logger.info("Executing AMF #{message}(#{args.join(',')}):#{index}")
case message
- when 'getpresets'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpresets(args[0]))
+ when 'getpresets'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getpresets(*args))
when 'whichways'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways(*args))
when 'whichways_deleted'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,whichways_deleted(*args))
when 'getway'; results[index]=AMF.putdata(index,getway(args[0].to_i))
- def amf_handle_error(call)
+ def amf_handle_error(call,rootobj,rootid)
rescue OSM::APIVersionMismatchError => ex
- return [-3, [ex.type.downcase, ex.latest, ex.id]]
+ return [-3, [rootobj, rootid], [ex.type.downcase, ex.id, ex.latest]]
rescue OSM::APIUserChangesetMismatchError => ex
return [-2, ex.to_s]
rescue OSM::APIBadBoundingBox => ex
return [-2, "An unusual error happened (in #{call}). The server said: #{ex.to_s}"]
- def amf_handle_error_with_timeout(call)
- amf_handle_error(call) do
+ def amf_handle_error_with_timeout(call,rootobj,rootid)
+ amf_handle_error(call,rootobj,rootid) do
Timeout::timeout(APP_CONFIG['api_timeout'], OSM::APITimeoutError) do
# Returns success_code,success_message,changeset id
def startchangeset(usertoken, cstags, closeid, closecomment, opennew)
- amf_handle_error("'startchangeset'") do
+ amf_handle_error("'startchangeset'",nil,nil) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so Potlatch can't write any changes to the database." end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
# close previous changeset and add comment
if closeid
# Return presets (default tags, localisation etc.):
# uses POTLATCH_PRESETS global, set up in OSM::Potlatch.
- def getpresets(lang) #:doc:
- lang.gsub!(/[^\w\-]/,'')
+ def getpresets(usertoken,lang) #:doc:
+ user = getuser(usertoken)
- begin
- localised = YAML::load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/localised/#{lang}/localised.yaml"))
- rescue
- localised = "" # guess we'll just have to use the hardcoded English text instead
+ if user && !user.languages.empty?
+ request.user_preferred_languages = user.languages
- begin
- help = File.read("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/localised/#{lang}/help.html")
- rescue
- help = File.read("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/localised/en/help.html")
- end
+ lang = request.compatible_language_from(getlocales)
+ (real_lang, localised) = getlocalized(lang)
+ # Tell Potlatch what language it's using
+ localised["__potlatch_locale"] = real_lang
+ # Get help from i18n but delete it so we won't pass it around
+ # twice for nothing
+ help = localised["help_html"]
+ localised.delete("help_html")
return POTLATCH_PRESETS+[localised,help]
+ def getlocalized(lang)
+ # What we end up actually using. Reported in Potlatch's created_by=* string
+ loaded_lang = 'en'
+ # Load English defaults
+ en = YAML::load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/locales/en.yml"))["en"]
+ if lang == 'en'
+ return [real_lang, en]
+ else
+ # Use English as a fallback
+ begin
+ other = YAML::load(File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/locales/#{lang}.yml"))[lang]
+ loaded_lang = lang
+ rescue
+ other = en
+ end
+ # We have to return a flat list and some of the keys won't be
+ # translated (probably)
+ return [loaded_lang, en.merge(other)]
+ end
+ end
# Find all the ways, POI nodes (i.e. not part of ways), and relations
# in a given bounding box. Nodes are returned in full; ways and relations
# used in any way, rel is any relation which refers to either a way
# or node that we're returning.
def whichways(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'whichways'") do
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'whichways'",nil,nil) do
enlarge = [(xmax-xmin)/8,0.01].min
xmin -= enlarge; ymin -= enlarge
xmax += enlarge; ymax += enlarge
# with a deleted node only - not POIs or relations).
def whichways_deleted(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'whichways_deleted'") do
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'whichways_deleted'",nil,nil) do
enlarge = [(xmax-xmin)/8,0.01].min
xmin -= enlarge; ymin -= enlarge
xmax += enlarge; ymax += enlarge
# Get a way including nodes and tags.
- # Returns the way id, a Potlatch-style array of points, a hash of tags, and the version number.
+ # Returns the way id, a Potlatch-style array of points, a hash of tags, the version number, and the user ID.
def getway(wayid) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'getway' #{wayid}") do
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'getway' #{wayid}" ,'way',wayid) do
points = sql_get_nodes_in_way(wayid)
tags = sql_get_tags_in_way(wayid)
version = sql_get_way_version(wayid)
+ uid = sql_get_way_user(wayid)
# Ideally we would do ":include => :nodes" here but if we do that
# then rails only seems to return the first copy of a node when a
tags = way.tags
version = way.version
+ uid = way.changeset.user.id
- [0, '', wayid, points, tags, version]
+ [0, '', wayid, points, tags, version, uid]
# 5. is this the current, visible version? (boolean)
def getway_old(id, timestamp) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'getway_old' #{id}, #{timestamp}") do
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'getway_old' #{id}, #{timestamp}", 'way',id) do
if timestamp == ''
# undelete
old_way = OldWay.find(:first, :conditions => ['visible = ? AND id = ?', true, id], :order => 'version DESC')
# Remove any elements where 2 seconds doesn't elapse before next one
revdates.delete_if { |d| revdates.include?(d+1) or revdates.include?(d+2) }
# Collect all in one nested array
- revdates.collect! {|d| [d.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + revusers[d.to_i] }
+ revdates.collect! {|d| [d.succ.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + revusers[d.to_i] }
+ revdates.uniq!
