-<h1><%= t 'user.lost_password.heading' %></h1><br>
+<h1><%= t 'user.lost_password.heading' %></h1>
+<p><%= t 'user.lost_password.help_text' %></p>
<% form_tag :action => 'lost_password' do %>
- <tr><td><%= t 'user.lost_password.email address' %></td><td><%= text_field('user', 'email', {:size => 50, :maxlength => 255} ) %></td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="fieldName"><%= t 'user.lost_password.email address' %></td>
+ <td><%= text_field('user', 'email', {:size => 50, :maxlength => 255, :tabindex => 1} ) %></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" value="<%= t'user.lost_password.new password button' %>" tabindex="2"></td></tr>
-<input type="submit" value="<%= t 'user.lost_password.new password button' %>">
<% end %>
heading: "Forgotten Password?"
email address: "Email Address:"
new password button: "Reset password"
+ help_text: "Enter the E-Mail address you used to sign up, we'll send a link to it that you can use to reset your password."
notice email on way: "Sorry you lost it :-( but an email is on its way so you can reset it soon."
notice email cannot find: "Couldn't find that email address, sorry."