A changeset with no bounding box has no map layer so trying to
set it's style throws an exception which means we don't get to
the code to set the style on the list entry.
Fixes #2541
function highlightChangeset(id) {
function highlightChangeset(id) {
- group.getLayer(id).setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0.3, color: "#FF6600", weight: 3 });
+ var layer = group.getLayer(id);
+ if ( layer ) layer.setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0.3, color: "#FF6600", weight: 3 });
$("#changeset_" + id).addClass("selected");
function unHighlightChangeset(id) {
$("#changeset_" + id).addClass("selected");
function unHighlightChangeset(id) {
- group.getLayer(id).setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0, color: "#FF9500", weight: 2 });
+ var layer = group.getLayer(id);
+ if ( layer ) layer.setStyle({ fillOpacity: 0, color: "#FF9500", weight: 2 });
$("#changeset_" + id).removeClass("selected");
$("#changeset_" + id).removeClass("selected");