gem "frozen_record"
gem "http_accept_language", "~> 2.1.1"
gem "i18n-js", "~> 3.9.2"
-gem "oauth-plugin", ">= 0.5.1"
gem "openstreetmap-deadlock_retry", ">= 1.3.1", :require => "deadlock_retry"
gem "rack-cors"
gem "rails-i18n", "~> 7.0.0"
gem "rack-uri_sanitizer"
# Omniauth for authentication
+gem "multi_json"
gem "omniauth", "~> 2.0.2"
gem "omniauth-facebook"
gem "omniauth-github"
mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.2)
racc (~> 1.4)
oauth (0.4.7)
- oauth-plugin (0.5.1)
- multi_json
- oauth (~> 0.4.4)
- oauth2 (>= 0.5.0)
- rack
oauth2 (2.0.9)
faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3.0)
jwt (>= 1.0, < 3.0)
mini_racer (~> 0.9.0)
minitest (~> 5.1)
+ multi_json
multi_xml (~> 0.6.0)
- oauth-plugin (>= 0.5.1)
omniauth (~> 2.0.2)
can [:index, :permalink, :edit, :help, :fixthemap, :offline, :export, :about, :communities, :preview, :copyright, :key, :id], :site
can [:finish, :embed], :export
can [:search, :search_latlon, :search_osm_nominatim, :search_osm_nominatim_reverse], :geocoder
- can [:token, :request_token, :access_token, :test_request], :oauth
if Settings.status != "database_offline"
can [:index, :feed, :show], Changeset
if user&.active?
can :welcome, :site
- can [:revoke, :authorize], :oauth
can [:show], :deletion
if Settings.status != "database_offline"
can [:subscribe, :unsubscribe], Changeset
- can [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy], ClientApplication
can [:index, :new, :create, :show, :edit, :update, :destroy], :oauth2_application
can [:index, :destroy], :oauth2_authorized_application
can [:new, :show, :create, :destroy], :oauth2_authorization
allow_social_login :only => [:edit, :update]
def edit
- @tokens = current_user.oauth_tokens.authorized
if errors = session.delete(:user_errors)
errors.each do |attribute, error|
current_user.errors.add(attribute, error)
def update
- @tokens = current_user.oauth_tokens.authorized
user_params = params.require(:user).permit(:display_name, :new_email, :pass_crypt, :pass_crypt_confirmation, :auth_provider)
if params[:user][:auth_provider].blank? ||
def add_comment(note, text, event, notify: true)
attributes = { :visible => true, :event => event, :body => text }
- if doorkeeper_token || current_token
+ if doorkeeper_token
author = current_user if scope_enabled?(:write_notes)
author = current_user
def show
@permissions = if doorkeeper_token.present? { |s| :"allow_#{s}" }
- elsif current_token.present?
- { |p| current_token.read_attribute(p) }
elsif current_user
- ClientApplication.all_permissions
+ { |s| :"allow_#{}" }
# Use capabilities from the oauth token if it exists and is a valid access token
if doorkeeper_token&.accessible?
- elsif, [:token]).allow?
def deny_access(_exception)
- if doorkeeper_token || current_token
+ if doorkeeper_token
report_error t("oauth.permissions.missing"), :forbidden
elsif current_user
# try and setup using OAuth
if doorkeeper_token&.accessible?
self.current_user = User.find(doorkeeper_token.resource_owner_id)
- elsif, [:token]).allow?
- if Settings.oauth_10a_support
- # self.current_user setup by OAuth
- else
- report_error t("application.oauth_10a_disabled", :link => t("application.auth_disabled_link")), :forbidden
- self.current_user = nil
- end
username, passwd = auth_data # parse from headers
# authenticate per-scheme
@oauth_token = current_user.oauth_token(Settings.oauth_application) if current_user && Settings.key?(:oauth_application)
- def require_oauth_10a_support
- report_error t("application.oauth_10a_disabled", :link => t("application.auth_disabled_link")), :forbidden unless Settings.oauth_10a_support
- end
# require the user to have cookies enabled in their browser
def require_cookies
def deny_access(_exception)
- if doorkeeper_token || current_token
+ if doorkeeper_token
report_error t("oauth.permissions.missing"), :forbidden
elsif current_user
[user, pass]
- # override to stop oauth plugin sending errors
- def invalid_oauth_response; end
# clean any referer parameter
def safe_referer(referer)
def scope_enabled?(scope)
- doorkeeper_token&.includes_scope?(scope) || current_token&.includes_scope?(scope)
+ doorkeeper_token&.includes_scope?(scope)
helper_method :scope_enabled?
+++ /dev/null
-class OauthClientsController < ApplicationController
- layout "site"
- before_action :authorize_web
- before_action :set_locale
- authorize_resource :class => ClientApplication
- def index
- @client_applications = current_user.client_applications
- @tokens = current_user.oauth_tokens.authorized
- end
- def show
- @client_application = current_user.client_applications.find(params[:id])
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- @type = "client application"
- render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
- end
- def new
- if Settings.oauth_10_registration
- @client_application =
- else
- flash[:error] = t ".disabled"
- redirect_to :action => "index"
- end
- end
- def edit
- @client_application = current_user.client_applications.find(params[:id])
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- @type = "client application"
- render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
- end
- def create
- @client_application =
- if
- flash[:notice] = t ".flash"
- redirect_to :action => "show", :id =>
- else
- render :action => "new"
- end
- end
- def update
- @client_application = current_user.client_applications.find(params[:id])
- if @client_application.update(application_params)
- flash[:notice] = t ".flash"
- redirect_to :action => "show", :id =>
- else
- render :action => "edit"
- end
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- @type = "client application"
- render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
- end
- def destroy
- @client_application = current_user.client_applications.find(params[:id])
- @client_application.destroy
- flash[:notice] = t ".flash"
- redirect_to :action => "index"
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- @type = "client application"
- render :action => "not_found", :status => :not_found
- end
- private
- def application_params
- params.require(:client_application).permit(:name, :url, :callback_url, :support_url, ClientApplication.all_permissions)
- end
+++ /dev/null
-class OauthController < ApplicationController
- include OAuth::Controllers::ProviderController
- # The ProviderController will call login_required for any action that needs
- # a login, but we want to check authorization on every action.
