1 /* http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
3 License: none (public domain)
6 .ideditor div, .ideditor span, .ideditor applet, .ideditor object, .ideditor iframe, .ideditor h1, .ideditor h2, .ideditor h3, .ideditor h4, .ideditor h5, .ideditor h6, .ideditor p, .ideditor blockquote, .ideditor pre, .ideditor a, .ideditor abbr, .ideditor acronym, .ideditor address, .ideditor big, .ideditor cite, .ideditor code, .ideditor del, .ideditor dfn, .ideditor em, .ideditor img, .ideditor ins, .ideditor kbd, .ideditor q, .ideditor s, .ideditor samp, .ideditor small, .ideditor strike, .ideditor strong, .ideditor sub, .ideditor sup, .ideditor tt, .ideditor var, .ideditor b, .ideditor u, .ideditor i, .ideditor center, .ideditor dl, .ideditor dt, .ideditor dd, .ideditor ol, .ideditor ul, .ideditor li, .ideditor fieldset, .ideditor form, .ideditor label, .ideditor legend, .ideditor table, .ideditor caption, .ideditor tbody, .ideditor tfoot, .ideditor thead, .ideditor tr, .ideditor th, .ideditor td, .ideditor article, .ideditor aside, .ideditor canvas, .ideditor details, .ideditor embed, .ideditor figure, .ideditor figcaption, .ideditor footer, .ideditor header, .ideditor hgroup, .ideditor menu, .ideditor nav, .ideditor output, .ideditor ruby, .ideditor section, .ideditor summary, .ideditor time, .ideditor mark, .ideditor audio, .ideditor video {
12 vertical-align: baseline;
14 /* HTML5 display-role reset for older browsers */
15 .ideditor article, .ideditor aside, .ideditor details, .ideditor figcaption, .ideditor figure, .ideditor footer, .ideditor header, .ideditor hgroup, .ideditor menu, .ideditor nav, .ideditor section {
18 .ideditor ol, .ideditor ul {
21 .ideditor blockquote, .ideditor q {
24 .ideditor blockquote:before, .ideditor blockquote:after, .ideditor q:before, .ideditor q:after {
29 border-collapse: collapse;
32 .ideditor a { text-decoration: none;}
34 * 1. Corrects font family not being inherited in all browsers.
35 * 2. Corrects font size not being inherited in all browsers.
36 * 3. Addresses margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome
43 font-family: inherit; /* 1 */
44 font-size: 100%; /* 2 */
50 * Addresses Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
57 letter-spacing: inherit;
60 /* Hide default number spinner controls */
61 .ideditor input[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,
62 .ideditor input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
65 .ideditor input[type=number] {
66 -moz-appearance: textfield;
70 * 1. Corrects inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
71 * 2. Improves usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
76 .ideditor input[type="button"],
77 .ideditor input[type="reset"],
78 .ideditor input[type="submit"] {
79 -webkit-appearance: button; /* 1 */
80 cursor: pointer; /* 2 */
84 * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
87 .ideditor button[disabled],
88 .ideditor input[disabled] {
93 * 1. Addresses box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9.
94 * 2. Removes excess padding in IE 8/9.
97 .ideditor input[type="checkbox"],
98 .ideditor input[type="radio"] {
99 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
100 box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
105 * 1. Addresses `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome.
106 * 2. Addresses `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome
107 * (include `-moz` to future-proof).
110 .ideditor input[type="search"] {
111 -webkit-appearance: none; /* 1 */
112 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
113 box-sizing: border-box;
117 * Removes inner padding and search cancel button in Safari 5 and Chrome
121 .ideditor input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,
122 .ideditor input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
123 -webkit-appearance: none;
127 * Removes inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
130 .ideditor button::-moz-focus-inner,
131 .ideditor input::-moz-focus-inner {
137 ** Markup free clearing
138 ** Details: http://www.positioniseverything.net/easyclearing.html
140 .ideditor .cf:before,
141 .ideditor .cf:after {
142 content: " "; /* 1 */
143 display: table; /* 2 */
146 .ideditor .cf:after {
150 .ideditor .layer-osm path {
154 /* IE/Edge needs these overrides for markers to show up */
155 .ideditor .layer-osm path.oneway-marker-path { fill: #000; }
156 .ideditor .layer-osm path.sided-marker-natural-path { fill: rgb(170, 170, 170); }
157 .ideditor .layer-osm path.sided-marker-coastline-path { fill: #77dede; }
158 .ideditor .layer-osm path.sided-marker-barrier-path { fill: #ddd; }
159 .ideditor .layer-osm path.sided-marker-man_made-path { fill: #fff; }
161 /* IE/Edge rule for <use> marker style */
162 .ideditor .layer-osm path.viewfield-marker-path {
167 stroke-opacity: 0.75;
169 .ideditor .fill-wireframe .layer-osm path.viewfield-marker-path { /* IE/Edge rule for <use> marker style */
173 /* the above fill: none rule affects paths in <use> shadow dom only in Firefox */
174 .ideditor .layer-osm use.icon path { fill: #333; } /* FF svg Maki icons */
175 .ideditor .layer-osm .turn use path { fill: #000; } /* FF turn restriction icons */
176 .ideditor #turn-only-shape2, .ideditor #turn-only-u-shape2 { fill: #7092ff; } /* FF turn-only, turn-only-u */
177 .ideditor #turn-no-shape2, .ideditor #turn-no-u-shape2 { fill: #e06d5f; } /* FF turn-no, turn-no-u */
178 .ideditor #turn-yes-shape2, .ideditor #turn-yes-u-shape2 { fill: #8cd05f; } /* FF turn-yes, turn-yes-u */
181 /* No interactivity except what we specifically allow */
182 .ideditor .data-layer.osm *,
183 .ideditor .data-layer.notes *,
184 .ideditor .data-layer.keepRight *,
185 .ideditor .data-layer.improveOSM * {
186 pointer-events: none;
189 .ideditor .lasso .main-map {
190 pointer-events: visibleStroke;
194 /* `.target` objects are interactive */
195 /* They can be picked up, clicked, hovered, or things can connect to them */
196 .ideditor .qaItem.target,
197 .ideditor .note.target,
198 .ideditor .node.target,
199 .ideditor .turn .target {
200 pointer-events: fill;
206 .ideditor .way.target {
207 pointer-events: stroke;
211 stroke: currentColor;
212 stroke-linecap: round;
213 stroke-linejoin: round;
216 .ideditor[pointer='pen'] .way.target {
219 .ideditor[pointer='touch'] .way.target {
222 .ideditor[pointer='touch'] .node.vertex.target {
223 pointer-events: painted;
224 stroke: currentColor;
228 /* `.target-nope` objects are explicitly forbidden to join to */
229 .ideditor .surface:not(.nope-disabled) .node.target.target-nope,
230 .ideditor .surface:not(.nope-disabled) .way.target.target-nope {
235 /* `.active` objects (currently being drawn or dragged) are not interactive */
236 /* This is important to allow the events to drop through to whatever is */
237 /* below them on the map, so you can still hover and connect to other things. */
238 .ideditor .layer-osm .active {
239 pointer-events: none !important;
242 /* points, notes & QA */
244 /* points, notes, markers */
245 .ideditor g.qaItem .stroke,
246 .ideditor g.note .stroke {
253 .ideditor g.qaItem.active .stroke,
254 .ideditor g.note.active .stroke {
261 .ideditor g.point .stroke {
268 .ideditor g.qaItem .shadow,
269 .ideditor g.point .shadow,
270 .ideditor g.note .shadow {
277 .ideditor g.qaItem.hover:not(.selected) .shadow,
278 .ideditor g.note.hover:not(.selected) .shadow,
279 .ideditor g.point.related:not(.selected) .shadow,
280 .ideditor g.point.hover:not(.selected) .shadow {
284 .ideditor g.qaItem.selected .shadow,
285 .ideditor g.note.selected .shadow,
286 .ideditor g.point.selected .shadow {
290 /* g.note ellipse.stroke, */
291 .ideditor g.point ellipse.stroke {
294 .ideditor.mode-drag-note g.note.active ellipse.stroke,
295 .ideditor.mode-drag-node g.point.active ellipse.stroke {
300 /* vertices and midpoints */
301 .ideditor g.vertex .fill {
304 .ideditor g.vertex .stroke {
309 .ideditor g.vertex.shared .stroke {
312 .ideditor g.midpoint .fill {
319 .ideditor g.vertex .shadow,
320 .ideditor g.midpoint .shadow {
326 .ideditor g.vertex.related:not(.selected) .shadow,
327 .ideditor g.vertex.hover:not(.selected) .shadow,
328 .ideditor g.midpoint.related:not(.selected) .shadow,
329 .ideditor g.midpoint.hover:not(.selected) .shadow {
333 .ideditor g.vertex.selected .shadow {
339 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.iD-other-line {
342 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.casing {
346 .ideditor path.line {
347 stroke-linecap: round;
348 stroke-linejoin: round;
351 .ideditor path.stroke {
356 .ideditor path.shadow {
360 stroke-linecap: round;
361 stroke-linejoin: round;
364 .ideditor path.shadow.related:not(.selected),
365 .ideditor path.shadow.hover:not(.selected) {
369 .ideditor path.shadow.selected {
373 .ideditor path.line.stroke {
379 /* Labels / Markers */
386 .ideditor .oneway .textpath.tag-waterway {
390 .ideditor .onewaygroup path.oneway,
391 .ideditor .viewfieldgroup path.viewfield,
392 .ideditor .sidedgroup path.sided {
396 .ideditor text.arealabel-halo,
397 .ideditor text.linelabel-halo,
398 .ideditor text.pointlabel-halo,
399 .ideditor text.arealabel,
400 .ideditor text.linelabel,
401 .ideditor text.pointlabel {
402 dominant-baseline: middle;
407 -webkit-transition: opacity 100ms linear;
408 -o-transition: opacity 100ms linear;
409 transition: opacity 100ms linear;
412 /* Opera doesn't support dominant-baseline. See #715 */
413 /* Safari 10 seems to have regressed too */
414 .ideditor .linelabel-halo .textpath,
415 .ideditor .linelabel .textpath {
416 baseline-shift: -33%;
417 dominant-baseline: auto;
420 .ideditor .labels-group.halo text {
424 stroke-miterlimit: 1;
427 .ideditor text.nolabel {
428 opacity: 0 !important;
430 .ideditor text.point {
434 .ideditor .icon.areaicon-halo {
438 stroke-miterlimit: 1;
440 .ideditor .icon.areaicon {
446 /* Wikidata-tagged */
447 .ideditor g.point.tag-wikidata path.stroke {
452 .ideditor g.point.tag-wikidata .icon {
456 /* Selected Members */
457 .ideditor g.vertex.selected-member .shadow,
458 .ideditor g.point.selected-member .shadow,
459 .ideditor path.shadow.selected-member {
460 stroke-opacity: 0.95;
465 .ideditor g.point.highlighted .shadow,
466 .ideditor path.shadow.highlighted {
467 stroke-opacity: 0.95;
470 .ideditor g.vertex.highlighted .shadow {
472 stroke-opacity: 0.95;
476 /* Turn Restrictions */
477 .ideditor .points-group.turns g.turn rect,
478 .ideditor .points-group.turns g.turn circle {
482 /* Turn restriction paths and vertices */
483 .ideditor .surface.tr .way.target,
484 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.selected,
485 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.related {
489 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.selected,
490 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.related,
491 .ideditor .surface.tr g.vertex.selected .shadow,
492 .ideditor .surface.tr g.vertex.related .shadow {
496 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.related.allow,
497 .ideditor .surface.tr g.vertex.related.allow .shadow {
500 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.related.restrict,
501 .ideditor .surface.tr g.vertex.related.restrict .shadow {
504 .ideditor .surface.tr path.shadow.related.only,
505 .ideditor .surface.tr g.vertex.related.only .shadow {
511 `highlight-edited` - visual diff activated
512 `added` - entity was created by the user
513 `moved` - node has different coordinates
514 `geometry-edited` - way has different nodes
515 `segment-edited` - one or both adjacents nodes moved
516 `retagged` - some tagging change has occurred
519 /* Vertex visual diffs */
520 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.added > circle.shadow,
521 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.retagged > circle.shadow,
522 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.moved > circle.shadow {
525 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.added > circle.shadow {
526 fill: rgb(133, 255, 103);
528 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.retagged > circle.shadow {
531 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.vertex.moved > circle.shadow {
532 fill: rgb(255, 126, 46);
535 /* Point visual diffs */
536 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.added > path.shadow,
537 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.retagged > path.shadow,
538 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.moved > path.shadow {
542 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.added > path.shadow {
543 stroke: rgb(133, 255, 103);
545 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.retagged > path.shadow {
548 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.points g.node.point.moved > path.shadow {
549 stroke: rgb(255, 126, 46);
552 /* Line/area segment visual diffs
553 - segments are rendered on top of the ways for convenience and to differentiate
554 them from entire line diffs, so make them thin
556 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.lines > path.line.segment-edited,
557 .ideditor .highlight-edited g.areas > path.area.segment-edited {
558 stroke: rgb(255, 126, 46);
559 stroke-dasharray: 10, 3;
560 stroke-width: 1.5 !important;
564 /* Entire line/area visual diffs */
565 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.added,
566 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.retagged,
567 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.geometry-edited,
568 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.added,
569 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.retagged,
570 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.geometry-edited {
573 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.line.shadow.added,
574 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.line.shadow.retagged,
575 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.line.shadow.geometry-edited,
576 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.area.shadow.added,
577 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.area.shadow.retagged,
578 .ideditor .highlight-edited.fill-wireframe path.area.shadow.geometry-edited {
581 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.added,
582 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.added {
583 stroke: rgb(133, 255, 103);
585 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.retagged,
586 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.retagged {
589 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.line.shadow.geometry-edited,
590 .ideditor .highlight-edited path.area.shadow.geometry-edited {
591 stroke: rgb(255, 126, 46);
594 /* Default - light gray */
595 .ideditor path.area.stroke {
596 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
599 .ideditor path.area.fill {
601 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
602 fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
605 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.fill {
606 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
607 fill: rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.3);
610 .ideditor path.shadow.old-multipolygon,
611 .ideditor path.stroke.old-multipolygon {
612 stroke-dasharray: 100, 5;
613 stroke-linecap: butt;
618 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-barrier-hedge,
619 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-flowerbed,
620 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-forest,
621 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-grass,
622 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-recreation_ground,
623 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-village_green,
624 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-garden,
625 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-golf_course,
626 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-nature_reserve,
627 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-park,
628 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch,
629 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-track,
630 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural,
631 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-wood {
632 stroke: rgb(140, 208, 95);
634 .ideditor path.fill.tag-barrier-hedge,
635 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-flowerbed,
636 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-forest,
637 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-grass,
638 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-recreation_ground,
639 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-village_green,
640 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-garden,
641 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-golf_course,
642 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-nature_reserve,
643 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-park,
644 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch,
645 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-track,
646 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural,
647 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-wood {
648 stroke: rgba(140, 208, 95, 0.3);
649 fill: rgba(140, 208, 95, 0.3);
651 .ideditor .pattern-color-forest,
652 .ideditor .pattern-color-forest_broadleaved,
653 .ideditor .pattern-color-forest_needleleaved,
654 .ideditor .pattern-color-forest_leafless,
655 .ideditor .pattern-color-wood,
656 .ideditor .pattern-color-grass {
657 fill: rgba(140, 208, 95, 0.3);
662 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-fountain,
663 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-swimming_pool,
664 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-bay,
665 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-water {
666 stroke: rgb(119, 211, 222);
668 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-fountain,
669 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-swimming_pool,
670 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-bay,
671 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-water {
672 stroke: rgba(119, 211, 222, 0.3);
673 fill: rgba(119, 211, 222, 0.3);
675 .ideditor .pattern-color-waves,
676 .ideditor .pattern-color-water_standing,
677 .ideditor .pattern-color-pond {
678 fill: rgba(119, 211, 222, 0.3);
683 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-beachvolleyball,
684 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-baseball,
685 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-softball,
686 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-track,
687 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-beach,
688 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-sand,
689 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-scrub,
690 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-childcare,
691 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-kindergarten,
692 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-school,
693 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-college,
694 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-university,
695 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-research_institute {
696 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 148, 0.75);
698 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-beachvolleyball,
699 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-baseball,
700 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-softball,
701 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-track,
702 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-beach,
703 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-sand,
704 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-scrub,
705 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-childcare,
706 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-kindergarten,
707 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-school,
708 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-college,
709 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-university,
710 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-research_institute {
711 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 148, 0.25);
712 fill: rgba(255, 255, 148, 0.25);
714 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-beachvolleyball,
715 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-baseball,
716 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-softball,
717 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-leisure-track,
718 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-natural-beach,
719 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-natural-sand,
720 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-natural-scrub,
721 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-childcare,
722 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-kindergarten,
723 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-school,
724 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-college,
725 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-university,
726 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-amenity-research_institute {
727 stroke: rgb(232, 232, 0);
729 .ideditor .pattern-color-beach,
730 .ideditor .pattern-color-sand,
731 .ideditor .pattern-color-scrub {
732 fill: rgba(255, 255, 148, 0.2);
737 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-residential,
738 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-status-construction {
739 stroke: rgb(196, 189, 25);
741 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-residential,
742 .ideditor path.fill.tag-status-construction {
743 stroke: rgba(196, 189, 25, 0.3);
744 fill: rgba(196, 189, 25, 0.3);
746 .ideditor .pattern-color-construction {
747 fill: rgba(196, 189, 25, 0.3);
752 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-retail,
753 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-commercial,
754 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-landfill,
755 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-military,
756 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-military {
757 stroke: rgb(214, 136, 26);
759 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-retail,
760 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-commercial,
761 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-landfill,
762 .ideditor path.fill.tag-military,
763 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-military {
764 stroke: rgba(214, 136, 26, 0.3);
765 fill: rgba(214, 136, 26, 0.3);
767 .ideditor .pattern-color-landfill {
768 fill: rgba(214, 136, 26, 0.3);
773 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-industrial,
774 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-power-plant {
775 stroke: rgb(228, 164, 245);
777 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-industrial,
778 .ideditor path.fill.tag-power-plant {
779 stroke: rgba(228, 164, 245, 0.3);
780 fill: rgba(228, 164, 245, 0.3);
785 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-wetland {
786 stroke: rgb(153, 225, 170);
788 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-wetland {
789 stroke: rgba(153, 225, 170, 0.3);
790 fill: rgba(153, 225, 170, 0.3);
792 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-natural-wetland {
793 fill: rgba(153, 225, 170, 0.2);
795 .ideditor .pattern-color-wetland,
796 .ideditor .pattern-color-wetland_marsh,
797 .ideditor .pattern-color-wetland_swamp,
798 .ideditor .pattern-color-wetland_bog,
799 .ideditor .pattern-color-wetland_reedbed {
800 fill: rgba(153, 225, 170, 0.3);
804 /* Light Green things */
805 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-cemetery,
806 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-farmland,
807 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-grass.tag-golf-green,
808 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-meadow,
809 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-orchard,
810 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-vineyard {
811 stroke: rgb(191, 232, 63);
813 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-cemetery,
814 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-farmland,
815 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-grass.tag-golf-green,
816 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-meadow,
817 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-orchard,
818 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-vineyard {
819 stroke: rgba(191, 232, 63, 0.3);
820 fill: rgba(191, 232, 63, 0.3);
822 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-cemetery,
823 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-farmland,
824 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-grass.tag-golf-green,
825 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-meadow,
826 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-orchard,
827 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.fill.tag-landuse-vineyard {
828 fill: rgba(191, 232, 63, 0.4);
830 .ideditor .pattern-color-cemetery,
831 .ideditor .pattern-color-cemetery_buddhist,
832 .ideditor .pattern-color-cemetery_christian,
833 .ideditor .pattern-color-cemetery_jewish,
834 .ideditor .pattern-color-cemetery_muslim,
835 .ideditor .pattern-color-farmland,
836 .ideditor .pattern-color-golf_green,
837 .ideditor .pattern-color-meadow,
838 .ideditor .pattern-color-orchard,
839 .ideditor .pattern-color-vineyard {
840 fill: rgba(191, 232, 63, 0.3);
845 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-farmyard {
846 stroke: rgb(245, 220, 186);
848 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-farmyard {
849 stroke: rgba(245, 220, 186, 0.3);
850 fill: rgba(245, 220, 186, 0.3);
852 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke.tag-landuse-farmyard {
853 stroke: rgb(226, 177, 111);
855 .ideditor .pattern-color-farmyard {
856 fill: rgba(245, 220, 186, 0.3);
860 /* Dark Gray things */
861 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-amenity-parking,
862 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-railway,
863 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-landuse-quarry,
864 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-basketball,
865 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-skateboard,
866 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-man_made-adit,
867 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-man_made-groyne,
868 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-man_made-breakwater,
869 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-bare_rock,
870 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-cave_entrance,
871 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-cliff,
872 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-rock,
873 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-scree,
874 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-stone,
875 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-shingle,
876 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-waterway-dam,
877 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-waterway-weir {
878 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
880 .ideditor path.fill.tag-amenity-parking,
881 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-railway,
882 .ideditor path.fill.tag-landuse-quarry,
883 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-basketball,
884 .ideditor path.fill.tag-leisure-pitch.tag-sport-skateboard,
885 .ideditor path.fill.tag-man_made-adit,
886 .ideditor path.fill.tag-man_made-groyne,
887 .ideditor path.fill.tag-man_made-breakwater,
888 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-bare_rock,
889 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-cliff,
890 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-cave_entrance,
891 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-rock,
892 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-scree,
893 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-stone,
894 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-shingle,
895 .ideditor path.fill.tag-waterway-dam,
896 .ideditor path.fill.tag-waterway-weir {
897 stroke: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.5);
898 fill: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.5);
900 .ideditor .pattern-color-quarry {
901 fill: rgba(140, 140, 140, 0.5);
905 /* Light gray overrides */
906 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-cave_entrance,
907 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-natural-glacier {
908 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
910 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-cave_entrance,
911 .ideditor path.fill.tag-natural-glacier {
912 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
913 fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
915 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.fill.tag-natural-cave_entrance,
916 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.fill.tag-natural-glacier {
917 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
918 fill: rgba(170, 170, 170, 0.3);
920 .ideditor preset-icon-container
923 .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway.other-line {
927 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway {
930 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway {
935 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway {
938 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway {
941 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway {
944 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway {
947 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway {
950 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway {
954 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-motorway,
955 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-motorway_link {
959 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-motorway,
960 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-motorway_link,
961 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-motorway {
964 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-motorway,
965 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-motorway_link,
966 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-motorway {
970 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-trunk,
971 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-trunk_link {
975 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-trunk,
976 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-trunk_link,
977 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-trunk {
980 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-trunk,
