1 # The MessagesController is the RESTful interface to Message objects
4 class MessagesController < ApiController
5 before_action :authorize
7 before_action :check_api_writable, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
11 before_action :set_request_formats
13 # Dump the details on a message given in params[:id]
15 @message = Message.includes(:sender, :recipient).find(params[:id])
17 raise OSM::APIAccessDenied if current_user.id != @message.from_user_id && current_user.id != @message.to_user_id
20 respond_to do |format|
26 # Create a new message from current user
28 # Check the arguments are sane
29 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No title was given" if params[:title].blank?
30 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No body was given" if params[:body].blank?
32 # Extract the arguments
33 if params[:recipient_id]
34 recipient_id = params[:recipient_id].to_i
35 recipient = User.find(recipient_id)
36 elsif params[:recipient]
37 recipient_display_name = params[:recipient]
38 recipient = User.find_by(:display_name => recipient_display_name)
40 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "No recipient was given"
43 raise OSM::APIRateLimitExceeded if current_user.sent_messages.where(:sent_on => Time.now.utc - 1.hour..).count >= current_user.max_messages_per_hour
45 @message = Message.new(:sender => current_user,
46 :recipient => recipient,
47 :sent_on => Time.now.utc,
48 :title => params[:title],
49 :body => params[:body],
50 :body_format => "markdown")
53 UserMailer.message_notification(@message).deliver_later if @message.notify_recipient?
55 # Return a copy of the new message
56 respond_to do |format|
57 format.xml { render :action => :show }
58 format.json { render :action => :show }
62 # Update read status of a message
64 @message = Message.find(params[:id])
65 read_status_idx = %w[true false].index params[:read_status]
67 raise OSM::APIBadUserInput, "Invalid value of `read_status` was given" if read_status_idx.nil?
68 raise OSM::APIAccessDenied unless current_user.id == @message.to_user_id
70 @message.message_read = read_status_idx.zero?
73 # Return a copy of the message
74 respond_to do |format|
75 format.xml { render :action => :show }
76 format.json { render :action => :show }
80 # Delete message by marking it as not visible for the current user
82 @message = Message.find(params[:id])
83 if current_user.id == @message.from_user_id
84 @message.from_user_visible = false
85 elsif current_user.id == @message.to_user_id
86 @message.to_user_visible = false
88 raise OSM::APIAccessDenied
93 # Return a copy of the message
94 respond_to do |format|
95 format.xml { render :action => :show }
96 format.json { render :action => :show }