3 class MoveToInnodb < ActiveRecord::Migration
4 @@conv_tables = ['nodes', 'ways', 'way_tags', 'way_nodes',
5 'current_way_tags', 'relation_members',
6 'relations', 'relation_tags', 'current_relation_tags']
8 @@ver_tbl = ['nodes', 'ways', 'relations']
11 remove_index :current_way_tags, :name=> :current_way_tags_v_idx
12 remove_index :current_relation_tags, :name=> :current_relation_tags_v_idx
14 @@ver_tbl.each { |tbl|
15 change_column tbl, "version", :bigint, :limit => 20, :null => false
18 @@conv_tables.each { |tbl|
19 change_engine (tbl, "InnoDB")
22 @@ver_tbl.each { |tbl|
23 add_column "current_#{tbl}", "version", :bigint, :limit => 20, :null => false
24 # As the initial version of all nodes, ways and relations is 0, we set the
25 # current version to something less so that we can update the version in
27 tbl.classify.constantize.update_all("version=-1")
28 while tbl.classify.constantize.count(:conditions => {:version => -1}) > 0
29 tbl.classify.constantize.update_all("version=(SELECT max(version) FROM #{tbl} WHERE #{tbl}.id = current_#{tbl}.id)", {:version => -1}, :limit => 10000)
31 # execute "UPDATE current_#{tbl} SET version = " +
32 # "(SELECT max(version) FROM #{tbl} WHERE #{tbl}.id = current_#{tbl}.id)"
33 # The above update causes a MySQL error:
34 # -- add_column("current_nodes", "version", :bigint, {:null=>false, :limit=>20})
36 # -- execute("UPDATE current_nodes SET version = (SELECT max(version) FROM nodes WHERE nodes.id = current_nodes.id)")
38 # Mysql::Error: The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size: UPDATE current_nodes SET version = (SELECT max(version) FROM nodes WHERE nodes.id = current_nodes.id)
40 # The above rails version will take longer, however will no run out of locks
45 raise IrreversibleMigration.new