1 class GeocoderController < ApplicationController
4 require "rexml/document"
6 before_action :authorize_web
7 before_action :set_locale
8 before_action :require_oauth, :only => [:search]
9 authorize_resource :class => false
12 @params = normalize_params
15 if @params[:lat] && @params[:lon]
16 @sources.push "latlon"
17 @sources.push "osm_nominatim_reverse"
18 @sources.push "geonames_reverse" if Settings.key?(:geonames_username)
20 if @params[:query].match?(/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/)
21 @sources.push "osm_nominatim"
22 elsif @params[:query].match?(/^(GIR 0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRV-Y]))|[0-9][A-HJKS-UW])\s*[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$/i)
23 @sources.push "osm_nominatim"
24 elsif @params[:query].match?(/^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s*\d[A-Z]\d$/i)
25 @sources.push "ca_postcode"
26 @sources.push "osm_nominatim"
28 @sources.push "osm_nominatim"
29 @sources.push "geonames" if Settings.key?(:geonames_username)
36 render :layout => map_layout
41 lat = params[:lat].to_f
42 lon = params[:lon].to_f
44 if params[:latlon_digits]
45 # We've got two nondescript numbers for a query, which can mean both "lat, lon" or "lon, lat".
48 if lat >= -90 && lat <= 90 && lon >= -180 && lon <= 180
49 @results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
50 :zoom => params[:zoom],
51 :name => "#{lat}, #{lon}")
54 if lon >= -90 && lon <= 90 && lat >= -180 && lat <= 180
55 @results.push(:lat => lon, :lon => lat,
56 :zoom => params[:zoom],
57 :name => "#{lon}, #{lat}")
61 @error = "Latitude or longitude are out of range"
62 render :action => "error"
64 render :action => "results"
67 # Coordinates in a query have come with markers for latitude and longitude.
68 if lat < -90 || lat > 90
69 @error = "Latitude #{lat} out of range"
70 render :action => "error"
71 elsif lon < -180 || lon > 180
72 @error = "Longitude #{lon} out of range"
73 render :action => "error"
75 @results = [{ :lat => lat, :lon => lon,
76 :zoom => params[:zoom],
77 :name => "#{lat}, #{lon}" }]
79 render :action => "results"
84 def search_ca_postcode
85 # get query parameters
86 query = params[:query]
89 # ask geocoder.ca (note - they have a per-day limit)
90 response = fetch_xml("https://geocoder.ca/?geoit=XML&postal=#{escape_query(query)}")
93 if response.get_elements("geodata/error").empty?
94 @results.push(:lat => response.text("geodata/latt"),
95 :lon => response.text("geodata/longt"),
96 :zoom => Settings.postcode_zoom,
97 :name => query.upcase)
100 render :action => "results"
101 rescue StandardError => ex
102 @error = "Error contacting geocoder.ca: #{ex}"
103 render :action => "error"
106 def search_osm_nominatim
107 # get query parameters
108 query = params[:query]
109 minlon = params[:minlon]
110 minlat = params[:minlat]
111 maxlon = params[:maxlon]
112 maxlat = params[:maxlat]
115 viewbox = "&viewbox=#{minlon},#{maxlat},#{maxlon},#{minlat}" if minlon && minlat && maxlon && maxlat
117 # get objects to excude
118 exclude = "&exclude_place_ids=#{params[:exclude]}" if params[:exclude]
121 response = fetch_xml("#{Settings.nominatim_url}search?format=xml&extratags=1&q=#{escape_query(query)}#{viewbox}#{exclude}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
123 # extract the results from the response
124 results = response.elements["searchresults"]
126 # extract parameters from more_url
127 more_url_params = CGI.parse(URI.parse(results.attributes["more_url"]).query)
129 # create result array
132 # create parameter hash for "more results" link
133 @more_params = params
134 .permit(:query, :minlon, :minlat, :maxlon, :maxlat, :exclude)
135 .merge(:exclude => more_url_params["exclude_place_ids"].first)
138 results.elements.each("place") do |place|
139 lat = place.attributes["lat"]
140 lon = place.attributes["lon"]
141 klass = place.attributes["class"]
142 type = place.attributes["type"]
143 name = place.attributes["display_name"]
144 min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon = place.attributes["boundingbox"].split(",")
145 prefix_name = if type.empty?
