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Let other mappers know.","key":"N"},"add_preset":{"title":"Add {feature}"},"browse":{"title":"Browse","description":"Pan and zoom the map."},"drag_node":{"connected_to_hidden":"This can't be edited because it is connected to a hidden feature."}},"operations":{"add":{"annotation":{"point":"Added a point.","vertex":"Added a node to a way.","relation":"Added a relation.","note":"Added a note."}},"start":{"annotation":{"line":"Started a line.","area":"Started an area."}},"continue":{"key":"A","title":"Continue","description":"Continue this line.","not_eligible":"No line can be continued here.","multiple":"Several lines can be continued here. 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buildings."},"address":{"one":"Downgraded a feature to an address.","other":"Downgraded {n} features to addresses."},"generic":{"one":"Downgraded a feature.","other":"Downgraded {n} features."}},"has_wikidata_tag":{"single":"This feature can't be downgraded because it has a Wikidata tag.","multiple":"These features can't be downgraded because some have Wikidata tags."}},"add_member":{"annotation":{"one":"Added a member to a relation.","other":"Added {n} members to a relation."}},"delete_member":{"annotation":{"one":"Removed a member from a relation.","other":"Removed {n} members from a relation."}},"reorder_members":{"annotation":"Reordered a relation's members."},"connect":{"annotation":{"from_vertex":{"to_point":"Connected a way to a point.","to_vertex":"Connected a way to another.","to_line":"Connected a way to a line.","to_area":"Connected a way to an area.","to_adjacent_vertex":"Merged adjacent points in a way.","to_sibling_vertex":"Connected a way to 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feature.","other":"Merged {n} features."},"not_eligible":"These features can't be merged.","not_adjacent":"These features can't be merged because their endpoints aren't connected.","damage_relation":"These features can't be merged because it would damage a \"{relation}\" relation.","relation":"These features can't be merged because they have conflicting relation roles.","incomplete_relation":"These features can't be merged because at least one hasn't been fully downloaded.","conflicting_tags":"These features can't be merged because some of their tags have conflicting values.","conflicting_relations":"These features can't be merged because they belong to conflicting relations.","paths_intersect":"These features can't be merged because the resulting path would intersect itself.","too_many_vertices":"These features can't be merged because the resulting path would have too many points."},"move":{"title":"Move","description":{"single":"Move this feature to a different location.","multiple":"Move these features to a different location."},"key":"M","annotation":{"point":"Moved a point.","vertex":"Moved a node in a way.","line":"Moved a line.","area":"Moved an area.","relation":"Moved a relation.","feature":{"one":"Moved a feature.","other":"Moved {n} features."}},"incomplete_relation":{"single":"This feature can't be moved because it hasn't been fully downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be moved because they haven't been fully downloaded."},"too_large":{"single":"This feature can't be moved because not enough of it is currently visible.","multiple":"These features can't be moved because not enough of them are currently visible."},"connected_to_hidden":{"single":"This feature can't be moved because it is connected to a hidden feature.","multiple":"These features can't be moved because some are connected to hidden features."},"not_downloaded":{"single":"This feature can't be moved because parts of it have not yet been downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be moved because parts of them have not yet been downloaded."}},"follow":{"key":"F","error":{"needs_more_initial_nodes":"This feature can't follow another feature because it isn't connected to enough consecutive points along another feature. 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Add another point manually to continue."},"unknown":"This feature can't follow another feature."}},"reflect":{"title":{"long":"Flip Long","short":"Flip Short"},"description":{"long":{"single":"Flip this feature across its long axis.","multiple":"Flip these features across their long axis."},"short":{"single":"Flip this feature across its short axis.","multiple":"Flip these features across their short axis."}},"key":{"long":"T","short":"Y"},"annotation":{"long":{"feature":{"one":"Flipped a feature across its long axis.","other":"Flipped {n} features across their long axis."}},"short":{"feature":{"one":"Flipped a feature across its short axis.","other":"Flipped {n} features across their short axis."}}},"incomplete_relation":{"single":"This feature can't be flipped because it hasn't been fully downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be flipped because they haven't been fully downloaded."},"too_large":{"single":"This feature can't be flipped because not enough of it is currently visible.","multiple":"These features can't be flipped because not enough of them are currently visible."},"connected_to_hidden":{"single":"This feature can't be flipped because it is connected to a hidden feature.","multiple":"These features can't be flipped because some are connected to hidden features."},"not_downloaded":{"single":"This feature can't be flipped because parts of it have not yet been downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be flipped because parts of them have not yet been downloaded."}},"rotate":{"title":"Rotate","description":{"single":"Rotate this feature around its centre point.","multiple":"Rotate these features around their centre point."},"key":"R","annotation":{"line":"Rotated a line.","area":"Rotated an area.","relation":"Rotated a relation.","feature":{"one":"Rotated a feature.","other":"Rotated {n} features."}},"incomplete_relation":{"single":"This feature can't be rotated because it hasn't been fully downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be rotated because they haven't been fully downloaded."},"too_large":{"single":"This feature can't be rotated because not enough of it is currently visible.","multiple":"These features can't be rotated because not enough of them are currently visible."},"connected_to_hidden":{"single":"This feature can't be rotated because it is connected to a hidden feature.","multiple":"These features can't be rotated because some are connected to hidden features."},"not_downloaded":{"single":"This feature can't be rotated because parts of it have not yet been downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be rotated because parts of them have not yet been downloaded."}},"reverse":{"title":"Reverse","description":{"point":"Flip the direction of this point.","points":"Flip the direction of these points.","line":"Make this line go in the opposite direction.","lines":"Make these lines go in the opposite direction.","features":"Flip the directions of these features."},"key":"V","annotation":{"point":{"one":"Reversed a point.","other":"Reversed {n} points."},"line":{"one":"Reversed a line.","other":"Reversed {n} lines."},"feature":{"one":"Reversed a feature.","other":"Reversed {n} features."}}},"scale":{"annotation":{"down":{"feature":{"one":"Scaled down a feature.","other":"Scaled down {n} features."}},"up":{"feature":{"one":"Scaled up a feature.","other":"Scaled up {n} features."}}},"too_small":{"single":"This feature can't be scaled down because it would become too small.","multiple":"These features can't be scaled down because they would become too small."},"too_large":{"single":"This feature can't be scaled because not enough of it is currently visible.","multiple":"These features can't be scaled because not enough of them are currently visible."},"connected_to_hidden":{"single":"This feature can't be scaled because it is connected to a hidden feature.","multiple":"These features can't be scaled because some are connected to hidden features."},"not_downloaded":{"single":"This feature can't be scaled because parts of it have not yet been downloaded.","multiple":"These features can't be scaled because parts of them have not yet been downloaded."}},"split":{"title":"Split","description":{"line":{"single":{"single_node":"Divide this line into two at this point.","multiple_node":"Divide this line at these points."},"multiple":{"single_node":"Divide all lines at this point. 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Tip: To limit this operation to a specific line, select the line as well as the points before performing the split."}},"area":{"single":{"single_node":"Divide the edge of this area into two at this point.","multiple_node":"Divide the edge of this area at these points."},"multiple":{"single_node":"Divide the edges of these areas at this point.","multiple_node":"Divide the edges of these areas at these points."}},"feature":{"multiple":{"single_node":"Divide these features at this point.","multiple_node":"Divide these features at these points."}}},"key":"X","annotation":{"line":{"one":"Split a line.","other":"Split {n} lines."},"area":{"one":"Split the edge of an area.","other":"Split {n} areas."},"feature":{"one":"Split a feature.","other":"Split {n} features."}},"not_eligible":"Lines can't be split at their beginning or end.","parent_incomplete":"This line cannot be split because a parent relation isn’t fully downloaded. Download the full relation.","simple_roundabout":"This line cannot be split because this roundabout is part of a larger relation. You must remove it from the relation first.","connected_to_hidden":"This can't be split because it is connected to a hidden feature."},"restriction":{"annotation":{"create":"Added a turn restriction","delete":"Deleted a turn restriction"}},"extract":{"title":"Extract","key":"E","description":{"vertex":{"single":"Extract this point from its parent lines/areas.","multiple":"Extract these points from their parent features."},"line":{"single":"Extract a point from this line.","multiple":"Extract points from these lines."},"area":{"single":"Extract a point from this area.","multiple":"Extract points from these areas."},"feature":{"multiple":"Extract points from these features."}},"annotation":{"one":"Extracted a point.","other":"Extracted {n} points."},"too_large":{"single":"A point can't be extracted because not enough of this feature is visible.","multiple":"Points can't be extracted because not enough of these features are visible."},"connected_to_hidden":{"single":"This point can't be extracted because it is connected to a hidden feature.","multiple":"Points can't be extracted from these features because some are connected to hidden features."}}},"restriction":{"controls":{"distance":"Distance","distance_up_to":"Up to {distance}","via":"Via","via_node_only":"Node only","via_up_to_one":"Up to 1 way","via_up_to_two":"Up to 2 ways"},"help":{"indirect":"(indirect)","turn":{"no_left_turn":"NO Left Turn {indirect}","no_right_turn":"NO Right Turn {indirect}","no_u_turn":"NO U-Turn {indirect}","no_straight_on":"NO Straight On {indirect}","only_left_turn":"ONLY Left Turn {indirect}","only_right_turn":"ONLY Right Turn {indirect}","only_u_turn":"ONLY U-Turn {indirect}","only_straight_on":"ONLY Straight On {indirect}","allowed_left_turn":"Left Turn Allowed {indirect}","allowed_right_turn":"Right Turn Allowed {indirect}","allowed_u_turn":"U-Turn Allowed {indirect}","allowed_straight_on":"Straight On Allowed {indirect}"},"from":"FROM","via":"VIA","to":"TO","from_name":"{from} {fromName}","from_name_to_name":"{from} {fromName} {to} {toName}","via_names":"{via} {viaNames}","select_from":"Click to select a {from} segment","select_from_name":"Click to select {from} {fromName}","toggle":"Click for \"{turn}\""}},"undo":{"title":"Undo","tooltip":"Undo: {action}","nothing":"Nothing to undo."},"redo":{"title":"Redo","tooltip":"Redo: {action}","nothing":"Nothing to redo."},"tooltip_keyhint":"Shortcut:","translate":{"translate":"Add multilingual name","localized_translation_label":"Multilingual Name","localized_translation_language":"Choose language","localized_translation_name":"Name","language_and_code":"{language} ({code})"},"zoom_in_edit":"Zoom in to edit","login":"Log In","logout":"Log Out","loading_auth":"Connecting to OpenStreetMap...","report_a_bug":"Report a bug","help_translate":"Help translate","sidebar":{"key":"`","tooltip":"Toggle the sidebar."},"feature_info":{"hidden_warning":{"one":"{count} hidden feature","other":"{count} hidden features"}},"osm_api_status":{"message":{"error":"Unable to reach the OpenStreetMap API. Your edits are safe locally. Check your network connection.","offline":"The OpenStreetMap API is offline. Your edits are safe locally. Please come back later.","readonly":"The OpenStreetMap API is currently read-only. You can continue editing, but must wait to save your changes.","rateLimit":"The OpenStreetMap API is limiting anonymous connections. You can fix this by logging in.","local_storage_full":"You have made too many edits to back up. Consider saving your changes now."