- authorize_resource :class => false
- before_action :require_oauth_10a_support
- layout "site"
- allow_all_form_action :only => :oauth1_authorize
- def revoke
- @token = current_user.oauth_tokens.find_by :token => params[:token]
- if @token
- @token.invalidate!
- flash[:notice] = t(".flash", :application =>
- end
- redirect_to oauth_clients_url(:display_name => @token.user.display_name)
- end
- protected
- def login_required
- authorize_web
- set_locale
- end
- def user_authorizes_token?
- any_auth = false
- @token.client_application.permissions.each do |pref|
- if params[pref].to_i.nonzero?
- @token.write_attribute(pref, true)
- any_auth ||= true
- else
- @token.write_attribute(pref, false)
- end
- end
- any_auth
- end
- def oauth1_authorize
- if @token.invalidated?
- @message = t "oauth.authorize_failure.invalid"
- render :action => "authorize_failure"
- elsif
- if user_authorizes_token?
- @token.authorize!(current_user)
- callback_url = if @token.oauth10?
- params[:oauth_callback] || @token.client_application.callback_url
- else
- @token.oob? ? @token.client_application.callback_url : @token.callback_url
- end
- @redirect_url = URI.parse(callback_url) if callback_url.present?
- if @redirect_url.to_s.blank?
- render :action => "authorize_success"
- else
- @redirect_url.query = if @redirect_url.query.blank?
- "oauth_token=#{@token.token}"
- else
- @redirect_url.query +
- "&oauth_token=#{@token.token}"
- end
- @redirect_url.query += "&oauth_verifier=#{@token.verifier}" unless @token.oauth10?
- redirect_to @redirect_url.to_s, :allow_other_host => true
- end
- else
- @token.invalidate!
- @message = t("oauth.authorize_failure.denied", :app_name =>
- render :action => "authorize_failure"
- end
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_tokens
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# user_id :integer
-# type :string(20)
-# client_application_id :integer
-# token :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# authorized_at :datetime
-# invalidated_at :datetime
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# callback_url :string
-# verifier :string(20)
-# scope :string
-# valid_to :datetime
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id =>
-# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class AccessToken < OauthToken
- belongs_to :user, :optional => true
- belongs_to :client_application, :optional => true
- scope :valid, -> { where(:invalidated_at => nil) }
- validates :user, :secret, :presence => true
- before_create :set_authorized_at
- def includes_scope?(scope)
- self[:"allow_#{scope}"]
- end
- protected
- def set_authorized_at
- self.authorized_at =
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: client_applications
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# name :string
-# url :string
-# support_url :string
-# callback_url :string
-# key :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# user_id :integer
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_client_applications_on_key (key) UNIQUE
-# index_client_applications_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# client_applications_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class ClientApplication < ApplicationRecord
- belongs_to :user, :optional => true
- has_many :tokens, :class_name => "OauthToken", :dependent => :delete_all
- has_many :access_tokens
- has_many :oauth2_verifiers
- has_many :oauth_tokens
- validates :key, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
- validates :name, :url, :secret, :presence => true
- validates :url, :format => /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(%w[http https])}\z/
- validates :support_url, :allow_blank => true, :format => /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp(%w[http https])}\z/
- validates :callback_url, :allow_blank => true, :format => /\A#{URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.make_regexp}\z/
- before_validation :generate_keys, :on => :create
- attr_accessor :token_callback_url
- def self.find_token(token_key)
- token = OauthToken.includes(:client_application).find_by(:token => token_key)
- token if token&.authorized?
- end
- def self.verify_request(request, options = {}, &block)
- signature =, options, &block)
- return false unless OauthNonce.remember(signature.request.nonce, signature.request.timestamp)
- signature.verify
- rescue OAuth::Signature::UnknownSignatureMethod
- false
- end
- def self.all_permissions
- Oauth.scopes.collect { |s| :"allow_#{}" }
- end
- def oauth_server
- @oauth_server ||="https://#{Settings.server_url}")
- end
- def credentials
- @credentials ||=, secret)
- end
- def create_request_token(_params = {})
- params = { :client_application => self, :callback_url => token_callback_url }
- permissions.each do |p|
- params[p] = true
- end
- RequestToken.create(params)
- end
- def access_token_for_user(user)
- unless token = access_tokens.valid.find_by(:user_id => user)
- params = { :user => user }
- permissions.each do |p|
- params[p] = true
- end
- token = access_tokens.create(params)
- end
- token
- end
- # the permissions that this client would like from the user
- def permissions
- { |p| self[p] }
- end
- protected
- def generate_keys
- self.key = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(40)[0, 40]
- self.secret = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(40)[0, 40]
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_tokens
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# user_id :integer
-# type :string(20)
-# client_application_id :integer
-# token :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# authorized_at :datetime
-# invalidated_at :datetime
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# callback_url :string
-# verifier :string(20)
-# scope :string
-# valid_to :datetime
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id =>
-# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class Oauth2Token < AccessToken
- attr_accessor :state
- def as_json(_options = {})
- d = { :access_token => token, :token_type => "bearer" }
- d[:expires_in] = expires_in if expires_at
- d
- end
- def to_query
- q = "access_token=#{token}&token_type=bearer"
- q << "&state=#{CGI.escape(state)}" if @state
- q << "&expires_in=#{expires_in}" if expires_at
- q << "&scope=#{CGI.escape(scope)}" if scope
- q
- end
- def expires_in
- expires_at.to_i -
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_tokens
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# user_id :integer
-# type :string(20)
-# client_application_id :integer
-# token :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# authorized_at :datetime
-# invalidated_at :datetime
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# callback_url :string
-# verifier :string(20)
-# scope :string
-# valid_to :datetime
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id =>
-# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class Oauth2Verifier < OauthToken
- validates :user, :presence => true, :associated => true
- attr_accessor :state
- def exchange!(_params = {})
- OauthToken.transaction do
- token = Oauth2Token.create! :user => user, :client_application => client_application, :scope => scope
- invalidate!
