1 module ActionController
2 # === Action Pack pagination for Active Record collections
4 # The Pagination module aids in the process of paging large collections of
5 # Active Record objects. It offers macro-style automatic fetching of your
6 # model for multiple views, or explicit fetching for single actions. And if
7 # the magic isn't flexible enough for your needs, you can create your own
8 # paginators with a minimal amount of code.
10 # The Pagination module can handle as much or as little as you wish. In the
11 # controller, have it automatically query your model for pagination; or,
12 # if you prefer, create Paginator objects yourself.
14 # Pagination is included automatically for all controllers.
16 # For help rendering pagination links, see
17 # ActionView::Helpers::PaginationHelper.
19 # ==== Automatic pagination for every action in a controller
21 # class PersonController < ApplicationController
24 # paginate :people, :order => 'last_name, first_name',
30 # Each action in this controller now has access to a <tt>@people</tt>
31 # instance variable, which is an ordered collection of model objects for the
32 # current page (at most 20, sorted by last name and first name), and a
33 # <tt>@person_pages</tt> Paginator instance. The current page is determined
34 # by the <tt>params[:page]</tt> variable.
36 # ==== Pagination for a single action
39 # @person_pages, @people =
40 # paginate :people, :order => 'last_name, first_name'
43 # Like the previous example, but explicitly creates <tt>@person_pages</tt>
44 # and <tt>@people</tt> for a single action, and uses the default of 10 items
47 # ==== Custom/"classic" pagination
50 # @person_pages = Paginator.new self, Person.count, 10, params[:page]
51 # @people = Person.find :all, :order => 'last_name, first_name',
52 # :limit => @person_pages.items_per_page,
53 # :offset => @person_pages.current.offset
56 # Explicitly creates the paginator from the previous example and uses
57 # Paginator#to_sql to retrieve <tt>@people</tt> from the model.
60 if const_defined?(:OPTIONS)
61 DEFAULT_OPTIONS[:group] = nil
63 # A hash holding options for controllers using macro-style pagination
66 # The default options for pagination
69 :singular_name => nil,
84 def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
86 base.extend(ClassMethods)
89 def self.validate_options!(collection_id, options, in_action) #:nodoc:
90 options.merge!(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) { |_key, old, _new| old }
92 valid_options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys
93 valid_options << :actions unless in_action
95 unknown_option_keys = options.keys - valid_options
96 fail ActionController::ActionControllerError,
97 "Unknown options: #{unknown_option_keys.join(', ')}" unless
98 unknown_option_keys.empty?
100 options[:singular_name] ||= ActiveSupport::Inflector.singularize(collection_id.to_s)
101 options[:class_name] ||= ActiveSupport::Inflector.camelize(options[:singular_name])
104 # Returns a paginator and a collection of Active Record model instances
105 # for the paginator's current page. This is designed to be used in a
106 # single action; to automatically paginate multiple actions, consider
107 # ClassMethods#paginate.
110 # <tt>:singular_name</tt>:: the singular name to use, if it can't be inferred by singularizing the collection name
111 # <tt>:class_name</tt>:: the class name to use, if it can't be inferred by
112 # camelizing the singular name
113 # <tt>:per_page</tt>:: the maximum number of items to include in a
114 # single page. Defaults to 10
115 # <tt>:conditions</tt>:: optional conditions passed to Model.find(:all, *params) and
117 # <tt>:order</tt>:: optional order parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
118 # <tt>:order_by</tt>:: (deprecated, used :order) optional order parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
119 # <tt>:joins</tt>:: optional joins parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
121 # <tt>:join</tt>:: (deprecated, used :joins or :include) optional join parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
123 # <tt>:include</tt>:: optional eager loading parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
125 # <tt>:select</tt>:: :select parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params)
127 # <tt>:count</tt>:: parameter passed as :select option to Model.count(*params)
129 # <tt>:group</tt>:: :group parameter passed to Model.find(:all, *params). It forces the use of DISTINCT instead of plain COUNT to come up with the total number of records
131 def paginate(collection_id, options = {})
132 Pagination.validate_options!(collection_id, options, true)
133 paginator_and_collection_for(collection_id, options)
136 # These methods become class methods on any controller
138 # Creates a +before_filter+ which automatically paginates an Active
139 # Record model for all actions in a controller (or certain actions if
140 # specified with the <tt>:actions</tt> option).
142 # +options+ are the same as PaginationHelper#paginate, with the addition
144 # <tt>:actions</tt>:: an array of actions for which the pagination is
145 # active. Defaults to +nil+ (i.e., every action)
146 def paginate(collection_id, options = {})
147 Pagination.validate_options!(collection_id, options, false)
149 before_filter :create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections
151 OPTIONS[self][collection_id] = options
156 def create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections #:nodoc:
157 Pagination::OPTIONS[self.class].each do |collection_id, options|
158 next if options[:actions] && !options[:actions].include?(action_name)
160 paginator, collection =
161 paginator_and_collection_for(collection_id, options)
163 paginator_name = "@#{options[:singular_name]}_pages"
164 instance_variable_set(paginator_name, paginator)
166 collection_name = "@#{collection_id}"
167 instance_variable_set(collection_name, collection)
171 # Returns the total number of items in the collection to be paginated for
172 # the +model+ and given +conditions+. Override this method to implement a
174 def count_collection_for_pagination(model, options)
175 collection = model.joins(options[:join] || options[:joins])
176 collection = collection.where(options[:conditions])
177 collection = collection.includes(options[:include])
180 collection = collection.select(options[:group]).distinct
181 elsif options[:count]
182 collection = collection.select(options[:count])
188 # Returns a collection of items for the given +model+ and +options[conditions]+,
189 # ordered by +options[order]+, for the current page in the given +paginator+.
