1 # The ChangesetController is the RESTful interface to Changeset objects
4 class ChangesetsController < ApiController
7 before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :upload]
8 before_action :setup_user_auth, :only => [:show]
9 before_action :authorize, :only => [:create, :update, :upload, :close]
13 before_action :require_public_data, :only => [:create, :update, :upload, :close]
14 before_action :set_request_formats, :except => [:create, :close, :upload]
16 skip_around_action :api_call_timeout, :only => [:upload]
18 # Helper methods for checking consistency
19 include ConsistencyValidations
22 # query changesets by bounding box, time, user or open/closed status.
24 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "cannot use order=oldest with time" if params[:time] && params[:order] == "oldest"
26 # find any bounding box
27 bbox = BoundingBox.from_bbox_params(params) if params["bbox"]
29 # create the conditions that the user asked for. some or all of
31 changesets = Changeset.all
32 changesets = conditions_bbox(changesets, bbox)
33 changesets = conditions_user(changesets, params["user"], params["display_name"])
34 changesets = conditions_time(changesets, params["time"])
35 changesets = query_conditions_time(changesets)
36 changesets = conditions_open(changesets, params["open"])
37 changesets = conditions_closed(changesets, params["closed"])
38 changesets = conditions_ids(changesets, params["changesets"])
41 changesets = if params[:order] == "oldest"
42 changesets.order(:created_at => :asc)
44 changesets.order(:created_at => :desc)
48 changesets = query_limit(changesets)
50 # preload users, tags and comments, and render result
51 @changesets = changesets.preload(:user, :changeset_tags, :comments)
53 respond_to do |format|
60 # Return XML giving the basic info about the changeset. Does not
61 # return anything about the nodes, ways and relations in the changeset.
63 @changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
64 if params[:include_discussion].presence
65 @comments = @changeset.comments
66 @comments = @comments.unscope(:where => :visible) if params[:show_hidden_comments].presence && can?(:create, :changeset_comment_visibility)
67 @comments = @comments.includes(:author)
70 respond_to do |format|
76 # Create a changeset from XML.
78 cs = Changeset.from_xml(request.raw_post, :create => true)
80 # Assume that Changeset.from_xml has thrown an exception if there is an error parsing the xml
81 cs.user = current_user
84 # Subscribe user to changeset comments
85 cs.subscribers << current_user
87 render :plain => cs.id.to_s
91 # marks a changeset as closed. this may be called multiple times
92 # on the same changeset, so is idempotent.
94 changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
95 check_changeset_consistency(changeset, current_user)
97 # to close the changeset, we'll just set its closed_at time to
98 # now. this might not be enough if there are concurrency issues,
99 # but we'll have to wait and see.
100 changeset.set_closed_time_now
107 # Upload a diff in a single transaction.
109 # This means that each change within the diff must succeed, i.e: that
110 # each version number mentioned is still current. Otherwise the entire
111 # transaction *must* be rolled back.
113 # Furthermore, each element in the diff can only reference the current
116 # Returns: a diffResult document, as described in
117 # http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Protocol_Version_0.6
119 changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
120 check_changeset_consistency(changeset, current_user)
122 diff_reader = DiffReader.new(request.raw_post, changeset)
123 Changeset.transaction do
124 result = diff_reader.commit
125 # the number of changes in this changeset has already been
126 # updated and is visible in this transaction so we don't need
127 # to allow for any more when checking the limit
129 render :xml => result.to_s
134 # updates a changeset's tags. none of the changeset's attributes are
135 # user-modifiable, so they will be ignored.
137 # changesets are not (yet?) versioned, so we don't have to deal with
138 # history tables here. changesets are locked to a single user, however.
140 # after succesful update, returns the XML of the changeset.
142 @changeset = Changeset.find(params[:id])
143 new_changeset = Changeset.from_xml(request.raw_post)
145 check_changeset_consistency(@changeset, current_user)
146 @changeset.update_from(new_changeset, current_user)
149 respond_to do |format|
157 #------------------------------------------------------------
158 # utility functions below.
159 #------------------------------------------------------------
162 # if a bounding box was specified do some sanity checks.
163 # restrict changesets to those enclosed by a bounding box
164 def conditions_bbox(changesets, bbox)
166 bbox.check_boundaries
167 bbox = bbox.to_scaled
169 changesets.where("min_lon < ? and max_lon > ? and min_lat < ? and max_lat > ?",
170 bbox.max_lon.to_i, bbox.min_lon.to_i,
171 bbox.max_lat.to_i, bbox.min_lat.to_i)
178 # restrict changesets to those by a particular user
179 def conditions_user(changesets, user, name)
180 if user.nil? && name.nil?
183 # shouldn't provide both name and UID
184 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "provide either the user ID or display name, but not both" if user && name
186 # use either the name or the UID to find the user which we're selecting on.
188 # user input checking, we don't have any UIDs < 1
189 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "invalid user ID" if user.to_i < 1
191 u = User.find_by(:id => user.to_i)
193 u = User.find_by(:display_name => name)
196 # make sure we found a user
197 raise OSM::APINotFoundError if u.nil?
199 # should be able to get changesets of public users only, or
200 # our own changesets regardless of public-ness.
201 unless u.data_public?
202 # get optional user auth stuff so that users can see their own
203 # changesets if they're non-public
206 raise OSM::APINotFoundError if current_user.nil? || current_user != u
209 changesets.where(:user => u)
214 # restrict changesets to those during a particular time period
215 def conditions_time(changesets, time)
218 elsif time.count(",") == 1
219 # if there is a range, i.e: comma separated, then the first is
220 # low, second is high - same as with bounding boxes.
222 # check that we actually have 2 elements in the array
223 times = time.split(",")
224 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "bad time range" if times.size != 2
226 from, to = times.collect { |t| Time.parse(t).utc }
227 changesets.where("closed_at >= ? and created_at <= ?", from, to)
229 # if there is no comma, assume its a lower limit on time
230 changesets.where(:closed_at => Time.parse(time).utc..)
232 # stupid Time seems to throw both of these for bad parsing, so
233 # we have to catch both and ensure the correct code path is taken.
234 rescue ArgumentError, RuntimeError => e
235 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, e.message.to_s
239 # return changesets which are open (haven't been closed yet)
240 # we do this by seeing if the 'closed at' time is in the future. Also if we've
241 # hit the maximum number of changes then it counts as no longer open.
242 # if parameter 'open' is nill then open and closed changesets are returned
243 def conditions_open(changesets, open)
247 changesets.where("closed_at >= ? and num_changes <= ?",
248 Time.now.utc, Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS)
253 # query changesets which are closed
254 # ('closed at' time has passed or changes limit is hit)
255 def conditions_closed(changesets, closed)
259 changesets.where("closed_at < ? or num_changes > ?",
260 Time.now.utc, Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS)
265 # query changesets by a list of ids
266 # (either specified as array or comma-separated string)
267 def conditions_ids(changesets, ids)
271 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No changesets were given to search for"
273 ids = ids.split(",").collect(&:to_i)
274 changesets.where(:id => ids)