- token
- end
- end
- def code
- token
- end
- def redirect_url
- callback_url
- end
- def to_query
- q = "code=#{token}"
- q << "&state=#{CGI.escape(state)}" if @state
- q
- end
- protected
- def generate_keys
- self.token = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(20)[0, 20]
- self.expires_at = 10.minutes.from_now
- self.authorized_at =
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_nonces
-# id :bigint(8) not null, primary key
-# nonce :string
-# timestamp :integer
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_nonces_on_nonce_and_timestamp (nonce,timestamp) UNIQUE
-# Simple store of nonces. The OAuth Spec requires that any given pair of nonce and timestamps are unique.
-# Thus you can use the same nonce with a different timestamp and viceversa.
-class OauthNonce < ApplicationRecord
- validates :timestamp, :presence => true
- validates :nonce, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :timestamp }
- # Remembers a nonce and it's associated timestamp. It returns false if it has already been used
- def self.remember(nonce, timestamp)
- return false if - timestamp.to_i > 86400
- oauth_nonce = OauthNonce.create(:nonce => nonce, :timestamp => timestamp.to_i)
- return false if oauth_nonce.new_record?
- oauth_nonce
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_tokens
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# user_id :integer
-# type :string(20)
-# client_application_id :integer
-# token :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# authorized_at :datetime
-# invalidated_at :datetime
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# callback_url :string
-# verifier :string(20)
-# scope :string
-# valid_to :datetime
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id =>
-# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class OauthToken < ApplicationRecord
- belongs_to :client_application, :optional => true
- belongs_to :user, :optional => true
- scope :authorized, -> { where("authorized_at IS NOT NULL and invalidated_at IS NULL") }
- validates :token, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
- validates :user, :associated => true
- validates :client_application, :presence => true
- before_validation :generate_keys, :on => :create
- def invalidated?
- invalidated_at != nil
- end
- def invalidate!
- update(:invalidated_at =>
- end
- def authorized?
- !authorized_at.nil? && !invalidated?
- end
- def to_query
- "oauth_token=#{token}&oauth_token_secret=#{secret}"
- end
- protected
- def generate_keys
- self.token = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(40)[0, 40]
- self.secret = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(40)[0, 40]
- end
+++ /dev/null
-# == Schema Information
-# Table name: oauth_tokens
-# id :integer not null, primary key
-# user_id :integer
-# type :string(20)
-# client_application_id :integer
-# token :string(50)
-# secret :string(50)
-# authorized_at :datetime
-# invalidated_at :datetime
-# created_at :datetime
-# updated_at :datetime
-# allow_read_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_prefs :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_diary :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_api :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_read_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# allow_write_gpx :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# callback_url :string
-# verifier :string(20)
-# scope :string
-# valid_to :datetime
-# allow_write_notes :boolean default(FALSE), not null
-# Indexes
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_token (token) UNIQUE
-# index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id (user_id)
-# Foreign Keys
-# oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey (client_application_id =>
-# oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey (user_id =>
-class RequestToken < OauthToken
- attr_accessor :provided_oauth_verifier
- def authorize!(user)
- return false if authorized?
- self.user = user
- self.authorized_at =
- self.verifier = OAuth::Helper.generate_key(20)[0, 20] unless oauth10?
- save
- end
- def exchange!
- return false unless authorized?
- return false unless oauth10? || verifier == provided_oauth_verifier
- RequestToken.transaction do
- params = { :user => user, :client_application => client_application }
- # copy the permissions from the authorised request token to the access token
- client_application.permissions.each do |p|
- params[p] = self[p]
- end
- access_token = AccessToken.create(params)
- invalidate!
- access_token
- end
- end
- def to_query
- if oauth10?
- super
- else
- "#{super}&oauth_callback_confirmed=true"
- end
- end
- def oob?
- callback_url.nil? || callback_url.casecmp?("oob")
- end
- def oauth10?
- Settings.key?(:oauth_10_support) && Settings.oauth_10_support && callback_url.blank?
- end
has_many :note_comments, :foreign_key => :author_id, :inverse_of => :author
has_many :notes, :through => :note_comments
- has_many :client_applications
- has_many :oauth_tokens, -> { order(:authorized_at => :desc).preload(:client_application) }, :class_name => "OauthToken", :inverse_of => :user
has_many :oauth2_applications, :class_name =>, :as => :owner
has_many :access_grants, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => :resource_owner_id
has_many :access_tokens, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => :resource_owner_id
# revoke any authentication tokens
def revoke_authentication_tokens
- oauth_tokens.authorized.each(&:invalidate!)
