6 # set locale to UTF-8 compatible. apologies to non-english speakers...
8 update-locale LANG=en_GB.utf8 LC_ALL=en_GB.utf8
10 export LC_ALL=en_GB.utf8
12 # make sure we have up-to-date packages
15 # upgrade all packages
18 # install packages as explained in INSTALL.md
19 apt-get install -y ruby3.0 libruby3.0 ruby3.0-dev \
20 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev nodejs npm \
21 build-essential git-core \
22 postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev libvips-dev \
23 libsasl2-dev libffi-dev libgd-dev libarchive-dev libbz2-dev
24 gem3.0 install --version "~> 2.1.4" bundler
25 npm install --global yarn
27 ## install the bundle necessary for openstreetmap-website
28 pushd /srv/openstreetmap-website
29 # do bundle install as a convenience
30 bundle install --retry=10 --jobs=2
31 # do yarn install as a convenience
32 bundle exec bin/yarn install
33 # create user and database for openstreetmap-website
34 db_user_exists=`sudo -u postgres psql postgres -tAc "select 1 from pg_roles where rolname='vagrant'"`
35 if [ "$db_user_exists" != "1" ]; then
36 sudo -u postgres createuser -s vagrant
39 # set up sample configs
40 if [ ! -f config/database.yml ]; then
41 sudo -u vagrant cp config/example.database.yml config/database.yml
43 if [ ! -f config/storage.yml ]; then
44 cp config/example.storage.yml config/storage.yml
46 touch config/settings.local.yml
47 # create the databases
48 sudo -u vagrant bundle exec rails db:create
49 # migrate the database to the latest version
50 sudo -u vagrant bundle exec rails db:migrate