return ['way', wayid, revdates]
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
def getnode_history(nodeid) #:doc:
history = Node.find(nodeid).old_nodes.reverse.collect do |old_node|
- [old_node.timestamp.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + change_user(old_node)
+ [old_node.timestamp.succ.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + change_user(old_node)
return ['node', nodeid, history]
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# Returns array listing GPXs, each one comprising id, name and description.
def findgpx(searchterm, usertoken)
- amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'findgpx'") do
+ amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'findgpx'" ,nil,nil) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
- if !uid then return -1,"You must be logged in to search for GPX traces.",[] end
+ if !user then return -1,"You must be logged in to search for GPX traces.",[] end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked'),[] end
gpxs = []
if searchterm.to_i>0 then
# 5. version.
def getrelation(relid) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'getrelation' #{relid}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'getrelation' #{relid}" ,'relation',relid) do
rel = Relation.find(:first, :conditions => { :id => relid })
return [-4, 'relation', relid, {}, [], nil] if rel.nil? or !rel.visible
# 3. version.
def putrelation(renumberednodes, renumberedways, usertoken, changeset_id, version, relid, tags, members, visible) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'putrelation' #{relid}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'putrelation' #{relid}" ,'relation',relid) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the relation could not be saved." end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if !tags_ok(tags) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Please pester Adobe to fix Flash on Linux." end
+ tags = strip_non_xml_chars tags
relid = relid.to_i
visible = (visible.to_i != 0)
# 6. hash of node versions (node=>version)
def putway(renumberednodes, usertoken, changeset_id, wayversion, originalway, pointlist, attributes, nodes, deletednodes) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'putway' #{originalway}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'putway' #{originalway}" ,'way',originalway) do
# -- Initialise
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
+ if !tags_ok(attributes) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Please pester Adobe to fix Flash on Linux." end
+ attributes = strip_non_xml_chars attributes
originalway = originalway.to_i
pointlist.collect! {|a| a.to_i }
node.lat = lat
node.lon = lon
node.tags = a[4]
+ # fixup node tags in a way as well
+ if !tags_ok(node.tags) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Please pester Adobe to fix Flash on Linux." end
+ node.tags = strip_non_xml_chars node.tags
node.version = version
if id <= 0
# 4. version.
def putpoi(usertoken, changeset_id, version, id, lon, lat, tags, visible) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'putpoi' #{id}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'putpoi' #{id}", 'node',id) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if !tags_ok(tags) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Please pester Adobe to fix Flash on Linux." end
+ tags = strip_non_xml_chars tags
id = id.to_i
visible = (visible.to_i == 1)
# Returns array of id, long, lat, hash of tags, (current) version.
def getpoi(id,timestamp) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'getpoi' #{id}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'getpoi' #{id}" ,'node',id) do
+ id = id.to_i
n = Node.find(id)
v = n.version
unless timestamp == ''
- n = OldNode.find(id, :conditions=>['timestamp=?',DateTime.strptime(timestamp, "%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")])
+ n = OldNode.find(:first, :conditions => ['id = ? AND timestamp <= ?', id, timestamp], :order => 'timestamp DESC')
if n
# Returns 0 (success), unchanged way id, new way version, new node versions.
def deleteway(usertoken, changeset_id, way_id, way_version, deletednodes) #:doc:
- amf_handle_error("'deleteway' #{way_id}") do
+ amf_handle_error("'deleteway' #{way_id}" ,'way',id) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
unless user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." end
+ unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
way_id = way_id.to_i
nodeversions = {}
+ def getlocales
+ Dir.glob("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/potlatch/locales/*").collect { |f| File.basename(f, ".yml") }
+ end
+ ##
+ # check that all key-value pairs are valid UTF-8.
+ def tags_ok(tags)
+ tags.each do |k, v|
+ return false unless UTF8.valid? k
+ return false unless UTF8.valid? v
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ ##
+ # strip characters which are invalid in XML documents from the strings
+ # in the +tags+ hash.
+ def strip_non_xml_chars(tags)
+ new_tags = Hash.new
+ unless tags.nil?
+ tags.each do |k, v|
+ new_k = k.delete "\000-\037", "^\011\012\015"
+ new_v = v.delete "\000-\037", "^\011\012\015"
+ new_tags[new_k] = new_v
+ end
+ end
+ return new_tags
+ end
# ====================================================================
# Alternative SQL queries for getway/whichways
def sql_get_way_version(wayid)
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT version FROM current_ways WHERE id=#{wayid.to_i}")
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT version FROM current_ways WHERE id=#{wayid.to_i}")['version']
+ end
+ def sql_get_way_user(wayid)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT user FROM current_ways,changesets WHERE current_ways.id=#{wayid.to_i} AND current_ways.changeset=changesets.id")['user']