suspend! if may_suspend? && spam_score > Settings.spam_threshold
- ##
- # return an oauth 1 access token for a specified application
- def access_token(application_key)
- ClientApplication.find_by(:key => application_key).access_token_for_user(self)
- end
# return an oauth 2 access token for a specified application
def oauth_token(application_id)
<li class="nav-item">
<%= link_to t(".account_settings"), edit_account_path, :class => "nav-link #{'active' if %w[accounts deletions].include?(controller_name)}" %>
- <li class="nav-item">
- <%= link_to t(".oauth1_settings"), oauth_clients_path(current_user), :class => "nav-link #{'active' if controller_name == 'oauth_clients'}" %>
- </li>
<li class="nav-item">
<%= link_to t(".oauth2_applications"), oauth_applications_path, :class => "nav-link #{'active' if controller_name == 'oauth2_applications'}" %>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<p><%= t(".request_access_html", :app_name => link_to(, @token.client_application.url), :user => link_to(current_user.display_name, current_user)) %></p>
-<%= bootstrap_form_tag do |f| %>
- <%= f.hidden_field :oauth_token, :value => @token.token %>
- <% if params[:oauth_callback] -%>
- <%= f.hidden_field :oauth_callback, :value => params[:oauth_callback] %>
- <% end -%>
- <%= f.form_group :permissions, :label => { :text => t(".allow_to") } do %>
- <% @token.client_application.permissions.each do |perm| -%>
- <%= f.check_box perm, :value => "yes", :checked => @token.read_attribute(perm), :label => t(".#{perm}") %>
- <% end -%>
- <% end -%>
- <%= f.primary t(".grant_access") %>
-<% end %>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<p><%= @message %></p>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<p><%= t(".allowed_html", :app_name => link_to(, @token.client_application.url)) %></p>
-<% if @token.oob? and not @token.oauth10? %>
-<p><%= t ".verification", :code => @token.verifier %></p>
-<% end %>
+++ /dev/null
-<%= f.text_field :name %>
-<%= f.text_field :url %>
-<%= f.text_field :callback_url %>
-<%= f.text_field :support_url %>
-<div class='mb-3'>
- <p><%= t ".requests" %></p>
- <% ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |perm| %>
- <%= f.check_box perm %>
- <% end %>
-<%= f.primary %>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<%= render :partial => "settings_menu" %>
-<%= bootstrap_form_for @client_application, :url => oauth_client_path(@client_application.user.display_name, @client_application), :html => { :method => :put } do |f| %>
- <%= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :f => f } %>
-<% end %>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<%= render :partial => "settings_menu" %>
-<% unless @tokens.empty? %>
-<h3><%= t ".my_tokens" %></h3>
-<p><%= t ".list_tokens" %></p>
-<table class="table table-sm">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th><%= t ".application" %></th>
- <th><%= t ".issued_at" %></th>
- <th> </th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <% @tokens.each do |token| %>
- <tr>
- <td><%= link_to, token.client_application.url %></td>
- <td><%= token.authorized_at %></td>
- <td>
- <%= form_tag({ :controller => "oauth", :action => "revoke" }) do %>
- <%= hidden_field_tag "token", token.token, :autocomplete => "off" %>
- <%= submit_tag t(".revoke"), :class => "btn btn-sm btn-primary" %>
- <% end %>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <% end %>
-<% end %>
-<h3><%= t ".my_apps" %></h3>
-<% if @client_applications.empty? %>
-<p><%= t(".no_apps_html", :oauth => link_to(t(".oauth"), "")) %></p>
-<% else %>
-<p><%= t ".registered_apps" %></p>
- <% @client_applications.each do |client| %>
- <li class="client_application">
- <%= link_to, :action => :show, :id => %>
- </li>
- <% end %>
-<% end %>
-<% if Settings.oauth_10_registration -%>
-<%= link_to t(".register_new"), { :action => :new }, :class => "btn btn-outline-primary" %>
-<% end -%>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t ".title" %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<%= render :partial => "settings_menu" %>
-<%= bootstrap_form_for @client_application, :url => { :action => :create } do |f| %>
- <%= render :partial => "form", :locals => { :f => f } %>
-<% end %>
+++ /dev/null
-<p><%= t('.sorry', :type => @type) %></p>
+++ /dev/null
-<% content_for :heading do %>
- <h1><%= t(".title", :app_name => %></h1>
-<% end %>
-<%= render :partial => "settings_menu" %>
-<dl class="row">
- <dt class="col-sm-3"><%= t ".key" %></dt>
- <dd class="col-sm-9"><%= @client_application.key %></dt>
- <dt class="col-sm-3"><%= t ".secret" %></dt>
- <dd class="col-sm-9"><%= @client_application.secret %></dd>
- <dt class="col-sm-3"><%= t ".url" %></dt>
- <dd class="col-sm-9">http<%= "s" if request.ssl? %>://<%= request.host_with_port %><%= @client_application.oauth_server.request_token_path %></dd>
- <dt class="col-sm-3"><%= t ".access_url" %></dt>
- <dd class="col-sm-9">http<%= "s" if request.ssl? %>://<%= request.host_with_port %><%= @client_application.oauth_server.access_token_path %></dd>
- <dt class="col-sm-3"><%= t ".authorize_url" %></dt>
- <dd class="col-sm-9">http<%= "s" if request.ssl? %>://<%= request.host_with_port %><%= @client_application.oauth_server.authorize_path %></dd>
- <p><%= t ".requests" %></p>
- <ul>
- <% @client_application.permissions.each do |perm| %>
- <li><%= t("activerecord.attributes.client_application.#{perm}") %></li>
- <% end %>
- </ul>
- <p><%= t ".support_notice" %></p>
- <%= link_to t(".edit"), edit_oauth_client_path(@client_application.user.display_name, @client_application), :method => :get, :class => "btn btn-outline-primary" %>
- <%= link_to t(".delete"), oauth_client_path(@client_application.user.display_name, @client_application), :method => :delete, :data => { :confirm => t(".confirm") }, :class => "btn btn-outline-danger" %>
+++ /dev/null
-require "oauth/controllers/provider_controller"
-require "oauth/helper"
-require "oauth/rack/oauth_filter"
-Rails.configuration.middleware.use OAuth::Rack::OAuthFilter
-module OAuth
- module Helper
- def escape(value)
- value.to_s.gsub(OAuth::RESERVED_CHARACTERS) do |c|
- do |b|
- format("%%%02X", b)
- end.join
- end.force_encoding(Encoding::US_ASCII)
- end
- def unescape(value)
- value.to_s.gsub(/%\h{2}/) do |c|
- c[1..].to_i(16).chr
- end.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
- end
- end
- module RequestProxy
- class RackRequest
- def method
- request.request_method
- end
- end
- end
-module OpenStreetMap
- module ProviderController
- def self.prepended(mod)
- super
- mod.singleton_class.prepend(OpenStreetMap::ProviderController::ClassMethods)
- end
- def render(options = {})
- text = options.delete(:text)
- if text
- super(options.merge(:plain => text))
- elsif options.delete(:nothing)
- status = options.delete(:status) || :ok
- head status, options
- else
- super
- end
- end
- module ClassMethods
- def included(controller)
- controller.class_eval do
- def self.before_filter(...)