981 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-trunk_link,
982 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-trunk {
986 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-primary,
987 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-primary_link {
991 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-primary,
992 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-primary_link,
993 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-primary {
996 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-primary,
997 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-primary_link,
998 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-primary {
1002 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-secondary,
1003 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-secondary_link {
1007 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-secondary,
1008 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-secondary_link,
1009 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-secondary {
1012 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-secondary,
1013 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-secondary_link,
1014 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-secondary {
1018 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-tertiary,
1019 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-tertiary_link {
1023 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-tertiary,
1024 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-tertiary_link,
1025 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-tertiary {
1028 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-tertiary,
1029 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-tertiary_link,
1030 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-tertiary {
1034 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-motorway,
1035 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-motorway_link {
1039 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-motorway,
1040 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-motorway_link,
1041 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-motorway {
1044 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-motorway,
1045 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-motorway_link,
1046 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-motorway {
1050 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-trunk,
1051 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-trunk_link {
1055 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-trunk,
1056 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-trunk_link,
1057 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-trunk {
1060 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-trunk,
1061 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-trunk_link,
1062 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-trunk {
1066 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-primary,
1067 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-primary_link {
1071 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-primary,
1072 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-primary_link,
1073 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-primary {
1076 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-primary,
1077 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-primary_link,
1078 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-primary {
1082 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-secondary,
1083 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-secondary_link {
1087 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-secondary,
1088 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-secondary_link,
1089 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-secondary {
1092 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-secondary,
1093 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-secondary_link,
1094 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-secondary {
1098 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-tertiary,
1099 .ideditor .legacy-carto .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-tertiary_link {
1103 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-tertiary,
1104 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-highway-tertiary_link,
1105 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.stroke.tag-tertiary {
1108 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-tertiary,
1109 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-highway-tertiary_link,
1110 .ideditor .legacy-carto path.line.casing.tag-tertiary {
1114 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-residential {
1118 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-residential,
1119 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-residential {
1122 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-residential,
1123 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-residential {
1127 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-unclassified {
1131 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-unclassified,
1132 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-unclassified {
1135 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-unclassified,
1136 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-unclassified {
1141 /* narrow highways */
1142 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-living_street,
1143 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1144 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-service,
1145 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-track,
1146 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-road {
1149 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-living_street,
1150 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1151 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-service,
1152 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-track,
1153 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-road {
1156 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-living_street,
1157 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1158 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service,
1159 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-track,
1160 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-road {
1163 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-service.tag-service-driveway {
1166 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service-driveway {
1170 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-path,
1171 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-footway,
1172 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-cycleway,
1173 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bridleway,
1174 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-corridor,
1175 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-steps {
1178 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-path,
1179 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway,
1180 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-cycleway,
1181 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-bridleway,
1182 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-corridor,
1183 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps {
1186 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path,
1187 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway,
1188 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway,
1189 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway,
1190 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-corridor,
1191 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps {
1195 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-living_street,
1196 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1197 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-service,
1198 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-track,
1199 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-road {
1202 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-living_street,
1203 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1204 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-service,
1205 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-track,
1206 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-road {
1209 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-living_street,
1210 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1211 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service,
1212 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-track,
1213 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-road {
1216 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-service.tag-service-driveway {
1219 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service-driveway {
1223 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-path,
1224 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-footway,
1225 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-cycleway,
1226 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bridleway,
1227 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-corridor,
1228 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-steps {
1231 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-path,
1232 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway,
1233 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-cycleway,
1234 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-bridleway,
1235 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-corridor,
1236 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps {
1239 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path,
1240 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway,
1241 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway,
1242 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway,
1243 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-corridor,
1244 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps {
1248 /* living streets */
1249 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-living-street {
1253 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-living_street,
1254 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-living_street {
1257 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-living_street,
1258 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-living_street {
1263 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-corridor {
1267 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-corridor,
1268 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-corridor {
1270 stroke-dasharray: 2, 8;
1272 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-corridor,
1273 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-corridor {
1274 stroke-dasharray: 1, 4;
1276 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-corridor,
1277 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-corridor {
1279 stroke-linecap: round;
1280 stroke-dasharray: none;
1283 /* pedestrian streets */
1284 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-pedestrian {
1287 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-pedestrian,
1288 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-pedestrian {
1291 stroke-dasharray: 8, 8;
1292 stroke-linecap: butt;
1294 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-pedestrian,
1295 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-pedestrian {
1297 stroke-dasharray: 4, 4;
1299 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-pedestrian,
1300 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-pedestrian {
1302 stroke-linecap: round;
1303 stroke-dasharray: none;
1305 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-highway-pedestrian {
1306 stroke-dasharray: 12, 12;
1310 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-road {
1314 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-road,
1315 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-road {
1318 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-road,
1319 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-road {
1324 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service,
1325 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-service {
1328 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-service,
1329 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-service {
1333 /* special service roads and bus guideways */
1334 /* with `service=* tag` (e.g. parking_aisle, alley, drive-through) */
1335 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1336 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service,
1337 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-service.tag-service {
1340 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-bus_guideway,
1341 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-service.tag-service,
1342 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-service.tag-service {
1346 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service-parking_aisle {
1349 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service-driveway {
1352 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-service.tag-service-emergency_access {
1356 /* unmaintained track roads */
1357 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-track,
1358 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-track {
1361 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-track,
1362 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-track {
1367 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path,
1368 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway,
1369 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway,
1370 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway {
1371 stroke-linecap: butt;
1372 stroke-dasharray: 6, 6;
1374 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path,
1375 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway,
1376 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway,
1377 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway {
1378 stroke-linecap: butt;
1379 stroke-dasharray: 3, 3;
1382 /* style for features that should have highway=footway but don't yet */
1383 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-crossing,
1384 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-footway-access_aisle,
1385 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-public_transport-platform,
1386 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-platform,
1387 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway-platform,
1388 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pier {
1392 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-path,
1393 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway.tag-public_transport-platform,
1394 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway.tag-man_made-pier,
1395 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-crossing,
1396 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle {
1398 stroke-linecap: round;
1399 stroke-dasharray: none;
1401 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway,
1402 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-cycleway,
1403 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-bridleway {
1405 stroke-linecap: round;
1406 stroke-dasharray: none;
1409 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-path,
1410 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway.tag-public_transport-platform,
1411 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway.tag-man_made-pier {
1415 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path {
1418 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-path.tag-bridge-boardwalk {
1423 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-route-foot,
1424 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-route-hiking,
1425 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway {
1429 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway,
1430 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway_bus_stop,
1431 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.casing.tag-highway-footway {
1434 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway.tag-footway-sidewalk {
1437 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-highway-footway.tag-footway-sidewalk,
1438 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.casing.tag-highway-footway.tag-footway-sidewalk {
1441 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.stroke.tag-highway-footway:not(.tag-crossing-marked):not(.tag-crossing-unmarked):not(.tag-footway-access_aisle):not(.tag-man_made-pier):not(.tag-public_transport-platform) {
1446 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-route-bicycle,
1447 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-cycleway {
1451 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway,
1452 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.casing.tag-highway-cycleway {
1455 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway:not(.tag-crossing) {
1460 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-route-horse,
1461 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-bridleway {
1465 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway,
1466 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.casing.tag-highway-bridleway {
1469 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.stroke.tag-highway-bridleway {
1474 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-leisure-track {
1475 color: rgb(229, 184, 43);
1477 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-leisure-track,
1478 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.casing.tag-highway.tag-leisure-track {
1479 stroke: rgb(229, 184, 43);
1481 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-leisure-track {
1486 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-steps {
1490 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps {
1491 stroke-linecap: butt;
1492 stroke-dasharray: 3, 3;
1494 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps {
1495 stroke-dasharray: 2, 2;
1497 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps {
1499 stroke-linecap: round;
1500 stroke-dasharray: none;
1502 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps,
1503 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps {
1506 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-highway-steps {
1512 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-crossing-unmarked {
1513 stroke-dasharray: 6, 4;
1515 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-crossing-unmarked {
1516 stroke-dasharray: 3, 2;
1518 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-crossing-marked {
1519 stroke-dasharray: 6, 3;
1521 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-crossing-marked {
1522 stroke-dasharray: 3, 1.5;
1524 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway.tag-crossing-marked {
1527 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway.tag-crossing-marked {
1530 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-footway.tag-crossing-unmarked {
1533 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-footway.tag-crossing-unmarked {
1536 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-crossing-marked {
1539 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-crossing-marked {
1543 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle {
1544 stroke-dasharray: 4, 2;
1546 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle,
1547 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.stroke.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle {
1548 stroke-dasharray: 2.5, 1.5;
1550 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle {
1553 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway.tag-footway-access_aisle {
1558 /* highway midpoints */
1559 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-corridor .fill,
1560 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-steps .fill,
1561 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-path .fill,
1562 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-footway .fill,
1563 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-cycleway .fill,
1564 .ideditor g.midpoint.tag-highway-bridleway .fill {
1573 .ideditor path.area.stroke.tag-aeroway,
1574 .ideditor .low-zoom path.area.stroke.tag-aeroway {
1576 stroke-dasharray: none;
1579 .ideditor path.area.fill.tag-aeroway-runway {
1580 stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
1581 fill: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
1585 /* narrow aeroways (taxiway) */
1586 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1587 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-taxiway {
1590 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1591 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-taxiway {
1594 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1595 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-taxiway {
1598 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1599 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-taxiway {
1602 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1603 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-taxiway {
1606 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1607 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-taxiway {
1611 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1612 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-taxiway {
1615 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-aeroway-taxiway,
1616 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-taxiway {
1620 /* wide aeroways (runway) */
1621 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-aeroway-runway,
1622 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-runway {
1626 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-aeroway-runway {
1629 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-aeroway-runway {
1632 stroke-linecap: square;
1634 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-runway {
1637 stroke-linecap: butt;
1638 stroke-dasharray: 24, 48;
1640 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-aeroway-runway {
1643 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-aeroway-runway {
1646 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-runway {
1648 stroke-dasharray: 12, 24;
1650 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-aeroway-runway {
1651 stroke-dasharray: 0, 14, 8, 14;
1656 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-railway.other-line {
1660 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-railway {
1666 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-railway {
1669 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway {
1672 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway {
1674 stroke-linecap: butt;
1675 stroke-dasharray: 12,12;
1677 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-railway {
1680 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-railway {
1683 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-railway {
1685 stroke-dasharray: 6,6;
1687 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-railway:not(.tag-status),
1688 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-railway.tag-status-disused {
1689 stroke-dasharray: 6;
1692 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway.tag-railway-platform {
1695 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway.tag-railway-platform {
1696 stroke-dasharray: none;
1700 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway {
1703 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway {
1708 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-railway.tag-status {
1711 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway.tag-status {
1714 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway.tag-status:not(.tag-service) {
1717 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-railway.tag-status-disused {
1720 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway.tag-status-disused {
1725 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway-subway {
1728 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-railway-subway {
1734 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-waterway.other-line {
1738 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-type-waterway:not(.tag-waterway-dam),
1739 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-waterway:not(.tag-waterway-dam) {
1746 .ideditor path.area.stroke.tag-waterway-dock,
1747 .ideditor path.area.stroke.tag-waterway-boatyard,
1748 .ideditor path.area.stroke.tag-waterway-fuel {
1752 .ideditor path.area.casing.tag-waterway-dock,
1753 .ideditor path.area.casing.tag-waterway-boatyard,
1754 .ideditor path.area.casing.tag-waterway-fuel {
1757 .ideditor path.area.fill.tag-waterway-dock,
1758 .ideditor path.area.fill.tag-waterway-boatyard,
1759 .ideditor path.area.fill.tag-waterway-fuel {
1760 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
1761 fill: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
1765 .ideditor path.line.fill.tag-waterway:not(.tag-waterway-dam) {
1766 stroke: rgba(119, 211, 222, 0.3);
1767 fill: rgba(119, 211, 222, 0.3);
1769 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-waterway:not(.tag-waterway-dam) {
1772 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-waterway:not(.tag-waterway-dam) {
1777 /* narrow waterways (default) */
1778 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-waterway {
1781 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-waterway {
1784 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-waterway {
1788 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-waterway {
1791 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-waterway {
1794 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-waterway {
1799 /* wide waterways (river) */
1800 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-waterway-river {
1803 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-waterway-river {
1806 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-waterway-river {
1810 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-waterway-river {
1813 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-waterway-river {
1816 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-waterway-river {
1822 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-waterway-ditch {
1825 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-waterway-ditch {
1829 /* narrow width miscellaneous things */
1830 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-aerialway,
1831 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1832 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1833 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-golf-cartpath,
1834 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1835 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-natural-tree_row,
1836 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-piste {
1839 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-aerialway,
1840 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1841 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1842 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-golf-cartpath,
1843 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1844 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-natural-tree_row,
1845 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-piste {
1848 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-aerialway,
1849 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1850 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1851 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-golf-cartpath,
1852 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1853 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-natural-tree_row,
1854 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-piste {
1858 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-aerialway,
1859 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1860 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1861 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-golf-cartpath,
1862 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1863 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-natural-tree_row,
1864 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-piste {
1867 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-aerialway,
1868 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1869 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1870 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-golf-cartpath,
1871 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1872 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-natural-tree_row,
1873 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-piste {
1876 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-aerialway,
1877 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan,
1878 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-water_slide,
1879 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-golf-cartpath,
1880 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1881 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-natural-tree_row,
1882 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-piste {
1888 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-route-ferry {
1892 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-route-ferry {
1895 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-route-ferry {
1897 stroke-linecap: butt;
1898 stroke-dasharray: 12,8;
1900 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-route-ferry {
1903 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-route-ferry,
1904 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-route-ferry {
1906 stroke-dasharray: 6,4;
1908 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-route-ferry {
1911 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-route-ferry {
1917 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-aerialway {
1920 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-aerialway {
1926 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-piste {
1929 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-piste {
1935 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan {
1938 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-attraction-summer_toboggan {
1942 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-attraction-water_slide {