},"retry":"Retry"},"commit":{"title":"Upload to OpenStreetMap","upload_explanation":"The changes you upload will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.","upload_explanation_with_user":"The changes you upload as {user} will be visible on all maps that use OpenStreetMap data.","request_review":"I would like someone to review my edits.","request_review_info":"Unsure about something? Invite an experienced mapper to check your work once it's live.","save":"Upload","cancel":"Cancel","changes":"Changes","download_changes":"Download osmChange file","errors":"Errors","warnings":"Warnings","modified":"Modified","deleted":"Deleted","created":"Created","outstanding_errors_message":"Please resolve all errors first. {count} remaining.","comment_needed_message":"Please add a changeset comment first.","about_changeset_comments":"About changeset comments","about_changeset_comments_link":"//wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments","changeset_comment_length_warning":"Changeset comments can have a maximum of {maxChars} characters.","google_warning":"You mentioned Google in this comment: remember that copying from Google Maps is strictly forbidden.","google_warning_link":"https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"},"contributors":{"list":"Edits by {users}","truncated_list":{"one":"Edits by {users} and {count} other","other":"Edits by {users} and {count} others"}},"info_panels":{"key":"I","selected":{"one":"{n} selected","other":"{n} selected"},"background":{"key":"B","title":"Background","zoom":"Zoom","vintage":"Vintage","source":"Source","description":"Description","resolution":"Resolution","accuracy":"Accuracy","unknown":"Unknown","show_tiles":"Show Tiles","hide_tiles":"Hide Tiles","show_vintage":"Show Vintage","hide_vintage":"Hide Vintage"},"history":{"key":"H","title":"History","no_history":"No History (New Feature)","version":"Version","last_edit":"Last Edit","edited_by":"Edited By","changeset":"Changeset","changeset_link":"Changeset on osm.org","profile_link":"Profile on osm.org","history_link":"History on osm.org","unknown":"Unknown","note_no_history":"No History (New Note)","note_comments":"Comments","note_created_date":"Created Date","note_created_user":"Created By","note_link_text":"Note on openstreetmap.org"},"location":{"key":"L","title":"Location","unknown_location":"Unknown Location"},"measurement":{"key":"M","title":"Measurement","geometry":"Geometry","closed_line":"closed line","closed_area":"closed area","center":"Centre","perimeter":"Perimeter","length":"Length","distance":"Distance","area":"Area","centroid":"Centroid","location":"Location","metric":"Metric","imperial":"Imperial","node_count":"Number of nodes"}},"geometry":{"point":"point","vertex":"vertex","line":"line","area":"area","relation":"relation","note":"note"},"geocoder":{"search":"Search worldwide...","no_results_worldwide":"No results found"},"geolocate":{"title":"Show My Location","locating":"Locating, please wait...","location_unavailable":"Your location is unavailable."},"inspector":{"zoom_to":{"key":"Z","title":"Zoom To Selection","no_selection":"Nothing to zoom to."},"show_more":"Show More","view_on_osm":"View on openstreetmap.org","view_on_osmose":"View on osmose.openstreetmap.fr","view_on_keepRight":"View on keepright.at","feature_type":"Feature Type","fields":"Fields","tags":"Tags","members":"Members","relations":"Relations","features":"Features","title_count":"{title} ({count})","add_to_relation":"Add to a relation","add_to_tag":"Add a tag","new_relation":"New relation...","choose_relation":"Choose a parent relation","role":"Role","multiple_roles":"Multiple Roles","choose":"Select feature type","results":{"one":"{n} result for {search}","other":"{n} results for {search}"},"no_documentation_key":"There is no documentation available.","edit_reference":"edit/translate documentation","wiki_reference":"View documentation","wiki_en_reference":"View documentation in English","key_value":"key=value","empty":"(empty)","multiple_values":"Multiple Values","multiple_types":"Multiple Types","unshared_value_tooltip":"not shared by all features","hidden_preset":{"manual":"{features} are hidden. 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Anything exceeding that length will be truncated.","set_today":"Sets the value to today.","set_photo_from_viewer":{"enable":"Tag this photo ID on the currently selected map feature","disable":{"already_set":"This photo is already tagged on the selected map feature","too_far":"This photo is too far away from the selected map feature"}}},"background":{"title":"Background","description":"Background Settings","key":"B","backgrounds":"Backgrounds","none":"None","best_imagery":"Best known imagery source for this location","switch":"Switch back to this background","custom":"Custom","overlays":"Overlays","imagery_problem_faq":"Report an Imagery Problem","reset":"reset","reset_all":"Reset All","display_options":"Display Options","brightness":"Brightness","contrast":"Contrast","saturation":"Saturation","sharpness":"Sharpness","minimap":{"description":"Show Minimap","tooltip":"Show a zoomed out map to help locate the area currently displayed.","key":"/"},"panel":{"description":"Show Background Panel","tooltip":"Show advanced background information."},"location_panel":{"description":"Show Location Panel","tooltip":"Show coordinates and regional details."},"fix_misalignment":"Imagery Offset","offset":"Drag anywhere in the gray area below to adjust the imagery offset, or enter the offset values in meters.","offset_label":"Adjust Imagery Offset","nudge":{"top":"nudge top","left":"nudge left","right":"nudge right","bottom":"nudge bottom"}},"map_data":{"title":"Map Data","description":"Map Data","key":"U","data_layers":"Data Layers","layers":{"osm":{"tooltip":"Map data from OpenStreetMap","title":"OpenStreetMap Data"},"notes":{"tooltip":"Note data from OpenStreetMap","title":"OpenStreetMap Notes"},"keepRight":{"tooltip":"Data issues detected by keepright.at","title":"KeepRight Issues"},"osmose":{"tooltip":"Data issues detected by osmose.openstreetmap.fr","title":"Osmose Issues"},"custom":{"tooltip":"Drag and drop a data file onto the page, or click the button to setup","title":"Custom Map Data","zoom":"Zoom to data"}},"history_panel":{"title":"Show History Panel","tooltip":"Show version details for the selection."},"measurement_panel":{"title":"Show Measurement Panel","tooltip":"Show geometry values for the selection."},"style_options":"Style Options","highlight_edits":{"key":"G"},"map_features":"Map Features","autohidden":"These features have been automatically hidden because too many would be shown on the screen. You can zoom in to edit them.","osmhidden":"These features have been automatically hidden because the OpenStreetMap layer is hidden."},"visual_diff":{"highlight_edits":{"description":"Highlight Changes","tooltip":"Outline edited features"}},"photo_overlays":{"title":"Photo Overlays","traffic_signs":{"title":"Traffic Signs"},"photo_type":{"flat":{"title":"Flat Photos","tooltip":"Traditional photos"},"panoramic":{"title":"Panoramic Photos","tooltip":"360° photos"}},"date_filter":{"fromDate":{"title":"From","tooltip":"Show photos taken after this date"},"toDate":{"title":"To","tooltip":"Show photos taken before this date"}},"username_filter":{"title":"Username","tooltip":"Show only photos by this user"}},"feature":{"points":{"description":"Points","tooltip":"Points of Interest"},"traffic_roads":{"description":"Traffic Roads","tooltip":"Highways, Streets, etc."},"service_roads":{"description":"Service Roads","tooltip":"Service Roads, Parking Aisles, Tracks, etc."},"paths":{"description":"Paths","tooltip":"Footpaths, Walkways, Cycleways, etc."},"buildings":{"description":"Buildings","tooltip":"Buildings, Shelters, Garages, etc."},"building_parts":{"description":"Building Parts","tooltip":"3D Building and Roof Components"},"indoor":{"description":"Indoor Features","tooltip":"Rooms, Corridors, Stairwells, etc."},"landuse":{"description":"Landuse Features","tooltip":"Forests, Farmland, Parks, Residential, Commercial, etc."},"boundaries":{"description":"Boundaries","tooltip":"Administrative Boundaries"},"water":{"description":"Water Features","tooltip":"Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Basins, etc."},"rail":{"description":"Rail Features","tooltip":"Railways"},"pistes":{"description":"Pistes","tooltip":"Ski Slopes, Sled Runs, Ice Skating Trails, etc."},"aerialways":{"description":"Aerial Features","tooltip":"Chair Lifts, Gondolas, Zip Lines, etc."},"power":{"description":"Power Features","tooltip":"Power Lines, Power Plants, Substations, etc."},"past_future":{"description":"Past/Future Features","tooltip":"Proposed, Construction, Abandoned, Demolished, etc."},"others":{"description":"Other Features","tooltip":"Everything Else"}},"area_fill":{"wireframe":{"description":"No Fill (Wireframe)","tooltip":"Enabling wireframe mode makes it easy to see the background imagery.","key":"W"},"partial":{"description":"Partial Fill","tooltip":"Areas are drawn with fill only around their inner edges. (Recommended for beginner mappers)"},"full":{"description":"Full Fill","tooltip":"Areas are drawn fully filled."}},"settings":{"custom_background":{"tooltip":"Edit custom background","header":"Custom Background Settings","instructions":{"info":"Enter a tile URL template below.","wms":{"tokens_label":"Supported WMS tokens:","tokens":{"proj":"`{proj}`: requested projection (`EPSG:3857` only)","wkid":"`{wkid}`: same as proj, but without the EPSG (`3857` only)","dimensions":"`{width}`, `{height}`: requested image dimensions (`256` only)","bbox":"`{bbox}`: requested bounding box (e.g. `minX,minY,maxX,maxY`)"}},"tms":{"tokens_label":"Supported TMS tokens:","tokens":{"xyz":"`{zoom}` or `{z}`, `{x}`, `{y}`: Z/X/Y tile coordinates","flipped_y":"`{-y}` or `{ty}`: flipped TMS-style Y coordinates","switch":"`{switch:a,b,c}`: DNS server multiplexing","quadtile":"`{u}`: quadtile (Bing) scheme","scale_factor":"`{@2x}` or `{r}`: resolution scale factor"}},"example":"Example:"},"template":{"placeholder":"Enter a url template"}},"custom_data":{"tooltip":"Edit custom data layer","header":"Custom Map Data Settings","file":{"instructions":"Choose a local data file. Supported types are:\n .gpx, .kml, .geojson, .json","label":"Browse files"},"or":"Or","url":{"instructions":"Enter a data file URL or vector tile URL template. Valid tokens are:\n {zoom} or {z}, {x}, {y} for Z/X/Y tile scheme","placeholder":"Enter a url"}}},"preferences":{"title":"Preferences","description":"Preferences","key":"P","privacy":{"title":"Privacy","privacy_link":"View the iD privacy policy","third_party_icons":{"description":"Show Third Party Icons","tooltip":"Uncheck this box to avoid loading icons from third party sites such as Wikimedia Commons, Facebook, or Twitter."}}},"restore":{"heading":"You have unsaved changes","description":"Do you wish to restore unsaved changes from a previous editing session?","restore":"Restore my changes","reset":"Discard my changes"},"save":{"title":"Save","help":"Review your changes and upload them to OpenStreetMap, making them visible to other users.","no_changes":"No changes to save.","error":"Errors occurred while trying to save","status_code":"Server returned status code {code}","unknown_error_details":"Please ensure you are connected to the Internet.","uploading":"Uploading changes to OpenStreetMap...","conflict_progress":"Checking for conflicts: {num} of {total}","unsaved_changes":"You have unsaved changes","conflict":{"header":"Resolve conflicting edits","count":"Conflict {num} of {total}","previous":"< Previous","next":"Next >","keep_local":"Keep mine","keep_remote":"Use theirs","restore":"Restore","delete":"Leave Deleted","download_changes":"Or download osmChange file","done":"All conflicts resolved!","help":"Another user changed some of the same map features you changed. Click on each feature below for more details about the conflict, and choose whether to keep your changes or the other user's changes."}},"merge_remote_changes":{"conflict":{"deleted":"This feature has been deleted by {user}.","location":"This feature was moved by both you and {user}.","nodelist":"Nodes were changed by both you and {user}.","memberlist":"Relation members were changed by both you and {user}.","tags":"You changed the \"{tag}\" tag to \"{local}\" and {user} changed it to \"{remote}\"."}},"success":{"just_edited":"You just edited OpenStreetMap!","thank_you":"Thank you for improving the map.","thank_you_location":"Thank you for improving the map around {where}.","thank_you_where":{"format":"{place}{separator}{region}","separator":", "},"help_html":"Your changes should appear on OpenStreetMap within a few minutes. It may take longer for maps elsewhere to receive updates.","help_link_text":"Details","help_link_url":"https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FAQ#I_have_just_made_some_changes_to_the_map._How_do_I_get_to_see_my_changes.3F","view_on_osm":"View Changes on OSM","changeset_id":"Your changeset #: {changeset_id}","supporting":{"title":"OpenStreetMap is free to use, but not free to run","details":"Its stability, quality, independence, and strength depend on donations from people like you.","donation":{"title":"Support the map","details":"Any donation will go directly towards keeping OpenStreetMap running."}},"like_osm":"Like OpenStreetMap? Connect with others:","more":"More","events":"Events","languages":"Languages: {languages}","missing":"Is something missing from this list?","tell_us":"Tell us!"},"confirm":{"okay":"OK","cancel":"Cancel"},"splash":{"welcome":"Welcome to the iD OpenStreetMap editor","text":"iD is a friendly but powerful tool for contributing to the world's best free world map. This is version {version}. For more information see {website} and report bugs at {github}.","changelog":"changelog","privacy_update":"Our privacy policy has recently been updated.","privacy_policy":"iD privacy policy","privacy":"{updateMessage} By using this software, you agree to do so in accordance with the {privacyLink}.","privacy_settings":"Your Privacy Settings","walkthrough":"Start the Walkthrough","start":"Edit now"},"source_switch":{"live":"live","lose_changes":"You have unsaved changes. Switching the map server will discard them. Are you sure you want to switch servers?","dev":"dev"},"version":{"whats_new":"What's new in iD {version}"},"tag_reference":{"description":"Description","on_wiki":"{tag} on wiki.osm.org","used_with":"used with {type}"},"zoom":{"in":"Zoom In","out":"Zoom Out","disabled":{"in":"Cannot zoom in further.","out":"Cannot zoom out further."}},"cannot_zoom":"Cannot zoom out further in current mode.","full_screen":"Toggle Full Screen","self_intersection":{"error":{"lines":"Lines cannot cross over themselves.","areas":"Areas cannot cross over themselves."