- before_action(...)
- end
- def self.skip_before_filter(...)
- skip_before_action(...)
- end
- end
- super
- end
- end
- end
- module OAuthFilter
- def oauth1_verify(request, options = {}, &block)
- signature =, options, &block)
- return false unless OauthNonce.remember(signature.request.nonce, signature.request.timestamp)
- value = signature.verify
- if request.ssl? && !value
- http_request = request.dup
- http_request.define_singleton_method(:scheme) { "http" }
- http_request.define_singleton_method(:port) { 80 }
- signature =, options, &block)
- value = signature.verify
- end
- value
- rescue OAuth::Signature::UnknownSignatureMethod
- false
- end
- end
need_to_see_terms: "Your access to the API is temporarily suspended. Please log-in to the web interface to view the Contributor Terms. You do not need to agree, but you must view them."
account_settings: Account Settings
- oauth1_settings: OAuth 1 settings
oauth2_applications: OAuth 2 applications
oauth2_authorizations: OAuth 2 authorizations
muted_users: Muted Users
title: Log in with Wikipedia
alt: Wikipedia logo
- authorize:
- title: "Authorize access to your account"
- request_access_html: "The application %{app_name} is requesting access to your account, %{user}. Please check whether you would like the application to have the following capabilities. You may choose as many or as few as you like."
- allow_to: "Allow the client application to:"
- allow_read_prefs: "read your user preferences."
- allow_write_prefs: "modify your user preferences."
- allow_write_diary: "create diary entries, comments and make friends."
- allow_write_api: "modify the map."
- allow_read_gpx: "read your private GPS traces."
- allow_write_gpx: "upload GPS traces."
- allow_write_notes: "modify notes."
- grant_access: "Grant Access"
- authorize_success:
- title: "Authorization request allowed"
- allowed_html: "You have granted application %{app_name} access to your account."
- verification: "The verification code is %{code}."
- authorize_failure:
- title: "Authorization request failed"
- denied: "You have denied application %{app_name} access to your account."
- invalid: "The authorization token is not valid."
- revoke:
- flash: "You've revoked the token for %{application}"
missing: "You have not permitted the application access to this facility"
skip_authorization: Auto approve application
moderator: This permission is for actions available only to moderators
- oauth_clients:
- new:
- title: "Register a new application"
- disabled: "Registration of OAuth 1 applications has been disabled"
- edit:
- title: "Edit your application"
- show:
- title: "OAuth details for %{app_name}"
- key: "Consumer Key:"
- secret: "Consumer Secret:"
- url: "Request Token URL:"
- access_url: "Access Token URL:"
- authorize_url: "Authorise URL:"
- support_notice: "We support HMAC-SHA1 (recommended) and RSA-SHA1 signatures."
- edit: "Edit Details"
- delete: "Delete Client"
- confirm: "Are you sure?"
- requests: "Requesting the following permissions from the user:"
- index:
- title: "My OAuth Details"
- my_tokens: "My Authorised Applications"
- list_tokens: "The following tokens have been issued to applications in your name:"
- application: "Application Name"
- issued_at: "Issued At"
- revoke: "Revoke!"
- my_apps: "My Client Applications"
- no_apps_html: "Do you have an application you would like to register for use with us using the %{oauth} standard? You must register your web application before it can make OAuth requests to this service."
- oauth: OAuth
- registered_apps: "You have the following client applications registered:"
- register_new: "Register your application"
- form:
- requests: "Request the following permissions from the user:"
- not_found:
- sorry: "Sorry, that %{type} could not be found."
- create:
- flash: "Registered the information successfully"
- update:
- flash: "Updated the client information successfully"
- destroy:
- flash: "Destroyed the client application registration"
title: "My Client Applications"
resources :user_mutes, :only => [:index]
- # oauth admin pages (i.e: for setting up new clients, etc...)
