Enabled: false # TODO
Enabled: false # TODO
- Style/HashSyntax:
- Enabled: false # TODO
Enabled: false # TODO
<div class="comment">
- <%= form_for @new_comment, url: issue_comments_path(@issue) do |f| %>
+ <%= form_for @new_comment, :url => issue_comments_path(@issue) do |f| %>
<%= richtext_area :issue_comment, :body, :cols => 10, :rows => 8, :required => true %>
<%= label_tag :reassign, t('.reassign_param') %> <%= check_box_tag :reassign, true %>
<p><%= t ".search_guidance" %></p>
<%= select_tag :status, options_for_select(Issue.aasm.states.map(&:name).map { |state| [t(".states.#{state}"), state] }, params[:status]), :include_blank => t(".select_status"), :data => { :behavior => 'category_dropdown' } %>
<%= select_tag :issue_type, options_for_select(@issue_types, params[:issue_type]), :include_blank => t(".select_type"), :data => { :behavior => 'category_dropdown' } %>
-<%= text_field_tag :search_by_user, params[:search_by_user], placeholder: t(".reported_user") %>
+<%= text_field_tag :search_by_user, params[:search_by_user], :placeholder => t(".reported_user") %>
<%= select_tag :last_updated_by, options_for_select(@users.all.collect { |f| [f.display_name, f.id] } << [t(".not_updated"), "nil"], params[:last_updated_by]), :include_blank => t(".select_last_updated_by"), :data => { :behavior => 'category_dropdown' } %>
<%= submit_tag t(".search"), :name => nil %>
<% end %>
<% if @read_reports.present? %>
<div class="read-reports">
<h4><%= t ".read_reports" %></h4>
- <%= render 'reports', reports: @read_reports %>
+ <%= render 'reports', :reports => @read_reports %>
<% end %>
<% if @unread_reports.any? %>
<div class="unread-reports">
<h4><%= t ".new_reports" %></h4>
- <%= render 'reports', reports: @unread_reports %>
+ <%= render 'reports', :reports => @unread_reports %>
<% end %>
<h3><%= t ".comments_on_this_issue" %></h3>
-<%= render 'comments', comments: @comments %>
+<%= render 'comments', :comments => @comments %>
<div class="search_forms">
<form method="GET" action="<%= search_path %>" class="search_form">
<%= link_to image_tag('directions.png', :class => 'button'), directions_path, { :class => "button switch_link", :title => t('site.search.get_directions_title') } %>
- <%= submit_tag t('site.search.submit_text'), :class => 'float', :data => { disable_with: false } %>
+ <%= submit_tag t('site.search.submit_text'), :class => 'float', :data => { :disable_with => false } %>
<div class='query_wrapper'>
<%= text_field_tag "query", params[:query], :placeholder => t("site.search.search"), :autofocus => autofocus, :class => 'overflow' %>
<%= link_to t('site.search.where_am_i'), '#', { :class => "describe_location", :title => t('site.search.where_am_i_title') } %>
<div class="line">
<select class="routing_engines" name="routing_engines"></select>
- <%= submit_tag t('site.search.submit_text'), :class => "routing_go", :data => { disable_with: false } %>
+ <%= submit_tag t('site.search.submit_text'), :class => "routing_go", :data => { :disable_with => false } %>
<div class="line">
<a class="reverse_directions"><%= t('site.search.reverse_directions_text') %></a>
<td style="width: 30px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 0px">
<a href="<%= @root_url %>" target="_blank">
- <%= image_tag attachments["logo.png"].url, alt: "OpenStreetMap", title: "OpenStreetMap", height: "30", width: "30", border: "0" %>
+ <%= image_tag attachments["logo.png"].url, :alt => "OpenStreetMap", :title => "OpenStreetMap", :height => "30", :width => "30", :border => "0" %>
<%# the "width: 100%" here looks wrong, but I couldn't find a better way of making Outlook give this cell full width %>
<%= link_to(
- alt: @author,
- title: @author,
- width: 50,
- height: 50,
- border: 0
+ :alt => @author,
+ :title => @author,
+ :width => 50,
+ :height => 50,
+ :border => 0
:target => "_blank"
<div class='form-row'>
- <%= text_area :report, :details, :cols => 20, :rows => 5, placeholder: t('.details') %>
+ <%= text_area :report, :details, :cols => 20, :rows => 5, :placeholder => t('.details') %>
<div class='buttons'>