<%= javascript_include_tag '/openlayers/OpenLayers.js' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag '/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'map.js' %>
<div id="browse_map_changeset">
<div id="small_map">
<span id="loading"><%= t 'browse.map.loading' %></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
OpenLayers.Lang.setCode("<%= I18n.locale.to_s %>");
- /*
- This function borrowed from the latest version of OpenLayers.Layer.Vector. OSM is using an older version.
- http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/browser/trunk/openlayers/lib/OpenLayers/Layer/Vector.js
- */
- function getFeaturesByAttribute(obj, attrName, attrValue) {
- var i,
- feature,
- len = obj.features.length,
- foundFeatures = [];
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- feature = obj.features[i];
- if(feature && feature.attributes) {
- if (feature.attributes[attrName] === attrValue) {
- foundFeatures.push(feature);
- }
- }
- }
- return foundFeatures;
- }
- function highlightChangesetMap(name) {
- getFeaturesByAttribute(vectors,'name',name)[0].style.strokeColor='#ffff55';
+ function highlightChangeset(id) {
+ var feature = vectors.getFeatureByFid(id);
+ feature.style.strokeColor = "#ffff55";
+ feature.style.strokeWidth = 4;
+ $("tr-changeset-" + id).addClassName("selected");
- function unHighlightChangesetMap(name) {
- getFeaturesByAttribute(vectors,'name',name)[0].style.strokeColor='#ee9900';
+ function unHighlightChangeset(id) {
+ var feature = vectors.getFeatureByFid(id);
+ feature.style.strokeColor = "#ee9900";
+ feature.style.strokeWidth = 2;
+ $("tr-changeset-" + id).removeClassName("selected");
function init() {
var map = createMap("small_map", {
- controls: [ new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(), new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(), new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar() ]
+ controls: [
+ new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
+ new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoom(),
+ new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar()
+ ]
var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
- <%= render :partial => 'changeset_map_add', :collection => @edits unless @edits.nil? %>
+ <% @edits.each do |edit| %>
+ var minlon = <%= edit.min_lon / GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f %>;
+ var minlat = <%= edit.min_lat / GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f %>;
+ var maxlon = <%= edit.max_lon / GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f %>;
+ var maxlat = <%= edit.max_lat / GeoRecord::SCALE.to_f %>;
+ var bbox = new OpenLayers.Bounds(minlon, minlat, maxlon, maxlat);
+ bounds.extend(bbox);
+ box = addBoxToMap(bbox, "<%= edit.id %>", true);
+ <% end %>
- 'featureselected': function(feature) {
- document.getElementById('tr-' + feature.feature.attributes['name']).style.backgroundColor = '#ffff55';
- feature.feature.style.strokeColor='#ffff00';
- vectors.redraw();
- },
- 'featureunselected': function(feature) {
- document.getElementById('tr-' + feature.feature.attributes['name']).style.backgroundColor = '';
- feature.feature.style.strokeColor='#ee9900';
- vectors.redraw();
- }
+ "featureselected": function(feature) {
+ highlightChangeset(feature.feature.fid);
+ },
+ "featureunselected": function(feature) {
+ unHighlightChangeset(feature.feature.fid);
+ }
+ });
+ var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors, {
+ multiple: false,
+ hover: true
- var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(vectors,
- {multiple: false, hover:true});
- <!-- if bounds were passed, just use those -->
<% if ! @bbox.nil? %>
- bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds(<%= @bbox %>);
+ setMapExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(<%= @bbox %>));
+ <% else %>
+ setMapExtent(bounds);
<% end %>
- setMapExtent(bounds);
$("loading").innerHTML = "";
- window.onload = init;
+ Event.observe(window, "load", init);
-function addBoxToMap(boxbounds, attributes, line) {
+function addBoxToMap(boxbounds, id, outline) {
if (!vectors) {
// Be aware that IE requires Vector layers be initialised on page load, and not under deferred script conditions
vectors = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Boxes", {
var geometry;
- if (line) {
+ if (outline) {
vertices = boxbounds.toGeometry().getVertices();
- vertices.push( new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point( vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y ) );
+ vertices.push(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y));
geometry = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString(vertices).transform(epsg4326, map.getProjectionObject());
} else {
geometry = boxbounds.toGeometry().transform(epsg4326, map.getProjectionObject());
- }
- var box = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, attributes, {
+ }
+ var box = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, {}, {
strokeWidth: 2,
strokeColor: '#ee9900',
fillOpacity: 0
+ box.fid = id;