}},"QA":{"osmose":{"title":"Osmose Issue","detail_title":"Details","elems_title":"Features","fix_title":"Fix Guidelines","trap_title":"Common Mistakes"},"keepRight":{"title":"KeepRight","detail_description":"Description","comment":"Comment","comment_placeholder":"Enter a comment to share with other users.","close":"Close (Issue Fixed)","ignore":"Remove (False Positive)","save_comment":"Save Comment","close_comment":"Close and Comment","ignore_comment":"Remove and Comment","error_parts":{"this_node":"this node","this_way":"this way","this_relation":"this relation","this_oneway":"this oneway","this_highway":"this highway","this_railway":"this railway","this_waterway":"this waterway","this_cycleway":"this cycleway","this_cycleway_footpath":"this cycleway/footpath","this_riverbank":"this riverbank","this_crossing":"this crossing","this_railway_crossing":"this railway crossing","this_bridge":"this bridge","this_tunnel":"this tunnel","this_boundary":"this boundary","this_turn_restriction":"this turn restriction","this_roundabout":"this roundabout","this_mini_roundabout":"this mini-roundabout","this_track":"this track","this_feature":"this feature","highway":"highway","railway":"railway","waterway":"waterway","cycleway":"cycleway","cycleway_footpath":"cycleway/footpath","riverbank":"riverbank","place_of_worship":"place of worship","pub":"pub","restaurant":"restaurant","school":"school","university":"university","hospital":"hospital","library":"library","theatre":"theatre","courthouse":"courthouse","bank":"bank","cinema":"cinema","pharmacy":"pharmacy","cafe":"cafe","fast_food":"fast food","fuel":"fuel","from":"from","to":"to","left_hand":"left-hand","right_hand":"right-hand"},"errorTypes":{"20":{"title":"Multiple nodes on the same spot","description":"There is more than one node in this spot. Node IDs: {var1}."},"30":{"title":"Non-closed area","description":"{var1} is tagged with \"{var2}\" and should be a closed loop."},"40":{"title":"Impossible oneway","description":"The first node {var1} of {var2} is not connected to any other way."},"41":{"description":"The last node {var1} of {var2} is not connected to any other way."},"42":{"description":"You cannot reach {var1} because all ways leading from it are oneway."},"43":{"description":"You cannot escape from {var1} because all ways leading to it are oneway."},"50":{"title":"Almost junction","description":"{var1} is very close but not connected to way {var2}."},"60":{"title":"Deprecated tag","description":"{var1} uses deprecated tag \"{var2}\". Please use \"{var3}\" instead."},"70":{"title":"Missing tag","description":"{var1} has an empty tag: \"{var2}\"."},"71":{"description":"{var1} has no tags."},"72":{"description":"{var1} is not member of any way and doesn't have any tags."},"73":{"description":"{var1} has a \"{var2}\" tag but no \"highway\" tag."},"74":{"description":"{var1} has an empty tag: \"{var2}\"."},"75":{"description":"{var1} has a name \"{var2}\" but no other tags."},"90":{"title":"Motorway without ref tag","description":"{var1} is tagged as a motorway and therefore needs a \"ref\", \"nat_ref\", or \"int_ref\" tag."},"100":{"title":"Place of worship without religion","description":"{var1} is tagged as a place of worship and therefore needs a religion tag."},"110":{"title":"Point of interest without name","description":"{var1} is tagged as a \"{var2}\" and therefore needs a name tag."},"120":{"title":"Way without nodes","description":"{var1} has just one single node."},"130":{"title":"Disconnected way","description":"{var1} is not connected to the rest of the map."},"150":{"title":"Railway crossing without tag","description":"{var1} of a highway and a railway needs to be tagged as \"railway=crossing\" or \"railway=level_crossing\"."},"160":{"title":"Railway layer conflict","description":"There are ways in different layers (e.g. tunnel or bridge) meeting at {var1}."},"170":{"title":"FIXME tagged item","description":"{var1} has a FIXME tag: {var2}"},"180":{"title":"Relation without type","description":"{var1} is missing a \"type\" tag."},"190":{"title":"Intersection without junction","description":"{var1} intersects the {var2} {var3} but there is no junction node, bridge, or tunnel."},"200":{"title":"Overlapping ways","description":"{var1} overlaps the {var2} {var3}."},"210":{"title":"Self-intersecting way","description":"There is an unspecified issue with self intersecting ways."},"211":{"description":"{var1} contains more than one node multiple times. Nodes are {var2}. This may or may not be an error."},"212":{"description":"{var1} has only two different nodes and contains one of them more than once."},"220":{"title":"Misspelled tag","description":"{var1} is tagged \"{var2}\" where \"{var3}\" looks like \"{var4}\"."},"221":{"description":"{var1} has a suspicious tag \"{var2}\"."},"230":{"title":"Layer conflict","description":"{var1} is a junction of ways on different layers."},"231":{"description":"{var1} is a junction of ways on different layers: {var2}.","layer":"(layer: {layer})"},"232":{"description":"{var1} is tagged with \"layer={var2}\". This need not be an error but it looks strange."},"270":{"title":"Unusual motorway connection","description":"{var1} is a junction of a motorway and a highway other than \"motorway\", \"motorway_link\", \"trunk\", \"rest_area\", or \"construction\". Connection to \"service\" or \"unclassified\" is only valid if it has \"access=no/private\", or it leads to a motorway service area, or if it is a \"service=parking_aisle\"."},"280":{"title":"Boundary issue","description":"There is an unspecified issue with this boundary."},"281":{"title":"Boundary missing name","description":"{var1} has no name."},"282":{"title":"Boundary missing admin level","description":"The boundary of {var1} has no valid numeric admin_level. Please do not mix admin levels (e.g. \"6;7\"). Always tag the lowest admin_level of all boundaries."},"283":{"title":"Boundary not a closed loop","description":"The boundary of {var1} is not a closed loop."},"284":{"title":"Boundary is split","description":"The boundary of {var1} splits here."},"285":{"title":"Boundary admin_level too high","description":"{var1} has \"admin_level={var2}\" but belongs to a relation with lower \"admin_level\" (e.g. higher priority); it should have the lowest \"admin_level\" of all relations."},"290":{"title":"Restriction issue","description":"There is an unspecified issue with this restriction."},"291":{"title":"Restriction missing type","description":"{var1} has an unrecognized restriction type."},"292":{"title":"Restriction missing \"from\" way","description":"{var1} has {var2} \"from\" members, but it should have 1."},"293":{"title":"Restriction missing \"to\" way","description":"{var1} has {var2} \"to\" members, but it should have 1."},"294":{"title":"Restriction \"from\" or \"to\" is not a way","description":"{var1} has \"from\" or \"to\" members which should be ways. {var2}."},"295":{"title":"Restriction \"via\" is not an endpoint","description":"{var1} has a \"via\" (node {var2}) which is not the first or the last member of \"{var3}\" (way {var4})."},"296":{"title":"Unusual restriction angle","description":"{var1} has a restriction type \"{var2}\" but the angle is {var3} degrees. Maybe the restriction type is not appropriate?"},"297":{"title":"Wrong direction of \"to\" way","description":"{var1} does not match the direction of \"to\" way {var2}."},"298":{"title":"Redundant restriction - oneway","description":"{var1} may be redundant. Entry already prohibited by \"oneway\" tag on {var2}."},"300":{"title":"Missing maxspeed","description":"{var1} is missing a \"maxspeed\" tag and is tagged as motorway, trunk, primary, or secondary."},"310":{"title":"Roundabout issue","description":"There is an unspecified issue with this roundabout."},"311":{"title":"Roundabout not closed loop","description":"{var1} is part of a roundabout but is not closed-loop. (Split carriageways approaching a roundabout should not be tagged as roundabout)."},"312":{"title":"Roundabout wrong direction","description":"If {var1} is in a country with {var2} traffic then its orientation goes the wrong way around."},"313":{"title":"Roundabout weakly connected","description":"{var1} has only {var2} other road(s) connected. Roundabouts typically have 3 or more."},"320":{"title":"Improper link connection","description":"{var1} is tagged as \"{var2}\" but doesn't have a connection to any other \"{var3}\" or \"{var4}\"."},"350":{"title":"Improper bridge tag","description":"{var1} doesn't have a tag in common with its surrounding ways that shows the purpose of this bridge. There should be one of these tags: {var2}."},"360":{"title":"Missing local name tag","description":"It would be nice if {var1} had a local name tag \"name:XX={var2}\" where XX shows the language of its common name \"{var2}\"."},"370":{"title":"Doubled places","description":"{var1} has tags in common with the surrounding way {var2} {var3} and seems to be redundant.","including_the_name":"(including the name {name})"},"380":{"title":"Non-physical use of sport tag","description":"{var1} is tagged \"{var2}\" but has no physical tag (e.g. \"leisure\", \"building\", \"amenity\", or \"highway\")."},"390":{"title":"Missing tracktype","description":"{var1} doesn't have a \"tracktype\" tag."},"400":{"title":"Geometry issue","description":"There is an unspecified issue with the geometry here."},"401":{"title":"Missing turn restriction","description":"Ways {var1} and {var2} join in a very sharp angle here and there is no oneway tag or turn restriction that prevents turning."},"402":{"title":"Impossible angle","description":"{var1} bends in a very sharp angle here."},"410":{"title":"Website issue","description":"There is an unspecified issue with a contact website or URL."},"411":{"description":"{var1} may have an outdated URL: {var2} returned HTTP status code {var3}."},"412":{"description":"{var1} may have an outdated URL: {var2} contained suspicious text \"{var3}\"."},"413":{"description":"{var1} may have an outdated URL: {var2} did not contain keywords \"{var3}\"."}}}},"streetside":{"tooltip":"Streetside photos from Microsoft","title":"Bing Streetside","report":"Report a privacy concern with this image","view_on_bing":"View on Bing Maps","hires":"High resolution"},"vegbilder":{"title":"Vegbilder","tooltip":"Street-level photos from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration","publisher":"Norwegian Public Roads Administration","view_on":"View it on Vegbilder"},"mapillary_images":{"tooltip":"Street-level photos from Mapillary"},"mapillary_map_features":{"title":"Map Features","tooltip":"Map features from Mapillary","construction":{"barrier":{"temporary":"temporary barrier"},"flat":{"crosswalk_plain":"plain pedestrian crossing","driveway":"driveway"}},"marking":{"discrete":{"arrow":{"left":"lane marking - arrow (left)","right":"lane marking - arrow (right)","split_left_or_straight":"lane marking - arrow (split left or straight)","split_right_or_straight":"lane marking - arrow (split right or straight)","straight":"lane marking - arrow (straight)"},"crosswalk_zebra":"lane marking - pedestrian crossing","give_way_row":"lane marking - give way (row)","give_way_single":"lane marking - give way (single)","other_marking":"lane marking - other","stop_line":"lane marking - stop line","symbol":{"bicycle":"lane marking - symbol (bicycle)"},"text":"lane marking - text"}},"object":{"banner":"banner","bench":"bench","bike_rack":"bike rack","billboard":"billboard","catch_basin":"catch basin","cctv_camera":"CCTV camera","fire_hydrant":"fire hydrant","junction_box":"junction box","mailbox":"post box","manhole":"manhole","parking_meter":"parking meter","phone_booth":"phone booth","sign":{"advertisement":"advertisement","information":"information sign","other":"other sign","store":"shop sign","traffic_sign":{"back":"traffic sign - back","direction_front":"traffic sign - front","front":"traffic sign - front"}},"street_light":"street light","support":{"pole":"pole","traffic_sign_frame":"traffic sign frame","utility_pole":"utility pole"},"traffic_cone":"traffic cone","traffic_light":{"cyclists":"cyclist traffic light","general_horizontal":"horizontal traffic light","general_single":"single traffic light","general_upright":"vertical traffic light","other":"traffic light","pedestrians":"pedestrian traffic light"},"trash_can":"rubbish bin","water_valve":"water valve"}},"mapillary":{"title":"Mapillary","signs":{"tooltip":"Traffic signs from Mapillary"},"view_on_mapillary":"View this image on Mapillary"},"kartaview_images":{"tooltip":"Street-level photos from KartaView"},"kartaview":{"title":"KartaView","view_on_kartaview":"View this image on KartaView"},"mapilio":{"title":"Mapilio","tooltip":"Street-level photos from Mapilio"},"panoramax":{"title":"Panoramax","tooltip":"Street-level photos from Panoramax","report":"Report","captured_by":"Captured by {username}","hd":"High resolution"},"street_side":{"minzoom_tooltip":"Zoom in to see street-side photos"},"local_photos":{"tooltip":"Add georeferenced photos from local files","tooltip_edit":"Edit georeferenced photos","header":"Georeferenced Photos","zoom":"Zoom to photos","zoom_single":"Zoom to photo","file":{"instructions":"Choose georeferenced photos to be displayed. Supported types are .jpg and .png with exif location data","label":"Browse files"},"no_geolocation":{"tooltip":"Image without geolocation cannot be located on the map"}},"note":{"note":"Note","title":"Edit note","anonymous":"anonymous","closed":"(Closed)","commentTitle":"Comments","status":{"opened":"opened {when}","reopened":"reopened {when}","commented":"commented {when}","closed":"closed {when}"},"newComment":"New Comment","inputPlaceholder":"Enter a comment to share with other users.","close":"Close Note","open":"Reopen Note","comment":"Comment","close_comment":"Close and Comment","open_comment":"Reopen and Comment","report":"Report","new":"New Note","newDescription":"Describe the issue.","save":"Save Note","login":"You must log in to change or comment on this note.","upload_explanation":"Your comments will be publicly visible to all OpenStreetMap users.","upload_explanation_with_user":"Your comments as {user} will be publicly visible to all OpenStreetMap users."