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
200 max_lon = Tracepoint.maximum('longitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
201 min_lon = Tracepoint.minimum('longitude', :conditions => ['gpx_id = ?', id])
203 max_lat = max_lat.to_f / 1000000
204 min_lat = min_lat.to_f / 1000000
205 max_lon = max_lon.to_f / 1000000
206 min_lon = min_lon.to_f / 1000000
208 self.latitude = f_lat
209 self.longitude = f_lon
210 self.large_picture = gpx.get_picture(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, gpx.actual_points)
211 self.icon_picture = gpx.get_icon(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)
212 self.size = gpx.actual_points
217 logger.info "done trace #{id}"
221 FileUtils.rm_f(tempfile) if tempfile