1945 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-attraction-water_slide {
1950 /* golf cartpaths (like service roads) */
1951 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-golf-cartpath {
1955 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-golf-cartpath {
1958 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-golf-cartpath {
1963 /* power and pipeline */
1964 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-man_made-pipeline,
1965 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-power {
1972 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-power {
1976 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-power {
1982 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pipeline {
1984 stroke-linecap: butt;
1985 stroke-dasharray: 80, 1.25;
1987 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-man_made-pipeline {
1990 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pipeline {
1991 stroke-dasharray: 40, 1;
1993 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-pipeline {
1994 stroke-dasharray: 19, 1;
1999 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-boundary {
2002 stroke-linecap: butt;
2003 stroke-dasharray: 20, 5, 5, 5;
2005 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-boundary {
2010 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-boundary-protected_area,
2011 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-boundary-national_park {
2016 /* barriers and similar */
2017 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-barrier:not(.tag-barrier-hedge):not(.tag-waterway) {
2020 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-barrier:not(.tag-barrier-hedge) {
2021 stroke: rgb(170, 170, 170);
2023 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-natural,
2024 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-barrier:not(.tag-waterway),
2025 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-man_made-groyne,
2026 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-man_made-breakwater {
2029 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-barrier:not(.tag-waterway),
2030 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-groyne,
2031 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-breakwater {
2033 stroke-linecap: round;
2034 stroke-dasharray: 15, 5, 1, 5;
2036 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-barrier:not(.tag-waterway),
2037 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-groyne,
2038 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-breakwater {
2040 stroke-linecap: butt;
2041 stroke-dasharray: 8, 2, 2, 2;
2043 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-barrier,
2044 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-groyne,
2045 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-man_made-breakwater {
2046 stroke-dasharray: 1, 4, 6, 4;
2048 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-wall,
2049 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-retaining_wall,
2050 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-city_wall {
2051 stroke-linecap: butt;
2052 stroke-dasharray: 16, 3, 9, 3;
2054 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-wall,
2055 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-retaining_wall,
2056 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-city_wall,
2057 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-wall,
2058 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-retaining_wall,
2059 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-barrier.tag-barrier-city_wall {
2060 stroke-dasharray: 8, 1, 4, 1;
2065 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-bridge {
2066 stroke-opacity: 0.6;
2067 stroke: #000 !important;
2068 stroke-linecap: butt;
2069 stroke-dasharray: none;
2071 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-bridge {
2074 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-bridge {
2077 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-bridge {
2080 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-bridge {
2084 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-railway.tag-bridge,
2085 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-living_street.tag-bridge,
2086 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-path.tag-bridge,
2087 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-corridor.tag-bridge,
2088 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-pedestrian.tag-bridge,
2089 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-service.tag-bridge,
2090 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-track.tag-bridge,
2091 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-steps.tag-bridge,
2092 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-footway.tag-bridge,
2093 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-bridge,
2094 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bridleway.tag-bridge {
2097 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-railway.tag-bridge,
2098 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-living_street.tag-bridge,
2099 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-path.tag-bridge,
2100 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-corridor.tag-bridge,
2101 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-pedestrian.tag-bridge,
2102 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-service.tag-bridge,
2103 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-track.tag-bridge,
2104 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps.tag-bridge,
2105 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway.tag-bridge,
2106 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-bridge,
2107 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway-bridleway.tag-bridge {
2111 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-railway.tag-bridge,
2112 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-living_street.tag-bridge,
2113 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-path.tag-bridge,
2114 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-corridor.tag-bridge,
2115 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-pedestrian.tag-bridge,
2116 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-service.tag-bridge,
2117 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-track.tag-bridge,
2118 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-steps.tag-bridge,
2119 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-footway.tag-bridge,
2120 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-bridge,
2121 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway-bridleway.tag-bridge {
2124 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-railway.tag-bridge,
2125 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-living_street.tag-bridge,
2126 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-path.tag-bridge,
2127 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-corridor.tag-bridge,
2128 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-pedestrian.tag-bridge,
2129 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-service.tag-bridge,
2130 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-track.tag-bridge,
2131 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-steps.tag-bridge,
2132 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-footway.tag-bridge,
2133 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-cycleway.tag-bridge,
2134 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway-bridleway.tag-bridge {
2140 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-tunnel,
2141 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-location-underground,
2142 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-location-underwater {
2143 stroke-opacity: 0.3;
2145 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-tunnel,
2146 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-location-underground,
2147 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-location-underwater {
2148 stroke-opacity: 0.5;
2149 stroke-linecap: butt;
2150 stroke-dasharray: none;
2154 /* embankments / cuttings */
2155 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-embankment,
2156 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-cutting {
2159 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-embankment,
2160 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-cutting {
2161 stroke-opacity: 0.5;
2164 stroke-dasharray: 2, 4;
2165 stroke-linecap: butt;
2168 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-embankment,
2169 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-cutting {
2172 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-embankment,
2173 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-cutting {
2178 /* Surface - unpaved */
2179 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-unpaved {
2181 stroke-linecap: butt;
2182 stroke-dasharray: 4, 4;
2184 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-unpaved {
2185 stroke-dasharray: 3, 3;
2187 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-bridge.tag-unpaved {
2190 /* Surface - semipaved */
2191 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-semipaved {
2192 stroke-linecap: butt;
2193 stroke-dasharray: 6, 2;
2195 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-semipaved {
2196 stroke-dasharray: 5, 2;
2198 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-bridge.tag-semipaved {
2203 /* Status (e.g. proposed, abandoned) */
2204 .ideditor path.area.stroke.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2205 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2206 .ideditor path.area.casing.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2207 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused) {
2208 stroke-linecap: butt;
2209 stroke-dasharray: 7, 3;
2211 .ideditor .low-zoom path.area.stroke.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2212 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2213 .ideditor .low-zoom path.area.casing.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused),
2214 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-status:not(.tag-status-disused) {
2215 stroke-dasharray: 5, 2;
2218 /* Road Closed Status */
2219 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon.tag-highway.tag-status-construction {
2223 .ideditor path.line.shadow.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2226 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2228 stroke-linecap: butt;
2229 stroke-dasharray: none
2231 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2233 stroke-linecap: butt;
2234 stroke-dasharray: 10, 10;
2236 .ideditor path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction,
2237 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2240 .ideditor path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction,
2241 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2244 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.shadow.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2247 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.casing.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2250 .ideditor .low-zoom path.line.stroke.tag-highway.tag-status.tag-status-construction {
2252 stroke-dasharray: 8, 8;
2257 .ideditor path.stroke.tag-building {
2258 stroke: rgb(224, 110, 95);
2260 .ideditor path.fill.tag-building {
2261 stroke: rgba(224, 110, 95, 0.3);
2262 fill: rgba(224, 110, 95, 0.3);
2268 cursor: not-allowed !important;
2271 .ideditor .map-in-map,
2272 .ideditor .main-map {
2273 cursor: auto; /* Opera */
2274 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-grab.png") %>) 9 9, auto; /* FF */
2277 .ideditor.mode-browse .point,
2278 .ideditor.mode-select .point,
2279 .ideditor.mode-select-data .point,
2280 .ideditor.mode-select-error .point,
2281 .ideditor.mode-select-note .point {
2282 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2283 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-point.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2286 .ideditor.mode-browse .vertex,
2287 .ideditor.mode-select .vertex,
2288 .ideditor.mode-select-data .vertex,
2289 .ideditor.mode-select-error .vertex,
2290 .ideditor.mode-select-note .vertex {
2291 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2292 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-vertex.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2295 .ideditor.mode-browse .line,
2296 .ideditor.mode-select .line,
2297 .ideditor.mode-select-data .line,
2298 .ideditor.mode-select-error .line,
2299 .ideditor.mode-select-note .line {
2300 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2301 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-line.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2304 .ideditor.mode-browse .area,
2305 .ideditor.mode-select .area,
2306 .ideditor.mode-select-data .area,
2307 .ideditor.mode-select-error .area,
2308 .ideditor.mode-select-note .area {
2309 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2310 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-area.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2313 .ideditor.mode-browse .midpoint,
2314 .ideditor.mode-select .midpoint,
2315 .ideditor.mode-select-data .midpoint,
2316 .ideditor.mode-select-error .midpoint,
2317 .ideditor.mode-select-note .midpoint {
2318 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2319 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-split.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2322 .ideditor.mode-select .behavior-multiselect .point,
2323 .ideditor.mode-select .behavior-multiselect .vertex,
2324 .ideditor.mode-select .behavior-multiselect .line,
2325 .ideditor.mode-select .behavior-multiselect .area {
2326 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2327 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-add.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2330 .ideditor.mode-select .behavior-multiselect .selected {
2331 cursor: pointer; /* Opera */
2332 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-remove.png") %>), pointer; /* FF */
2335 .ideditor.mode-add-preset .main-map,
2336 .ideditor.mode-draw-line .main-map,
2337 .ideditor.mode-draw-area .main-map,
2338 .ideditor.mode-add-line .main-map,
2339 .ideditor.mode-add-area .main-map,
2340 .ideditor.mode-drag-node .main-map,
2341 .ideditor.mode-drag-note .main-map {
2342 cursor: crosshair; /* Opera */
2343 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-draw.png") %>) 9 9, crosshair; /* FF */
2346 .ideditor.mode-draw-line .way.target,
2347 .ideditor.mode-draw-area .way.target,
2348 .ideditor.mode-add-line .way.target,
2349 .ideditor.mode-add-area .way.target,
2350 .ideditor.mode-drag-node .way.target {
2351 cursor: crosshair; /* Opera */
2352 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-draw-connect-line.png") %>) 9 9, crosshair; /* FF */
2355 .ideditor.mode-draw-line .vertex.target,
2356 .ideditor.mode-draw-area .vertex.target,
2357 .ideditor.mode-add-line .vertex.target,
2358 .ideditor.mode-add-area .vertex.target,
2359 .ideditor.mode-drag-node .vertex.target {
2360 cursor: crosshair; /* Opera */
2361 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-draw-connect-vertex.png") %>) 9 9, crosshair; /* FF */
2364 .ideditor.mode-add-point .main-map,
2365 .ideditor.mode-add-note .main-map,
2366 .ideditor.mode-browse.lasso .main-map,
2367 .ideditor.mode-browse.lasso .way,
2368 .ideditor.mode-browse.lasso .vertex,
2369 .ideditor.mode-browse.lasso .midpoint,
2370 .ideditor.mode-select.lasso .main-map,
2371 .ideditor.mode-select.lasso .way,
2372 .ideditor.mode-select.lasso .vertex,
2373 .ideditor.mode-select.lasso .midpoint {
2374 cursor: crosshair; /* Opera */
2375 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-draw.png") %>) 9 9, crosshair; /* FF */
2378 .ideditor.mode-browse .note,
2379 .ideditor.mode-select .note,
2380 .ideditor.mode-select-data .note,
2381 .ideditor.mode-select-error .note,
2382 .ideditor.mode-select-note .note {
2386 .ideditor.mode-browse .qaItem,
2387 .ideditor.mode-select .qaItem,
2388 .ideditor.mode-select-data .qaItem,
2389 .ideditor.mode-select-error .qaItem,
2390 .ideditor.mode-select-note .qaItem {
2394 /* turn restriction editor */
2395 .ideditor .turn rect,
2396 .ideditor .turn circle {
2399 /* photo viewer div */
2400 .ideditor .photoviewer {
2402 -ms-flex-negative: 0;
2404 margin-bottom: 10px;
2408 background-color: #fff;
2410 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .photoviewer {
2414 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .photoviewer {
2419 @media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
2420 .ideditor .photoviewer {
2426 .ideditor .photoviewer button.thumb-hide {
2435 .ideditor .photoviewer button.resize-handle-xy {
2441 cursor: nesw-resize;
2446 .ideditor .photoviewer button.resize-handle-x {
2458 .ideditor .photoviewer button.resize-handle-y {
2470 .ideditor .photo-wrapper,
2471 .ideditor .photo-wrapper img {
2475 -o-object-fit: cover;
2479 .ideditor .photo-wrapper .photo-attribution {
2491 .ideditor .photo-attribution a,
2492 .ideditor .photo-attribution a:visited,
2493 .ideditor .photo-attribution span {
2498 /* markers and sequences */
2499 .ideditor .viewfield-group {
2500 pointer-events: none;
2502 .ideditor.mode-browse .viewfield-group,
2503 .ideditor.mode-select .viewfield-group,
2504 .ideditor.mode-select-data .viewfield-group,
2505 .ideditor.mode-select-error .viewfield-group,
2506 .ideditor.mode-select-note .viewfield-group {
2507 pointer-events: visible;
2511 .ideditor .viewfield-group.currentView * {
2512 fill: #ffee00 !important;
2514 .ideditor .viewfield-group.hovered * {
2515 fill: #eebb00 !important;
2518 .ideditor .viewfield-group circle {
2521 stroke-opacity: 0.4;
2524 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted circle {
2526 stroke-opacity: 0.9;
2529 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted.hovered circle {
2532 stroke-opacity: 0.9;
2535 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted.currentView circle {
2542 .ideditor .viewfield-group .viewfield {
2547 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted .viewfield {
2551 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted.hovered .viewfield {
2555 .ideditor .viewfield-group.highlighted.currentView .viewfield {
2560 .ideditor .viewfield-group.currentView .viewfield-scale {
2561 -webkit-transform: scale(2,2);
2562 -ms-transform: scale(2,2);
2563 transform: scale(2,2);
2566 .ideditor .sequence {
2569 stroke-opacity: 0.4;
2571 .ideditor .sequence.highlighted,
2572 .ideditor .sequence.currentView {
2578 /* Streetside Image Layer */
2579 .ideditor .layer-streetside-images {
2580 pointer-events: none;
2582 .ideditor .layer-streetside-images .viewfield-group * {
2585 .ideditor .layer-streetside-images .sequence {
2587 stroke-opacity: 0.85; /* bump opacity - only one per road */
2591 /* Mapillary Image Layer */
2592 .ideditor .layer-mapillary {
2593 pointer-events: none;
2595 .ideditor .layer-mapillary .viewfield-group * {
2598 .ideditor .layer-mapillary .sequence {
2603 /* Mapillary Traffic Signs and Map Features Layers */
2604 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections {
2605 pointer-events: none;
2607 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected {
2608 outline: 2px solid transparent;
2609 pointer-events: visible;
2613 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected rect {
2616 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected:active {
2619 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected:active rect {
2620 outline: 3px solid rgba(255, 238, 0, 0.6);
2622 @media (hover: hover) {
2623 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected:hover {
2626 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected:hover rect {
2627 outline: 3px solid rgba(255, 238, 0, 0.6);
2630 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected.currentView {
2633 .ideditor .layer-mapillary-detections .icon-detected.currentView rect {
2634 outline: 3px solid rgba(255, 238, 0, 1);
2638 /* OpenStreetCam Image Layer */
2639 .ideditor .layer-openstreetcam {
2640 pointer-events: none;
2642 .ideditor .layer-openstreetcam .viewfield-group * {
2645 .ideditor .layer-openstreetcam .sequence {
2650 /* Streetside Viewer (pannellum) */
2651 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution .image-link {
2654 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution .attribution-row {
2655 display: -webkit-box;
2656 display: -ms-flexbox;
2658 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
2659 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
2660 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
2661 flex-flow: row nowrap;
2662 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
2663 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
2664 justify-content: space-between;
2665 -webkit-box-align: center;
2666 -ms-flex-align: center;
2667 align-items: center;
2670 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution .image-view-link {
2674 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution .image-report-link {
2678 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution a:active {
2681 @media (hover: hover) {
2682 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .photo-attribution a:hover {
2687 .ideditor .ms-wrapper .pnlm-compass.pnlm-control {
2692 background-size: contain;
2693 background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;
2696 .ideditor label.streetside-hires {
2699 .ideditor .streetside-hires span {
2702 .ideditor .streetside-hires input[type="checkbox"] {
2710 /* Mapillary viewer */
2711 .ideditor #ideditor-mly .domRenderer .TagSymbol {
2713 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
2719 .ideditor .mly-wrapper .AttributionContainer .AttributionIconContainer .AttributionMapillaryLogo {
2723 .ideditor .mly-wrapper .AttributionContainer .AttributionImageContainer {
2731 /* OpenStreetCam viewer */
2732 .ideditor .osc-wrapper {
2734 background-color: #000;
2735 background-image: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/loader-black.gif") %>);
2736 background-position: center;
2737 background-repeat: no-repeat;
2740 .ideditor .osc-wrapper .photo-attribution a:active {
2743 @media (hover: hover) {
2744 .ideditor .osc-wrapper .photo-attribution a:hover {
2749 .ideditor .osc-image-wrap {
2752 -webkit-transform-origin:0 0;
2753 -ms-transform-origin:0 0;
2754 transform-origin:0 0;
2758 /* photo-controls (step forward, back, rotate) */
2759 .ideditor .photo-controls-wrap {
2765 pointer-events: none;
2768 .ideditor .photo-controls {
2769 display: inline-block;
2771 pointer-events: initial;
2774 .ideditor .photo-controls button,
2775 .ideditor .photo-controls button:focus {
2778 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.65);
2782 .ideditor .photo-controls button:first-of-type {
2783 border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
2785 .ideditor .photo-controls button:last-of-type {
2786 border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
2788 .ideditor .photo-controls button:active {
2789 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
2792 @media (hover: hover) {
2793 .ideditor .photo-controls button:hover {
2794 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
2799 /* OSM Notes and QA Layers */
2801 .ideditor .qa-header-icon .qaItem-fill,
2802 .ideditor .layer-keepRight .qaItem .qaItem-fill,
2803 .ideditor .layer-improveOSM .qaItem .qaItem-fill,
2804 .ideditor .layer-osmose .qaItem .qaItem-fill {
2806 stroke-width: 1.3px; /* NOTE: likely a better way to scale the icon stroke */
2809 .ideditor .note-header-icon .note-fill,
2810 .ideditor .layer-notes .note .note-fill {
2815 .ideditor .note-header-icon.new .note-fill,
2816 .ideditor .layer-notes .note.new .note-fill {
2821 .ideditor .note-header-icon.closed .note-fill,
2822 .ideditor .layer-notes .note.closed .note-fill {
2828 /* slight adjustments to preset icon for note icons */
2829 .ideditor .note-header-icon .preset-icon-28 {
2832 .ideditor .note-header-icon .note-icon-annotation {
2838 .ideditor .note-header-icon .note-icon-annotation .icon {
2843 /* adjustment to center QA icons */
2844 .ideditor .qa-header-icon .preset-icon-28 {
2848 .ideditor .qa-header-icon {
2849 display: -webkit-box;
2850 display: -ms-flexbox;
2852 -webkit-box-align: center;
2853 -ms-flex-align: center;
2854 align-items: center;
2855 -webkit-box-pack: center;
2856 -ms-flex-pack: center;
2857 justify-content: center;
2860 /* Keep Right Issues
2861 ------------------------------------------------------- */
2862 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-20,
2863 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-40,
2864 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-210,
2865 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-270,
2866 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-310,
2867 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-320,
2868 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-350 { /* improper bridge tag */
2872 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-50 { /* almost junctions */
2876 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-60,
2877 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-70,
2878 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-90,
2879 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-100,
2880 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-110,
2881 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-150,
2882 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-220,
2883 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-380 { /* non-physical sport tag */
2887 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-130 { /* disconnected ways */
2891 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-170 { /* FIXME tag */
2895 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-190 { /* intersection without junction */
2899 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-200 { /* overlapping ways */
2903 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-160,
2904 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-230 { /* layer conflict */
2908 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-280 { /* boundary issues */
2912 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-180,
2913 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-290 { /* turn restriction issues */
2917 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-300,
2918 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-390 { /* missing tracktype */
2922 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-360,
2923 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-370,
2924 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-410 { /* website issues */
2928 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-120,
2929 .ideditor .keepRight.itemType-400 { /* geometry / turn angles */
2933 /* ImproveOSM Issues
2934 ------------------------------------------------------- */
2936 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-ow { /* missing one way */
2940 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-mr-road { /* missing road */
2943 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-mr-path { /* missing path */
2946 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-mr-parking { /* missing parking */
2949 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-mr-both { /* missing road+parking */
2953 .ideditor .improveOSM.itemType-tr { /* missing turn restriction */
2957 /* Custom Map Data (geojson, gpx, kml, vector tile) */
2958 .ideditor .layer-mapdata {
2959 pointer-events: none;
2962 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.shadow {
2963 pointer-events: stroke;
2969 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.MultiPoint.shadow,
2970 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.Point.shadow {
2971 pointer-events: fill;
2975 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.shadow.hover:not(.selected) {
2976 stroke-opacity: 0.4;
2978 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.shadow.selected {
2979 stroke-opacity: 0.7;
2982 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.stroke {
2988 .ideditor .layer-mapdata path.fill {
2990 stroke-opacity: 0.3;
2997 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label-halo,
2998 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label {
3001 dominant-baseline: middle;
3003 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label {
3006 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label.hover,
3007 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label.selected {
3010 .ideditor .layer-mapdata text.label-halo {
3014 stroke-miterlimit: 1;
3018 .ideditor .low-zoom.fill-wireframe path.stroke,
3019 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.stroke {
3020 stroke-width: 1 !important;
3021 stroke-opacity: 0.5 !important;
3022 stroke-dasharray: none !important;
3023 fill: none !important;
3025 .ideditor .low-zoom.fill-wireframe .layer-mapdata path.stroke,
3026 .ideditor .fill-wireframe .layer-mapdata path.stroke {
3027 stroke-width: 2 !important;
3028 stroke-opacity: 1 !important;
3031 .ideditor .low-zoom.fill-wireframe path.shadow,
3032 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.shadow {
3036 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.shadow.related:not(.selected),
3037 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.shadow.hover:not(.selected) {
3038 stroke-opacity: 0.4;
3040 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.shadow.selected {
3041 stroke-opacity: 0.6;
3044 .ideditor .fill-wireframe .point,
3045 .ideditor .fill-wireframe .areaicon,
3046 .ideditor .fill-wireframe .areaicon-halo,
3047 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.casing,
3048 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.fill,
3049 .ideditor .fill-wireframe path.oneway {
3050 display: none !important;
3053 .ideditor .fill-partial path.area.fill {
3056 pointer-events: none;
3058 .ideditor .fill-partial path.area.fill.tag-building_part {
3061 .ideditor .fill-partial path.area.fill.tag-indoor {
3064 .ideditor.mode-browse .fill-partial path.area.fill,
3065 .ideditor.mode-select .fill-partial path.area.fill,
3066 .ideditor.mode-select-data .fill-partial path.area.fill,
3067 .ideditor.mode-select-error .fill-partial path.area.fill,
3068 .ideditor.mode-select-note .fill-partial path.area.fill {
3069 pointer-events: visibleStroke;
3072 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3073 /* the root element of iD */
3082 /* Establish a local stacking context so all elements within iD are on the
3083 same layer relative to elements outside iD - #7457.
