.attr("class", "row mb-3")
+ .attr("id", "mapnik_scale_row")
.attr("for", "mapnik_scale")
.attr("class", "col-auto col-form-label")
.attr("class", "form-check-input")
.bind("change", toggleFilter))));
- ["minlon", "minlat", "maxlon", "maxlat"].forEach(function (name) {
+ ["minlon", "minlat", "maxlon", "maxlat", "lat", "lon"].forEach(function (name) {
.attr("id", "mapnik_" + name)
.attr("name", name)
+ .attr("id", "map_format")
.attr("name", "format")
.attr("value", "mapnik")
.attr("type", "hidden")
+ $("<input>")
+ .attr("id", "map_zoom")
+ .attr("name", "zoom")
+ .attr("value", map.getZoom())
+ .attr("type", "hidden")
+ .appendTo($form);
+ $("<input>")
+ .attr("id", "map_width")
+ .attr("name", "width")
+ .attr("value", 0)
+ .attr("type", "hidden")
+ .appendTo($form);
+ $("<input>")
+ .attr("id", "map_height")
+ .attr("name", "height")
+ .attr("value", 0)
+ .attr("type", "hidden")
+ .appendTo($form);
var csrf_param = $("meta[name=csrf-param]").attr("content"),
csrf_token = $("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content");
var args = {
+ layer: "<span id=\"mapnik_image_layer\"></span>",
width: "<span id=\"mapnik_image_width\"></span>",
height: "<span id=\"mapnik_image_height\"></span>"
- $("#mapnik_image_width").text(Math.round(size.x / scale / 0.00028));
- $("#mapnik_image_height").text(Math.round(size.y / scale / 0.00028));
+ const mapWidth = Math.round(size.x / scale / 0.00028);
+ const mapHeight = Math.round(size.y / scale / 0.00028);
+ $("#mapnik_image_width").text(mapWidth);
+ $("#mapnik_image_height").text(mapHeight);
+ const layer = map.getMapBaseLayerId();
+ const layerKeys = new Map([
+ ["mapnik", "standard"],
+ ["cyclemap", "cycle_map"],
+ ["transportmap", "transport_map"]
+ ]);
- if (map.getMapBaseLayerId() === "mapnik") {
+ $("#mapnik_image_layer").text(layerKeys.has(layer) ? I18n.t(`javascripts.map.base.${layerKeys.get(layer)}`) : "");
+ $("#map_format").val(layer);
+ $("#map_zoom").val(map.getZoom());
+ $("#mapnik_lon").val(map.getCenter().lng);
+ $("#mapnik_lat").val(map.getCenter().lat);
+ $("#map_width").val(mapWidth);
+ $("#map_height").val(mapHeight);
+ if (["cyclemap", "transportmap"].includes(map.getMapBaseLayerId())) {
+ $("#export-image").show();
+ $("#mapnik_scale_row").hide();
+ $("#export-warning").hide();
+ } else if (map.getMapBaseLayerId() === "mapnik") {
+ $("#mapnik_scale_row").show();
} else {
# When the user clicks 'Export' we redirect to a URL which generates the export download
def finish
bbox = BoundingBox.from_lon_lat_params(params)
- format = params[:format]
+ style = params[:format]
+ format = params[:mapnik_format]
- case format
+ case style
when "osm"
# redirect to API map get
redirect_to :controller => "api/map", :action => "index", :bbox => bbox
when "mapnik"
# redirect to a special 'export' cgi script
- format = params[:mapnik_format]
scale = params[:mapnik_scale]
redirect_to "https://render.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=#{bbox}&scale=#{scale}&format=#{format}", :allow_other_host => true
+ when "cyclemap", "transportmap"
+ zoom = params[:zoom]
+ lat = params[:lat]
+ lon = params[:lon]
+ width = params[:width]
+ height = params[:height]
+ redirect_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/#{style[..-4]}/#{lon},#{lat},#{zoom}/#{width}x#{height}.#{format}?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}", :allow_other_host => true
assert_redirected_to "https://render.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0&scale=12&format=test"
+ ###
+ # test the finish action for cyclemap images
+ def test_finish_cyclemap
+ post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "cyclemap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
+ assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/cycle/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"
+ end
+ ###
+ # test the finish action for transport images
+ def test_finish_transport
+ post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "transportmap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
+ assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/transport/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"
+ end
# test the embed action
def test_embed