--- /dev/null
+module UserBlocks
+ module TableTestHelper
+ private
+ def check_user_blocks_table(user_blocks)
+ assert_dom "table#block_list tbody tr" do |rows|
+ assert_equal user_blocks.count, rows.count, "unexpected number of rows in user blocks table"
+ rows.zip(user_blocks).map do |row, user_block|
+ assert_dom row, "a[href='#{user_block_path user_block}']", 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def check_no_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/, :count => 0 }, "unexpected #{name} page link"
+ end
+ def check_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/ }, "missing #{name} page link" do |buttons|
+ return buttons.first.attributes["href"].value
+ end
+ end
+ end
require "test_helper"
+require_relative "user_blocks/table_test_helper"
class UserBlocksControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ include UserBlocks::TableTestHelper
# test all routes which lead to this controller
def test_routes
assert_equal "Updated Reason Again", block.reason
assert_equal original_ends_at, block.ends_at
- def check_user_blocks_table(user_blocks)
- assert_dom "table#block_list tbody tr" do |rows|
- assert_equal user_blocks.count, rows.count, "unexpected number of rows in user blocks table"
- rows.zip(user_blocks).map do |row, user_block|
- assert_dom row, "a[href='#{user_block_path user_block}']", 1
- end
- end
- end
- def check_no_page_link(name)
- assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/, :count => 0 }, "unexpected #{name} page link"
- end
- def check_page_link(name)
- assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/ }, "missing #{name} page link" do |buttons|
- return buttons.first.attributes["href"].value
- end
- end