},"help":{"title":"Help","key":"H","help":{"title":"Help","welcome":"Welcome to the iD editor for [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/). With this editor you can update OpenStreetMap right from your web browser.","open_data_h":"Open Data","open_data":"Edits that you make on this map will be visible to everyone who uses OpenStreetMap. Your edits can be based on personal knowledge, on-the-ground surveying, or imagery collected from aerial or street level photos. Copying from commercial sources, like Google Maps, [is strictly forbidden](https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright).","before_start_h":"Before you start","before_start":"You should be familiar with OpenStreetMap and this editor before you start editing. iD contains a walkthrough to teach you the basics of editing OpenStreetMap. Press the \"{start_the_walkthrough}\" button on this screen to start the tutorial—it takes only about 15 minutes.","open_source_h":"Open Source","open_source":"The iD editor is a collaborative open source project, and you are using version {version} now. The source code is available [on GitHub](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD).","open_source_attribution":"This project includes icons from [Maki](https://github.com/mapbox/maki) (CC0), [temaki](https://github.com/ideditor/temaki) (CC0), [Fontawesome](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome) (CC BY 4.0) and [Map Machine](https://github.com/enzet/map-machine) (CC BY 4.0).","open_source_help":"You can help iD by [translating](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md#translating) or [reporting bugs](https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues)."},"overview":{"title":"Overview","navigation_h":"Navigation","navigation_drag":"You can drag the map by holding down the {leftclick} left mouse button and moving the mouse around, or by {touchdrag_icon} dragging on a touchscreen. You can also use the `↓`, `↑`, `←`, `→` arrow keys on a keyboard.","navigation_zoom":"You can zoom in or out by scrolling with a {mousewheel_icon} mouse wheel or trackpad, or by {pinch_icon} pinching with two fingers on a touchscreen. You can also press the {plus} / {minus} buttons along the side of the map or the `+`, `-` keys on a keyboard.","features_h":"Map Features","features":"We use the word *features* to describe things that appear on the map, such as roads, buildings, or points of interest. Anything in the real world can be mapped as a feature on OpenStreetMap. Map features are represented on the map using *points*, *lines*, or *areas*.","nodes_ways":"In OpenStreetMap, points are sometimes called *nodes*, and lines and areas are sometimes called *ways*."},"editing":{"title":"Editing & Saving","select_h":"Select","select_left_click":"{leftclick} Left-click or {tap_icon} tap a feature to select it. This will highlight it with a pulsing glow and display further details about it in the sidebar.","select_right_click":"{rightclick} Right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press a feature to display the edit menu, which provides operations such as copy, rotate, and delete.","select_space":"The `{space}` key can also be used instead of left-click when selecting and drawing.","multiselect_h":"Multiselect","multiselect":"Selecting multiple features together lets you quickly edit them all at once.","multiselect_shift_click":"With a mouse and keyboard, hold `{shift}` and {leftclick} left-click features to add them to the selection. On a touchscreen, {longpress_icon} tap-and-hold one feature while {tap_icon} tapping additional features with another finger.","multiselect_lasso":"Another way to select multiple features is to hold down the `{shift}` key, then press and hold down the {leftclick} left mouse button and drag the mouse to draw a selection lasso. All of the points inside the lasso area will be selected.","undo_redo_h":"Undo & Redo","undo_redo":"Your edits are stored locally in your browser until you choose to save them to the OpenStreetMap server. You can undo edits by pressing the {undo_icon} **{undo}** button, and redo them by pressing the {redo_icon} **{redo}** button.","save_h":"Save","save":"Press the {save_icon} **{save}** button to finish your edits and send them to OpenStreetMap. You should remember to save your work frequently!","save_validation":"On the save screen, you'll have a chance to review what you've done. iD will also perform some basic checks for missing data and may offer helpful suggestions and warnings if something doesn't seem right.","upload_h":"Upload","upload":"Before uploading your changes you must enter a [changeset comment](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_changeset_comments). Then press **{upload}** to send your changes to OpenStreetMap, where they will be merged into the map and publicly visible to everyone.","backups_h":"Automatic Backups","backups":"If you happen to close the browser before saving, your edits are still stored locally. iD will offer to restore your work when you come back later on the same browser and device.","keyboard_h":"Keyboard Shortcuts","keyboard":"You can view a list of keyboard shortcuts by pressing the `{shortcuts_key}` key."},"feature_editor":{"title":"Feature Editor","intro":"The *feature editor* appears alongside the map, and allows you to see and edit all of the information for the selected feature.","definitions":"The top section displays the feature's type. The middle section contains *fields* showing the feature's attributes, such as its name or address.","type_h":"Feature Type","type":"You can press the feature type to change the feature to a different type. Everything that exists in the real world can be added to OpenStreetMap, so there are thousands of feature types to choose from.","type_picker":"The type picker displays the most common feature types, such as parks, hospitals, restaurants, roads, and buildings. You can search for anything by typing what you're looking for in the search box. You can also press the {inspect} **Info** icon next to the feature type to learn more about it.","fields_h":"Fields","fields_all_fields":"The \"{fields}\" section contains all of the feature's details that you may edit. In OpenStreetMap, all of the fields are optional, and it's OK to leave a field blank if you are unsure.","fields_example":"Each feature type will display different fields. For example, a road may display fields for its surface and speed limit, but a restaurant may display fields for the type of food it serves and the hours it is open.","fields_add_field":"You can also use the \"Add field\" dropdown to add more fields, such as a description, Wikipedia link, wheelchair access, and more.","tags_h":"Tags","tags_all_tags":"Below the fields section, you can expand the \"{tags}\" section to edit any of the OpenStreetMap *tags* for the selected feature. Each tag consists of a *key* and *value*, data elements that define all of the features stored in OpenStreetMap.","tags_resources":"Editing a feature's tags requires intermediate knowledge about OpenStreetMap. You should consult resources like the [OpenStreetMap Wiki](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page) or [Taginfo](https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/) to learn more about accepted OpenStreetMap tagging practices."},"points":{"title":"Points","intro":"*Points* can be used to represent features such as shops, restaurants, and monuments. They mark a specific location, and describe what's there.","add_point_h":"Adding Points","add_point":"To add a point, press the {point_icon} **{point}** button on the toolbar above the map, or press the shortcut key `1`.","add_point_finish":"Next, place the new point on the map. With a mouse, position the cursor where the point should go and {leftclick} left-click. On a touchscreen, {tap_icon} tap the location. Alternatively, you can also press the `{space}` key while pointing the mouse cursor at the desired position.","move_point_h":"Moving Points","move_point":"To move a point, {leftclick} left-click and drag it with a mouse or {touchdrag_icon} tap-and-drag it on a touchscreen.","delete_point_h":"Deleting Points","delete_point":"It's OK to delete features that don't exist in the real world. Deleting a feature from OpenStreetMap removes it from the map that everyone uses, so you should make sure a feature is really gone before you delete it.","delete_point_command":"To delete a point, {rightclick} right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press the point to show the edit menu, then use the {delete_icon} **{delete}** operation."},"lines":{"title":"Lines","intro":"*Lines* are used to represent features such as roads, railroads, and rivers. Lines should be drawn down the centre of the feature that they represent.","add_line_h":"Adding Lines","add_line":"To add a line, press the {line_icon} **{line}** button on the toolbar above the map, or press the shortcut key `2`.","add_line_draw":"Next, mark the line's starting location. With a mouse, position the cursor where the line should begin and {leftclick} left-click to place a node. On a touchscreen, {tap_icon} tap the location. Alternatively, you can also press the `{space}` key while pointing the mouse cursor at the desired position.","add_line_continue":"Continue placing nodes along the shape of the line by {leftclick} clicking, {tap_icon} tapping, or pressing the `{space}` key. While drawing, you can zoom in or drag the map in order to add more detail.","add_line_finish":"To finish a line, click or tap on the last node again or press `{return}`.","modify_line_h":"Modifying Lines","modify_line_dragnode":"Often you'll see lines that aren't shaped correctly, for example a road that does not match up with the background imagery. To adjust the shape of a line, first select it. All nodes of the line will be drawn as small circles. You can then drag the nodes to better locations.","modify_line_addnode":"You can also create new nodes along a line by {leftclick}**x2** double-clicking or {doubletap_icon} double-tapping the line, or by dragging the small triangles at the midpoints between nodes.","connect_line_h":"Connecting Lines","connect_line":"Having roads connected properly is important for the map and essential for providing driving directions.","connect_line_display":"The connections between roads are drawn with gray circles. The endpoints of a line are drawn with larger white circles if they don't connect to anything.","connect_line_drag":"To connect a line to another feature, drag one of the line's nodes onto the other feature until both features snap together. Tip: You can hold down the `{alt}` key to prevent nodes from connecting to other features.","connect_line_tag":"If you know that the connection has traffic signals or pedestrian crossings, you can add them by selecting the connecting node and using the feature editor to select the correct feature's type.","disconnect_line_h":"Disconnecting Lines","disconnect_line_command":"To disconnect a road from another feature, {rightclick} right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press the connecting node and choose the {disconnect_icon} **{disconnect}** operation from the edit menu.","move_line_h":"Moving Lines","move_line_command":"To move an entire line, {rightclick} right-click the line and choose the {move_icon} **{move}** operation from the edit menu. Then move the mouse, and {leftclick} left-click to place the line in a new location.","move_line_connected":"Lines that are connected to other features will stay connected as you move the line to a new location. iD may prevent you from moving a line across another connected line.","delete_line_h":"Deleting Lines","delete_line":"If a line is entirely incorrect, for example a road that doesn't exist in the real world, it's OK to delete it. Be careful when deleting features: the background imagery you are using might be outdated, and a road that looks wrong could simply be newly built.","delete_line_command":"To delete a line, {rightclick} right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press the line to show the edit menu, then use the {delete_icon} **{delete}** operation."},"areas":{"title":"Areas","intro":"*Areas* are used to show the boundaries of features like lakes, buildings, and residential areas. Areas should be traced around the edge of the feature that they represent, for example, around the base of a building.","point_or_area_h":"Points or Areas?","point_or_area":"Many features can be represented as points or areas. You should map buildings and property outlines as areas whenever possible. Place points inside a building area to represent businesses, amenities, and other features located inside the building.","add_area_h":"Adding Areas","add_area_command":"To add an area, press the {area_icon} **{area}** button on the toolbar above the map, or press the shortcut key `3`.","add_area_draw":"Next, place the first corner of the area. With a mouse, position the cursor over any corner and {leftclick} left-click to place a node. On a touchscreen, {tap_icon} tap the location. Alternatively, you can also press the `{space}` key while pointing the mouse cursor at the desired position.","add_area_continue":"Continue placing nodes along the edge of the area by {leftclick} clicking, {tap_icon} tapping, or pressing the `{space}` key. While drawing, you can zoom in or drag the map in order to add more detail.","add_area_finish":"To finish an area, click or tap on the first or last node again or press `{return}`.","square_area_h":"Square Corners","square_area_command":"Many area features like buildings have square corners. To square the corners of an area, {rightclick} right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press the edge of the area and choose the {orthogonalize_icon} **{orthogonalize}** operation from the edit menu.","modify_area_h":"Modifying Areas","modify_area_dragnode":"Often you'll see areas that aren't shaped correctly, for example a building that does not match up with the background imagery. To adjust the shape of an area, first select it. All nodes of the area will be drawn as small circles. You can then drag the nodes to better locations.","modify_area_addnode":"You can also create new nodes along an area by {leftclick}**x2** double-clicking or {doubletap_icon} double-tapping an edge, or by dragging the small triangles at the midpoints between nodes.","delete_area_h":"Deleting Areas","delete_area":"If an area is entirely incorrect, for example a building that doesn't exist in the real world, it's OK to delete it. Be cautious when deleting features - the background imagery you are using might be outdated, and a building that looks wrong could simply be newly built.","delete_area_command":"To delete an area, {rightclick} right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press the area to show the edit menu, then use the {delete_icon} **{delete}** operation."