- scope "/user/:display_name" do
- resources :oauth_clients
- end
- match "/oauth/revoke" => "oauth#revoke", :via => [:get, :post]
- match "/oauth/authorize" => "oauth#authorize", :via => [:get, :post], :as => :authorize
- get "/oauth/token" => "oauth#token", :as => :token
- match "/oauth/request_token" => "oauth#request_token", :via => [:get, :post], :as => :request_token
- match "/oauth/access_token" => "oauth#access_token", :via => [:get, :post], :as => :access_token
- get "/oauth/test_request" => "oauth#test_request", :as => :test_request
# roles and banning pages
post "/user/:display_name/role/:role/grant" => "user_roles#grant", :as => "grant_role"
post "/user/:display_name/role/:role/revoke" => "user_roles#revoke", :as => "revoke_role"
#memcache_servers: []
# Enable HTTP basic authentication support
basic_auth_support: true
-# Enable OAuth 1.0/1.0a registration
-oauth_10_registration: true
-# Enable legacy OAuth 1.0 support
-oauth_10_support: true
-# Enable OAuth 1.0a support
-oauth_10a_support: true
# URL of Nominatim instance to use for geocoding
nominatim_url: ""
# Default editor
--- /dev/null
+class DropOauth1Tables < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
+ def change
+ remove_index :oauth_nonces, [:nonce, :timestamp], :unique => true
+ drop_table :oauth_nonces do |t|
+ t.string :nonce
+ t.integer :timestamp
+ t.timestamps :null => true
+ end
+ remove_index :oauth_tokens, :token, :unique => true
+ drop_table :oauth_tokens do |t|
+ t.integer :user_id
+ t.string :type, :limit => 20
+ t.integer :client_application_id
+ t.string :token, :limit => 50
+ t.string :secret, :limit => 50
+ t.timestamp :authorized_at, :invalidated_at
+ t.timestamps :null => true
+ end
+ remove_index :client_applications, :key, :unique => true
+ drop_table :client_applications do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.string :url
+ t.string :support_url
+ t.string :callback_url
+ t.string :key, :limit => 50
+ t.string :secret, :limit => 50
+ t.integer :user_id
+ t.timestamps :null => true
+ end
+ end
--- Name: client_applications; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE public.client_applications (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- name character varying,
- url character varying,
- support_url character varying,
- callback_url character varying,
- key character varying(50),
- secret character varying(50),
- user_id integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone,
- allow_read_prefs boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_prefs boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_diary boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_api boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_read_gpx boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_gpx boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_notes boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
--- Name: client_applications_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE public.client_applications_id_seq
- AS integer
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: client_applications_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE public.client_applications_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: current_node_tags; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER SEQUENCE public.oauth_applications_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: oauth_nonces; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE public.oauth_nonces (
- id bigint NOT NULL,
- nonce character varying,
- "timestamp" integer,
- created_at timestamp without time zone,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone
--- Name: oauth_nonces_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE public.oauth_nonces_id_seq
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: oauth_nonces_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE public.oauth_nonces_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: oauth_openid_requests; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER SEQUENCE public.oauth_openid_requests_id_seq OWNED BY;
--- Name: oauth_tokens; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE TABLE public.oauth_tokens (
- id integer NOT NULL,
- user_id integer,
- type character varying(20),
- client_application_id integer,
- token character varying(50),
- secret character varying(50),
- authorized_at timestamp without time zone,
- invalidated_at timestamp without time zone,
- created_at timestamp without time zone,
- updated_at timestamp without time zone,
- allow_read_prefs boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_prefs boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_diary boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_api boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_read_gpx boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- allow_write_gpx boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
- callback_url character varying,
- verifier character varying(20),
- scope character varying,
- valid_to timestamp without time zone,
- allow_write_notes boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
--- Name: oauth_tokens_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE SEQUENCE public.oauth_tokens_id_seq
- AS integer
- CACHE 1;
--- Name: oauth_tokens_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER SEQUENCE public.oauth_tokens_id_seq OWNED BY;
-- Name: redactions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.changesets ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.changesets_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: client_applications id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.client_applications ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.client_applications_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: current_nodes id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_applications ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.oauth_applications_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: oauth_nonces id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_nonces ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.oauth_nonces_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: oauth_openid_requests id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_openid_requests ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.oauth_openid_requests_id_seq'::regclass);
--- Name: oauth_tokens id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_tokens ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.oauth_tokens_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: redactions id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ADD CONSTRAINT changesets_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: client_applications client_applications_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.client_applications
- ADD CONSTRAINT client_applications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: current_node_tags current_node_tags_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_applications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: oauth_nonces oauth_nonces_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_nonces
- ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_nonces_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: oauth_openid_requests oauth_openid_requests_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_openid_requests_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
--- Name: oauth_tokens oauth_tokens_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_tokens
- ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: redactions redactions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_changesets_subscribers_on_subscriber_id_and_changeset_id ON public.changesets_subscribers USING btree (subscriber_id, changeset_id);
--- Name: index_client_applications_on_key; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_client_applications_on_key ON public.client_applications USING btree (key);
--- Name: index_client_applications_on_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX index_client_applications_on_user_id ON public.client_applications USING btree (user_id);
-- Name: index_diary_entry_subscriptions_on_diary_entry_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_oauth_applications_on_uid ON public.oauth_applications USING btree (uid);
--- Name: index_oauth_nonces_on_nonce_and_timestamp; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_oauth_nonces_on_nonce_and_timestamp ON public.oauth_nonces USING btree (nonce, "timestamp");
-- Name: index_oauth_openid_requests_on_access_grant_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX index_oauth_openid_requests_on_access_grant_id ON public.oauth_openid_requests USING btree (access_grant_id);
--- Name: index_oauth_tokens_on_token; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_oauth_tokens_on_token ON public.oauth_tokens USING btree (token);
--- Name: index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX index_oauth_tokens_on_user_id ON public.oauth_tokens USING btree (user_id);
-- Name: index_reports_on_issue_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
ADD CONSTRAINT changesets_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.users(id);
--- Name: client_applications client_applications_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.client_applications
- ADD CONSTRAINT client_applications_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.users(id);
-- Name: current_node_tags current_node_tags_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ADD CONSTRAINT note_comments_note_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (note_id) REFERENCES public.notes(id);