3084 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Positioning/Understanding_z_index/The_stacking_context
3089 font: normal 12px/1.6667 ui-sans-serif, "-apple-system", BlinkMacSystemFont,
3090 "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell",
3091 "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Arial",
3095 -ms-touch-action: none;
3098 -ms-user-select: none;
3099 -ms-content-zooming: none;
3102 /* disable pinch-to-zoom of the UI on touch devices */
3103 -ms-touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
3104 touch-action: pan-x pan-y;
3107 .ideditor .main-content {
3109 display: -webkit-box;
3110 display: -ms-flexbox;
3112 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
3113 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
3114 -ms-flex-direction: column;
3115 flex-direction: column;
3118 -ms-touch-action: none;
3122 .ideditor .main-content.active {
3123 -webkit-filter: none !important;
3124 filter: none !important;
3125 -webkit-transition-duration: 200ms;
3126 -o-transition-duration: 200ms;
3127 transition-duration: 200ms;
3130 .ideditor .main-content.inactive {
3131 -webkit-filter: grayscale(80%) brightness(80%);
3132 filter: grayscale(80%) brightness(80%);
3133 -webkit-transition-duration: 200ms;
3134 -o-transition-duration: 200ms;
3135 transition-duration: 200ms;
3138 .ideditor #ideditor-defs {
3139 /* Can't be display: none or the clippaths are ignored. */
3145 .ideditor div, .ideditor textarea, .ideditor label, .ideditor input, .ideditor form, .ideditor span, .ideditor ul, .ideditor li, .ideditor ol, .ideditor a, .ideditor button, .ideditor h1, .ideditor h2, .ideditor h3, .ideditor h4, .ideditor h5, .ideditor p, .ideditor img {
3146 -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
3147 box-sizing: border-box;
3150 .ideditor a, .ideditor button, .ideditor input, .ideditor textarea {
3151 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
3152 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
3168 margin-bottom: 20px;
3171 .ideditor h3:last-child,
3172 .ideditor h2:last-child,
3173 .ideditor h4:last-child { margin-bottom: 0;}
3179 margin-bottom: 10px;
3181 .ideditor h4, .ideditor h5 {
3184 padding-bottom: 10px;
3187 .ideditor button:focus,
3188 .ideditor textarea:focus,
3189 .ideditor input[type=text]:focus,
3190 .ideditor input[type=search]:focus,
3191 .ideditor input[type=number]:focus,
3192 .ideditor input[type=url]:focus,
3193 .ideditor input[type=tel]:focus,
3194 .ideditor input[type=email]:focus,
3195 .ideditor input[type=date]:focus {
3196 outline-color: transparent;
3197 outline-style: none;
3200 .ideditor ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
3202 opacity: 1; /* Firefox */
3205 .ideditor ::-moz-placeholder {
3207 opacity: 1; /* Firefox */
3210 .ideditor :-ms-input-placeholder {
3212 opacity: 1; /* Firefox */
3215 .ideditor ::-ms-input-placeholder {
3217 opacity: 1; /* Firefox */
3220 .ideditor ::placeholder {
3222 opacity: 1; /* Firefox */
3230 .ideditor p:last-child {
3240 .ideditor a:visited,
3241 .ideditor a:active {
3247 @media (hover: hover) {
3253 display: inline-block;
3259 vertical-align: baseline;
3260 background-color: #fcfcfc;
3261 border: solid 1px #ccc;
3263 border-bottom-color: #bbb;
3265 -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #bbb;
3266 box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #bbb;
3270 font-family: ui-monospace, monospace, monospace;
3271 background: rgba(174, 174, 174, 0.25);
3276 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3278 .ideditor input[type=text],
3279 .ideditor input[type=search],
3280 .ideditor input[type=number],
3281 .ideditor input[type=url],
3282 .ideditor input[type=tel],
3283 .ideditor input[type=email],
3284 .ideditor input[type=date] {
3285 background-color: #fff;
3287 border: 1px solid #ccc;
3288 padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px;
3290 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
3291 text-overflow: ellipsis;
3294 .ideditor input[type=text],
3295 .ideditor input[type=search],
3296 .ideditor input[type=number],
3297 .ideditor input[type=url],
3298 .ideditor input[type=tel],
3299 .ideditor input[type=email],
3300 .ideditor input[type=date] {
3301 /* need this since line-height interpretation may vary by font or browser */
3304 .ideditor textarea {
3307 padding-bottom: 5px;
3309 font:normal 12px/20px "-apple-system", BlinkMacSystemFont,
3310 "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell",
3311 "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Arial",
3315 .ideditor textarea:active,
3316 .ideditor input:active,
3317 .ideditor textarea:focus,
3318 .ideditor input:focus {
3319 background-color: #f1f1f1;
3322 .ideditor textarea.disabled,
3323 .ideditor input.disabled {
3325 background-color: #eee;
3326 cursor: not-allowed;
3329 .ideditor input[type="checkbox"],
3330 .ideditor input[type="radio"] {
3335 vertical-align: middle;
3337 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] input[type="checkbox"],
3338 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] input[type="radio"] {
3343 .ideditor input.mixed::-webkit-input-placeholder, .ideditor textarea.mixed::-webkit-input-placeholder {
3347 .ideditor input.mixed::-moz-placeholder, .ideditor textarea.mixed::-moz-placeholder {
3351 .ideditor input.mixed:-ms-input-placeholder, .ideditor textarea.mixed:-ms-input-placeholder {
3355 .ideditor input.mixed::-ms-input-placeholder, .ideditor textarea.mixed::-ms-input-placeholder {
3359 .ideditor input.mixed::placeholder,
3360 .ideditor textarea.mixed::placeholder {
3364 /* keytraps need to be invisible yet not be display:none or visibility:hidden */
3365 .ideditor .keytrap {
3375 background-color: #fff;
3376 border-collapse: collapse;
3380 .ideditor table th {
3383 .ideditor table.tags, .ideditor table.tags td, .ideditor table.tags th {
3384 border: 1px solid #ccc;
3388 .ideditor ::-ms-clear {
3393 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3394 .ideditor .col6 { float: left; width: 50.0000%; max-width: 600px; }
3395 .ideditor .col12 { float: left; width: 100.0000%; }
3399 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3405 background: #f6f6f6;
3409 background: #ececec;
3413 background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
3417 background: rgba(0,0,0,.75);
3421 .ideditor .fl { float: left;}
3422 .ideditor .fr { float: right;}
3423 .ideditor .al { left: 0; }
3424 .ideditor .ar { right: 0; }
3426 .ideditor input.hide,
3427 .ideditor textarea.hide,
3429 .ideditor form.hide,
3430 .ideditor button.hide,
3437 .ideditor .deemphasize {
3440 .ideditor .content {
3441 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 30px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
3442 box-shadow: 0 0 30px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
3444 .ideditor .loading {
3445 background: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/loader_bg.gif") %>);
3446 background-size: 5px 5px;
3451 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3458 display: inline-block;
3462 .ideditor button:focus,
3463 .ideditor button:active,
3464 .ideditor button.hover {
3465 background-color: #ececec;
3467 @media (hover: hover) {
3468 .ideditor button:hover {
3469 background-color: #ececec;
3472 .ideditor button.active {
3473 background: #7092ff;
3475 .ideditor button.disabled {
3476 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.25);
3477 color: rgba(0,0,0,.4);
3478 cursor: not-allowed;
3481 .ideditor .joined > * {
3483 border-right: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.5);
3485 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .joined > * {
3486 border-left: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.5);
3490 .ideditor .fillL .joined > * {
3491 border-right: 1px solid #fff;
3493 .ideditor .joined > *:first-child {
3494 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
3496 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .joined > *:first-child {
3497 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
3499 .ideditor .joined > *:last-child {
3500 border-right-width: 0;
3501 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
3503 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .joined > *.bar-button:last-child {
3504 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
3508 /* Action buttons */
3509 .ideditor button.action {
3510 background: #7092ff;
3514 .ideditor button.action:focus,
3515 .ideditor button.action:active {
3516 background: #597be7;
3518 .ideditor button.secondary-action {
3519 background: #ececec;
3522 .ideditor button.secondary-action:focus,
3523 .ideditor button.secondary-action:active {
3524 background: #cccccc;
3527 .ideditor button.action.disabled,
3528 .ideditor button[disabled].action {
3529 background: #cccccc;
3531 cursor: not-allowed;
3534 .ideditor button.action,
3535 .ideditor button.secondary-action {
3539 @media (hover: hover) {
3540 .ideditor button.action:hover {
3541 background: #597be7;
3543 .ideditor button.secondary-action:hover {
3544 background: #cccccc;
3546 .ideditor button.action.disabled:hover,
3547 .ideditor button[disabled].action:hover {
3548 background: #cccccc;
3550 cursor: not-allowed;
3556 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3558 vertical-align: middle;
3563 .ideditor .icon.operation use {
3567 .ideditor button.disabled .icon.operation use,
3568 .ideditor .icon.operation.disabled use {
3569 fill: rgba(32,32,32,.2);
3570 color: rgba(40,40,40,.2);
3573 .ideditor .icon.monochrome use {
3577 .ideditor .icon.inline {
3578 vertical-align: text-top;
3579 display: inline-block;
3585 .ideditor .icon.pre-text {
3588 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .icon.pre-text {
3593 .ideditor .icon.pre-text.user-icon {
3598 .ideditor .icon.light {
3602 .ideditor .icon.created {
3605 .ideditor .icon.modified {
3608 .ideditor .icon.deleted {
3612 .ideditor .user-icon {
3620 .ideditor .icon-annotation {
3625 /* Toolbar / Persistent UI Elements
3626 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3627 .ideditor .top-toolbar-wrap {
3631 .ideditor .top-toolbar {
3632 display: -webkit-box;
3633 display: -ms-flexbox;
3635 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
3636 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
3637 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
3638 flex-flow: row nowrap;
3639 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
3640 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
3641 justify-content: space-between;
3642 padding: 10px 0 0 0;
3648 /* hide scrollbar but allow scrolling */
3649 scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox */
3650 -ms-overflow-style: none; /* IE, Edge */
3652 .ideditor .top-toolbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
3653 display: none; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
3655 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item {
3656 display: -webkit-box;
3657 display: -ms-flexbox;
3659 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3662 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
3663 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
3664 -ms-flex-flow: column wrap;
3665 flex-flow: column wrap;
3666 -webkit-box-pack: center;
3667 -ms-flex-pack: center;
3668 justify-content: center;
3670 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item .item-content {
3671 display: -webkit-box;
3672 display: -ms-flexbox;
3674 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3677 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
3678 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
3679 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
3680 flex-flow: row nowrap;
3681 -webkit-box-pack: center;
3682 -ms-flex-pack: center;
3683 justify-content: center;
3688 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:last-child .item-content,
3689 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:first-child .item-content {
3692 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:first-child .item-content,
3693 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:last-child .item-content {
3696 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:last-child .item-label,
3697 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:first-child .item-label {
3700 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:first-child .item-label,
3701 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:last-child .item-label {
3704 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item .item-label {
3707 white-space: nowrap;
3708 margin: 1px 2px 2px 2px;
3710 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item.spacer {
3712 -webkit-box-flex: 2;
3713 -ms-flex-positive: 2;
3716 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:first-child {
3717 -webkit-box-pack: start;
3718 -ms-flex-pack: start;
3719 justify-content: flex-start;
3721 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:last-child {
3722 -webkit-box-pack: end;
3724 justify-content: flex-end;
3726 .ideditor .top-toolbar .toolbar-item:empty:not(.spacer) {
3729 .ideditor button.bar-button {
3730 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3733 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
3734 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
3735 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
3736 flex-flow: row nowrap;
3737 -webkit-box-align: center;
3738 -ms-flex-align: center;
3739 align-items: center;
3742 white-space: nowrap;
3743 display: -webkit-box;
3744 display: -ms-flexbox;
3748 .ideditor button.bar-button .icon {
3749 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3753 .ideditor button.bar-button .label {
3754 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3760 .ideditor button.bar-button.dragging {
3764 .ideditor button.bar-button.dragging .tooltip {
3767 .ideditor button.bar-button.dragging.removing {
3768 cursor: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/cursor-select-remove.png") %>), pointer;
3771 .ideditor button.save .count {
3772 display: inline-block;
3777 .ideditor .help-pane svg.icon.inline.add-note,
3778 .ideditor button.add-note svg.icon {
3781 color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);
3786 .ideditor button.add-note svg.icon {
3790 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] button.add-note svg.icon {
3792 margin-right: unset;
3794 .ideditor .help-pane svg.icon.inline.add-note {
3799 .ideditor .spinner {
3807 .ideditor .spinner img {
3810 background: transparent;
3811 border-radius: 100%;
3813 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .spinner img {
3814 -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
3815 -ms-transform: scaleX(-1);
3816 transform: scaleX(-1);
3817 -webkit-filter: FlipH;
3819 -ms-filter: "FlipH";
3823 .ideditor .top-toolbar.narrow .spinner,
3824 .ideditor .top-toolbar.narrow button.bar-button .label {
3827 .ideditor .top-toolbar.narrow button .count {
3828 border-left-width: 0;
3829 border-right-width: 0;
3832 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .undo-redo button:first-of-type {
3835 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .undo-redo button:first-of-type {
3839 /* Header for modals / panes
3840 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3842 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
3845 display: -webkit-box;
3846 display: -ms-flexbox;
3848 -webkit-box-align: center;
3849 -ms-flex-align: center;
3850 align-items: center;
3851 -webkit-box-pack: center;
3852 -ms-flex-pack: center;
3853 justify-content: center;
3854 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
3859 .ideditor .header h3 {
3862 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
3863 text-overflow: ellipsis;
3868 .ideditor .header button,
3869 .ideditor .modal > button {
3876 .ideditor .header button {
3881 .ideditor .field-help-title button.close,
3882 .ideditor .sidebar .header button.close,
3883 .ideditor .preset-list-pane .header button.preset-choose {
3888 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .field-help-title button.close,
3889 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .sidebar .header button.close,
3890 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .preset-list-pane .header button.preset-choose {
3895 .ideditor .entity-editor-pane .header button.preset-choose {
3900 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .entity-editor-pane .header button.preset-choose {
3905 .ideditor .preset-choose {
3911 .ideditor .modal > button {
3918 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .modal > button {
3928 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
3929 background-color: #f6f6f6;
3933 -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
3935 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
3936 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
3937 justify-content: space-between;
3938 -webkit-box-align: center;
3939 -ms-flex-align: center;
3940 align-items: center;
3942 display: -webkit-box;
3943 display: -ms-flexbox;
3947 .ideditor .footer > a {
3948 -webkit-box-pack: center;
3949 -ms-flex-pack: center;
3950 justify-content: center;
3953 /* Hide/Toggle collapsible sections (aka Disclosure)
3954 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3955 .ideditor .hide-toggle .icon.pre-text {
3956 vertical-align: middle;
3962 .ideditor a:visited.hide-toggle,
3963 .ideditor a.hide-toggle {
3964 display: inline-block;
3971 /* Sidebar / Inspector
3972 ------------------------------------------------------- */
3973 .ideditor .sidebar {
3978 background: #f6f6f6;
3979 -ms-user-select: element;
3980 border: 0px solid #ccc;
3981 border-right-width: 1px;
3983 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .sidebar {
3985 border-right-width: 0px;
3986 border-left-width: 1px;
3989 .ideditor .sidebar-resizer {
3996 /* disable drag-to-select */
3997 -webkit-user-select: none;
3998 -moz-user-select: none;
3999 -ms-user-select: none;
4002 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .sidebar-resizer {
4007 .ideditor .sidebar.collapsed > *:not(.sidebar-resizer) {
4010 .ideditor .sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-resizer {
4011 /* make target wider to avoid the user accidentally resizing window */
4015 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .sidebar.collapsed .sidebar-resizer {
4019 .ideditor .sidebar-component {
4025 display: -webkit-box;
4026 display: -ms-flexbox;
4028 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
4029 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4030 -ms-flex-direction: column;
4031 flex-direction: column;
4034 .ideditor .sidebar-component .body {
4041 .ideditor .panewrap {
4053 display: -webkit-box;
4054 display: -ms-flexbox;
4056 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
4057 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4058 -ms-flex-direction: column;
4059 flex-direction: column;
4062 .ideditor .pane:first-child {
4066 .ideditor .pane:last-child {
4069 .ideditor .feature-list-pane {
4070 display: -webkit-box;
4071 display: -ms-flexbox;
4073 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
4074 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4075 -ms-flex-direction: column;
4076 flex-direction: column;
4080 .ideditor .inspector-wrap {
4087 .ideditor .inspector-hidden {
4091 .ideditor .inspector-body {
4096 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4100 .ideditor .entity-editor {
4103 /* preserve extra space at bottom of inspector to allow for dropdown options - #5280 */
4104 .ideditor .entity-editor > div:last-child {
4105 margin-bottom: 150px;
4108 .ideditor .sidebar .search-header {
4111 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4115 .ideditor .sidebar .search-header .icon {
4116 display: inline-block;
4120 pointer-events: none;
4122 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .sidebar .search-header .icon {
4127 .ideditor .sidebar .search-header input {
4133 border-bottom-width: 1px;
4139 .ideditor .section:not(:last-child),
4140 .ideditor .map-pane .section {
4141 margin-bottom: 30px;
4145 /* Feature List / Search Results
4146 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4147 .ideditor .feature-list {
4150 .ideditor .no-results-item,
4151 .ideditor .feature-list-item {
4154 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
4157 .ideditor .no-results-item {
4162 .ideditor .geocode-item {
4169 .ideditor .feature-list-item {
4170 display: -webkit-box;
4171 display: -ms-flexbox;
4174 .ideditor .feature-list-item .label {
4177 white-space: nowrap;
4178 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
4179 text-overflow: ellipsis;
4181 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4185 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .feature-list-item .label {
4189 .ideditor .feature-list-item .label .icon {
4192 .ideditor .feature-list-item .close {
4196 .ideditor .feature-list-item .close .icon {
4199 .ideditor .feature-list-item .entity-type {
4203 .ideditor .feature-list-item:active .entity-type,
4204 .ideditor .feature-list-item:focus .entity-type {
4207 @media (hover: hover) {
4208 .ideditor .feature-list-item:hover .entity-type {
4212 .ideditor .feature-list-item .entity-name {
4216 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .feature-list-item .entity-name {
4218 padding-right: 10px;
4220 .ideditor .section-selected-features .feature-list {
4221 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4226 .ideditor .section-selected-features .feature-list-item:last-child {
4229 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .section-selected-features .feature-list-item > button:not(:first-child) {
4230 border-top-left-radius: 0;
4231 border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
4233 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .section-selected-features .feature-list-item > button:not(:last-child) {
4234 border-top-right-radius: 0;
4235 border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
4237 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .section-selected-features .feature-list-item > button:not(:last-child) {
4238 border-top-right-radius: 0;
4239 border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
4241 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .section-selected-features .feature-list-item > button:not(:last-child) {
4242 border-top-left-radius: 0;
4243 border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
4246 /* Preset List and Icons
4247 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4248 .ideditor .preset-list {
4250 padding: 20px 20px 10px 20px;
4253 .ideditor .preset-list-item {
4254 margin-bottom: 10px;
4258 .ideditor .preset-list-button-wrap {
4260 display: -webkit-box;
4261 display: -ms-flexbox;
4263 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4267 .ideditor .preset-list-button {
4271 display: -webkit-box;
4272 display: -ms-flexbox;
4274 -webkit-box-align: center;
4275 -ms-flex-align: center;
4276 align-items: center;
4279 .ideditor .preset-list.filtered .preset-list-item:first-child .preset-list-button {
4280 background: #ececec;
4283 .ideditor .preset-icon-container {
4288 display: -webkit-box;
4289 display: -ms-flexbox;
4291 -webkit-box-align: center;
4292 -ms-flex-align: center;
4293 align-items: center;
4294 -webkit-box-pack: center;
4295 -ms-flex-pack: center;
4296 justify-content: center;
4297 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4301 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.small {
4304 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4308 .ideditor .preset-icon-container img.image-icon {
4311 -o-object-fit: contain;
4312 object-fit: contain;
4317 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.showing-img img.image-icon {
4318 visibility: visible;
4320 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.showing-img *:not(.image-icon) {
4324 .ideditor .preset-icon-point-border path {
4330 .ideditor .preset-icon-line {
4339 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path {
4342 .ideditor .preset-icon-container circle.vertex {
4344 stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
4346 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill circle.midpoint {
4348 stroke: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
4350 /* use a consistent stroke width */
4351 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.stroke {
4352 stroke-width: 2 !important;
4354 .ideditor .preset-icon-container path.line.casing {
4355 stroke-width: 4 !important;
4358 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill {
4366 .ideditor .preset-icon-container svg,
4367 .ideditor .preset-icon-container svg > * {
4368 cursor: inherit !important;
4370 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill path.area.stroke {
4374 .ideditor .preset-icon-fill-vertex circle {
4375 stroke-width: 1.5px;
4378 -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
4379 backface-visibility: hidden;
4382 .ideditor .preset-icon {
4388 .ideditor .preset-icon .icon {
4395 -webkit-transform: scale(0.48);
4396 -ms-transform: scale(0.48);
4397 transform: scale(0.48);
4399 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.small .preset-icon.point-geom .icon {
4400 -webkit-transform: translateY(-7%) scale(0.27);
4401 -ms-transform: translateY(-7%) scale(0.27);
4402 transform: translateY(-7%) scale(0.27);
4404 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.small .preset-icon.point-geom.preset-icon-iD .icon {
4405 -webkit-transform: translateY(-9%) scale(0.5);
4406 -ms-transform: translateY(-9%) scale(0.5);
4407 transform: translateY(-9%) scale(0.5);
4409 .ideditor .preset-icon.framed .icon {
4410 -webkit-transform: scale(0.4);
4411 -ms-transform: scale(0.4);
4412 transform: scale(0.4);
4414 .ideditor .preset-icon.framed.line-geom .icon,
4415 .ideditor .preset-icon.framed.route-geom .icon {
4417 -webkit-transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.4);
4418 -ms-transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.4);
4419 transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.4);
4421 .ideditor .preset-icon-iD .icon {
4422 -webkit-transform: scale(1);
4423 -ms-transform: scale(1);
4424 transform: scale(1);
4426 .ideditor .preset-icon-iD.framed .icon {
4427 -webkit-transform: scale(0.74);
4428 -ms-transform: scale(0.74);
4429 transform: scale(0.74);
4431 .ideditor .preset-icon-iD.framed.line-geom .icon,
4432 .ideditor .preset-icon-iD.framed.route-geom .icon {
4433 -webkit-transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.74);
4434 -ms-transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.74);
4435 transform: translateY(-30%) scale(0.74);
4437 .ideditor .preset-icon-container.fallback .preset-icon .icon {
4438 -webkit-transform: scale(0.5) !important;
4439 -ms-transform: scale(0.5) !important;
4440 transform: scale(0.5) !important;
4443 .ideditor .preset-list-button .label {