},"relations":{"title":"Relations","intro":"A *relation* is a special type of feature in OpenStreetMap that groups together other features. The features that belong to a relation are called *members*, and each member can have a *role* in the relation.","edit_relation_h":"Editing Relations","edit_relation":"At the bottom of the feature editor, you can expand the \"{relations}\" section to see if the selected feature is a member of any relations. You can then select a relation to edit it.","edit_relation_add":"To add a feature to a relation, select the feature, then press the {plus} add button in the \"{relations}\" section of the feature editor. You can choose from a list of nearby relations, or choose the \"{new_relation}\" option.","edit_relation_delete":"You can also press the {delete_icon} **{delete}** button to remove the selected feature from the relation. If you remove all of the members from a relation, the relation will be deleted automatically.","maintain_relation_h":"Maintaining Relations","maintain_relation":"For the most part, iD will maintain relations automatically as you edit. You should take care when replacing features that might be members of relations. For example if you delete a section of road and draw a new section of road to replace it, you should add the new section to the same relations (routes, turn restrictions, etc.) as the original.","relation_types_h":"Relation Types","multipolygon_h":"Multipolygons","multipolygon":"A *multipolygon* relation is a group of one or more *outer* features and one or more inner features. The outer features define the outer edges of the multipolygon, and the inner features define sub-areas or holes cut out from the inside of the multipolygon.","multipolygon_create":"To create a multipolygon, for example a building with a hole in it, draw the outer edge as an area and the inner edge as a line or different kind of area. Then `{shift}`+{leftclick} left-click to select both features, {rightclick} right-click to show the edit menu, and choose the {merge_icon} **{merge}** operation.","multipolygon_merge":"Merging several lines or areas will create a new multipolygon relation with all selected areas as members. iD will choose the inner and outer roles automatically, based on which features are contained inside other features.","turn_restriction_h":"Turn restrictions","turn_restriction":"A *turn restriction* relation is a group of several road segments in an intersection. Turn restrictions consist of a *from* road, *via* node or roads, and a *to* road.","turn_restriction_field":"To edit turn restrictions, select a junction node where two or more roads meet. The feature editor will display a special \"{turn_restrictions}\" field containing a model of the intersection.","turn_restriction_editing":"In the \"{turn_restrictions}\" field, select a \"from\" road, and see whether turns are allowed or restricted to any of the \"to\" roads. You can press the turn icons to toggle them between allowed and restricted. iD will create relations automatically and set the from, via, and to roles based on your choices.","route_h":"Routes","route":"A *route* relation is a group of one or more line features that together form a route network, like a bus route, train route, or highway route.","route_add":"To add a feature to a route relation, select the feature and scroll down to the \"{relations}\" section of the feature editor, then press the {plus} add button to add this feature to a nearby existing relation or a new relation.","boundary_h":"Boundaries","boundary":"A *boundary* relation is a group of one or more line features that together form an administrative boundary.","boundary_add":"To add a feature to a boundary relation, select the feature and scroll down to the \"{relations}\" section of the feature editor, then press the {plus} add button to add this feature to a nearby existing relation or a new relation."},"operations":{"title":"Operations","intro":"*Operations* are special commands you can use to edit features. {rightclick} Right-click or {longpress_icon} long-press any feature to view the available operations.","intro_2":"Each operation has its own keyboard shortcut. Most operations can be applied to multiple features at once.","straighten":"{straighten_icon} **{straighten}** removes bends from lines. It can also align groups of points into neat rows.","orthogonalize":"{orthogonalize_icon} **{orthogonalize}** snaps the corners of areas and lines to 90°. You can square individual corners or entire features.","circularize":"{circularize_icon} **{circularize}** turns areas and closed lines into circles.","move":"{move_icon} **{move}** lets you drag features around the map.","rotate":"{rotate_icon} **{rotate}** lets you swivel features around their centre points.","reflect":"{reflect_short_icon} **{reflect_short}** and {reflect_long_icon} **{reflect_long}** reflect features over their short and long axes.","continue":"{continue_icon} **{continue}** lets you extend existing lines from their endpoints.","reverse":"{reverse_icon} **{reverse}** changes the direction of features. The direction matters for things like one-way roads, traffic signs, waterways, and cliffs.","disconnect":"{disconnect_icon} **{disconnect}** separates connected lines and areas from each other. You can disconnect entire features or just selected points.","merge":"{merge_icon} **{merge}** combines multiple features into one. You can merge areas together to create multipolygons, merge lines together to create longer lines, and merge points into anything to transfer their tags.","split":"{split_icon} **{split}** divides lines at the selected points. If specific lines are also selected, only those are split.","extract":"{extract_icon} **{extract}** detaches points from lines. It also pulls points out of buildings and other areas.","delete":"{delete_icon} **{delete}** removes features from the map. Anything that doesn't exist in the real world should be deleted.","downgrade":"{downgrade_icon} **{downgrade}** removes most tags except building and address info. This is helpful when businesses close yet their facilities remain.","copy_paste":"{copy_icon} **{copy}** and {paste_icon} **{paste}** let you duplicate features."},"notes":{"title":"Notes","intro":"*Notes* are used to alert other users that a feature requires fixing or attention. Notes mark a specific location on the map. To view existing notes or add new ones, open the {data_icon} **{map_data}** panel and enable the {osm_notes} layer.","add_note_h":"Adding Notes","add_note":"To add a new note, press the {note_icon} **{note}** button on the toolbar above the map, or press the shortcut key `{add_note_key}`.","place_note":"Next, place the new note on the map. With a mouse, position the cursor where the note should go and {leftclick} left-click. On a touchscreen, {tap_icon} tap the location.","move_note":"To move a note, {leftclick} left-click and drag it with a mouse or {touchdrag_icon} tap-and-drag it on a touchscreen. Only new notes can be moved.","update_note_h":"Closing, Reopening, and Commenting","update_note":"An existing note can be updated by closing it, reopening it, or adding a comment to it. Closing a note indicates that the problem has been resolved. Reopening a note indicates that the original issue is not resolved.","save_note_h":"Saving Notes","save_note":"You must save any note edits individually by pressing the buttons below the note comments. Note edits are **not** included in changesets that you upload to OpenStreetMap."},"imagery":{"title":"Background Imagery","intro":"The background imagery that appears beneath the map data is an important resource for mapping. This imagery can be aerial photos collected from satellites, airplanes, and drones, or it can be scanned historical maps or other freely available source data.","sources_h":"Imagery Sources","choosing":"To see which imagery sources are available for editing, open the {layers_icon} **{background_settings}** panel on the side of the map.","sources":"The [Bing Maps](https://www.bing.com/maps/) satellite layer or the best local imagery is set as the default background. Depending on where you are editing, multiple imagery sources are available. Some may be newer or have higher resolution, so it is always useful to check and see which layer is the best one to use as a mapping reference.","offsets_h":"Adjusting Imagery Offset","offset":"Imagery is sometimes offset slightly from accurate map data. If you see a lot of roads or buildings shifted from the background imagery, it may be the imagery that's incorrect, so don't move them all to match the background. Instead, you can adjust the background so that it matches the existing data by expanding the \"{imagery_offset}\" section at the bottom of the Background Settings pane.","offset_change":"Press the small triangle buttons to adjust the imagery offset in small steps, or hold the {leftclick} left mouse button and drag within the grey square to slide the imagery into alignment."},"streetlevel":{"title":"Street Level Photos","intro":"Street level photos are useful for mapping traffic signs, businesses, and other details that you can't see from satellite and aerial images. The iD editor supports street level photos from [Bing Streetside](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/maps/streetside), [Mapillary](https://www.mapillary.com), and [KartaView](https://kartaview.org).","using_h":"Using Street Level Photos","using":"To use street level photos for mapping, open the {data_icon} **{map_data}** panel on the side of the map to enable or disable the available photo overlays.","photos":"When enabled, the photo overlay displays a line along the sequence of photos. At higher zoom levels, a circle marks at each photo location, and at even higher zoom levels, a cone indicates the direction the camera was facing when the photo was taken.","viewer":"When you select one of the photo locations, a photo viewer appears in the bottom corner of the map. The photo viewer contains controls to step forward and backward in the image sequence. It also shows the username of the person who captured the image, the date it was captured, and a link to view the image on the original site."},"gps":{"title":"GPS Traces","intro":"Collected GPS traces are a valuable source of data for OpenStreetMap. This editor supports *.gpx*, *.geojson*, and *.kml* files on your local device. You can collect GPS traces with a smartphone, sports watch, or other GPS device.","survey":"For information on how to perform a GPS survey, read [Mapping with a smartphone, GPS, or paper](http://learnosm.org/en/mobile-mapping/).","using_h":"Using GPS Traces","using":"To use a GPS trace for mapping, drag and drop the data file onto the map editor. If it's recognised, it will be drawn on the map as a bright purple line. Open the {data_icon} **{map_data}** panel on the side of the map to enable, disable, or zoom to your GPS data.","tracing":"The GPS track isn't sent to OpenStreetMap - the best way to use it is to draw on the map, using it as a guide for the new features that you add.","upload":"You can also [upload your GPS data to OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/trace/create) for other users to use."},"qa":{"title":"Quality Assurance","intro":"*Quality Assurance* (Q/A) tools can find improper tags, disconnected roads, and other issues with OpenStreetMap, which mappers can then fix. To view existing Q/A issues, open the {data_icon} **{map_data}** panel and enable a specific Q/A layer.","tools_h":"Tools","tools":"The following tools are currently supported: [KeepRight](https://www.keepright.at/) and [Osmose](https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/).","issues_h":"Handling Issues","issues":"Handling Q/A issues is similar to handling notes. Select a marker to view the issue details in the sidebar. Each tool has its own capabilities, but generally you can comment and/or close an issue."},"field":{"restrictions":{"title":"Turn Restrictions Help","about":{"title":"About","about":"This field allows you to inspect and modify turn restrictions. It displays a model of the selected intersection including other nearby connected roads.","from_via_to":"A turn restriction always contains: one **FROM way**, one **TO way**, and either one **VIA node** or one or more **VIA ways**.","maxdist":"The \"{distField}\" slider controls how far to search for additional connected roads.","maxvia":"The \"{viaField}\" slider adjusts how many via ways may be included in the search. (Tip: simple is better)"},"inspecting":{"title":"Inspecting","about":"Hover over any **FROM** segment to see whether it has any turn restrictions. Each possible **TO** destination will be drawn with a coloured shadow showing whether a restriction exists.","from_shadow":"{fromShadow} **FROM segment**","allow_shadow":"{allowShadow} **TO Allowed**","restrict_shadow":"{restrictShadow} **TO Restricted**","only_shadow":"{onlyShadow} **TO Only**","restricted":"\"Restricted\" means that there is a turn restriction, for example \"No Left Turn\".","only":"\"Only\" means that a vehicle taking that path may only make that choice, for example \"Only Straight On\"."},"modifying":{"title":"Modifying","about":"To modify turn restrictions, first click on any starting **FROM** segment to select it. The selected segment will pulse, and all possible **TO** destinations will appear as turn symbols.","indicators":"Then, click on a turn symbol to toggle it between \"Allowed\", \"Restricted\", and \"Only\".","allow_turn":"{allowTurn} **TO Allowed**","restrict_turn":"{restrictTurn} **TO Restricted**","only_turn":"{onlyTurn} **TO Only**"},"tips":{"title":"Tips","simple":"**Prefer simple restrictions over complex ones.**","simple_example":"For example, avoid creating a via-way restriction if a simpler via-node turn restriction will do.","indirect":"**Some restrictions display the text \"(indirect)\" and are drawn lighter.**","indirect_example":"These restrictions exist because of another nearby restriction. For example, an \"Only Straight On\" restriction will indirectly create \"No Turn\" restrictions for all other paths through the intersection.","indirect_noedit":"You may not edit indirect restrictions. Instead, edit the nearby direct restriction."