--- Name: oauth_tokens oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_tokens
- ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_tokens_client_application_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (client_application_id) REFERENCES public.client_applications(id);
--- Name: oauth_tokens oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
-ALTER TABLE ONLY public.oauth_tokens
- ADD CONSTRAINT oauth_tokens_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.users(id);
-- Name: redactions redactions_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
namespace :db do
desc "Expire old tokens"
task :expire_tokens => :environment do
- OauthNonce.where("timestamp < EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day')").delete_all
- OauthToken.where("invalidated_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days'").delete_all
- RequestToken.where("authorized_at IS NULL AND created_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days'").delete_all
Doorkeeper::AccessGrant.where("revoked_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days' OR (created_at + expires_in * INTERVAL '1 second') < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days'").delete_all
Doorkeeper::AccessToken.where("revoked_at < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days' OR (created_at + expires_in * INTERVAL '1 second') < NOW() - INTERVAL '28 days'").delete_all
get permissions_path, :headers => auth_header
assert_response :success
assert_select "osm > permissions", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "permission", :count => ClientApplication.all_permissions.size
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |p|
- assert_select "permission[name='#{p}']", :count => 1
+ assert_select "permission", :count => Oauth.scopes.size
+ Oauth.scopes.each do |p|
+ assert_select "permission[name='allow_#{}']", :count => 1
js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal ClientApplication.all_permissions.size, js["permissions"].count
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |p|
- assert_includes js["permissions"], p.to_s
- end
- end
- def test_permissions_oauth1
- token = create(:access_token,
- :allow_read_prefs => true,
- :allow_write_api => true,
- :allow_read_gpx => false)
- signed_get permissions_path, :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_select "osm > permissions", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "permission", :count => 2
- assert_select "permission[name='allow_read_prefs']", :count => 1
- assert_select "permission[name='allow_write_api']", :count => 1
- assert_select "permission[name='allow_read_gpx']", :count => 0
+ assert_equal Oauth.scopes.size, js["permissions"].count
+ Oauth.scopes.each do |p|
+ assert_includes js["permissions"], "allow_#{}"
check_json_details(js, user, false, false)
- def test_show_oauth1
- user = create(:user,
- :home_lat => 12.1, :home_lon => 23.4,
- :languages => ["en"])
- good_token = create(:access_token,
- :user => user,
- :allow_read_prefs => true)
- bad_token = create(:access_token,
- :user => user)
- other_user = create(:user,
- :home_lat => 12.1, :home_lon => 23.4,
- :languages => ["en"])
- # check that we can fetch our own details as XML with read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- # check the data that is returned
- check_xml_details(user, true, false)
- # check that we can fetch a different user's details as XML with read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- # check the data that is returned
- check_xml_details(other_user, false, false)
- # check that we can fetch our own details as XML without read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- # check the data that is returned
- check_xml_details(user, false, false)
- # check that we can fetch our own details as JSON with read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :format => "json"), :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- # parse the response
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- # check the data that is returned
- check_json_details(js, user, true, false)
- # check that we can fetch a different user's details as JSON with read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :format => "json"), :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- # parse the response
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- # check the data that is returned
- check_json_details(js, other_user, false, false)
- # check that we can fetch our own details as JSON without read_prefs
- signed_get api_user_path(:id =>, :format => "json"), :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- # parse the response
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- # check the data that is returned
- check_json_details(js, other_user, false, false)
- end
def test_show_oauth2
user = create(:user,
:home_lat => 12.1, :home_lon => 23.4,
check_json_details(js, user, true, false)
- def test_details_oauth1
- user = create(:user,
- :home_lat => 12.1, :home_lon => 23.4,
- :languages => ["en"])
- good_token = create(:access_token,
- :user => user,
- :allow_read_prefs => true)
- bad_token = create(:access_token,
- :user => user)
- # check that we can't fetch details as XML without read_prefs
- signed_get user_details_path, :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # check that we can fetch details as XML
- signed_get user_details_path, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- # check the data that is returned
- check_xml_details(user, true, false)
- # check that we can't fetch details as JSON without read_prefs
- signed_get user_details_path(:format => "json"), :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- # check that we can fetch details as JSON
- signed_get user_details_path(:format => "json"), :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- # parse the response
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- # check the data that is returned
- check_json_details(js, user, true, false)
- end
def test_details_oauth2
user = create(:user,
:home_lat => 12.1, :home_lon => 23.4,
assert_select "user", :count => 0
- def test_index_oauth1
- user1 = create(:user, :description => "test1", :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
- user2 = create(:user, :description => "test2", :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
- user3 = create(:user, :description => "test3", :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
- good_token = create(:access_token, :user => user1, :allow_read_prefs => true)
- bad_token = create(:access_token, :user => user1)
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 1 do
- check_xml_details(user1, true, false)
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- end
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- check_xml_details(user2, false, false)
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- end
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => "#{},#{}" }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 2 do
- check_xml_details(user1, true, false)
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- check_xml_details(user3, false, false)
- end
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => "#{},#{}" }, :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 2 do
- check_xml_details(user1, false, false)
- assert_select "user[id='#{}']", :count => 0
- check_xml_details(user3, false, false)
- end
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users =>, :format => "json" }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 1, js["users"].count
- check_json_details(js["users"][0], user1, true, false)
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users =>, :format => "json" }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 1, js["users"].count
- check_json_details(js["users"][0], user2, false, false)
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => "#{},#{}", :format => "json" }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 2, js["users"].count
- check_json_details(js["users"][0], user1, true, false)
- check_json_details(js["users"][1], user3, false, false)
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => "#{},#{}", :format => "json" }, :oauth => { :token => bad_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/json", response.media_type
- js = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@response.body)
- assert_not_nil js
- assert_equal 2, js["users"].count
- check_json_details(js["users"][0], user1, false, false)
- check_json_details(js["users"][1], user3, false, false)
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => create(:user, :suspended).id }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 0
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => create(:user, :deleted).id }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 0
- signed_get api_users_path, :params => { :users => 0 }, :oauth => { :token => good_token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
- assert_select "user", :count => 0
- end
def test_index_oauth2
user1 = create(:user, :description => "test1", :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
user2 = create(:user, :description => "test2", :terms_agreed => Date.yesterday)
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class OauthClientsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- ##
- # test all routes which lead to this controller
- def test_routes
