1 <% set_title(t(".title", :id => @changeset.id)) %>
3 <%= render "sidebar_header", :title => t(".title", :id => @changeset.id) %>
5 <div class="browse-section">
6 <p class="font-italic">
7 <%= linkify(@changeset.tags["comment"].to_s.presence || t("browse.no_comment")) %>
9 <div class="details"><%= changeset_details(@changeset) %></div>
11 <%= render :partial => "tag_details", :object => @changeset.tags.except("comment") %>
13 <h4 class="comments-header"><%= t(".discussion") %></h4>
16 <div class="buttons clearfix subscribe-buttons">
17 <form action="#" class="standard-form">
18 <% if @changeset.subscribers.exists?(current_user.id) %>
19 <input class="action-button" type="submit" name="unsubscribe" value="<%= t("javascripts.changesets.show.unsubscribe") %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_unsubscribe_url(@changeset) %>" />
21 <input class="action-button" type="submit" name="subscribe" value="<%= t("javascripts.changesets.show.subscribe") %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_subscribe_url(@changeset) %>" />
27 <div class="clearfix"></div>
29 <% if @comments.length > 0 %>
30 <div class='changeset-comments'>
31 <form action="#" class="standard-form">
32 <ul class="list-unstyled">
33 <% @comments.each do |comment| %>
34 <% if comment.visible %>
35 <li id="c<%= comment.id %>">
36 <small class='text-muted'>
37 <%= t(".commented_by_html",
38 :when => friendly_date_ago(comment.created_at),
39 :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
40 :user => link_to(comment.author.display_name, user_path(comment.author))) %>
41 <% if current_user and current_user.moderator? %>
42 — <span class="action-button deemphasize" data-comment-id="<%= comment.id %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_comment_hide_url(comment.id) %>"><%= t("javascripts.changesets.show.hide_comment") %></span>
45 <%= comment.body.to_html %>
47 <% elsif current_user and current_user.moderator? %>
48 <li id="c<%= comment.id %>">
49 <small class='text-muted'>
50 <%= t(".hidden_commented_by_html",
51 :when => friendly_date_ago(comment.created_at),
52 :exact_time => l(comment.created_at),
53 :user => link_to(comment.author.display_name, user_path(comment.author))) %>
54 — <span class="action-button deemphasize" data-comment-id="<%= comment.id %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_comment_unhide_url(comment.id) %>"><%= t("javascripts.changesets.show.unhide_comment") %></span>
56 <%= comment.body.to_html %>
65 <% unless current_user %>
67 <%= link_to(t(".join_discussion"), :controller => "users", :action => "login", :referer => request.fullpath) %>
72 <% unless @changeset.is_open? %>
73 <form action="#" class="standard-form">
74 <textarea class="comment" name="text" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea>
75 <div class="buttons clearfix">
76 <input type="submit" name="comment" value="<%= t("javascripts.changesets.show.comment") %>" data-changeset-id="<%= @changeset.id %>" data-method="POST" data-url="<%= changeset_comment_url(@changeset) %>" disabled="1" />
81 <%= t(".still_open") %>
86 <% unless @ways.empty? %>
88 <%= type_and_paginated_count("way", @way_pages) %>
89 <%= render :partial => "paging_nav", :locals => { :pages => @way_pages, :page_param => "way_page" } %>
91 <ul class="list-unstyled">
92 <% @ways.each do |way| %>
93 <li><%= link_to printable_name(way, :version => true), { :action => "way", :id => way.way_id.to_s }, { :class => link_class("way", way), :title => link_title(way) } %></li>
98 <% unless @relations.empty? %>
100 <%= type_and_paginated_count("relation", @relation_pages) %>
101 <%= render :partial => "paging_nav", :locals => { :pages => @relation_pages, :page_param => "relation_page" } %>
103 <ul class="list-unstyled">
104 <% @relations.each do |relation| %>
105 <li><%= link_to printable_name(relation, :version => true), { :action => "relation", :id => relation.relation_id.to_s }, { :class => link_class("relation", relation), :title => link_title(relation) } %></li>
110 <% unless @nodes.empty? %>
112 <%= type_and_paginated_count("node", @node_pages) %>
113 <%= render :partial => "paging_nav", :locals => { :pages => @node_pages, :page_param => "node_page" } %>
115 <ul class="list-unstyled">
116 <% @nodes.each do |node| %>
117 <li><%= link_to printable_name(node, :version => true), { :action => "node", :id => node.node_id.to_s }, { :class => link_class("node", node), :title => link_title(node), :rel => link_follow(node) } %></li>
123 <% if @next_by_user || @prev_by_user %>
124 <div class='secondary-actions'>
125 <% if @prev_by_user %>
126 <%= link_to "<< #{@prev_by_user.id}", :id => @prev_by_user.id %>
129 <%= user = (@prev_by_user || @next_by_user).user.display_name
130 link_to tag.bdi(user), :controller => "changesets", :action => "index", :display_name => user %>
131 <% if @next_by_user %>
133 <%= link_to "#{@next_by_user.id} >>", :id => @next_by_user.id %>
138 <div class='secondary-actions'>
139 <%= link_to(t(".changesetxml"), :controller => "api/changesets", :action => "show") %>
141 <%= link_to(t(".osmchangexml"), :controller => "api/changesets", :action => "download") %>