4 class FeedsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
6 # test all routes which lead to this controller
9 { :path => "/traces/rss", :method => :get },
10 { :controller => "traces/feeds", :action => "show", :format => :rss }
13 { :path => "/traces/tag/tagname/rss", :method => :get },
14 { :controller => "traces/feeds", :action => "show", :tag => "tagname", :format => :rss }
17 { :path => "/user/username/traces/rss", :method => :get },
18 { :controller => "traces/feeds", :action => "show", :display_name => "username", :format => :rss }
21 { :path => "/user/username/traces/tag/tagname/rss", :method => :get },
22 { :controller => "traces/feeds", :action => "show", :display_name => "username", :tag => "tagname", :format => :rss }
28 # The fourth test below is surprisingly sensitive to timestamp ordering when the timestamps are equal.
29 trace_a = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 4.seconds.ago) do |trace|
30 create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
32 trace_b = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 3.seconds.ago) do |trace|
33 create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
35 create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => user, :timestamp => 2.seconds.ago) do |trace|
36 create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
38 create(:trace, :visibility => "private", :user => user, :timestamp => 1.second.ago) do |trace|
39 create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
42 # First with the public feed
44 check_trace_feed [trace_b, trace_a]
46 # Restrict traces to those with a given tag
47 get traces_feed_path(:tag => "London")
48 check_trace_feed [trace_a]
53 second_user = create(:user)
56 trace_b = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 4.seconds.ago, :user => user)
57 trace_c = create(:trace, :visibility => "public", :timestamp => 3.seconds.ago, :user => user) do |trace|
58 create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
60 create(:trace, :visibility => "private")
62 # Test a user with no traces
63 get traces_feed_path(:display_name => second_user)
66 # Test the user with the traces - should see only public ones
67 get traces_feed_path(:display_name => user)
68 check_trace_feed [trace_c, trace_b]
70 # Should only see traces with the correct tag when a tag is specified
71 get traces_feed_path(:display_name => user, :tag => "London")
72 check_trace_feed [trace_c]
74 # Should no traces if the user does not exist
75 get traces_feed_path(:display_name => "UnknownUser")
81 def check_trace_feed(traces)
82 assert_response :success
83 assert_template "traces/feeds/show"
84 assert_equal "application/rss+xml", @response.media_type
85 assert_select "rss", :count => 1 do
86 assert_select "channel", :count => 1 do
88 assert_select "description"
91 assert_select "item", :count => traces.length do |items|
92 traces.zip(items).each do |trace, item|
93 assert_select item, "title", trace.name
94 assert_select item, "link", "http://www.example.com/user/#{ERB::Util.u(trace.user.display_name)}/traces/#{trace.id}"
95 assert_select item, "guid", "http://www.example.com/user/#{ERB::Util.u(trace.user.display_name)}/traces/#{trace.id}"
96 assert_select item, "description" do
98 assert_select "img[src='#{trace_icon_url trace.user, trace}']"
101 # assert_select item, "dc:creator", trace.user.display_name
102 assert_select item, "pubDate", trace.timestamp.rfc822