has_many :traces, :conditions => { :visible => true }
has_many :diary_entries, :order => 'created_at DESC'
has_many :diary_comments, :order => 'created_at DESC'
- has_many :messages, :foreign_key => :to_user_id, :conditions => { :to_user_visible => true }, :order => 'sent_on DESC'
+ has_many :messages, :foreign_key => :to_user_id, :conditions => { :to_user_visible => true }, :order => 'sent_on DESC', :include => [:sender, :recipient]
has_many :new_messages, :class_name => "Message", :foreign_key => :to_user_id, :conditions => { :to_user_visible => true, :message_read => false }, :order => 'sent_on DESC'
- has_many :sent_messages, :class_name => "Message", :foreign_key => :from_user_id, :conditions => { :from_user_visible => true }, :order => 'sent_on DESC'
+ has_many :sent_messages, :class_name => "Message", :foreign_key => :from_user_id, :conditions => { :from_user_visible => true }, :order => 'sent_on DESC', :include => [:sender, :recipient]
has_many :friends, :include => :befriendee, :conditions => "users.status IN ('active', 'confirmed')"
has_many :friend_users, :through => :friends, :source => :befriendee
has_many :tokens, :class_name => "UserToken"
has_many :preferences, :class_name => "UserPreference"
has_many :changesets, :order => 'created_at DESC'
+ has_many :note_comments, :foreign_key => :author_id
+ has_many :notes, :through => :note_comments
has_many :client_applications
has_many :oauth_tokens, :class_name => "OauthToken", :order => "authorized_at desc", :include => [:client_application]
after_initialize :set_defaults
before_save :encrypt_password
+ after_save :spam_check
has_attached_file :image,
:default_url => "/assets/:class/:attachment/:style.png",
- user = nil if user and user.pass_crypt != OSM::encrypt_password(options[:password], user.pass_salt)
+ if user and PasswordHash.check(user.pass_crypt, user.pass_salt, options[:password])
+ if PasswordHash.upgrade?(user.pass_crypt, user.pass_salt)
+ user.pass_crypt, user.pass_salt = PasswordHash.create(options[:password])
+ user.save
+ end
+ else
+ user = nil
+ end
elsif options[:token]
token = UserToken.find_by_token(options[:token])
user = token.user if token
def is_friends_with?(new_friend)
- res = false
- @new_friend = new_friend
- self.friends.each do |friend|
- if friend.friend_user_id == @new_friend.id
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
+ self.friends.where(:friend_user_id => new_friend.id).exists?
return score.to_i
+ ##
+ # perform a spam check on a user
+ def spam_check
+ if status == "active" and spam_score > SPAM_THRESHOLD
+ update_column(:status, "suspended")
+ end
+ end
# return an oauth access token for a specified application
def access_token(application_key)
def encrypt_password
if pass_crypt_confirmation
- self.pass_salt = OSM::make_token(8)
- self.pass_crypt = OSM::encrypt_password(pass_crypt, pass_salt)
+ self.pass_crypt, self.pass_salt = PasswordHash.create(pass_crypt)
self.pass_crypt_confirmation = nil