4444 display: -webkit-box;
4445 display: -ms-flexbox;
4447 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4448 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4449 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
4450 flex-flow: row wrap;
4451 -webkit-box-align: center;
4452 -ms-flex-align: center;
4453 align-items: center;
4454 background: #f6f6f6;
4457 border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
4458 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4461 -ms-flex-item-align: stretch;
4462 align-self: stretch;
4464 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .preset-list-button .label {
4467 border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .1);
4469 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .preset-list-item.mixed-types .preset-list-button .label {
4470 border-top-right-radius: 4px;
4471 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
4473 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .preset-list-item.mixed-types .preset-list-button .label {
4474 border-top-left-radius: 4px;
4475 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
4477 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .category .preset-list-button .label {
4478 border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px;
4480 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .category .preset-list-button .label {
4481 border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px;
4484 .ideditor .preset-list-item.mixed-types .label {
4488 .ideditor .preset-list-button .label-inner {
4490 line-height: 1.35em;
4492 .ideditor .preset-list-button .label-inner .namepart {
4493 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
4494 text-overflow: ellipsis;
4496 .ideditor .preset-list-button .label-inner .namepart:nth-child(1) {
4500 .ideditor .preset-list-button:focus .label,
4501 .ideditor .preset-list-button:active .label,
4502 .ideditor .preset-list-button.disabled,
4503 .ideditor .preset-list-button.disabled .label {
4504 background-color: #ececec;
4506 @media (hover: hover) {
4507 .ideditor .preset-list-button:hover .label {
4508 background-color: #ececec;
4512 .ideditor .preset-list-button-wrap button.tag-reference-button {
4514 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4518 .ideditor .preset-list-button-wrap button.tag-reference-button:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:focus) {
4519 background: #f6f6f6;
4521 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .preset-list-button-wrap button.tag-reference-button {
4522 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
4524 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .preset-list-button-wrap button.tag-reference-button {
4525 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
4527 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .preset-list-button-wrap:not(.category) button:last-child {
4528 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
4530 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .preset-list-button-wrap:not(.category) button:last-child {
4531 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
4533 .ideditor .preset-list-button-wrap button.tag-reference-button .icon {
4536 .ideditor .preset-list-button-wrap .accessory-buttons {
4537 display: -webkit-box;
4538 display: -ms-flexbox;
4543 .ideditor .current .preset-list-button,
4544 .ideditor .current .preset-list-button .label {
4545 background-color: #e8ebff;
4548 .ideditor .category .preset-list-button:after,
4549 .ideditor .category .preset-list-button:before {
4553 left: -1px; right: -1px;
4554 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4555 border-bottom: none;
4556 border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
4560 .ideditor .category .preset-list-button:before {
4564 .ideditor .subgrid .preset-list {
4571 .ideditor .subgrid .preset-list > *:last-child {
4575 .ideditor .subgrid .arrow {
4576 border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
4578 border-bottom-color: #ececec;
4582 margin-left: calc(50% - 10px);
4587 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4588 .ideditor .quick-links {
4589 display: -webkit-box;
4590 display: -ms-flexbox;
4592 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4593 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4594 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
4595 flex-flow: row wrap;
4596 -webkit-box-pack: end;
4598 justify-content: flex-end;
4601 .ideditor .quick-link {
4606 /* Entity/Preset Editor
4607 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4608 .ideditor .section .grouped-items-area {
4610 margin: 0 -10px 10px -10px;
4612 background: #ececec;
4614 .ideditor .section .grouped-items-area:empty {
4619 The parts of a field:
4620 - `.form-field` is a `div` wraps the entire thing
4621 - `.field-label` is a `label` that wraps the top part, it contains;
4622 - `span` classed `label-text`
4623 - 0..n buttons for "remove", "modified", "tag reference"
4624 - `.form-field-input-wrap` is a `label` or `div` that wraps the bottom part, it contains;
4625 - usually an `input`
4626 - sometimes some buttons (translate, increment, decrement)
4627 - or could just be a `div` with anything really
4628 - `.tag-reference-body` at the bottom (usually hidden)
4630 .------------------. -
4631 | Name | i | <- .field-label |
4632 +------------------+ |
4633 | Starbucks | + | <- .form-field-input-wrap > .form-field
4634 '------------------' |
4635 tag reference <- .tag-reference-body |
4639 .ideditor .form-field {
4640 display: -webkit-box;
4641 display: -ms-flexbox;
4643 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4644 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4645 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
4646 flex-flow: row wrap;
4647 margin-bottom: 10px;
4649 -webkit-transition: margin-bottom 200ms;
4650 -o-transition: margin-bottom 200ms;
4651 transition: margin-bottom 200ms;
4654 .ideditor .form-field.nowrap,
4655 .ideditor .wrap-form-field:last-child .form-field {
4659 /* A `label` element that wraps the top section */
4660 .ideditor .field-label {
4661 display: -webkit-box;
4662 display: -ms-flexbox;
4664 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4665 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4666 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
4667 flex-flow: row nowrap;
4668 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4674 background: #f6f6f6;
4675 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4676 border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
4679 .ideditor .field-label .label-text {
4681 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
4682 text-overflow: ellipsis;
4683 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4686 padding: 5px 0 4px 10px;
4688 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .field-label .label-text {
4689 padding: 5px 10px 4px 0;
4691 .ideditor .field-label .label-text span {
4692 white-space: nowrap;
4695 .ideditor .label-text .label-textannotation svg.icon {
4701 vertical-align: text-top;
4704 .ideditor .field-label button {
4705 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4708 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
4712 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .field-label button {
4714 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
4716 .ideditor .field-label button:not(:hover):not(:active):not(:focus) {
4719 .ideditor .field-label .icon {
4724 .ideditor .field-label .modified-icon,
4725 .ideditor .field-label .remove-icon,
4726 .ideditor .field-label .remove-icon-multilingual {
4729 .ideditor .modified:not(.locked) .field-label .modified-icon,
4730 .ideditor .present:not(.locked) .field-label .remove-icon,
4731 .ideditor .present:not(.locked) .field-label .remove-icon-multilingual {
4732 display: inline-block;
4735 /* A `div` element that wraps the bottom section */
4736 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap {
4737 display: -webkit-box;
4738 display: -ms-flexbox;
4740 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4741 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4742 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
4743 flex-flow: row nowrap;
4745 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4749 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4751 .ideditor .nowrap .form-field-input-wrap {
4756 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > input,
4757 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > label,
4758 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > textarea,
4759 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > ul.chiplist {
4760 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4763 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4768 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > textarea {
4770 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4773 /* Buttons inside fields */
4774 .ideditor .form-field-button {
4775 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4780 background-color: #fff;
4781 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4783 border-top-width: 0;
4784 border-left-width: 0;
4785 vertical-align: top;
4787 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-button {
4788 border-left-width: 1px;
4789 border-right-width: 0;
4791 .ideditor .form-field-button:active,
4792 .ideditor .form-field-button:focus {
4793 background-color: #f1f1f1;
4795 @media (hover: hover) {
4796 .ideditor .form-field-button:hover {
4797 background-color: #f1f1f1;
4800 .ideditor .form-field-button .icon {
4806 /* round corners of first/last child elements */
4807 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap > button:last-of-type {
4808 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
4810 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-wrap > button:last-of-type {
4811 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
4815 /* Field - Access, Cycleway
4816 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4817 .ideditor .form-field-input-access,
4818 .ideditor .form-field-input-cycleway {
4819 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4822 display: -webkit-box;
4823 display: -ms-flexbox;
4825 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4826 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4827 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
4828 flex-flow: row wrap;
4831 /* Field - lists with labeled input items
4832 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4833 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows {
4834 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4837 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4839 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4843 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li {
4844 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
4846 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li:first-child {
4849 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li {
4850 display: -webkit-box;
4851 display: -ms-flexbox;
4853 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4854 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4855 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
4856 flex-flow: row nowrap;
4858 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li.labeled-input > span,
4859 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li.labeled-input > div {
4860 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4866 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li input {
4871 .ideditor .form-field ul.rows li button {
4874 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field ul.rows li.labeled-input input,
4875 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field ul.rows li button {
4876 border-left-width: 1px;
4878 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field ul.rows li.labeled-input input,
4879 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field ul.rows li button {
4880 border-right-width: 1px;
4884 /* Field - Structure
4885 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4886 .ideditor .structure-extras-wrap {
4890 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4892 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4894 .ideditor .structure-extras-wrap > ul.rows {
4895 border: 1px solid #ccc;
4900 /* Field - Combo / Multicombo
4901 ------------------------------------------------------- */
4902 .ideditor .form-field-input-combo > input:only-of-type {
4903 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4906 .ideditor .form-field-input-combo.empty-combobox input,
4907 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo .empty-combobox input {
4908 padding-right: 10px;
4911 .ideditor .form-field-input-combo.empty-combobox .combobox-caret,
4912 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo .empty-combobox .combobox-caret {
4916 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo ul.chiplist {
4917 padding: 5px 8px 5px 8px;
4920 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
4924 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li {
4925 display: -webkit-inline-box;
4926 display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
4927 display: inline-flex;
4928 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
4929 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
4930 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
4931 flex-flow: row nowrap;
4932 -webkit-box-align: center;
4933 -ms-flex-align: center;
4934 align-items: center;
4939 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-multicombo li {
4942 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-multicombo li {
4946 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip {
4947 background-color: #eff2f7;
4948 border: 1px solid #ccd5e3;
4951 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip {
4952 padding: 2px 0px 2px 5px;
4954 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip {
4955 padding: 2px 5px 2px 0px;
4957 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip.draggable {
4958 cursor: -webkit-grab;
4961 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip.dragging {
4964 cursor: -webkit-grabbing;
4967 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li.mixed {
4968 border-color: #eff2f7;
4973 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo li.chip span {
4975 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
4979 word-wrap: break-word;
4982 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo a {
4983 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;
4984 font-size: 16px !important;
4985 padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px;
4991 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
4996 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo .input-wrap {
4997 border: 1px solid #ddd;
5000 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo input {
5005 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo input:focus {
5006 border-radius: 4px !important;
5009 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo .full-line-chips li.chip {
5012 .ideditor .form-field-input-multicombo .full-line-chips .input-wrap {
5017 /* Field - Text / Numeric
5018 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5019 .ideditor .form-field-input-text > input:only-of-type,
5020 .ideditor .form-field-input-tel > input:only-of-type,
5021 .ideditor .form-field-input-email > input:only-of-type,
5022 .ideditor .form-field-input-url > input:only-of-type {
5023 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5025 .ideditor .form-field-input-number > input:only-of-type {
5026 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5028 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-number > input:only-of-type {
5029 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5031 .ideditor .form-field-input-number > button:last-of-type {
5032 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5034 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-number > button:last-of-type {
5035 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5038 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-identifier > input:last-child,
5039 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-identifier > input:first-child,
5040 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-identifier > button {
5041 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
5043 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-identifier > input:first-child,
5044 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-identifier > input:last-child,
5045 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-identifier > button {
5046 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
5049 /* draw the up/down on the buttons */
5050 .ideditor .form-field-input-number button.decrement::after,
5051 .ideditor .form-field-input-number button.increment::after {
5053 height: 0; width: 0;
5055 left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0;
5058 .ideditor .form-field-input-number button.decrement::after {
5059 border-top: 5px solid #ccc;
5060 border-left: 5px solid transparent;
5061 border-right: 5px solid transparent;
5063 .ideditor .form-field-input-number button.increment::after {
5064 border-bottom: 5px solid #ccc;
5065 border-left: 5px solid transparent;
5066 border-right: 5px solid transparent;
5071 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5072 .ideditor .form-field-input-check {
5073 display: -webkit-box;
5074 display: -ms-flexbox;
5076 -webkit-box-align: center;
5077 -ms-flex-align: center;
5078 align-items: center;
5082 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5086 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > input[type="checkbox"] {
5087 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5093 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > span {
5094 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5098 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > span.mixed {
5101 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > .reverser {
5102 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5105 background-color: #eff2f7;
5106 border: 1px solid #ccd5e3;
5111 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-check > .reverser {
5114 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-check > .reverser {
5117 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > .reverser:active,
5118 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > .reverser:focus {
5119 background: #e3e8ef;
5121 @media (hover: hover) {
5122 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > .reverser:hover {
5123 background: #e3e8ef;
5126 .ideditor .form-field-input-check > .reverser.hide {
5129 .ideditor .form-field-input-check:active,
5130 .ideditor .form-field-input-check:focus {
5131 background: #f1f1f1;
5133 @media (hover: hover) {
5134 .ideditor .form-field-input-check:hover {
5135 background: #f1f1f1;
5138 .ideditor .form-field-input-check .set {
5141 .ideditor .form-field-input-check label:not(.set) input[type="checkbox"] {
5146 /* Field - Radio button
5147 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5148 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio {
5149 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5152 display: -webkit-box;
5153 display: -ms-flexbox;
5155 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5156 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5157 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
5158 flex-flow: row wrap;
5160 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label {
5161 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5164 display: -webkit-box;
5165 display: -ms-flexbox;
5167 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5168 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5169 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
5170 flex-flow: row nowrap;
5171 -webkit-box-align: center;
5172 -ms-flex-align: center;
5173 align-items: center;
5176 background-color: #fff;
5180 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label.mixed {
5183 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label:last-child {
5184 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5186 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label:active,
5187 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label:focus {
5188 background-color: #ececec;
5190 @media (hover: hover) {
5191 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label:hover {
5192 background-color: #ececec;
5195 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label.active {
5196 background-color: #e8ebff;
5198 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label:not(:last-of-type) {
5199 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
5201 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label > input[type="radio"] {
5202 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5207 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio > label > span {
5208 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5212 white-space: nowrap;
5213 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
5214 text-overflow: ellipsis;
5217 /* Hide placeholder for radio buttons if another is active, or not in hover state */
5218 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio label.active ~ .placeholder,
5219 .ideditor .form-field-input-radio .placeholder {
5230 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5231 .ideditor .form-field-input-maxspeed input.maxspeed-number {
5232 -ms-flex-preferred-size: 0;
5235 .ideditor .form-field-input-maxspeed input.maxspeed-unit {
5236 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5241 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-maxspeed > input:first-of-type {
5242 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5244 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-maxspeed > input:first-of-type {
5245 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5247 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .form-field-input-maxspeed > input:last-of-type {
5249 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5251 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-maxspeed > input:last-of-type {
5253 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5257 /* Field - Localized Name
5258 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5259 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized > input.localized-main {
5260 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5262 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-localized > input.localized-main {
5263 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5265 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized > button.localized-add {
5266 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5268 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-input-localized > button.localized-add {
5269 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5272 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized button.localized-add.disabled,
5273 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized input.localized-main.disabled,
5274 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized input.localized-lang.disabled,
5275 .ideditor .form-field-input-localized input.localized-value.disabled {
5277 background-color: #eee;
5278 cursor: not-allowed;
5281 /* nested subfields for name in different languages */
5282 .ideditor .localized-multilingual {
5284 -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100%;
5287 .ideditor .localized-multilingual .entry {
5292 /* draws a little line connecting the multilingual field up to the name field */
5293 .ideditor .localized-multilingual .entry::before {
5306 .ideditor .localized-multilingual .entry .localized-lang {
5308 border-top-width: 0;
5311 .ideditor .localized-multilingual .entry .localized-value {
5312 border-top-width: 0;
5313 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5319 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5320 .ideditor .form-field-input-address {
5321 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5324 display: -webkit-box;
5325 display: -ms-flexbox;
5327 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5328 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5329 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
5330 flex-flow: row wrap;
5331 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5335 .ideditor .addr-row {
5336 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5339 display: -webkit-box;
5340 display: -ms-flexbox;
5345 .ideditor .addr-row > input {
5346 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5353 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .addr-row input {
5354 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
5358 .ideditor .addr-row:first-of-type input {
5361 .ideditor .addr-row input:first-of-type {
5364 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .addr-row input:first-of-type {
5367 .ideditor .addr-row:last-of-type input:first-of-type {
5368 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5370 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .addr-row:last-of-type input:first-of-type {
5371 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5373 .ideditor .addr-row:last-of-type input:last-of-type {
5374 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5376 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .addr-row:last-of-type input:last-of-type {
5377 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5381 /* Field - Wikipedia
5382 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5383 .ideditor .form-field-input-wikipedia {
5384 display: -webkit-box;
5385 display: -ms-flexbox;
5387 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5388 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5389 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
5390 flex-flow: row wrap;
5391 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5396 .ideditor .wiki-lang-container,
5397 .ideditor .wiki-title-container {
5398 display: -webkit-box;
5399 display: -ms-flexbox;
5401 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5402 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5403 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
5404 flex-flow: row nowrap;
5405 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5411 .ideditor .wiki-lang-container > input.wiki-lang,
5412 .ideditor .wiki-title-container > input.wiki-title {
5413 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5419 .ideditor .wiki-title-container > input.wiki-title {
5420 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5422 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .wiki-title-container > input.wiki-title {
