1 Story: autogenerated docstrings
4 I want examples to generate their own names
5 So that I can reduce duplication between example names and example code
7 Scenario: run passing examples with ruby
8 Given the file ../../examples/pure/autogenerated_docstrings_example.rb
10 When I run it with the ruby interpreter -fs
12 Then the stdout should match /should equal 5/
13 And the stdout should match /should be < 5/
14 And the stdout should match /should include "a"/
15 And the stdout should match /should respond to #size/
17 Scenario: run failing examples with ruby
18 Given the file ../../failing_examples/failing_autogenerated_docstrings_example.rb
20 When I run it with the ruby interpreter -fs
22 Then the stdout should match /should equal 2/
23 And the stdout should match /should be > 5/
24 And the stdout should match /should include "b"/
25 And the stdout should match /should not respond to #size/
27 Scenario: run passing examples with spec
28 Given the file ../../examples/pure/autogenerated_docstrings_example.rb
30 When I run it with the spec script -fs
32 Then the stdout should match /should equal 5/
33 And the stdout should match /should be < 5/
34 And the stdout should match /should include "a"/
35 And the stdout should match /should respond to #size/
37 Scenario: run failing examples with spec
38 Given the file ../../failing_examples/failing_autogenerated_docstrings_example.rb
40 When I run it with the spec script -fs
42 Then the stdout should match /should equal 2/
43 And the stdout should match /should be > 5/
44 And the stdout should match /should include "b"/
45 And the stdout should match /should not respond to #size/