1 # Slovenian translations for Ruby on Rails
2 # by Štefan Baebler (stefan@baebler.net)
9 :words_connector => ', ',
10 :two_words_connector => ' in ',
11 :last_word_connector => ' in ',
12 :sentence_connector => 'in',
13 :skip_last_comma => true }
19 :default => "%d. %m. %Y",
23 :day_names => %w{nedelja ponedeljek torek sreda četrtek petek sobota},
24 :abbr_day_names => %w{ned pon tor sre čet pet sob},
25 :month_names => %w{~ januar februar marec april maj junij julj avgust september oktober november december},
26 :abbr_month_names => %w{~ jan feb mar apr maj jun jul avg sep okt nov dec},
27 :order => [:day, :month, :year]
33 :default => "%a %d. %B %Y %H:%M %z",
34 :short => "%d. %m. %H:%M",
35 :long => "%A %d. %B %Y %H:%M",
87 # Distance of time ... helper
88 # NOTE: In Czech language, these values are different for the past and for the future. Preference has been given to past here.
90 :distance_in_words => {
91 :half_a_minute => 'pol minute',
92 :less_than_x_seconds => {
93 :one => 'manj kot sekundo',
94 :other => 'manj kot {{count}} sekund'
98 :other => '{{count}} sekund'
100 :less_than_x_minutes => {
101 :one => 'manj kot minuto',
102 :other => 'manj kot {{count}} minut'
106 :other => '{{count}} minut'
109 :one => 'približno eno uro',
110 :other => 'približno {{count}} ur'
114 :other => '{{count}} dni'
117 :one => 'približno en mesec',
118 :other => 'približno {{count}} mesecev'
122 :other => '{{count}} mesecev'
125 :one => 'približno eno leto',
126 :other => 'približno {{count}} let'
129 :one => 'več kot eno leto',
130 :other => 'več kot {{count}} let'