before_action :offline_warning, :only => [:mine, :show]
before_action :offline_redirect, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :delete, :data, :api_create, :api_delete, :api_data]
around_action :api_call_handle_error, :only => [:api_create, :api_read, :api_update, :api_delete, :api_data]
# Counts and selects pages of GPX traces for various criteria (by user, tags, public etc.).
# target_user - if set, specifies the user to fetch traces for. if not set will fetch all traces
before_action :offline_warning, :only => [:mine, :show]
before_action :offline_redirect, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :delete, :data, :api_create, :api_delete, :api_data]
around_action :api_call_handle_error, :only => [:api_create, :api_read, :api_update, :api_delete, :api_data]
# Counts and selects pages of GPX traces for various criteria (by user, tags, public etc.).
# target_user - if set, specifies the user to fetch traces for. if not set will fetch all traces