advice_revertingway: Reverting to last saved way (Z to undo)
advice_tagconflict: Tags don't match - please check (Z to undo)
advice_toolong: Too long to unlock - please split into shorter ways
- advice_twatted: Updated your Twitter status
+ advice_microblogged: Updated your $1 status
advice_uploadempty: Nothing to upload
advice_uploadfail: Upload stopped
advice_uploadsuccess: All data successfully uploaded
error_nosharedpoint: Ways $1 and $2 don't share a common point any more, so I can't undo the split.
error_noway: Way $1 cannot be found (perhaps you've panned away?) so I can't undo.
error_readfailed: Sorry - the OpenStreetMap server didn't respond when asked for data.\n\nWould you like to try again?
- error_twitter_long: "Posting to Twitter failed:\nHTTP code: $1\nError message: $2\nTwitter error: $3"
+ error_microblog_long: "Posting to $1 failed:\nHTTP code: $2\nError message: $3\n$1 error: $4"
existingrelation: Add to an existing relation
findrelation: Find a relation containing
gpxpleasewait: Please wait while the GPX track is processed.
login_title: Couldn't log in
login_uid: "Username:"
mail: Mail
+ microblog_name_twitter: Twitter
+ microblog_name_identica:
more: More
newchangeset: "\nPlease try again: Potlatch will start a new changeset."
"no": "No"
option_thinareas: Use thinner lines for areas
option_thinlines: Use thin lines at all scales
option_tiger: Highlight unchanged TIGER
- option_twitterid: "Twitter name:"
- option_twitterpwd: "Twitter password:"
+ option_microblog_id: "Microblog name:"
+ option_microblog_pwd: "Microblog password:"
option_warnings: Show floating warnings
point: Point
preset_icon_airport: Airport
prompt_savechanges: Save changes
prompt_taggedpoints: Some of the points on this way are tagged. Really delete?
prompt_track: Convert GPS track to ways
- prompt_twitter: Post to Twitter ($1 left)
+ prompt_microblog: Post to $1 ($2 left)
prompt_unlock: Click to unlock
prompt_welcome: Welcome to OpenStreetMap!
retry: Retry