5423 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5425 .ideditor .wiki-title-container > button.wiki-link,
5426 .ideditor .form-field-wikidata ul.rows li:last-child button.form-field-button:last-child {
5427 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
5429 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .wiki-title-container > button.wiki-link,
5430 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .form-field-wikidata ul.rows li:last-child button.form-field-button:last-child {
5431 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
5435 /* Field - Restriction Editor
5436 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5437 .ideditor .form-field-input-restrictions {
5439 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5441 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5444 .ideditor .form-field-input-restrictions .restriction-controls-container {
5445 background-color: #fff;
5448 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
5449 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5452 .ideditor .restriction-controls-container .restriction-controls {
5454 -webkit-user-select: none;
5455 -moz-user-select: none;
5456 -ms-user-select: none;
5460 .ideditor .restriction-controls .restriction-control {
5466 .ideditor .restriction-control input,
5467 .ideditor .restriction-control > span {
5468 display: table-cell;
5473 .ideditor .restriction-control > span.restriction-control-label {
5477 .ideditor .restriction-control input {
5481 vertical-align: middle;
5484 .ideditor .form-field-input-restrictions .restriction-container {
5488 /* zero width space, so container takes up space */
5489 .ideditor .form-field-input-restrictions .restriction-container:after {
5493 .ideditor .form-field-input-restrictions svg.surface {
5498 .ideditor .restriction-container .restriction-help {
5505 background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .8);
5508 pointer-events: none;
5509 -webkit-user-select: none;
5510 -moz-user-select: none;
5511 -ms-user-select: none;
5515 .ideditor .restriction-help span {
5519 .ideditor .restriction-help .qualifier {
5523 .ideditor .restriction-help .qualifier.allow {
5526 .ideditor .restriction-help .qualifier.restrict {
5529 .ideditor .restriction-help .qualifier.only {
5534 /* Field - Changeset Comment
5535 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5536 .ideditor .form-field-comment:not(.present) #preset-input-comment {
5537 border-color: rgb(230, 100, 100);
5539 .ideditor .form-field-comment:not(.present) .field-label {
5540 border-color: rgb(230, 100, 100);
5541 background: rgba(230, 100, 100, 0.2);
5543 .ideditor .form-field-comment:not(.present) button {
5544 border-color: rgb(230, 100, 100);
5549 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5550 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] textarea.combobox-input,
5551 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] input.combobox-input {
5552 /* leave room for the caret */
5553 padding-right: 20px;
5555 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] textarea.combobox-input,
5556 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] input.combobox-input {
5560 .ideditor div.combobox {
5563 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
5564 box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
5570 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5571 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5574 .ideditor .combobox a {
5577 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
5578 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
5579 text-overflow: ellipsis;
5580 white-space: nowrap;
5584 .ideditor .combobox a.selected,
5585 .ideditor .combobox a:active,
5586 .ideditor .combobox a:focus {
5587 background: #ececec;
5589 @media (hover: hover) {
5590 .ideditor .combobox a:hover {
5591 background: #ececec;
5595 .ideditor .combobox a:first-child {
5600 .ideditor .combobox-caret {
5601 display: inline-block;
5604 width: 30px !important;
5606 -ms-flex-item-align: center;
5608 vertical-align: middle;
5611 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .combobox-caret {
5613 margin-right: -30px;
5616 .ideditor .combobox-caret::after {
5618 height: 0; width: 0;
5620 left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0;
5622 border-top: 5px solid #ccc;
5623 border-left: 5px solid transparent;
5624 border-right: 5px solid transparent;
5629 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5630 .ideditor .field-help-body {
5638 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5640 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
5642 background: rgba(255,255,255,0.95);
5643 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 30px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
5644 box-shadow: 0 0 30px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.4);
5647 .ideditor .field-help-title h2 {
5652 .ideditor .field-help-title button {
5658 .ideditor .field-help-nav {
5661 margin-bottom: 10px;
5663 .ideditor .field-help-nav-item {
5664 display: inline-block;
5669 .ideditor .field-help-nav-item.active {
5671 border-bottom: 2px solid;
5673 .ideditor .field-help-nav-item:active,
5674 .ideditor .field-help-nav-item:focus {
5676 background-color: #efefef;
5678 @media (hover: hover) {
5679 .ideditor .field-help-nav-item:hover {
5681 background-color: #efefef;
5685 .ideditor .field-help-content {
5690 .ideditor .field-help-content h3 {
5694 .ideditor .field-help-content p {
5695 margin-bottom: 15px;
5697 .ideditor .field-help-content ul li {
5702 .ideditor .field-help-content .field-help-image {
5704 margin-bottom: 15px;
5707 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.turn {
5711 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.shadow {
5716 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.from {
5719 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.allow {
5722 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.restrict {
5725 .ideditor .field-help-content svg.only {
5729 .ideditor .field-help-content p.from_shadow,
5730 .ideditor .field-help-content p.allow_shadow,
5731 .ideditor .field-help-content p.restrict_shadow,
5732 .ideditor .field-help-content p.allow_turn,
5733 .ideditor .field-help-content p.restrict_turn {
5738 /* More Fields dropdown
5739 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5740 .ideditor .more-fields {
5745 .ideditor .more-fields label {
5746 display: -webkit-box;
5747 display: -ms-flexbox;
5749 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5750 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5751 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
5752 flex-flow: row nowrap;
5753 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
5754 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
5755 justify-content: space-between;
5756 -webkit-box-align: center;
5757 -ms-flex-align: center;
5758 align-items: center;
5761 .ideditor .more-fields input {
5763 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5767 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .more-fields input {
5772 .ideditor .form-field-input-wrap .label {
5773 background: #f6f6f6;
5779 ------------------------------------------------------- */
5780 .ideditor .raw-tag-options {
5781 display: -webkit-box;
5782 display: -ms-flexbox;
5784 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5785 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5786 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
5787 flex-flow: row nowrap;
5788 -webkit-box-pack: end;
5790 justify-content: flex-end;
5793 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option {
5794 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5802 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option:focus,
5803 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option.active {
5805 background: #597be7;
5807 @media (hover: hover) {
5808 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option:hover {
5810 background: #597be7;
5813 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option.selected {
5815 background: #7092ff;
5817 .ideditor button.raw-tag-option svg.icon {
5822 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] button.raw-tag-option-list {
5823 -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
5824 -ms-transform: scaleX(-1);
5825 transform: scaleX(-1);
5826 -webkit-filter: FlipH;
5828 -ms-filter: "FlipH";
5832 .ideditor .tag-text {
5836 font-family: monospace;
5840 .ideditor .tag-text,
5841 .ideditor .tag-list {
5844 .ideditor .tag-row {
5848 .ideditor .tag-row .inner-wrap {
5849 display: -webkit-box;
5850 display: -ms-flexbox;
5852 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
5853 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
5854 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
5855 flex-flow: row nowrap;
5859 .ideditor .tag-row .key-wrap,
5860 .ideditor .tag-row .value-wrap {
5861 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5866 .ideditor .tag-text.readonly,
5867 .ideditor .tag-row.readonly,
5868 .ideditor .tag-row.readonly input.key,
5869 .ideditor .tag-row.readonly input.value,
5870 .ideditor .tag-row.readonly button.remove {
5872 background-color: #eee;
5873 cursor: not-allowed;
5876 .ideditor .tag-row input {
5879 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
5880 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
5883 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row input {
5885 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
5889 .ideditor .tag-row input.key {
5891 background-color: #f6f6f6;
5894 .ideditor .tag-row input.value {
5895 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
5897 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row input.value {
5898 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
5901 .ideditor .tag-row:first-child input.key {
5902 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
5903 border-top-left-radius: 4px;
5905 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row:first-child input.key {
5906 border-top-left-radius: 0;
5907 border-top-right-radius: 4px;
5910 .ideditor .tag-row:first-child input.value {
5911 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
5913 .ideditor .tag-row button {
5914 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
5918 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5919 border-top-width: 0;
5920 border-left-width: 0;
5922 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row button {
5923 border-left-width: 1px;
5924 border-right-width: 0;
5927 .ideditor .tag-row button:active,
5928 .ideditor .tag-row button:focus {
5929 background: #f1f1f1;
5931 @media (hover: hover) {
5932 .ideditor .tag-row button:hover {
5933 background: #f1f1f1;
5936 .ideditor .tag-row button .icon {
5939 .ideditor .tag-row:first-child button {
5940 border-top-width: 1px;
5943 .ideditor .tag-row:first-child .tag-reference-button {
5944 border-top-right-radius: 4px;
5946 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row:first-child .tag-reference-button {
5947 border-top-left-radius: 4px;
5948 border-top-right-radius: 0;
5951 .ideditor .tag-row:last-child .tag-reference-button {
5952 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
5954 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row:last-child .tag-reference-button {
5955 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
5956 border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
5959 .ideditor .tag-row .tag-reference-button {
5962 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tag-row .tag-reference-button {
5963 border-left-width: 1px;
5964 border-right-width: 0;
5968 .ideditor .tag-reference-loading {
5969 background-color: #f5f5f5;
5971 .ideditor .tag-reference-loading .icon {
5972 background-image: url(<%= asset_path("iD/img/mini-loader.gif") %>);
5973 background-position: 0 0;
5976 .ideditor .tag-reference-body {
5977 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
5985 .ideditor .tag-reference-body.expanded {
5986 padding-bottom: 10px;
5987 display: inline-block;
5989 .ideditor .tag-reference-description {
5992 .ideditor .tag-reference-link {
5996 .ideditor img.tag-reference-wiki-image {
6002 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] img.tag-reference-wiki-image {
6007 .ideditor .preset-list .tag-reference-body {
6011 .ideditor .raw-tag-editor .tag-reference-body {
6014 .ideditor .raw-tag-editor .tag-row.readonly .tag-reference-body {
6015 background: #f6f6f6;
6018 .ideditor .raw-tag-editor .tag-row:not(:last-child) .tag-reference-body.expanded {
6019 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
6021 .ideditor .raw-tag-editor .tag-row.readonly .tag-reference-body.expanded {
6022 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
6026 /* Raw Member / Membership Editor
6027 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6028 .ideditor .section-raw-member-editor .member-list:empty,
6029 .ideditor .section-raw-membership-editor .member-list:empty {
6033 .ideditor .section-raw-member-editor .member-list,
6034 .ideditor .section-raw-membership-editor .member-list {
6035 position: relative; /* required for drag-and-drop */
6038 .ideditor .section-raw-member-editor .member-list li,
6039 .ideditor .section-raw-membership-editor .member-list li {
6043 padding-bottom: 10px;
6045 .ideditor .section-raw-member-editor .member-row .member-entity-name,
6046 .ideditor .section-raw-membership-editor .member-row .member-entity-name {
6047 font-weight: normal;
6051 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .section-raw-member-editor .member-row .member-entity-name,
6052 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .section-raw-membership-editor .member-row .member-entity-name {
6054 padding-right: 10px;
6057 .ideditor .form-field-input-member > input.member-role {
6058 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
6061 .ideditor .member-row-new .member-entity-input {
6062 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6065 border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
6069 .ideditor .section-raw-member-editor .member-row.dragging {
6073 box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
6077 /* add tag, add relation buttons */
6078 .ideditor .add-row {
6079 display: -webkit-box;
6080 display: -ms-flexbox;
6083 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6084 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6085 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6086 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6088 .ideditor .add-row .add-tag,
6089 .ideditor .add-row .add-relation,
6090 .ideditor .add-row .space-value {
6091 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6095 .ideditor .add-row .space-buttons {
6096 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6100 .ideditor .add-row button {
6102 background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
6104 .ideditor .add-row button:focus,
6105 .ideditor .add-row button:active {
6106 background: rgba(0,0,0,.8);
6108 @media (hover: hover) {
6109 .ideditor .add-row button:hover {
6110 background: rgba(0,0,0,.8);
6114 .ideditor .add-tag {
6115 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
6117 .ideditor .add-relation {
6123 /* OSM Note / QA Editors
6124 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6125 .ideditor .note-header,
6126 .ideditor .qa-header {
6127 background-color: #f6f6f6;
6129 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6130 display: -webkit-box;
6131 display: -ms-flexbox;
6133 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6134 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6135 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6136 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6137 -webkit-box-align: center;
6138 -ms-flex-align: center;
6139 align-items: center;
6142 .ideditor .note-header-icon,
6143 .ideditor .qa-header-icon {
6144 background-color: #fff;
6146 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6152 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
6153 border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
6155 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .note-header-icon,
6156 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .qa-header-icon {
6157 border-right: unset;
6158 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
6159 border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
6162 .ideditor .note-header-icon .icon-wrap,
6163 .ideditor .qa-header-icon .icon-wrap {
6167 .ideditor .preset-icon-28 {
6173 .ideditor .preset-icon-28 .icon {
6178 .ideditor .note-header-label,
6179 .ideditor .qa-header-label {
6180 background-color: #f6f6f6;
6182 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6187 border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
6189 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .note-header-label,
6190 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .qa-header-label {
6191 border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
6194 .ideditor .note-category {
6198 .ideditor .comments-container {
6199 background: #ececec;
6205 .ideditor .comment {
6206 background-color: #fff;
6208 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6210 display: -webkit-box;
6211 display: -ms-flexbox;
6213 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6214 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6215 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6216 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6218 .ideditor .comment-avatar {
6220 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6224 .ideditor .comment-avatar .icon.comment-avatar-icon {
6227 -o-object-fit: cover;
6229 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6230 border-radius: 20px;
6232 .ideditor .comment-main {
6233 padding: 10px 10px 10px 0;
6234 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6237 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
6238 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6239 -ms-flex-flow: column nowrap;
6240 flex-flow: column nowrap;
6242 overflow-wrap: break-word;
6244 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .comment-main {
6245 padding: 10px 0 10px 10px;
6248 .ideditor .comment-metadata {
6249 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6250 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6251 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6252 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6253 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
6254 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
6255 justify-content: space-between;
6257 .ideditor .comment-author {
6261 .ideditor .comment-date {
6264 .ideditor .comment-text {
6270 .ideditor .comment-text::-webkit-scrollbar {
6274 .ideditor .note-save,
6275 .ideditor .qa-save {
6279 .ideditor .qa-details-container {
6280 background: #ececec;
6284 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6285 display: -webkit-box;
6286 display: -ms-flexbox;
6288 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
6289 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6290 -ms-flex-direction: column;
6291 flex-direction: column;
6293 .ideditor .qa-details-description-text::first-letter {
6294 text-transform: capitalize;
6296 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .qa-details-description-text::first-letter {
6297 text-transform: none; /* #5877 */
6299 .ideditor .qa-details-subsection h4 {
6300 padding-bottom: 2px;
6302 .ideditor .qa-details-subsection:not(:last-child) {
6303 margin-bottom: 10px;
6305 .ideditor .qa-details-subsection:empty {
6309 .ideditor .note-save .new-comment-input,
6310 .ideditor .qa-save .new-comment-input {
6317 .ideditor .note-save .detail-section,
6318 .ideditor .qa-save .detail-section {
6322 .ideditor .note-report {
6327 /* Custom Data Editor
6328 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6329 .ideditor .data-header {
6330 background-color: #f6f6f6;
6332 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6333 display: -webkit-box;
6334 display: -ms-flexbox;
6336 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6337 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6338 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6339 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6340 -webkit-box-align: center;
6341 -ms-flex-align: center;
6342 align-items: center;
6345 .ideditor .data-header-icon {
6346 background-color: #fff;
6348 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6354 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
6355 border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
6357 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .data-header-icon {
6358 border-right: unset;
6359 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
6360 border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
6363 .ideditor .data-header-icon .icon-wrap {
6368 .ideditor .data-header-label {
6369 background-color: #f6f6f6;
6371 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6376 border-radius: 0 5px 5px 0;
6378 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .data-header-label {
6379 border-radius: 5px 0 0 5px;
6382 /* custom data editor - no info/delete buttons */
6383 .ideditor .data-editor.raw-tag-editor .tag-row button {
6386 .ideditor .data-editor.raw-tag-editor .tag-row .key-wrap,
6387 .ideditor .data-editor.raw-tag-editor .tag-row .value-wrap {
6392 .ideditor .over-map {
6395 pointer-events: none;
6396 display: -webkit-box;
6397 display: -ms-flexbox;
6399 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6400 -webkit-box-direction: reverse;
6401 -ms-flex-direction: row-reverse;
6402 flex-direction: row-reverse;
6403 -webkit-box-align: end;
6404 -ms-flex-align: end;
6405 align-items: flex-end;
6408 .ideditor .over-map > * {
6409 pointer-events: auto;
6412 /* offscreen this without hiding it */
6413 .ideditor .over-map .select-trap {
6420 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6421 .ideditor .map-controls {
6428 display: -webkit-box;
6429 display: -ms-flexbox;
6431 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
6432 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6433 -ms-flex-direction: column;
6434 flex-direction: column;
6436 pointer-events: none;
6438 .ideditor .map-controls:before {
6440 display: inline-block;
6441 pointer-events: none;
6445 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6449 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .map-controls {
6454 .ideditor .map-control {
6456 display: -webkit-box;
6457 display: -ms-flexbox;
6459 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
6460 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6461 -ms-flex-direction: column;
6462 flex-direction: column;
6464 .ideditor .map-control > button {
6468 background: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
6470 pointer-events: auto;
6473 .ideditor .map-control > button:not(.disabled):focus,
6474 .ideditor .map-control > button:not(.disabled):active {
6475 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
6477 .ideditor .map-control > button.active,
6478 .ideditor .map-control > button.active:active {
6479 background: #7092ff;
6481 @media (hover: hover) {
6482 .ideditor .map-control > button:not(.disabled):hover {
6483 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
6485 .ideditor .map-control > button.active:hover {
6486 background: #7092ff;
6490 .ideditor .map-control > button.disabled .icon {
6491 color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
6495 /* Fullscreen Button (disabled)
6496 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6497 .ideditor div.full-screen {
6498 display: inline-block;
6504 .ideditor div.full-screen .tooltip {
6508 .ideditor div.full-screen > button, .ideditor div.full-screen > button.active {
6511 background: transparent;
6513 .ideditor div.full-screen > button:active,
6514 .ideditor div.full-screen > button:focus {
6515 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
6517 @media (hover: hover) {
6518 .ideditor div.full-screen > button:hover {
6519 background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .8);
6525 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6527 /* Zoom in/out buttons */
6528 .ideditor .zoombuttons > button.zoom-in {
6529 border-radius: 4px 0 0 0;
6531 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .zoombuttons > button.zoom-in {
6532 border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
6535 /* Geolocate button */
6536 .ideditor .geolocate-control {
6537 margin-bottom: 10px;
6539 .ideditor .geolocate-control > button {
6540 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
6542 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .geolocate-control > button {
6543 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
6546 /* Zoom to selection button */
6547 .ideditor .zoom-to-selection-control .icon {
6553 /* Background / Map Data / Help Pane buttons
6554 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6555 .ideditor .background-control > button {
6556 border-radius: 4px 0 0 0;
6558 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .background-control > button {
6559 border-radius: 0 4px 0 0;
6562 .ideditor .help-control > button {
6563 border-radius: 0 0 0 4px;
6565 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .help-control > button {
6566 border-radius: 0 0 4px 0;
6570 /* Background / Map Data Settings
6571 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6572 .ideditor .imagery-faq {
6573 margin-bottom: 10px;
6574 white-space: nowrap;
6577 .ideditor .layer-list, .ideditor .controls-list {
6578 margin-bottom: 10px;
6579 border: 1px solid #ccc;
6583 .ideditor .layer-list > li {
6584 background-color: #fff;
6587 display: -webkit-box;
6588 display: -ms-flexbox;
6592 .ideditor .layer-list:empty {
6596 .ideditor .layer-list > li:first-child {
6597 border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;
6599 .ideditor .layer-list > li:last-child {
6600 border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
6602 .ideditor .layer-list > li:only-child {
6605 .ideditor .layer-list li:not(:last-child) {
6606 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
6608 .ideditor .layer-list li:active {
6609 background-color: #ececec;
6611 @media (hover: hover) {
6612 .ideditor .layer-list li:hover {
6613 background-color: #ececec;
6617 .ideditor .layer-list li.active button,
6618 .ideditor .layer-list li.switch button,
6619 .ideditor .layer-list li.active,
6620 .ideditor .layer-list li.switch {
6621 background: #e8ebff;
6624 .ideditor .layer-list li.best > div.best {
6626 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6631 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .list-item-data-browse svg {
6632 -webkit-transform: rotateY(180deg);
6633 transform: rotateY(180deg);
6636 /* make sure tooltip fits in map-control panel */