}}}},"issues":{"title":"Issues","key":"I","list_title":"Issues","errors":{"list_title":"Errors"},"warnings":{"list_title":"Warnings"},"rules":{"title":"Rules"},"user_resolved_issues":"Issues resolved by your edits","warnings_and_errors":"Warnings and errors","no_issues":{"message":{"everything":"Everything looks fine","everything_in_view":"Everything in view looks fine","edits":"Your edits look fine","edits_in_view":"Your edits in view look fine","no_edits":"You have no edits yet"},"hidden_issues":{"none":"Detected issues will appear here","elsewhere":"Issues elsewhere: {count}","everything_else":"Issues with everything else: {count}","everything_else_elsewhere":"Issues elsewhere with everything else: {count}","disabled_rules":"Issues with disabled rules: {count}","disabled_rules_elsewhere":"Issues elsewhere with disabled rules: {count}","ignored_issues":"Ignored issues: {count}","ignored_issues_elsewhere":"Ignored issues elsewhere: {count}"}},"options":{"what":{"title":"Check:","edited":"My Edits","all":"Everything"},"where":{"title":"Where:","visible":"In View","all":"Everywhere"}},"suggested":"Suggested updates:","enable_all":"Enable All","disable_all":"Disable All","reset_ignored":"Reset Ignored","fix_one":{"title":"fix"},"fix_all":{"title":"Fix All","annotation":"Fixed several validation issues."},"almost_junction":{"title":"Almost Junctions","message":"{feature} is very close but not connected to {feature2}","tip":"Find features that should possibly be connected to other nearby features","self":{"message":"{feature} ends very close to itself but does not reconnect"},"highway-highway":{"reference":"Intersecting highways should share a junction vertex."}},"area_as_point":{"message":"{feature} should be an area, not a point"},"close_nodes":{"title":"Very Close Points","tip":"Find redundant and crowded points","message":"Two points in {way} are very close together","reference":"Redundant points in a way should be merged or moved apart.","detached":{"message":"{feature} is too close to {feature2}","reference":"Separate points should not share a location."}},"crossing_ways":{"title":"Crossing Ways","message":"{feature} crosses {feature2}","tip":"Find features that incorrectly cross over one another","building-building":{"reference":"Buildings should not intersect except on different layers."},"building-highway":{"reference":"Highways crossing buildings should use bridges, tunnels, or different layers."},"building-railway":{"reference":"Railways crossing buildings should use bridges, tunnels, or different layers."},"building-waterway":{"reference":"Waterways crossing buildings should use tunnels or different layers."},"highway-highway":{"reference":"Crossing highways should use bridges, tunnels, or intersections."},"highway-railway":{"reference":"Highways crossing railways should use bridges, tunnels, or level crossings."},"highway-waterway":{"reference":"Highways crossing waterways should use bridges, tunnels, or fords."},"railway-railway":{"reference":"Crossing railways should be connected or use bridges or tunnels."},"railway-waterway":{"reference":"Railways crossing waterways should use bridges or tunnels."},"waterway-waterway":{"reference":"Crossing waterways should be connected or use tunnels."},"tunnel-tunnel":{"reference":"Crossing tunnels should use different layers."},"tunnel-tunnel_connectable":{"reference":"Crossing tunnels should be connected or use different layers."},"bridge-bridge":{"reference":"Crossing bridges should use different layers."},"bridge-bridge_connectable":{"reference":"Crossing bridges should be connected or use different layers."},"indoor-indoor":{"reference":"Crossing indoor features should use different levels."},"indoor-indoor_connectable":{"reference":"Crossing indoor features should be connected or use different levels."}},"disconnected_way":{"title":"Disconnected Ways","tip":"Find unroutable roads, paths, and ferry routes","routable":{"message":{"one":"{highway} is disconnected from other roads and paths","other":"{count} routable features are connected only to each other"},"reference":"All roads, paths, and ferry routes should connect to form a single routing network. This feature (or small collection of features) is either disconnected from the routing network or only connected to it via a feature that few applications consider routable."}},"fixme_tag":{"message":"{feature} has a \"Fix Me\" request","reference":"A \"fixme\" tag indicates that a mapper has requested help with a feature."},"generic_name":{"message":"{feature} has the suspicious name \"{name}\"","message_language":"{feature} has the suspicious name \"{name}\" in {language}","reference":"Names should be the actual, on-the-ground names of features."},"help_request":{"title":"Help Requests","tip":"Find features where others requested assistance"},"incompatible_source":{"title":"Suspicious Sources","tip":"Find features with suspicious source tags","feature":{"message":"{feature} lists \"{value}\" as a data source"},"reference":{"amap":"Amap products are proprietary and must not be used as references.","baidu":"Baidu products are proprietary and must not be used as references.","google":"Google products are proprietary and must not be used as references."}},"invalid_format":{"title":"Invalid Formatting","tip":"Find tags with unexpected formats","email":{"message":"{feature} has an invalid email address","message_multi":"{feature} has multiple invalid email addresses","reference":"Email addresses must look like \"user@example.com\"."}},"line_as_area":{"message":"{feature} should be a line, not an area"},"line_as_point":{"message":"{feature} should be a line, not a point"},"mismatched_geometry":{"title":"Mismatched Geometry","tip":"Find features with conflicting tags and geometry","reference":"Most features are limited to certain geometry types."},"missing_role":{"title":"Missing Roles","message":"{member} has no role within {relation}","tip":"Find relations with missing or incorrect member roles","multipolygon":{"reference":"Multipolygon members must have an inner or outer role."}},"missing_tag":{"title":"Missing Tags","tip":"Find features that are missing descriptive tags","reference":"Features must have tags that define what they are.","any":{"message":"{feature} has no tags"},"descriptive":{"message":"{feature} has no descriptive tags"},"relation_type":{"message":"{feature} is a relation without a type"}},"mutually_exclusive_tags":{"title":"Contradictory Tags","tip":"Find features that have contradictory tags.","default":{"message":"{feature} has both {tag1} and {tag2}","reference":"The tags \"{tag1}\" and \"{tag2}\" contradict each other. Only one tag should be set."},"same_value":{"message":"{feature}: {tag1} and {tag2} have same value","reference":"The tags \"{tag1}\" and \"{tag2}\" have the same value. Only one tag should be set."}},"old_multipolygon":{"message":"{multipolygon} has misplaced tags","reference":"Multipolygons should be tagged on their relation, not their outer way."},"outdated_tags":{"title":"Outdated Tags","message":"{feature} has outdated tags","tip":"Find features with deprecated tags that can be updated","reference":"Some tags change over time and should be updated.","incomplete":{"message":"{feature} has incomplete tags","reference":"Some features should have additional tags."},"noncanonical_brand":{"message":"{feature} looks like a common feature with nonstandard tags","message_incomplete":"{feature} looks like a common feature with incomplete tags","reference":"Some features, for example retail chains or post offices, are expected to have certain tags in common."}},"point_as_area":{"message":"{feature} should be a point, not an area"},"point_as_line":{"message":"{feature} should be a point, not a line"},"point_as_vertex":{"message":"{feature} should be a standalone point based on its tags","reference":"Some features shouldn't be part of lines or areas."},"private_data":{"title":"Private Information","tip":"Find features that may contain private information","reference":"Sensitive data like personal phone numbers should not be tagged.","contact":{"message":"{feature} might be tagged with private contact information"}},"suspicious_name":{"title":"Suspicious Names","tip":"Find features with generic or suspicious names"},"tag_suggests_area":{"message":"{feature} should be a closed area based on the tag \"{tag}\"","reference":"Areas must have connected endpoints."},"unknown_road":{"message":"{feature} has no classification","reference":"Roads without a specific type may not appear in maps or routing."},"impossible_oneway":{"title":"Impossible One-Ways","tip":"Find route issues with one-way features","waterway":{"connected":{"start":{"message":"{feature} flows away from a connected waterway"},"end":{"message":"{feature} flows against a connected waterway"},"reference":"Waterway segments should all flow in the same direction."}},"highway":{"start":{"message":"{feature} is unreachable","reference":"One-way roads must be accessible via other roads."},"end":{"message":"{feature} has no outlet","reference":"One-way roads must lead to other roads."}}},"unclosed_multipolygon_part":{"message":"{feature} has an unclosed part","reference":"All inner and outer parts of multipolygons should have connected endpoints."},"unsquare_way":{"title":"Unsquare Corners (up to {val}°)","message":"{feature} has unsquare corners","tip":"Find features with unsquare corners that can be drawn better","buildings":{"reference":"Buildings with unsquare corners can often be drawn more accurately."}},"vertex_as_point":{"message":"{feature} should be attached to a line or area based on its tags","reference":"Some features shouldn't be standalone points."},"fix":{"add_a_bridge":{"title":"Add a bridge","annotation":"Added a bridge."},"add_a_tunnel":{"title":"Add a tunnel","annotation":"Added a tunnel."},"address_the_concern":{"title":"Address the concern"},"connect_almost_junction":{"annotation":"Connected very close features."},"connect_crossing_features":{"annotation":"Connected crossing features."},"connect_endpoints":{"title":"Connect the ends","annotation":"Connected the endpoints of a way."},"connect_feature":{"title":"Connect this feature"},"connect_features":{"title":"Connect the features"},"connect_using_crossing":{"title":"Connect using a crossing"},"connect_using_ford":{"title":"Connect using a ford"},"continue_from_start":{"title":"Continue drawing from start"},"continue_from_end":{"title":"Continue drawing from end"},"convert_to_line":{"title":"Convert this to a line","annotation":"Converted an area to a line."},"delete_feature":{"title":"Delete this feature"},"extract_point":{"title":"Extract this point"},"ignore_issue":{"title":"Ignore this issue"},"merge_close_vertices":{"annotation":"Merged very close points in a way."},"merge_points":{"title":"Merge these points"},"move_points_apart":{"title":"Move these points apart"},"move_tags":{"title":"Move the tags","annotation":"Moved tags."},"remove_from_relation":{"title":"Remove from relation"},"remove_generic_name":{"annotation":"Removed a generic name."},"remove_mistaken_name":{"annotation":"Removed a mistaken name."},"remove_private_info":{"annotation":"Removed private information."},"remove_proprietary_data":{"title":"Remove any proprietary data"},"remove_tag":{"title":"Remove the tag","annotation":"Removed tag."},"remove_named_tag":{"title":"Remove the \"{tag}\" tag","annotation":"Removed \"{tag}\" tag."},"remove_tags":{"title":"Remove the tags"},"remove_the_name":{"title":"Remove the name"},"reposition_features":{"title":"Reposition the features"},"reverse_feature":{"title":"Reverse this feature"},"select_preset":{"title":"Select a feature type"},"select_road_type":{"title":"Select a road type"},"set_as_inner":{"title":"Set as inner"},"set_as_outer":{"title":"Set as outer"},"square_feature":{"title":"Square this feature"},"tag_as_disconnected":{"title":"Tag as disconnected","annotation":"Tagged very close features as disconnected."},"tag_as_not":{"title":"Tag as not the same \"{name}\"","annotation":"Added not: tag"},"tag_as_unsquare":{"title":"Tag as physically unsquare","annotation":"Tagged a way as having unsquare corners."},"tag_this_as_higher":{"title":"Tag this as higher"},"tag_this_as_lower":{"title":"Tag this as lower"},"upgrade_tags":{"title":"Upgrade the tags","annotation":"Upgraded old tags."},"use_different_layers":{"title":"Use different layers"},"use_different_layers_or_levels":{"title":"Use different layers or levels"},"use_different_levels":{"title":"Use different levels"}}},"intro":{"done":"done","ok":"OK","graph":{"block_number":"<value for addr:block_number>","city":"Three Rivers","district":"<value for addr:district>","hamlet":"<value for addr:hamlet>","neighbourhood":"<value for addr:neighbourhood>","postcode":"TR17 1BB","province":"<value for addr:province>","quarter":"<value for addr:quarter>","state":"<value for addr:state>","subdistrict":"<value for addr:subdistrict>","suburb":"<value for addr:suburb>","countrycode":"gb","name":{"1st-avenue":"1st Avenue","2nd-avenue":"2nd Avenue","4th-avenue":"4th Avenue","5th-avenue":"5th Avenue","6th-avenue":"6th Avenue","6th-street":"6th Street","7th-avenue":"7th Avenue","8th-avenue":"8th Avenue","9th-avenue":"9th Avenue","10th-avenue":"10th Avenue","11th-avenue":"11th Avenue","12th-avenue":"12th Avenue","access-point-employment":"Access Point Employment","adams-street":"Adams Street","andrews-elementary-school":"Andrews Primary School","andrews-street":"Andrews Street","armitage-street":"Armitage Street","barrows-school":"Barrows School","battle-street":"Battle Street","bennett-street":"Bennett Street","bowman-park":"Bowman Park","collins-drive":"Collins Drive","conrail-railroad":"National Rail","conservation-park":"Conservation Park","constantine-street":"Constantine Street","cushman-street":"Cushman Street","dollar-tree":"Euro Tree","douglas-avenue":"Douglas Avenue","east-street":"East Street","elm-street":"Oak Street","flower-street":"Flower Street","foster-street":"Foster Street","french-street":"French Street","garden-street":"Garden Street","gem-pawnbroker":"Gem Pawnbroker","golden-finch-framing":"Golden Finch Framing","grant-avenue":"Grant Avenue","hoffman-pond":"Hoffman Pond","hoffman-street":"Hoffman Street","hook-avenue":"Hook Avenue","jefferson-street":"Jefferson Street","kelsey-street":"Kelsey Street","lafayette-park":"LaFayette Park","las-coffee-cafe":"L.A.'s Coffee Cafe","lincoln-avenue":"Longspring Avenue","lowrys-books":"Lowry's Books","lynns-garage":"Lynn's