- # integerise
- min_lat = min_lat * 1000000
- max_lat = max_lat * 1000000
- min_lon = min_lon * 1000000
- max_lon = max_lon * 1000000
# get all the points
- points = Tracepoint.find(:all, :conditions => ['latitude BETWEEN ? AND ? AND longitude BETWEEN ? AND ?', min_lat.to_i, max_lat.to_i, min_lon.to_i, max_lon.to_i], :select => "DISTINCT *", :offset => offset, :limit => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE, :order => "timestamp DESC" )
+ points = Tracepoint.find_by_area(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon, :select => "DISTINCT *", :offset => offset, :limit => TRACEPOINTS_PER_PAGE, :order => "timestamp DESC" )
doc =
doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
basey =params['basey'].to_f
masterscale =params['masterscale'].to_f
- xmin=params['xmin'].to_f; xminr=xmin/0.000001
- xmax=params['xmax'].to_f; xmaxr=xmax/0.000001
- ymin=params['ymin'].to_f; yminr=ymin/0.000001
- ymax=params['ymax'].to_f; ymaxr=ymax/0.000001
+ xmin=params['xmin'].to_f;
+ xmax=params['xmax'].to_f;
+ ymin=params['ymin'].to_f;
+ ymax=params['ymax'].to_f;
# - Begin movie
" FROM gpx_files,gps_points "+
" AND gpx_files.user_id=#{} "+
- " AND (gps_points.longitude BETWEEN #{xminr} AND #{xmaxr}) "+
- " AND (gps_points.latitude BETWEEN #{yminr} AND #{ymaxr}) "+
+ " AND "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax)+
" AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) "+
"ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts "+
"LIMIT 10000"
sql="SELECT latitude*0.000001 AS lat,longitude*0.000001 AS lon,gpx_id AS fileid,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) AS ts "+
" FROM gps_points "+
- "WHERE (longitude BETWEEN #{xminr} AND #{xmaxr}) "+
- " AND (latitude BETWEEN #{yminr} AND #{ymaxr}) "+
+ "WHERE "+OSM.sql_for_area(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax)+
" AND (gps_points.timestamp IS NOT NULL) "+
"ORDER BY fileid DESC,ts "+
"LIMIT 10000"
class Tracepoint < ActiveRecord::Base
-set_table_name 'gps_points'
+ set_table_name 'gps_points'
# validates_numericality_of :latitude
# validates_numericality_of :longitude
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :trace, :foreign_key => 'gpx_id'
+ def self.find_by_area(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon, options)
+ self.with_scope(:find => {:conditions => OSM.sql_for_area(minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon)}) do
+ return self.find(:all, options)
+ end
+ end
def lat=(l)
self.latitude = l * 1000000
el1['lon'] = self.lon.to_s
return el1