6637 /* if too wide, placement will be wrong the first time it displays */
6638 .ideditor .layer-list li.best .popover-inner {
6642 .ideditor .layer-list label {
6645 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6648 display: -webkit-box;
6649 display: -ms-flexbox;
6651 -webkit-box-align: center;
6652 -ms-flex-align: center;
6653 align-items: center;
6657 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .layer-list .indented label {
6660 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .layer-list .indented label {
6661 padding-right: 24px;
6664 .ideditor .layer-list label > span {
6667 white-space: nowrap;
6668 -o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
6669 text-overflow: ellipsis;
6670 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6671 -ms-flex-positive: 1;
6675 .ideditor .layer-list input.list-item-input {
6682 .ideditor .map-data-pane .layer-list button,
6683 .ideditor .background-pane .layer-list button {
6684 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
6689 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .map-data-pane .layer-list button,
6690 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .background-pane .layer-list button {
6692 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
6695 .ideditor .map-data-pane .layer-list button .icon,
6696 .ideditor .background-pane .layer-list button .icon {
6700 .ideditor .map-data-pane .layer-list button:last-of-type,
6701 .ideditor .background-pane .layer-list button:last-of-type {
6702 border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0;
6704 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .map-data-pane .layer-list button:last-of-type,
6705 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .background-pane .layer-list button:last-of-type {
6706 border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
6709 .ideditor .map-data-pane .vectortile-container .vectortile-header {
6710 padding-bottom: 5px;
6712 .ideditor .map-data-pane .vectortile-container .vectortile-footer {
6713 padding-bottom: 10px;
6718 ------------------------------------------------------- */
6722 .ideditor .issue .issue-label,
6723 .ideditor .issue-label .issue-text {
6725 display: -webkit-box;
6726 display: -ms-flexbox;
6728 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6729 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6730 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6731 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6733 text-align: initial;
6737 .ideditor .issue-text .issue-icon {
6738 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6743 .ideditor .issue-text .issue-message {
6744 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
6749 .ideditor .issue-label .issue-autofix {
6750 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6755 .ideditor .issue-label .issue-info-button {
6758 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6761 border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
6762 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);
6764 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .issue-label .issue-info-button {
6766 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
6768 .ideditor .issue-container .issue-label .issue-info-button .icon {
6771 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue-label .issue-info-button .icon {
6774 .ideditor .issue-label .issue-info-button:last-child {
6775 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
6777 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .issue-label .issue-info-button:last-child {
6778 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
6781 .ideditor button.autofix.action {
6782 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
6787 background: #7092ff;
6790 .ideditor button.autofix.action:focus,
6791 .ideditor button.autofix.action:active,
6792 .ideditor button.autofix.action.active {
6793 background: #597be7;
6795 @media (hover: hover) {
6796 .ideditor button.autofix.action:hover {
6797 background: #597be7;
6802 .ideditor .autofix-all {
6803 display: -webkit-box;
6804 display: -ms-flexbox;
6806 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6807 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6808 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6809 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6810 -webkit-box-pack: end;
6812 justify-content: flex-end;
6814 padding-bottom: 5px;
6816 .ideditor .autofix-all-link-text {
6819 .ideditor .autofix-all-link-icon svg {
6821 background: currentColor;
6824 .ideditor .autofix-all-link-icon svg use {
6828 /* warning styles */
6829 .ideditor .warnings-list,
6830 .ideditor .warnings-list *,
6831 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning,
6832 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning * {
6836 .ideditor .warnings-list .issue.severity-warning .issue-label,
6837 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-list,
6838 .ideditor .warning-section {
6842 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning .issue-label {
6846 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-icon {
6850 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable,
6851 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning .issue-info-button {
6855 .ideditor .warnings-list .issue.severity-warning .issue-label:active,
6856 .ideditor .warnings-list .issue.severity-warning .issue-label:focus,
6857 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:active,
6858 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:focus {
6861 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:active,
6862 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:focus,
6863 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning .issue-info-button:active,
6864 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning .issue-info-button:focus {
6868 @media (hover: hover) {
6869 .ideditor .warnings-list .issue.severity-warning .issue-label:hover,
6870 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:hover {
6873 .ideditor .issue.severity-warning .issue-fix-item button.actionable:hover,
6874 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-warning .issue-info-button:hover {
6882 .ideditor .errors-list,
6883 .ideditor .errors-list *,
6884 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error,
6885 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error * {
6889 .ideditor .errors-list .issue.severity-error .issue-label,
6890 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-list,
6891 .ideditor .error-section {
6892 background: #ffd6d6;
6895 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error .issue-label {
6896 background: #ffc6c6;
6899 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable,
6900 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error .issue-info-button {
6904 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-icon {
6907 .ideditor .errors-list .issue.severity-error .issue-label:active,
6908 .ideditor .errors-list .issue.severity-error .issue-label:focus,
6909 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:active,
6910 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:focus {
6911 background: #ffb6b6;
6913 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:active,
6914 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:focus,
6915 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error .issue-info-button:active,
6916 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error .issue-info-button:focus {
6920 @media (hover: hover) {
6921 .ideditor .errors-list .issue.severity-error .issue-label:hover,
6922 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:hover {
6923 background: #ffb6b6;
6925 .ideditor .issue.severity-error .issue-fix-item button.actionable:hover,
6926 .ideditor .issue-container.active .issue.severity-error .issue-info-button:hover {
6934 .ideditor .issues-options-container {
6937 .ideditor .issues-option {
6940 .ideditor .issues-option-title {
6941 display: table-cell;
6943 padding-right: 10px;
6945 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .issues-option-title {
6949 .ideditor .issues-option label {
6950 display: table-cell;
6952 white-space: nowrap;
6955 .ideditor .layer-list.issues-list li.issue {
6956 border-color: inherit; /* override .layer-list styles */
6961 .ideditor .layer-list.issue-rules-list,
6962 .ideditor .layer-list.issues-list,
6963 .ideditor .layer-list.layer-feature-list {
6966 .ideditor .section-footer {
6967 display: -webkit-box;
6968 display: -ms-flexbox;
6970 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
6971 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
6972 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
6973 flex-flow: row nowrap;
6974 -webkit-box-pack: end;
6976 justify-content: flex-end;
6979 .ideditor .section-footer a {
6983 .ideditor .section-issues-status .box {
6985 border: 1px solid #72d979;
6986 background: #c6ffca;
6987 padding: 5px !important;
6988 display: -webkit-box;
6989 display: -ms-flexbox;
6992 .ideditor .section-issues-status .icon {
6996 .ideditor input.square-degrees-input {
6997 padding: 2px !important; /* important needed for rtl */
7001 background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
7002 color: currentColor;
7006 /* Entity Issues List */
7007 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container .issue {
7009 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7010 background: #f6f6f6;
7012 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-text:active,
7013 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-text:focus,
7014 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-info-button:active,
7015 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-info-button:focus {
7016 background: #f1f1f1;
7018 @media (hover: hover) {
7019 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-text:hover,
7020 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(.active) .issue-info-button:hover {
7021 background: #f1f1f1;
7024 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue .issue-label .issue-text {
7025 padding-right: 10px;
7027 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .section-entity-issues .issue .issue-label .issue-text {
7028 padding-right: unset;
7032 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active .issue-label button.issue-text {
7035 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container:not(:last-of-type) {
7038 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active:not(:first-of-type) {
7041 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active:not(:last-of-type) {
7042 margin-bottom: 10px;
7046 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-fix-list {
7047 border-top: 1px solid;
7048 border-color: inherit;
7050 .ideditor .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active .issue-fix-list:empty {
7054 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item button {
7055 padding: 2px 10px 2px 20px;
7056 background: transparent;
7058 text-align: initial;
7060 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] li.issue-fix-item button {
7061 padding: 2px 20px 2px 10px;
7063 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item:first-of-type button {
7066 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item:last-of-type button {
7067 padding-bottom: 5px;
7070 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item button .fix-message {
7072 vertical-align: middle;
7075 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item button.actionable {
7078 .ideditor li.issue-fix-item button:not(.actionable) .fix-icon {
7083 .ideditor .issue-container:not(.active) ul.issue-fix-list {
7087 .ideditor .issue-info {
7088 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
7096 .ideditor .issue-info.expanded {
7097 display: inline-block;
7100 .ideditor .issue-info .issue-reference {
7101 margin-bottom: 10px;
7103 .ideditor .issue-info .tagDiff-table {
7106 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7108 .ideditor .issue-info .tagDiff-row {
7109 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7111 .ideditor .issue-info .tagDiff-cell {
7113 font-family: monospace;
7115 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7117 .ideditor .issue-info .tagDiff-cell-add {
7120 .ideditor .issue-info .tagDiff-cell-remove {
7125 /* Background - Display Options Sliders
7126 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7127 .ideditor .display-options-container {
7131 .ideditor .display-control h5 {
7136 .ideditor .display-control h5 span {
7140 .ideditor .display-control .control-wrap {
7141 display: -webkit-box;
7142 display: -ms-flexbox;
7144 -webkit-box-align: center;
7145 -ms-flex-align: center;
7146 align-items: center;
7149 .ideditor .display-control .display-option-input {
7151 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
7156 .ideditor .display-control button {
7161 vertical-align: text-bottom;
7163 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
7167 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .display-control button {
7173 /* Background - Adjust Alignment
7174 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7175 .ideditor .background-pane .nudge-container {
7176 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7182 .ideditor .nudge-container .nudge-controls-wrap {
7188 .ideditor .nudge-container .nudge-outer-rect {
7189 background-color: #eee;
7190 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7193 display: -webkit-box;
7194 display: -ms-flexbox;
7196 -webkit-box-pack: center;
7197 -ms-flex-pack: center;
7198 justify-content: center;
7199 -webkit-box-align: center;
7200 -ms-flex-align: center;
7201 align-items: center;
7204 /* prevent scrolling pane while dragging on touchscreen */
7205 -ms-touch-action: none;
7207 /* disable drag-to-select */
7208 -webkit-user-select: none;
7209 -moz-user-select: none;
7210 -ms-user-select: none;
7215 .ideditor .nudge-container .nudge-inner-rect {
7216 background-color: #fff;
7217 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7223 .ideditor .nudge-container .nudge::after {
7228 left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;
7233 .ideditor .nudge-container input {
7240 .ideditor .nudge-container input.error {
7241 border: 1px solid #ff7878;
7246 .ideditor .nudge-container button {
7251 .ideditor .nudge-container button.right,
7252 .ideditor .nudge-container button.left {
7256 margin-bottom: auto;
7257 vertical-align: middle;
7259 .ideditor .nudge-container button.right {
7262 .ideditor .nudge-container button.left {
7265 .ideditor .nudge-container button.top,
7266 .ideditor .nudge-container button.bottom {
7272 .ideditor .nudge-container button.top {
7275 .ideditor .nudge-container button.bottom {
7279 .ideditor .nudge-container button.nudge-reset {
7284 .ideditor .nudge-surface {
7291 background-color: transparent;
7295 .ideditor .background-pane .nudge.right::after {
7296 border-top: 5px solid transparent;
7297 border-bottom: 5px solid transparent;
7298 border-left: 5px solid #222;
7301 .ideditor .background-pane .nudge.left::after {
7302 border-top: 5px solid transparent;
7303 border-bottom: 5px solid transparent;
7304 border-right: 5px solid #222;
7307 .ideditor .background-pane .nudge.top::after {
7308 border-right: 5px solid transparent;
7309 border-left: 5px solid transparent;
7310 border-bottom: 5px solid #222;
7313 .ideditor .background-pane .nudge.bottom::after {
7314 border-right: 5px solid transparent;
7315 border-left: 5px solid transparent;
7316 border-top: 5px solid #222;
7320 /* Side Panes - Background / Map Data / Help
7321 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7322 .ideditor .map-panes {
7323 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
7330 .ideditor .map-pane {
7337 display: -webkit-box;
7338 display: -ms-flexbox;
7340 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
7341 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
7342 -ms-flex-direction: column;
7343 flex-direction: column;
7346 .ideditor .map-pane.help-pane {
7350 .ideditor .pane-heading {
7351 display: -webkit-box;
7352 display: -ms-flexbox;
7354 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
7355 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
7356 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
7357 flex-flow: row nowrap;
7358 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
7359 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
7360 justify-content: space-between;
7361 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
7362 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
7367 .ideditor .pane-heading h2 {
7371 .ideditor .pane-heading button {
7376 .ideditor .pane-content {
7378 padding: 10px 50px 20px 20px;
7383 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .pane-content {
7384 padding: 10px 20px 20px 50px;
7387 .ideditor .help-pane .pane-content > div {
7388 padding-bottom: 15px;
7393 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7394 .ideditor .help-pane p {
7396 margin-bottom: 20px;
7399 .ideditor .help-pane .left-content .icon.inline,
7400 .ideditor .curtain-tooltip .icon.inline {
7407 .ideditor .help-pane .toc {
7412 margin-bottom: 20px;
7416 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a,
7417 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a {
7419 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7423 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a {
7426 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a:focus,
7427 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:focus,
7428 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a:active,
7429 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:active {
7430 background: #ececec;
7432 @media (hover: hover) {
7433 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a:hover,
7434 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:hover {
7435 background: #ececec;
7439 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li a.selected {
7440 background: #e8ebff;
7443 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li:first-child a {
7444 border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
7447 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li:nth-last-child(3) a {
7448 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
7449 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px
7452 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li.shortcuts a,
7453 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li.walkthrough a {
7456 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
7460 .ideditor .help-pane .toc li.walkthrough a {
7464 .ideditor .help-pane .nav {
7466 padding-bottom: 30px;
7469 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a {
7475 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:first-child {
7476 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
7479 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:last-child:not(:only-child) {
7480 border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
7484 .ideditor .help-pane .nav a:only-child {
7490 /* Inspector (hover styles)
7491 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7492 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container .issue .issue-label,
7493 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-wrap .label,
7494 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-multicombo .chiplist,
7495 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-button,
7496 .ideditor .inspector-hover .structure-extras-wrap,
7497 .ideditor .inspector-hover .comments-container .comment,
7498 .ideditor .inspector-hover button,
7499 .ideditor .inspector-hover input,
7500 .ideditor .inspector-hover textarea,
7501 .ideditor .inspector-hover label {
7502 background: #ececec;
7504 .ideditor .inspector-hover .preset-list-button,
7505 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row input {
7506 background: #f6f6f6;
7509 .ideditor .inspector-hover a,
7510 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-multicombo .chip,
7511 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-check span,
7512 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue .icon {
7516 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-multicombo .chip {
7518 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7522 .ideditor .inspector-hover div {
7523 overflow-x: visible;
7524 overflow-y: visible;
7527 /* hide and remove from layout */
7528 .ideditor .inspector-hidden,
7529 .ideditor .inspector-hover .preset-list-button-wrap .tag-reference-button,
7530 .ideditor .inspector-hover label input[type="checkbox"],
7531 .ideditor .inspector-hover label input[type="radio"],
7532 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-multicombo .input-wrap,
7533 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio label,
7534 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio label span,
7535 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio label.remove .icon,
7536 .ideditor .inspector-hover .add-row,
7537 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container .issue-fix-list,
7538 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container .issue-info-button {
7542 /* hide but preserve in layout */
7543 .ideditor .inspector-hover .combobox-caret,
7544 .ideditor .inspector-hover .header button,
7545 .ideditor .inspector-hover .quick-links,
7546 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-multicombo .chip .remove,
7547 .ideditor .inspector-hover .hide-toggle:before,
7548 .ideditor .inspector-hover .more-fields,
7549 .ideditor .inspector-hover .field-label button,
7550 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row button,
7551 .ideditor .inspector-hover .footer * {
7555 /* Unstyle the active entity issue on hover */
7556 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active {
7560 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container * {
7561 border-color: #ccc !important;
7563 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active .issue-label {
7566 .ideditor .inspector-hover .section-entity-issues .issue-container.active .issue-label button.issue-text {
7567 font-weight: normal;
7571 /* Styles for raw tag inspector on hover */
7572 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row .key-wrap,
7573 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row .value-wrap {
7577 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row:first-child input.value {
7578 border-top-right-radius: 4px;
7580 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .inspector-hover .tag-row:first-child input.value {
7581 border-top-right-radius: 0;
7582 border-top-left-radius: 4px;
7585 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row:last-child input.value {
7586 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
7588 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .inspector-hover .tag-row:last-child input.value {
7589 border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
7590 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
7593 .ideditor .inspector-hover .tag-row:last-child input.key {
7594 border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
7596 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .inspector-hover .tag-row:last-child input.key {
7597 border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
7598 border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
7601 .ideditor .inspector-hover .more-fields {
7603 margin-bottom: -10px;
7606 /* Unstyle button fields */
7607 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio label.active,
7608 .ideditor .inspector-hover .entity-editor-pane a.hide-toggle {
7610 background-color: transparent;
7615 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio button.active {
7619 /* Show placeholder on hover for radio buttons */
7620 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio {
7621 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7623 border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
7625 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio .placeholder {
7633 .ideditor .inspector-hover .form-field-input-radio .structure-extras-wrap {
7638 /* Raster Background Tiles
7639 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7640 .ideditor img.tile {
7642 -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
7643 -ms-transform-origin: 0 0;
7644 transform-origin: 0 0;
7646 -webkit-user-select: none;
7648 -moz-user-select: none;
7650 -ms-user-select: none;
7654 pointer-events: none;
7656 -webkit-user-drag: none;
7660 -webkit-transition: opacity 200ms linear;
7662 -o-transition: opacity 200ms linear;
7664 transition: opacity 200ms linear;
7667 .ideditor img.tile-loaded {
7671 .ideditor img.tile-removing {
7675 .ideditor .tile-label-debug {
7677 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
7687 -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
7689 -ms-transform-origin: 0 0;
7691 transform-origin: 0 0;
7693 -webkit-user-select: none;
7695 -moz-user-select: none;
7697 -ms-user-select: none;
7702 .ideditor img.tile-debug {
7703 outline: 1px solid red;
7708 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7709 .ideditor .main-map {
7719 -webkit-user-select: none;
7720 -moz-user-select: none;
7721 -ms-user-select: none;
7723 -ms-touch-action: none;
7725 -webkit-touch-callout: none;
7727 .ideditor .main-map * {
7728 -ms-touch-action: none;
7732 .ideditor .supersurface {
7733 -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
7734 -ms-transform-origin: 0 0;
7735 transform-origin: 0 0;
7738 .ideditor .supersurface, .ideditor .layer {
7748 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7749 .ideditor .map-in-map {
7757 border: #aaa 1px solid;
7758 -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 2em black;
7759 box-shadow: 0 0 2em black;
7761 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .map-in-map {
7764 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .map-in-map {
7768 .ideditor .map-in-map-tiles {
7769 -webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
7770 -ms-transform-origin: 0 0;
7771 transform-origin: 0 0;
7772 -webkit-user-select: none;
7773 -moz-user-select: none;
7774 -ms-user-select: none;
7778 .ideditor .map-in-map-viewport,
7779 .ideditor .map-in-map-data {
7787 .ideditor .map-in-map-viewport {
7791 .ideditor .map-in-map-data {
7796 .ideditor .map-in-map-bbox {
7798 stroke: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.75);
7800 shape-rendering: crispEdges;
7803 .ideditor .map-in-map-bbox.thick {
7809 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7811 stroke: currentColor;
7815 .ideditor .map-in-map-data .debug {
7819 .ideditor .nocolor { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); }
7820 .ideditor .red { color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.75); }