Garage","main-street-barbell":"Main Street Barbell","main-street-cafe":"Main Street Cafe","main-street-fitness":"Main Street Fitness","main-street":"Main Street","maple-street":"Maple Street","marina-park":"Marina Park","market-street":"Market Street","memory-isle-park":"Memory Isle Park","memory-isle":"Memory Isle","michigan-avenue":"Mayfair Avenue","middle-street":"Middle Street","millard-street":"Millard Street","moore-street":"Moore Street","morris-avenue":"Morris Avenue","mural-mall":"Mural Mall","paisanos-bar-and-grill":"Paisano's Bar and Grill","paisley-emporium":"Paisley Emporium","paparazzi-tattoo":"Paparazzi Tattoo","pealer-street":"Pealer Street","pine-street":"Pine Street","pizza-hut":"Pizza Hut","portage-avenue":"Portage Avenue","portage-river":"Portage River","preferred-insurance-services":"Preferred Insurance Services","railroad-drive":"Railroad Drive","river-city-appliance":"River City Appliance","river-drive":"River Drive","river-road":"River Road","river-street":"River Street","riverside-cemetery":"Riverside Cemetery","riverwalk-trail":"Riverwalk Trail","riviera-theatre":"Riviera Theatre","rocky-river":"Rocky River","saint-joseph-river":"Saint Joseph River","scidmore-park-petting-zoo":"Scidmore Park Petting Zoo","scidmore-park":"Scidmore Park","scouter-park":"Scouter Park","sherwin-williams":"Sherwin-Williams","south-street":"South Street","southern-michigan-bank":"Santander","spring-street":"Spring Street","sturgeon-river-road":"Sturgeon River Road","three-rivers-city-hall":"Three Rivers City Hall","three-rivers-elementary-school":"Three Rivers Primary School","three-rivers-fire-department":"Three Rivers Fire Station","three-rivers-high-school":"Three Rivers High School","three-rivers-middle-school":"Three Rivers High School","three-rivers-municipal-airport":"Three Rivers Municipal Airport","three-rivers-post-office":"Three Rivers Post Office","three-rivers-public-library":"Three Rivers Public Library","three-rivers":"Three Rivers","unique-jewelry":"Unique Jewelry","walnut-street":"Walnut Street","washington-street":"Kings Road","water-street":"Water Street","west-street":"West Street","wheeler-street":"Wheeler Street","william-towing":"William Towing","willow-drive":"Willow Drive","wood-street":"Wood Street","world-fare":"World Fare"}},"welcome":{"title":"Welcome","welcome":"Welcome! This walkthrough will teach you the basics of editing on OpenStreetMap.","practice":"All of the data in this walkthrough is just for practising, and any edits that you make in the walkthrough will not be saved.","words":"This walkthrough will introduce some new words and concepts. When we introduce a new word, we'll use *italics*.","chapters":"You can use the buttons below to skip chapters at any time or to restart a chapter if you get stuck. Let's begin! **Press '{next}' to continue.**"},"navigation":{"title":"Navigation","map_info":"The main map area shows OpenStreetMap data on top of a background.","drag":"You can click-and-drag the map with the {leftclick} left mouse button to move it around. You can also use the arrow keys on a keyboard. **Drag the map!**","drag_touch":"You can {touchdrag_icon} tap-and-drag the map to move it around. You can also use the arrow keys on a keyboard. **Drag the map!**","zoom":"You can zoom the map by scrolling with a {mousewheel_icon} mouse wheel or trackpad, or by pressing the {plus} / {minus} buttons. **Zoom the map!**","zoom_touch":"You can zoom the map by {pinch_icon} pinching it with two fingers, {doubletap_icon} double-tapping a location, or pressing the {plus} / {minus} buttons. **Zoom the map!**","features":"We use the word *features* to describe the things that appear on the map. Anything in the real world can be mapped as a feature on OpenStreetMap.","points_lines_areas":"Map features are represented using *points, lines, or areas.*","nodes_ways":"In OpenStreetMap, points are sometimes called *nodes*, and lines and areas are sometimes called *ways*.","click_townhall":"All features on the map can be selected by {leftclick} clicking on them. **Click the point to select it.**","tap_townhall":"All features on the map can be selected by {tap_icon} tapping on them. **Tap the point to select it.**","selected_townhall":"Great! The point is now selected. Selected features are drawn with a pulsing glow.","editor_townhall":"When a feature is selected, the *feature editor* is displayed alongside the map.","preset_townhall":"The top part of the feature editor shows the feature's type. This point is a {preset}.","fields_townhall":"The middle part of the feature editor contains *fields* showing the feature's attributes, such as its name and address.","close_townhall":"**Close the feature editor by pressing the {button} button in the upper corner or `{esc}`.**","search_street":"You can also search for features in the current view, or worldwide. **Search for '{name}'.**","choose_street":"**Choose {name} from the list to select it.**","selected_street":"Great! {name} is now selected.","street_different_fields":"The fields shown for a street are different than the fields that were shown for the town hall.","editor_street":"For this selected street, the feature editor shows fields like '{field1}' and '{field2}'. **Close the feature editor by pressing the {button} button or `{esc}`.**","play":"Try exploring the map and selecting some other features to see what kinds of things can be added to OpenStreetMap. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, press '{next}'.**"},"points":{"title":"Points","points_info":"*Points* can be used to represent features such as shops, restaurants, and monuments.","add_point":"They mark a specific location, and describe what's there. **Press the {point_icon} {point} button to add a new point.**","place_point":"To place the new point on the map, position your mouse cursor where the point should go, then {leftclick} left-click or press `{space}`. **Move the mouse pointer over this building, then left-click or press `{space}`.**","place_point_touch":"To place the new point on the map, {tap_icon} tap the location where it should go. **Tap the center of this building.**","place_point_error":"The point should be placed inside the building area, not on its outline. Let's try again.","search_cafe":"There are many different features that can be represented by points. The point you just added is a cafe. **Search for '{preset}'.**","choose_cafe":"**Choose {preset} from the list.**","feature_editor":"The point is now marked as a cafe. Using the feature editor, we can add more information about the cafe.","fields_info":"In OpenStreetMap, all of the fields are optional, and it's OK to leave a field blank if you are unsure.","add_name":"Let's pretend that you have local knowledge of this cafe, and you know its name. **Add a name for the cafe.**","add_reminder":"All entered information should be objective and verifiable.","add_close":"The feature editor will remember all of your changes automatically. **When you are finished adding the name, press the {button} button or `{esc}` to close the feature editor.**","reselect":"Often points will already exist, but have mistakes or be incomplete. We can edit existing points. **Select the cafe you just created.**","update":"Let's fill in some more details for this cafe. You can change its name, add a cuisine, or add an address. **Change the cafe details.**","update_close":"**When you are finished updating the cafe, press the {button} button or `{esc}` to close the feature editor.**","rightclick":"You can {rightclick} right-click on any feature to see the *edit menu*, which shows a list of editing operations that can be performed.{br}A right-click might be the same as a control-click or two-finger click. **Right-click to select the point you created and show the edit menu.**","edit_menu_touch":"You can {longpress_icon} long-press on any feature to see the *edit menu*, which shows a list of editing operations that can be performed. **Press-and-hold the point you created to show the edit menu.**","delete":"It's OK to delete features that don't exist in the real world.{br}Deleting a feature from OpenStreetMap removes it from the map that everyone uses, so you should make sure a feature is really gone before you delete it. **Press the {delete_icon} {delete} button to remove the point.**","undo":"You can always undo any changes up until you save your edits to OpenStreetMap. **Press the {undo_icon} {undo} button to get the point back.**","play":"Now that you know how to create and edit points, try creating a few more points for practice! **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, press '{next}'.**"},"areas":{"title":"Areas","add_playground":"*Areas* are used to show the boundaries of features like lakes, buildings, and residential areas.{br}They can also be used for more detailed mapping of many features you might normally map as points. **Press the {area_icon} {area} button to add a new area.**","start_playground":"Let's add this playground to the map by drawing an area. Areas are drawn by placing *nodes* along the outer edge of the feature.","starting_node_click":"**Click or press `{space}` to place a starting node on one of the corners of the playground.**","starting_node_tap":"**{tap_icon} Tap to place a starting node on one of the corners of the playground.**","continue_playground":"Continue drawing the area by placing more nodes along the playground's edge. It is OK to connect the area to the existing walking paths.{br}Tip: You can hold down the `{alt}` key to prevent nodes from connecting to other features. **Continue drawing an area for the playground.**","finish_area_click":"Finish the area by pressing `{return}`, or clicking again on either the first or last node.","finish_area_tap":"Finish the area by {tap_icon} tapping again on either the first or last node, or by pressing `{return}` on a keyboard.","finish_playground":"**Finish drawing an area for the playground.**","search_playground":"**Search for '{preset}'.**","choose_playground":"**Choose {preset} from the list.**","add_field":"This playground doesn't have an official name, so we won't add anything in the {name} field.{br}Instead let's add some additional details about the playground to the {description} field. **Open the Add Field list.**","choose_field":"**Choose {field} from the list.**","retry_add_field":"You didn't select the {field} field. Let's try again.","describe_playground":"**Add a description, then press the {button} button to close the feature editor.**","play":"Good job! Try drawing a few more areas, and see what other kinds of area features you can add to OpenStreetMap. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, press '{next}'.**"},"lines":{"title":"Lines","add_line":"*Lines* are used to represent features such as roads, railways, and rivers. **Press the {line_icon} {line} button to add a new line.**","missing_road":"Here is a road that is missing. Let's add it!","line_draw_info":"In OpenStreetMap, lines should be drawn down the center of the road. You can drag and zoom the map while drawing if necessary.","start_line":"**Start a new line by clicking at the top end of this missing road.**","start_line_tap":"**Start a new line by {tap_icon} tapping at the top end of this missing road.**","intersect":"Continue drawing the line by placing more nodes along the road.{br}Roads, along with paths and ferry routes, must be properly connected to each other for navigation apps to work. **Place an intersection node on {name} to connect the two lines.**","retry_intersect":"The road needs to intersect {name}. Let's try again!","continue_line":"Continue drawing the line for the new road. Remember that you can drag and zoom the map if needed.","finish_line_click":"When you're finished, click the last node again or press `{return}`.","finish_line_tap":"When you're finished, {tap_icon} tap the last node again or press `{return}` on a keyboard.","finish_road":"**Finish drawing the road.**","choose_category_road":"**Select {category} from the list.**","choose_preset_residential":"There are many different types of roads, but this one is a residential road. **Choose the {preset} type.**","retry_preset_residential":"You didn't select the {preset} type. **Press this button to choose again.**","name_road":"**Give this road a name, then press the {button} button or `{esc}` to close the feature editor.**","did_name_road":"Looks good! Next we will learn how to update the shape of a line.","update_line":"Sometimes you will need to change the shape of an existing line. Here is a road that doesn't look quite right.","add_node":"We can add some nodes to this line to improve its shape. One way to add a node is to double-click the line where you want to add a node. **Double-click on the line to create a new node.**","add_node_touch":"We can add some nodes to this line to improve its shape. One way to add a node is to {doubletap_icon} double-tap the line where you want to add a node. **Double-tap on the line to create a new node.**","start_drag_endpoint":"When a line is selected, you can adjust any of its nodes by clicking and holding down the {leftclick} left mouse button while you drag.","start_drag_endpoint_touch":"When a line is selected, you can {touchdrag_icon} tap-and-drag any of its nodes to adjust them.","drag_to_intersection":"**Drag the endpoint to the place where these roads should intersect.**","spot_looks_good":"This spot looks good.","finish_drag_endpoint":"**Release the mouse button to finish dragging.**","finish_drag_endpoint_touch":"**Let go of the node to finish dragging.**","start_drag_midpoint":"Small triangles are drawn at the *midpoints* between nodes. Another way to create a new node is to drag a midpoint to a new location. **Drag the midpoint triangle to create a new node along the curve of the road.**","continue_drag_midpoint":"This line is looking much better! Continue to adjust this line until the curve matches the road shape. **When you're happy with how the line looks, press {ok}.**","delete_lines":"It's OK to delete lines for roads that don't exist in the real world.{br}Here's an example where the city planned a {street} but never built it. We can improve this part of the map by deleting the extra lines.","split_street":"The last real street is {street1}, so we will *split* {street2} at this intersection and remove everything above it.","rightclick_intersection":"**{rightclick} Right-click on the intersection node.