3 class RemoveSegments < ActiveRecord::Migration
5 have_segs = select_value("SELECT count(*) FROM current_segments").to_i != 0
8 prefix = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "007_remove_segments.#{$$}."
10 cmd = "db/migrate/007_remove_segments_helper"
12 if not File.exists? cmd or File.mtime(cmd) < File.mtime(src) then
13 system 'c++ -O3 -Wall `mysql_config --cflags --libs` ' +
14 "#{src} -o #{cmd}" or fail
17 conn_opts = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.
18 instance_eval { @connection_options }
19 args = conn_opts.map { |arg| arg.to_s } + [prefix]
20 fail "#{cmd} failed" unless system cmd, *args
22 tempfiles = ['ways', 'way_nodes', 'way_tags',
23 'relations', 'relation_members', 'relation_tags'].
24 map { |base| prefix + base }
25 ways, way_nodes, way_tags,
26 relations, relation_members, relation_tags = tempfiles
30 drop_table :way_segments
31 create_table :way_nodes, myisam_table do |t|
32 t.column :id, :bigint, :limit => 64, :null => false
33 t.column :node_id, :bigint, :limit => 64, :null => false
34 t.column :version, :bigint, :limit => 20, :null => false
35 t.column :sequence_id, :bigint, :limit => 11, :null => false
37 add_primary_key :way_nodes, [:id, :version, :sequence_id]
39 drop_table :current_segments
40 drop_table :current_way_segments
41 create_table :current_way_nodes, innodb_table do |t|
42 t.column :id, :bigint, :limit => 64, :null => false
43 t.column :node_id, :bigint, :limit => 64, :null => false
44 t.column :sequence_id, :bigint, :limit => 11, :null => false
46 add_primary_key :current_way_nodes, [:id, :sequence_id]
48 execute "TRUNCATE way_tags"
49 execute "TRUNCATE ways"
50 execute "TRUNCATE current_way_tags"
51 execute "TRUNCATE current_ways"
53 # now get the data back
56 tempfiles.each { |fn| File.chmod 0644, fn } if have_segs
59 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{ways}' INTO TABLE ways #{csvopts} (id, user_id, timestamp) SET visible = 1, version = 1"
60 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{way_nodes}' INTO TABLE way_nodes #{csvopts} (id, node_id, sequence_id) SET version = 1"
61 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{way_tags}' INTO TABLE way_tags #{csvopts} (id, k, v) SET version = 1"
63 execute "INSERT INTO current_ways SELECT id, user_id, timestamp, visible FROM ways"
64 execute "INSERT INTO current_way_nodes SELECT id, node_id, sequence_id FROM way_nodes"
65 execute "INSERT INTO current_way_tags SELECT id, k, v FROM way_tags"
68 # and then readd the index
69 add_index :current_way_nodes, [:node_id], :name => "current_way_nodes_node_idx"
72 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{relations}' INTO TABLE relations #{csvopts} (id, user_id, timestamp) SET visible = 1, version = 1"
73 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{relation_members}' INTO TABLE relation_members #{csvopts} (id, member_type, member_id, member_role) SET version = 1"
74 execute "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '#{relation_tags}' INTO TABLE relation_tags #{csvopts} (id, k, v) SET version = 1"
76 # FIXME: This will only work if there were no relations before the
78 execute "INSERT INTO current_relations SELECT id, user_id, timestamp, visible FROM relations"
79 execute "INSERT INTO current_relation_members SELECT id, member_type, member_id, member_role FROM relation_members"
80 execute "INSERT INTO current_relation_tags SELECT id, k, v FROM relation_tags"
83 tempfiles.each { |fn| File.unlink fn } if have_segs
87 raise IrreversibleMigration.new