190 # Override this method to implement a custom finder.
191 def find_collection_for_pagination(model, options, paginator)
192 collection = model.joins(options[:join] || options[:joins])
193 collection = collection.where(options[:conditions])
194 collection = collection.order(options[:order_by] || options[:order])
195 collection = collection.includes(options[:include])
196 collection = collection.group(options[:group])
197 collection = collection.select(options[:select]) if options[:select]
199 collection.offset(paginator.current.offset).limit(options[:per_page])
202 protected :create_paginators_and_retrieve_collections,
203 :count_collection_for_pagination,
204 :find_collection_for_pagination
206 def paginator_and_collection_for(_collection_id, options) #:nodoc:
207 klass = options[:class_name].constantize
208 page = params[options[:parameter]]
209 count = count_collection_for_pagination(klass, options)
210 paginator = Paginator.new(self, count, options[:per_page], page)
211 collection = find_collection_for_pagination(klass, options, paginator)
213 [paginator, collection]
216 private :paginator_and_collection_for
218 # A class representing a paginator for an Active Record collection.
222 # Creates a new Paginator on the given +controller+ for a set of items
223 # of size +item_count+ and having +items_per_page+ items per page.
224 # Raises ArgumentError if items_per_page is out of bounds (i.e., less
225 # than or equal to zero). The page CGI parameter for links defaults to
226 # "page" and can be overridden with +page_parameter+.
227 def initialize(controller, item_count, items_per_page, current_page = 1)
228 fail ArgumentError, "must have at least one item per page" if
231 @controller = controller
232 @item_count = item_count || 0
233 @items_per_page = items_per_page
236 self.current_page = current_page
238 attr_reader :controller, :item_count, :items_per_page
240 # Sets the current page number of this paginator. If +page+ is a Page
241 # object, its +number+ attribute is used as the value; if the page does
242 # not belong to this Paginator, an ArgumentError is raised.
243 def current_page=(page)
245 fail ArgumentError, "Page/Paginator mismatch" unless
246 page.paginator == self
249 @current_page_number = has_page_number?(page) ? page : 1
252 # Returns a Page object representing this paginator's current page.
254 @current_page ||= self[@current_page_number]
256 alias current current_page
258 # Returns a new Page representing the first page in this paginator.
260 @first_page ||= self[1]
262 alias first first_page
264 # Returns a new Page representing the last page in this paginator.
266 @last_page ||= self[page_count]
270 # Returns the number of pages in this paginator.
272 @page_count ||= if @item_count.zero?
275 q, r = @item_count.divmod(@items_per_page)
280 alias length page_count
282 # Returns true if this paginator contains the page of index +number+.
283 def has_page_number?(number)
284 number >= 1 && number <= page_count
287 # Returns a new Page representing the page with the given index
290 @pages[number] ||= Page.new(self, number)
293 # Successively yields all the paginator's pages to the given block.
295 page_count.times do |n|
300 # A class representing a single page in a paginator.
304 # Creates a new Page for the given +paginator+ with the index
305 # +number+. If +number+ is not in the range of valid page numbers or
306 # is not a number at all, it defaults to 1.
307 def initialize(paginator, number)
308 @paginator = paginator
309 @number = number.to_i
310 @number = 1 unless @paginator.has_page_number? @number
312 attr_reader :paginator, :number
315 # Compares two Page objects and returns true when they represent the
316 # same page (i.e., their paginators are the same and they have the
319 return false if other.nil?
320 @paginator == other.paginator &&
321 @number == other.number
324 # Compares two Page objects and returns -1 if the left-hand page comes
325 # before the right-hand page, 0 if the pages are equal, and 1 if the
326 # left-hand page comes after the right-hand page. Raises ArgumentError
327 # if the pages do not belong to the same Paginator object.
329 fail ArgumentError unless @paginator == other.paginator
330 @number <=> other.number
333 # Returns the item offset for the first item in this page.
335 @paginator.items_per_page * (@number - 1)
338 # Returns the number of the first item displayed.
343 # Returns the number of the last item displayed.
345 [@paginator.items_per_page * @number, @paginator.item_count].min
348 # Returns true if this page is the first page in the paginator.
350 self == @paginator.first
353 # Returns true if this page is the last page in the paginator.
355 self == @paginator.last
358 # Returns a new Page object representing the page just before this
359 # page, or nil if this is the first page.
361 first? ? nil : @paginator[@number - 1]
364 # Returns a new Page object representing the page just after this
365 # page, or nil if this is the last page.
367 last? ? nil : @paginator[@number + 1]
370 # Returns a new Window object for this page with the specified
372 def window(padding = 2)
373 Window.new(self, padding)
376 # Returns the limit/offset array for this page.
378 [@paginator.items_per_page, offset]
381 def to_param #:nodoc:
386 # A class for representing ranges around a given page.
388 # Creates a new Window object for the given +page+ with the specified
390 def initialize(page, padding = 2)
391 @paginator = page.paginator
393 self.padding = padding
395 attr_reader :paginator, :page
397 # Sets the window's padding (the number of pages on either side of the
399 def padding=(padding)
400 @padding = padding < 0 ? 0 : padding
401 # Find the beginning and end pages of the window
402 @first = if @paginator.has_page_number?(@page.number - @padding)
403 @paginator[@page.number - @padding]
407 @last = if @paginator.has_page_number?(@page.number + @padding)
408 @paginator[@page.number + @padding]
413 attr_reader :padding, :first, :last
415 # Returns an array of Page objects in the current window.
417 (@first.number..@last.number).to_a.collect! { |n| @paginator[n] }