**","edit_menu_intersection_touch":"**{longpress_icon} Long-press on the intersection node.**","split_intersection":"**Press the {split_icon} {split} button to divide {street}.**","retry_split":"You didn't press the {split_icon} {split} button. Try again.","did_split_multi":"Good job! {street1} is now split into two pieces. The top part can be removed. **Select the top part of {street2}.**","did_split_single":"**Select the top part of {street2}.**","multi_select":"{selected} is now selected. Let's also select {other1}.","add_to_selection_click":"You can hold `{shift}` while clicking to select multiple things. **Shift-click on {other2}.**","add_to_selection_touch":"**{longpress_icon} Tap-and-hold {selected} and then {tap_icon} tap {other2} with another finger to select both.**","multi_select_success":"Good! Both lines to delete are now selected.","multi_rightclick":"**{rightclick} Right-click on one of the lines to show the edit menu.**","multi_edit_menu_touch":"**{longpress_icon} Long-press on one of the lines to show the edit menu.**","multi_delete":"**Press the {delete_icon} {delete} button to remove the extra lines.**","retry_delete":"You didn't press the {delete_icon} {delete} button. Try again.","play":"Great! Use the skills that you've learned in this chapter to practice editing some more lines. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, press '{next}'.**"},"buildings":{"title":"Buildings","add_building":"OpenStreetMap is the world's largest database of buildings.{br}You can help improve this database by tracing buildings that aren't already mapped. **Press the {area_icon} {area} button to add a new area.**","start_building":"Let's add this house to the map by tracing its outline.{br}Buildings should be traced around their footprint as accurately as possible.","building_corner_click":"**Click or press `{space}` to place a starting node on one of the corners of the building.**","building_corner_tap":"**{tap_icon} Tap one of the corners of the building to place a starting node.**","continue_building":"Continue placing nodes to trace the outline of the building. Remember that you can zoom in if you want to add more details.","finish_building":"**Finish tracing the building.**","retry_building":"It looks like you had some trouble placing the nodes at the building corners. Try again!","choose_category_building":"**Choose {category} from the list.**","choose_preset_house":"There are many different types of buildings, but this one is clearly a house.{br}If you're not sure of the type, it's OK to just choose the generic Building type. **Choose the {preset} type.**","close":"**Press the {button} button or `{esc}` to close the feature editor.**","rightclick_building":"**{rightclick} Right-click to select the building you created and show the edit menu.**","edit_menu_building_touch":"**{longpress_icon} Long-press the building you created to show the edit menu.**","square_building":"The house that you just added will look even better with perfectly square corners. **Press the {orthogonalize_icon} {orthogonalize} button to tidy up the building's shape.**","retry_square":"You didn't press the {orthogonalize_icon} {orthogonalize} button. Try again.","done_square":"See how the corners of the building moved into place? Let's learn another useful trick.","add_tank":"Next we'll trace this circular storage tank. **Press the {area_icon} {area} button to add a new area.**","start_tank":"Don't worry, you won't need to draw a perfect circle. Just draw an area inside the tank that touches its edge.","tank_edge_click":"**Click or press `{space}` to place a starting node on the edge of the tank.**","tank_edge_tap":"**{tap_icon} Tap the edge of the tank to place a starting node.**","continue_tank":"Add a few more nodes around the edge. The circle will be created outside the nodes that you draw.","finish_tank":"**Finish tracing the tank.**","search_tank":"**Search for '{preset}'.**","choose_tank":"**Choose {preset} from the list.**","rightclick_tank":"**{rightclick} Right-click to select the storage tank you created and show the edit menu.**","edit_menu_tank_touch":"**{longpress_icon} Long-press the storage tank you created to show the edit menu.**","circle_tank":"**Press the {circularize_icon} {circularize} button to make the tank a circle.**","retry_circle":"You didn't press the {circularize_icon} {circularize} button. Try again.","play":"Great Job! Practice tracing a few more buildings, and try some of the other operations in the edit menu. **When you are ready to continue to the next chapter, press '{next}'.**"},"startediting":{"title":"Start Editing","help":"You're now ready to edit OpenStreetMap!{br}You can replay this walkthrough anytime or view more documentation by pressing the {help_icon} {help} button or the `{help_key}` key.","shortcuts":"You can view a list of commands along with their keyboard shortcuts by pressing the `{shortcuts_key}` key.","save":"Don't forget to regularly save your changes!","start":"Start mapping!"}},"shortcuts":{"title":"Keyboard Shortcuts","tooltip":"Show the keyboard shortcuts screen.","toggle":{"key":"?"},"key":{"alt":"Alt","backspace":"Backspace","cmd":"Cmd","ctrl":"Ctrl","delete":"Delete","del":"Del","end":"End","enter":"Enter","esc":"Esc","home":"Home","menu":"Menu","option":"Option","pause":"Pause","pgdn":"PgDn","pgup":"PgUp","return":"Return","shift":"Shift","space":"Space"},"gesture":{"drag":"drag"},"or":"-or-","browsing":{"title":"Browsing","navigation":{"title":"Navigation","pan":"Pan map","pan_more":"Pan map by one screenful","zoom":"Zoom in / Zoom out","zoom_more":"Zoom in / Zoom out by a lot"},"help":{"title":"Help","help":"Show help/documentation","keyboard":"Show keyboard shortcuts"},"display_options":{"title":"Display options","background":"Toggle background imagery pane","background_switch":"Switch back to last background","map_data":"Toggle map data pane","issues":"Toggle validation issues pane","preferences":"Toggle user preferences pane","fullscreen":"Enter full screen mode","sidebar":"Toggle sidebar","wireframe":"Toggle wireframe mode","osm_data":"Toggle OpenStreetMap data","minimap":"Toggle minimap","highlight_edits":"Highlight unsaved edits"},"selecting":{"title":"Selecting features","select_one":"Select a single feature","select_multi":"Select multiple features","lasso":"Draw a selection lasso around features","search":"Find features matching search text"},"with_selected":{"title":"With features selected","edit_menu":"Toggle edit menu","zoom_to":"Zoom to selected features"},"vertex_selected":{"title":"With node selected","previous":"Jump to previous node","next":"Jump to next node","first":"Jump to first node","last":"Jump to last node","parent":"Select parent way","change_parent":"Switch parent way"},"way_selected":{"title":"With way selected","child":"Select child nodes"}},"editing":{"title":"Editing","drawing":{"title":"Drawing","add_point":"'Add point' mode","add_line":"'Add line' mode","add_area":"'Add area' mode","add_note":"'Add note' mode","place_point":"Place a point or note","disable_snap":"Hold to 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imagery.","name":"Dourados Ortofotos"},"EOXAT2018CLOUDLESS":{"attribution":{"text":"Sentinel-2 cloudless - https://s2maps.eu by EOX IT Services GmbH (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2017 & 2018)"},"description":"Post-processed Sentinel Satellite imagery.","name":"eox.at 2018 cloudless"},"EOXAT2019CLOUDLESS":{"description":"Post-processed Sentinel Satellite imagery."},"EOXAT2020CLOUDLESS":{"description":"Post-processed Sentinel Satellite imagery."},"EOXAT2021CLOUDLESS":{"description":"Post-processed Sentinel Satellite imagery."},"EOXAT2022CLOUDLESS":{"description":"Post-processed Sentinel Satellite imagery."},"EsriWorldImagery":{"attribution":{"text":"Terms & Feedback"},"description":"Esri World Imagery","name":"Esri World Imagery"},"EsriWorldImageryClarity":{"attribution":{"text":"Terms & Feedback"},"description":"Esri archive imagery that may be clearer and more accurate than the default layer.","name":"Esri World Imagery (Clarity) Beta"},"Geoportal2-PL-City-boundaries_WMS":{"attribution":{"text":"Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii"}},"Geoportal2-PL-HighResolution-aerial_archival_image_WMS":{"attribution":{"text":"Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii"},"description":"Ortofotomapa o rozdzielczości 10 cm lub większej. 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Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US-TIGER-Roads-2019":{"description":"Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US-TIGER-Roads-2020":{"description":"Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US-TIGER-Roads-2021":{"description":"Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US-TIGER-Roads-2022":{"description":"Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US-TIGER-Roads-2023":{"description":"Yellow = Public domain map data from the US Census. Red = Data not found in OpenStreetMap"},"US_Forest_Service_roads_overlay":{"description":"Highway: Green casing = unclassified. Brown casing = track. Surface: gravel = light brown fill, Asphalt = black, paved = gray, ground =white, concrete = blue, grass = green. Seasonal = white bars","name":"U.S. Forest Roads Overlay"},"Waymarked_Trails-Cycling":{"attribution":{"text":"© waymarkedtrails.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC by-SA 3.0"},"name":"Waymarked Trails: Cycling"},"Waymarked_Trails-Hiking":{"attribution":{"text":"© waymarkedtrails.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC by-SA 3.0"},"name":"Waymarked Trails: Hiking"},"Waymarked_Trails-MTB":{"attribution":{"text":"© waymarkedtrails.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC by-SA 3.0"},"name":"Waymarked Trails: MTB"},"Waymarked_Trails-Skating":{"attribution":{"text":"© waymarkedtrails.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC by-SA 3.0"},"name":"Waymarked Trails: Skating"},"Waymarked_Trails-Winter_Sports":{"attribution":{"text":"© waymarkedtrails.org, OpenStreetMap contributors, CC by-SA 3.0"},"name":"Waymarked Trails: Winter Sports"},"basemap.at":{"attribution":{"text":"basemap.at"},"description":"Basemap of Austria, based on government data.","name":"basemap.at"},"basemap.at-orthofoto":{"attribution":{"text":"basemap.at"},"description":"Orthofoto layer provided by basemap.at. \"Successor\" of geoimage.at imagery.","name":"basemap.at Orthofoto"},"basemap.at-overlay":{"attribution":{"text":"basemap.at"}},"mapbox_locator_overlay":{"attribution":{"text":"Terms & Feedback"},"description":"Shows major features to help orient you."},"openpt_map":{"attribution":{"text":"© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA"},"name":"OpenPT Map (overlay)"},"osm-gps":{"attribution":{"text":"© OpenStreetMap contributors"}},"osm-mapnik-german_style":{"attribution":{"text":"© OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA"},"name":"OpenStreetMap (German Style)"},"qa_no_address":{"attribution":{"text":"Simon Poole, Data ©OpenStreetMap contributors"},"name":"QA No Address"},"skobbler":{"attribution":{"text":"© Tiles: skobbler Map data: OpenStreetMap contributors"},"name":"skobbler"},"stamen-terrain-background":{"attribution":{"text":"Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under ODbL"},"name":"Stamen Terrain"},"tf-cycle":{"attribution":{"text":"Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors"}},"tf-landscape":{"attribution":{"text":"Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors"},"name":"Thunderforest Landscape"},"tf-outdoors":{"attribution":{"text":"Maps © Thunderforest, Data © OpenStreetMap contributors"}},"trafikverket-baninfo":{"attribution":{"text":"© Trafikverket, CC0"}},"trafikverket-baninfo-option":{"attribution":{"text":"© Trafikverket, CC0"}},"trafikverket-vagnat":{"attribution":{"text":"© Trafikverket, CC0"},"description":"Swedish NVDB road network","name":"Trafikverket Road Network"},"trafikverket-vagnat-extra":{"attribution":{"text":"© Trafikverket, CC0"}},"trafikverket-vagnat-option":{"attribution":{"text":"© Trafikverket, CC0"}}},"community":{"al-maptime-tirana":{"description":"Social events organised around mapping - beginners most welcome!"},"Maptime-Oceania-Slack":{"description":"Sign up at {signupUrl}"},"OSM-Colorado":{"extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Colorado is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organise or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties."},"OSM-India-Puducherry-Facebook":{"extendedDescription":"FSHM organises events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap. Its FB page is the best way to keep in contact with its events."},"OSM-Puducherry-Mailing-List":{"extendedDescription":"FSHM organises events relating to free software/hardware, technology, activism and OpenStreetMap."},"OSM-Wyoming":{"extendedDescription":"OpenStreetMap (OSM) Wyoming is a local collaboration of people interested in contributing their efforts to create free maps. We encourage all of our mappers to organise or suggest mapping events throughout the state. Meetup activities can be simple social mixers, OSM basic to advanced training, or community mapping parties."},"ym-Kumi-University":{"extendedDescription":"This energetic group of students organises within the faculty of Science and Information Technology."},"ym-University-of-Central-Florida":{"extendedDescription":"Our mission is to foster a social and educational environment for all majors who are interested in the discussion and application of GIS. Group and community events throughout the academic year organise students to volunteer to help local and regional communities by using community-based GIS projects and educating local middle and high school students on the use and application of GIS."},"ym-University-of-Rwanda-Huye-Campus":{"extendedDescription":"Based on the commitment and the purpose of promoting mapping, and the information from YouthMappers public talks, we have organised as students in Geography department who are committed in mapping to found a chapter of our Campus. We have supported by our Facilitator Dr. Gaspard Rwanyiziri (Director of CGIS-Rwanda) and various lecturer mentors."}}}}