3 class ExportControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
5 # test all routes which lead to this controller
8 { :path => "/export/finish", :method => :post },
9 { :controller => "export", :action => "finish" }
12 { :path => "/export/embed", :method => :get },
13 { :controller => "export", :action => "embed" }
18 # test the finish action for raw OSM data
20 post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "osm")
21 assert_redirected_to api_map_path(:bbox => "0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0")
25 # test the finish action for mapnik images
26 def test_finish_mapnik
27 post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "mapnik", :mapnik_format => "test", :mapnik_scale => "12")
28 assert_redirected_to "https://render.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0&scale=12&format=test"
32 # test the finish action for cyclemap images
33 def test_finish_cyclemap
34 post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "cyclemap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
35 assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/cycle/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"
39 # test the finish action for transport images
40 def test_finish_transport
41 post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "transportmap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
42 assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/transport/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"
46 # test the embed action
49 assert_response :success
50 assert_template "export/embed"