7821 .ideditor .green { color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.75); }
7822 .ideditor .blue { color: rgba(176, 176, 255, 0.75); }
7823 .ideditor .yellow { color: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.75); }
7824 .ideditor .cyan { color: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.75); }
7825 .ideditor .magenta { color: rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.75); }
7826 .ideditor .orange { color: rgba(255, 153, 0, 0.75); }
7827 .ideditor .pink { color: rgba(255, 0, 153, 0.75); }
7828 .ideditor .purple { color: rgba(153, 0, 255, 0.75); }
7830 .ideditor .debug-legend {
7836 pointer-events: none;
7839 .ideditor .debug-legend-item {
7842 .ideditor .debug-legend-item:before {
7848 /* Information Panels
7849 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7850 .ideditor .info-panels {
7851 display: -webkit-box;
7852 display: -ms-flexbox;
7854 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
7855 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
7856 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap-reverse;
7857 flex-flow: row wrap-reverse;
7858 -webkit-box-pack: end;
7860 justify-content: flex-end;
7863 -ms-user-select: element;
7864 pointer-events: none;
7868 .ideditor .panel-container h1,
7869 .ideditor .panel-container h2,
7870 .ideditor .panel-container h3,
7871 .ideditor .panel-container h4,
7872 .ideditor .panel-container h5 {
7873 display: inline-block;
7877 .ideditor .panel-container h1,
7878 .ideditor .panel-container h2,
7879 .ideditor .panel-container h3 {
7883 .ideditor .panel-container {
7884 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
7887 margin: 0 2px 2px 0;
7889 border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
7890 padding-bottom: 10px;
7893 pointer-events: auto;
7896 .ideditor .panel-container .panel-title {
7897 border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
7900 .ideditor .panel-title {
7902 display: -webkit-box;
7903 display: -ms-flexbox;
7905 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
7906 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
7907 justify-content: space-between;
7910 .ideditor .panel-title button.close {
7915 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .panel-title button.close {
7918 .ideditor .panel-title button.close:focus,
7919 .ideditor .panel-title button.close:active {
7922 @media (hover: hover) {
7923 .ideditor .panel-title button.close:hover {
7927 .ideditor .panel-title button.close .icon {
7932 .ideditor .panel-content {
7937 .ideditor .panel-content ul:empty {
7941 .ideditor .panel-content li span:not(.localized-text) {
7942 display: inline-block;
7943 white-space: nowrap;
7947 .ideditor .panel-content .button {
7948 display: inline-block;
7949 background: #7092ff;
7956 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .panel-content .button {
7961 .ideditor .panel-content-history .links a {
7964 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .panel-content-history .links a {
7968 .ideditor .panel-content-history h4 {
7971 .ideditor .panel-content-location .location-info {
7977 ------------------------------------------------------- */
7978 .ideditor .map-footer {
7982 pointer-events: none;
7983 display: -webkit-box;
7984 display: -ms-flexbox;
7986 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
7987 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
7988 -ms-flex-direction: column;
7989 flex-direction: column;
7990 -ms-user-select: element;
7991 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
7996 .ideditor .map-footer-bar {
7997 pointer-events: all;
8003 .ideditor .main-footer-wrap,
8004 .ideditor .flash-wrap {
8005 display: -webkit-box;
8006 display: -ms-flexbox;
8008 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
8011 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
8012 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
8013 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
8014 flex-flow: row nowrap;
8015 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
8016 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
8017 justify-content: space-between;
8024 .ideditor .footer-show {
8026 -webkit-transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8027 -o-transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8028 transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8031 .ideditor .footer-hide {
8033 -webkit-transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8034 -o-transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8035 transition: bottom 75ms linear;
8040 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8041 .ideditor .attribution-wrap {
8046 display: -webkit-box;
8047 display: -ms-flexbox;
8049 -webkit-box-pack: justify;
8050 -ms-flex-pack: justify;
8051 justify-content: space-between;
8052 -webkit-box-align: end;
8053 -ms-flex-align: end;
8054 align-items: flex-end;
8058 .ideditor .attribution-wrap * { pointer-events: all; }
8060 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .base-layer-attribution,
8061 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .overlay-layer-attribution {
8065 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .overlay-layer-attribution {
8069 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .overlay-layer-attribution .attribution:not(:last-child):after {
8073 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution a,
8074 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution a:visited {
8077 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution a:focus,
8078 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution a:hover {
8081 @media (hover: hover) {
8082 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution a:hover {
8087 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution .source-image {
8089 vertical-align: middle;
8093 .ideditor .attribution-wrap .attribution span {
8098 /* Footer - Flash messages
8099 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8100 .ideditor .flash-content {
8101 display: -webkit-box;
8102 display: -ms-flexbox;
8104 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
8107 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
8108 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
8109 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
8110 flex-flow: row nowrap;
8111 -webkit-box-align: center;
8112 -ms-flex-align: center;
8113 align-items: center;
8117 .ideditor .flash-icon {
8118 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
8126 .ideditor .flash-icon circle {
8129 .ideditor .flash-icon.disabled circle {
8131 fill: rgba(255,255,255,0.7);
8134 .ideditor .flash-icon use {
8137 .ideditor .flash-icon.disabled use,
8138 .ideditor .flash-icon.operation.disabled use {
8139 fill: rgba(32,32,32,0.7);
8140 color: rgba(40,40,40,0.7);
8143 .ideditor .flash-text {
8144 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
8150 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8151 .ideditor .map-footer-bar .scale-block {
8152 vertical-align: bottom;
8154 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
8157 -webkit-user-select: none;
8158 -moz-user-select: none;
8159 -ms-user-select: none;
8162 -ms-flex-item-align: center;
8166 .ideditor .scale-block .scale {
8172 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .scale-block .scale {
8173 -webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
8174 -ms-transform: scaleX(-1);
8175 transform: scaleX(-1);
8178 .ideditor .scale-block .scale-text {
8179 display: inline-block;
8185 .ideditor .scale-block .scale path {
8189 shape-rendering: crispEdges;
8192 /* Footer - About, Source Switcher
8193 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8194 .ideditor .map-footer-bar .info-block {
8195 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
8201 .ideditor .map-footer-list {
8202 display: -webkit-box;
8203 display: -ms-flexbox;
8205 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
8206 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
8207 -ms-flex-flow: row nowrap;
8208 flex-flow: row nowrap;
8210 -webkit-box-pack: end;
8212 justify-content: flex-end;
8215 .ideditor .map-footer-list li {
8217 display: -webkit-box;
8218 display: -ms-flexbox;
8220 -webkit-box-align: center;
8221 -ms-flex-align: center;
8222 align-items: center;
8223 white-space: nowrap;
8226 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .map-footer-list li:not(:last-child) {
8227 border-right: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.5);
8229 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .map-footer-list li:not(:last-child) {
8230 border-left: 1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.5);
8232 .ideditor .map-footer-list li:empty {
8236 .ideditor .map-footer-list a.chip {
8237 padding: 1px 4px 1px 4px;
8241 .ideditor .map-footer-list a.chip .icon {
8246 .ideditor .map-footer-list a.chip span.count {
8250 .ideditor .source-switch a.chip.live {
8251 background: #d32232;
8255 .ideditor .feature-warning a.chip {
8256 background: #1e90ff;
8259 .ideditor .issues-info a.chip.resolved-count {
8260 background: #15911E;
8262 .ideditor .issues-info a.chip.warnings-count {
8263 background: #DF8500;
8265 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .issues-info a.chip:not(:last-child) {
8268 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .issues-info a.chip:not(:last-child) {
8272 .ideditor .user-list a:not(:last-child):after {
8276 .ideditor .api-status {
8280 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
8284 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .api-status {
8287 .ideditor .api-status:empty {
8291 .ideditor .api-status.offline,
8292 .ideditor .api-status.readonly,
8293 .ideditor .api-status.error {
8297 .ideditor .api-status a {
8298 text-decoration: underline;
8300 pointer-events: all;
8302 .ideditor .api-status a:focus,
8303 .ideditor .api-status a:active {
8306 @media (hover: hover) {
8307 .ideditor .api-status a:hover {
8312 /* Notification Badges
8313 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8314 /* For an icon (e.g. new version) */
8316 display: -webkit-inline-box;
8317 display: -ms-inline-flexbox;
8318 display: inline-flex;
8319 background: #d32232;
8323 -webkit-box-align: center;
8324 -ms-flex-align: center;
8325 align-items: center;
8326 -webkit-box-pack: center;
8327 -ms-flex-pack: center;
8328 justify-content: center;
8330 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .badge {
8333 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .badge {
8336 .ideditor .badge .icon {
8337 vertical-align: baseline;
8341 -webkit-box-flex: 0;
8346 /* For text (e.g. upcoming events) */
8347 .ideditor .badge-text {
8348 display: inline-block;
8359 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .badge-text {
8366 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8378 display: -webkit-box;
8379 display: -ms-flexbox;
8381 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
8382 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
8383 -ms-flex-direction: column;
8384 flex-direction: column;
8387 .ideditor .modal .content {
8392 .ideditor .modal .loader {
8393 margin-bottom: 10px;
8395 .ideditor .modal .description {
8408 .ideditor .shaded:before {
8410 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
8412 left: 0px; right: 0px; top: 0px; bottom: 0px;
8415 .ideditor .modal-section {
8417 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
8419 .ideditor .modal-section p:not(:last-of-type) {
8420 padding-bottom: 20px;
8422 .ideditor .modal-section h4 {
8425 .ideditor .modal-section.buttons {
8429 .ideditor .modal-section.buttons button {
8433 .ideditor .modal-section.buttons .action {
8434 display: inline-block;
8438 .ideditor .save-section .buttons {
8439 display: -webkit-box;
8440 display: -ms-flexbox;
8442 -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
8444 -ms-flex-pack: distribute;
8445 justify-content: space-around;
8448 .ideditor .save-section .buttons .action,
8449 .ideditor .save-section .buttons .secondary-action {
8453 vertical-align: middle;
8456 .ideditor .loading-modal {
8459 .ideditor .modal-actions {
8460 display: -webkit-box;
8461 display: -ms-flexbox;
8464 .ideditor .modal-actions button {
8466 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
8473 .ideditor .logo-small {
8486 .ideditor .modal-actions > :first-child {
8487 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
8490 .ideditor .modal-section:last-child {
8495 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8496 .ideditor .modal-actions .logo-restore {
8499 .ideditor .modal-actions .logo-reset {
8503 /* Success Screen / Community Index
8504 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8505 .ideditor .save-success.body {
8510 .ideditor .save-success .link-out {
8512 white-space: nowrap;
8515 .ideditor .save-summary,
8516 .ideditor .save-communityLinks {
8517 padding: 0px 20px 15px 20px;
8520 .ideditor .save-communityLinks {
8521 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
8524 .ideditor .save-success table,
8525 .ideditor .save-success p {
8528 .ideditor .save-success h3 {
8534 .ideditor .save-success td {
8535 vertical-align: top;
8537 .ideditor .save-success td.cell-icon {
8540 .ideditor .save-success td.cell-detail {
8543 .ideditor .save-success td.community-detail {
8544 padding-bottom: 15px;
8547 .ideditor .summary-view-on-osm,
8548 .ideditor .community-name {
8552 .ideditor .community-languages {
8556 .ideditor .community-languages:only-child {
8560 .ideditor .community-detail a.hide-toggle,
8561 .ideditor .community-detail a:visited.hide-toggle {
8563 font-weight: normal;
8566 .ideditor .community-detail .hide-toggle svg.icon.pre-text {
8571 .ideditor .community-events {
8575 .ideditor .community-event,
8576 .ideditor .community-more {
8577 background-color: #efefef;
8583 .ideditor .community-event-name {
8587 .ideditor .community-event-when {
8591 .ideditor .community-missing {
8598 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8599 .ideditor .modal-actions .logo-walkthrough,
8600 .ideditor .modal-actions .logo-features {
8606 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8607 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts {
8612 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .modal-section:last-child {
8613 padding: 10px 15px 20px 15px;
8617 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .tabs-bar {
8618 padding-bottom: 5px;
8622 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts a.tab {
8623 display: inline-block;
8631 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts a.tab.active {
8633 border-bottom: 2px solid;
8635 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts a.tab:focus,
8636 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts a.tab:active {
8638 background-color: #efefef;
8640 @media (hover: hover) {
8641 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts a.tab:hover {
8643 background-color: #efefef;
8647 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-tab {
8648 display: -webkit-box;
8649 display: -ms-flexbox;
8651 -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;
8652 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
8653 -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
8654 flex-flow: row wrap;
8655 -ms-flex-pack: distribute;
8656 justify-content: space-around;
8659 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-column {
8663 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-tab-tools .shortcut-column {
8664 -webkit-box-flex: 1;
8670 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts td {
8671 padding-bottom: 5px;
8674 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-section {
8675 padding: 20px 0 10px 0;
8678 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-keys {
8682 white-space: nowrap;
8684 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-keys {
8688 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-keys kbd {
8692 .ideditor .modal-shortcuts .shortcut-keys .gesture {
8699 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8700 .ideditor .settings-modal textarea {
8705 .ideditor .settings-custom-background .instructions-template {
8706 margin-bottom: 20px;
8708 .ideditor .settings-custom-background .instructions-template p {
8711 .ideditor .settings-custom-background .instructions-template ul {
8712 padding-bottom: 20px;
8714 .ideditor .settings-custom-background .instructions-template ul li {
8715 list-style-type: disc;
8716 list-style-position: inside;
8719 .ideditor .settings-custom-data .instructions-url {
8720 margin-bottom: 10px;
8722 .ideditor .settings-custom-data .field-file,
8723 .ideditor .settings-custom-data .instructions-template {
8724 margin-bottom: 20px;
8729 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8730 .ideditor a.user-info {
8731 display: inline-block;
8734 .ideditor .commit-form {
8738 .ideditor .user-info img {
8742 .ideditor .note-save .field-warning,
8743 .ideditor .field-warning {
8745 border: 1px solid #ccc;
8750 .ideditor .note-save .field-warning:empty,
8751 .ideditor .field-warning:empty {
8755 .ideditor .field-warning,
8756 .ideditor .changeset-info,
8757 .ideditor .request-review,
8758 .ideditor .commit-info {
8759 margin-bottom: 10px;
8762 .ideditor .request-review label {
8766 .ideditor .changeset-list {
8767 border: 1px solid #ccc;
8770 margin-bottom: 10px;
8774 .ideditor .changeset-list li button {
8778 text-align: initial;
8780 .ideditor .changeset-list li {
8781 border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
8783 .ideditor .changeset-list li:first-child {
8786 .ideditor .changeset-list .alert {
8791 /* Conflict resolution
8792 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8793 .ideditor .conflicts-help {
8795 background-color: #ffffbb;
8796 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
8799 .ideditor .conflicts-buttons {
8803 .ideditor button.conflicts-button {
8807 .ideditor .conflict-container {
8808 border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
8811 .ideditor .conflict-description {
8816 .ideditor .conflicts-done {
8817 padding: 20px 20px 0 20px;
8820 .ideditor .conflict-detail-container {
8824 .ideditor .conflict-count {
8828 .ideditor .conflict-choices {
8832 .ideditor .conflict-nav-buttons {
8833 padding: 10px 0 20px 0;
8836 .ideditor .conflict-nav-button {
8841 /* Notices (Zoom in to Edit)
8842 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8851 .ideditor .notice .zoom-to {
8860 .ideditor .notice .zoom-to:focus,
8861 .ideditor .notice .zoom-to:active {
8862 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
8864 @media (hover: hover) {
8865 .ideditor .notice .zoom-to:hover {
8866 background: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
8870 .ideditor .notice .zoom-to .icon {
8873 vertical-align: middle;
8876 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .notice .zoom-to .icon {
8883 ------------------------------------------------------- */
8884 .ideditor .popover {
8888 .ideditor .tooltip {
8891 white-space: initial;
8893 .ideditor .tooltip:not(.curtain-tooltip) {
8894 pointer-events: none;
8896 .ideditor .popover.in {
8901 .ideditor .tooltip.in {
8904 .ideditor .popover.top {
8907 .ideditor .popover.right {
8910 .ideditor .popover.bottom {
8913 .ideditor .popover.left {
8916 .ideditor .popover.arrowed.top {
8919 .ideditor .popover.arrowed.right {
8922 .ideditor .popover.arrowed.bottom {
8925 .ideditor .popover.arrowed.left {
8928 .ideditor .bar-button .tooltip.arrowed.bottom {
8931 .ideditor .tooltip.top {
8934 .ideditor .tooltip.right {
8937 .ideditor .tooltip.bottom {
8940 .ideditor .tooltip.left {
8944 .ideditor .popover-inner {
8945 border-radius: inherit;
8948 .ideditor .tooltip .popover-inner {
8953 font-weight: normal;
8954 background-color: #fff;
8957 .ideditor .popover-arrow {
8961 border-color: transparent;
8962 border-style: solid;
8964 .ideditor .popover.top .popover-arrow {
8968 border-top-color: #fff;
8969 border-width: 5px 5px 0;
8971 .ideditor .popover.right .popover-arrow {
8975 border-right-color: #fff;
8976 border-width: 5px 5px 5px 0;
8978 .ideditor .popover.left .popover-arrow {
8982 border-left-color: #fff;
8983 border-width: 5px 0 5px 5px;
8985 .ideditor .popover.bottom .popover-arrow {
8989 border-bottom-color: #fff;
8990 border-width: 0 5px 5px;
8992 .ideditor .popover:not(.arrowed) .popover-arrow {
8996 .ideditor .tooltip-heading {
8998 background: #f6f6f6;
9000 margin: -10px -10px 10px -10px;
9001 border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0;
9005 .ideditor .keyhint-wrap {
9006 background: #f6f6f6;
9008 margin: 10px -10px -10px -10px;
9009 border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;
9011 .ideditor .popover-inner .shortcut {
9016 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .popover-inner .shortcut {
9021 /* dark tooltips for sidebar / panels */
9022 .ideditor .tooltip.dark.top .popover-arrow,
9023 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip.top .popover-arrow,
9024 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip.top .popover-arrow {
9025 border-top-color: #000;
9027 .ideditor .tooltip.dark.bottom .popover-arrow,
9028 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip.bottom .popover-arrow,
9029 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip.bottom .popover-arrow {
9030 border-bottom-color: #000;
9032 .ideditor .tooltip.dark.left .popover-arrow,
9033 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip.left .popover-arrow,
9034 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip.left .popover-arrow {
9035 border-left-color: #000;
9037 .ideditor .tooltip.dark.right .popover-arrow,
9038 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip.right .popover-arrow,
9039 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip.right .popover-arrow {
9040 border-right-color: #000;
9042 .ideditor .tooltip.dark .popover-inner,
9043 .ideditor .tooltip.dark .tooltip-heading,
9044 .ideditor .tooltip.dark .keyhint-wrap,
9045 .ideditor .map-pane .popover-inner,
9046 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip-heading,
9047 .ideditor .map-pane .keyhint-wrap,
9048 .ideditor .sidebar .popover-inner,
9049 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip-heading,
9050 .ideditor .sidebar .keyhint-wrap {
9054 .ideditor .tooltip.dark kbd,
9055 .ideditor .map-pane .tooltip kbd,
9056 .ideditor .sidebar .tooltip kbd {
9057 background-color: #666;
9058 border: solid 1px #444;
9059 border-bottom-color: #333;
9060 -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #333;
9061 box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #333;
9065 /* Exceptions for tooltip layouts */
9067 /* commit warning tooltips need to be closer */
9068 .ideditor .warning-section .tooltip.top {
9072 .ideditor li:first-of-type .badge .tooltip,
9073 .ideditor li.hide + li.version .badge .tooltip {
9074 left: auto !important;
9075 right: 5px !important;
9077 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] li:first-of-type .badge .tooltip,
9078 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] li.hide + li.version .badge .tooltip {
9079 left: 5px !important;
9080 right: auto !important;
9082 .ideditor li:first-of-type .badge .tooltip .popover-arrow,
9083 .ideditor li.hide + li.version .badge .tooltip .popover-arrow {
9084 right: 15px !important;
9085 left: auto !important;
9087 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] li:first-of-type .badge .tooltip .popover-arrow,
9088 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] li.hide + li.version .badge .tooltip .popover-arrow {
9089 left: 15px !important;
9090 right: auto !important;
9094 /* Contextual Edit Menu
9095 ------------------------------------------------------- */
9096 .ideditor .edit-menu {
9098 display: -webkit-box;
9099 display: -ms-flexbox;
9101 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
9102 -webkit-box-direction: normal;
9103 -ms-flex-direction: column;
9104 flex-direction: column;
9107 /* padding is set in edit_menu.js */
9110 .ideditor .edit-menu .tooltip {
9111 width: 200px; /* see also edit_menu.js */
9114 .ideditor .edit-menu-item {
9115 display: -webkit-box;
9116 display: -ms-flexbox;
9118 -webkit-box-align: center;
9119 -ms-flex-align: center;
9120 align-items: center;
9123 /* height is set in edit_menu.js */
9125 .ideditor .edit-menu-item .label {
9127 text-align: initial;
9131 .ideditor[dir='ltr'] .edit-menu-item .label {
9134 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .edit-menu-item .label {
9138 .ideditor .edit-menu-item use {
9139 pointer-events: none;
9143 ------------------------------------------------------- */
9144 .ideditor .lasso-path {
9149 stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
9154 ----------------------------------------------------- */
9155 .ideditor ::-webkit-scrollbar {
9160 border-left: 1px solid #DDD;
9163 .ideditor ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
9164 background-clip: padding-box;
9165 border: solid transparent;
9169 .ideditor ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
9170 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
9171 background-clip: padding-box;
9172 border: solid transparent;
9173 border-width: 3px 3px 3px 4px;
9176 .ideditor ::-webkit-scrollbar-track:active {
9177 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05);
9179 @media (hover: hover) {
9180 .ideditor ::-webkit-scrollbar-track:hover {
9181 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05);
9186 /* Intro walkthrough
9187 ----------------------------------------------------- */
9188 .ideditor .curtain {
9190 pointer-events: none;
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9195 pointer-events: all;
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9255 animation-iteration-count: infinite;
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9257 animation-direction: alternate;
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9260 from { background: #7092ff; }
9261 to { background: #c6d4ff; }
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9269 background: #8cd05f;
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9277 display: inline-block;
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9290 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .curtain-tooltip.tooltip {
9294 .ideditor .curtain-tooltip .popover-inner {
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9330 top: 133px !important;
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9339 .ideditor[dir='rtl'] .tooltip-illustration {
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9364 color: rgba(112, 146, 255, 0);
9366 .ideditor .curtain-tooltip.intro-mouse.leftclick .tooltip-illustration use {
9367 fill: rgba(112, 146, 255, 1);
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9370 color: rgba(112, 146, 255, 1);
9373 .ideditor .huge-modal-button {
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