148 t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix.#{klass}.#{type}", :default => type.tr("_", " ").capitalize
150 if klass == "boundary" && type == "administrative"
151 rank = (place.attributes["place_rank"].to_i + 1) / 2
152 prefix_name = t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.admin_levels.level#{rank}", :default => prefix_name
153 place.elements["extratags"].elements.each("tag") do |extratag|
154 prefix_name = t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix.place.#{extratag.attributes['value']}", :default => prefix_name if extratag.attributes["key"] == "place"
157 prefix = t "geocoder.search_osm_nominatim.prefix_format", :name => prefix_name
158 object_type = place.attributes["osm_type"]
159 object_id = place.attributes["osm_id"]
161 @results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
162 :min_lat => min_lat, :max_lat => max_lat,
163 :min_lon => min_lon, :max_lon => max_lon,
164 :prefix => prefix, :name => name,
165 :type => object_type, :id => object_id)
168 render :action => "results"
169 rescue StandardError => ex
170 @error = "Error contacting nominatim.openstreetmap.org: #{ex}"
171 render :action => "error"
175 # get query parameters
176 query = params[:query]
178 # get preferred language
179 lang = I18n.locale.to_s.split("-").first
181 # create result array
185 response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/search?q=#{escape_query(query)}&lang=#{lang}&maxRows=20&username=#{Settings.geonames_username}")
188 response.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |geoname|
189 lat = geoname.text("lat")
190 lon = geoname.text("lng")
191 name = geoname.text("name")
192 country = geoname.text("countryName")
194 @results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
195 :zoom => Settings.geonames_zoom,
197 :suffix => ", #{country}")
200 render :action => "results"
201 rescue StandardError => ex
202 @error = "Error contacting api.geonames.org: #{ex}"
203 render :action => "error"
206 def search_osm_nominatim_reverse
207 # get query parameters
212 # create result array
216 response = fetch_xml("#{Settings.nominatim_url}reverse?lat=#{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=#{zoom}&accept-language=#{http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages.join(',')}")
219 response.elements.each("reversegeocode/result") do |result|
220 lat = result.attributes["lat"]
221 lon = result.attributes["lon"]
222 object_type = result.attributes["osm_type"]
223 object_id = result.attributes["osm_id"]
224 description = result.text
226 @results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
228 :name => description,
229 :type => object_type, :id => object_id)
232 render :action => "results"
233 rescue StandardError => ex
234 @error = "Error contacting nominatim.openstreetmap.org: #{ex}"
235 render :action => "error"
238 def search_geonames_reverse
239 # get query parameters
243 # get preferred language
244 lang = I18n.locale.to_s.split("-").first
246 # create result array
250 response = fetch_xml("http://api.geonames.org/countrySubdivision?lat=#{lat}&lng=#{lon}&lang=#{lang}&username=#{Settings.geonames_username}")
253 response.elements.each("geonames/countrySubdivision") do |geoname|
254 name = geoname.text("adminName1")
255 country = geoname.text("countryName")
257 @results.push(:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
258 :zoom => Settings.geonames_zoom,
260 :suffix => ", #{country}")
263 render :action => "results"
264 rescue StandardError => ex
265 @error = "Error contacting api.geonames.org: #{ex}"
266 render :action => "error"
272 response = OSM.http_client.get(URI.parse(url))
277 raise response.status.to_s
282 REXML::Document.new(fetch_text(url))
285 def escape_query(query)
290 if query = params[:query]
293 if latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)$/).try(:captures) # [NSEW] decimal degrees
294 params.merge!(nsew_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
295 elsif latlon = query.match(/^(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # decimal degrees [NSEW]
296 params.merge!(nsew_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
298 elsif latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?$/).try(:captures) # [NSEW] degrees, decimal minutes
299 params.merge!(ddm_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
300 elsif latlon = query.match(/^(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?['′]?\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # degrees, decimal minutes [NSEW]
301 params.merge!(ddm_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
303 elsif latlon = query.match(/^([NS])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?\W*([EW])\s*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?$/).try(:captures) # [NSEW] degrees, minutes, decimal seconds
304 params.merge!(dms_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
305 elsif latlon = query.match(/^(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]\s*([NS])\W*(\d{1,3})°?\s*(\d{1,2})['′]?\s*(\d{1,3}(\.\d*)?)?["″]?\s*([EW])$/).try(:captures) # degrees, minutes, decimal seconds [NSEW]
306 params.merge!(dms_to_decdeg(latlon)).delete(:query)
308 elsif latlon = query.match(/^\s*([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*[\s,]\s*([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*$/)
309 params.merge!(:lat => latlon[1].to_f, :lon => latlon[3].to_f).delete(:query)
311 params[:latlon_digits] = true unless params[:whereami]
315 params.permit(:query, :lat, :lon, :latlon_digits, :zoom, :minlat, :minlon, :maxlat, :maxlon)
318 def nsew_to_decdeg(captures)
321 lat = !captures[2].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[0].to_f : -captures[0].to_f
322 lon = !captures[5].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[3].to_f : -captures[3].to_f
324 lat = !captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[1].to_f : -captures[1].to_f
325 lon = !captures[3].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[4].to_f : -captures[4].to_f
327 { :lat => lat, :lon => lon }
330 def ddm_to_decdeg(captures)
333 lat = !captures[3].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[0].to_f + captures[1].to_f / 60 : -(captures[0].to_f + captures[1].to_f / 60)
334 lon = !captures[7].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[4].to_f + captures[5].to_f / 60 : -(captures[4].to_f + captures[5].to_f / 60)
336 lat = !captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[1].to_f + captures[2].to_f / 60 : -(captures[1].to_f + captures[2].to_f / 60)
337 lon = !captures[4].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[5].to_f + captures[6].to_f / 60 : -(captures[5].to_f + captures[6].to_f / 60)
339 { :lat => lat, :lon => lon }
342 def dms_to_decdeg(captures)
345 lat = !captures[4].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[0].to_f + (captures[1].to_f + captures[2].to_f / 60) / 60 : -(captures[0].to_f + (captures[1].to_f + captures[2].to_f / 60) / 60)
346 lon = !captures[9].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[5].to_f + (captures[6].to_f + captures[7].to_f / 60) / 60 : -(captures[5].to_f + (captures[6].to_f + captures[7].to_f / 60) / 60)
348 lat = !captures[0].casecmp("s").zero? ? captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f + captures[3].to_f / 60) / 60 : -(captures[1].to_f + (captures[2].to_f + captures[3].to_f / 60) / 60)
349 lon = !captures[5].casecmp("w").zero? ? captures[6].to_f + (captures[7].to_f + captures[8].to_f / 60) / 60 : -(captures[6].to_f + (captures[7].to_f + captures[8].to_f / 60) / 60)
351 { :lat => lat, :lon => lon }