<%= link_to t(".edit"), edit_redaction_path(@redaction), :class => "btn btn-outline-primary" %>
<% end %>
<% if can?(:destroy, Redaction) %>
- <%= link_to t(".destroy"), @redaction, :method => "delete", :class => "btn btn-outline-danger", :remote => true, :data => { :confirm => t(".confirm") } %>
+ <%= link_to t(".destroy"), @redaction, :class => "btn btn-outline-danger", :data => { :turbo => true, :turbo_method => "DELETE", :turbo_confirm => t(".confirm") } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
--- /dev/null
+require "application_system_test_case"
+class RedactionDestroyTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
+ test "fails to delete nonempty redaction" do
+ redaction = create(:redaction, :title => "Some-unwanted-data-redaction")
+ create(:old_node, :redaction => redaction)
+ sign_in_as create(:moderator_user)
+ visit redaction_path(redaction)
+ assert_text "Some-unwanted-data-redaction"
+ accept_alert do
+ click_on "Remove this redaction"
+ end
+ assert_text "Redaction is not empty"
+ assert_text "Some-unwanted-data-redaction"
+ end
+ test "deletes empty redaction" do
+ redaction = create(:redaction, :title => "No-unwanted-data-redaction")
+ sign_in_as create(:moderator_user)
+ visit redaction_path(redaction)
+ assert_text "No-unwanted-data-redaction"
+ accept_alert do
+ click_on "Remove this redaction"
+ end
+ assert_text "Redaction destroyed"
+ assert_text "List of Redactions"
+ assert_no_text "No-unwanted-data-redaction"
+ end