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "index", :display_name => "username" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients/new", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "new", :display_name => "username" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "create", :display_name => "username" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients/1", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "show", :display_name => "username", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients/1/edit", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "edit", :display_name => "username", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients/1", :method => :put },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "update", :display_name => "username", :id => "1" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/user/username/oauth_clients/1", :method => :delete },
- { :controller => "oauth_clients", :action => "destroy", :display_name => "username", :id => "1" }
- )
- end
- def test_index
- user = create(:user)
- create_list(:client_application, 2, :user => user)
- create_list(:access_token, 2, :user => user)
- get oauth_clients_path(user)
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => oauth_clients_path(user))
- session_for(user)
- get oauth_clients_path(user)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "index"
- assert_select "li.client_application", 2
- end
- def test_new
- user = create(:user)
- get new_oauth_client_path(user)
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => new_oauth_client_path(user))
- session_for(user)
- get new_oauth_client_path(user)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "new"
- assert_select "form", 1 do
- assert_select "input#client_application_name", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_url", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_callback_url", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_support_url", 1
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |perm|
- assert_select "input#client_application_#{perm}", 1
- end
- end
- end
- def test_new_disabled
- user = create(:user)
- with_settings(:oauth_10_registration => false) do
- get new_oauth_client_path(user)
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => new_oauth_client_path(user))
- session_for(user)
- get new_oauth_client_path(user)
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_path(user)
- end
- end
- def test_create
- user = create(:user)
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", 0 do
- post oauth_clients_path(user)
- end
- assert_response :forbidden
- session_for(user)
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", 0 do
- post oauth_clients_path(user, :client_application => { :name => "Test Application" })
- end
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "new"
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", 1 do
- post oauth_clients_path(user, :client_application => { :name => "Test Application",
- :url => "" })
- end
- assert_redirected_to oauth_client_path(:id => ClientApplication.find_by(:name => "Test Application").id)
- end
- def test_show
- user = create(:user)
- client = create(:client_application, :user => user)
- other_client = create(:client_application)
- get oauth_client_path(user, client)
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => oauth_client_path(user,
- session_for(user)
- get oauth_client_path(user, other_client)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "not_found"
- get oauth_client_path(user, client)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "show"
- end
- def test_edit
- user = create(:user)
- client = create(:client_application, :user => user)
- other_client = create(:client_application)
- get edit_oauth_client_path(user, client)
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:referer => edit_oauth_client_path(user,
- session_for(user)
- get edit_oauth_client_path(user, other_client)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "not_found"
- get edit_oauth_client_path(user, client)
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "edit"
- assert_select "form", 1 do
- assert_select "input#client_application_name", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_url", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_callback_url", 1
- assert_select "input#client_application_support_url", 1
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |perm|
- assert_select "input#client_application_#{perm}", 1
- end
- end
- end
- def test_update
- user = create(:user)
- client = create(:client_application, :user => user)
- other_client = create(:client_application)
- put oauth_client_path(user, client)
- assert_response :forbidden
- session_for(user)
- put oauth_client_path(user, other_client)
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "not_found"
- put oauth_client_path(user, client, :client_application => { :name => "New Name", :url => nil })
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "edit"
- put oauth_client_path(user, client, :client_application => { :name => "New Name", :url => "" })
- assert_redirected_to oauth_client_path(:id =>
- end
- def test_destroy
- user = create(:user)
- client = create(:client_application, :user => user)
- other_client = create(:client_application)
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", 0 do
- delete oauth_client_path(user, client)
- end
- assert_response :forbidden
- session_for(user)
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", 0 do
- delete oauth_client_path(user, other_client)
- end
- assert_response :not_found
- assert_template "not_found"
- assert_difference "ClientApplication.count", -1 do
- delete oauth_client_path(user, client)
- end
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_path(user)
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class OauthControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- ##
- # test all routes which lead to this controller
- def test_routes
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/revoke", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "revoke" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/revoke", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "revoke" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/authorize", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "authorize" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/authorize", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "authorize" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/token", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "token" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/request_token", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "request_token" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/request_token", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "request_token" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/access_token", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "access_token" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/access_token", :method => :post },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "access_token" }
- )
- assert_routing(
- { :path => "/oauth/test_request", :method => :get },
- { :controller => "oauth", :action => "test_request" }
- )
- end
+++ /dev/null
-FactoryBot.define do
- factory :client_application do
- sequence(:name) { |n| "Client application #{n}" }
- sequence(:url) { |n| "{n}" }
- user
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class ClientApplicationsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- ##
- # run through the procedure of creating a client application and checking
- # that it shows up on the user's account page.
- def test_create_application
- user = create(:user)
- get "/login"
- assert_redirected_to login_path(:cookie_test => "true")
- follow_redirect!
- assert_response :success
- post "/login", :params => { "username" =>, "password" => "test", :referer => "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}" }
- assert_response :redirect
- follow_redirect!
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "users/show"
- get "/account/edit"
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "accounts/edit"
- # check that the form to allow new client application creations exists
- assert_in_heading do
- assert_select "ul.nav.nav-tabs li.nav-item a[href='/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients']"
- end
- # now we follow the link to the oauth client list
- get "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients"
- assert_response :success
- assert_in_body do
- assert_select "a[href='/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients/new']"
- end
- # now we follow the link to the new oauth client page
- get "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients/new"
- assert_response :success
- assert_in_heading do
- assert_select "h1", "Register a new application"
- end
- assert_in_body do
- assert_select "form[action='/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients']" do
- [:name, :url, :callback_url, :support_url].each do |inp|
- assert_select "input[name=?]", "client_application[#{inp}]"
- end
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |perm|
- assert_select "input[name=?]", "client_application[#{perm}]"
- end
- end
- end
- post "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients",
- :params => { "client_application[name]" => "My New App",
- "client_application[url]" => "",
- "client_application[callback_url]" => "",
- "client_application[support_url]" => "" }
- assert_response :redirect
- follow_redirect!
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "oauth_clients/show"
- assert_equal "Registered the information successfully", flash[:notice]
- # now go back to the account page and check its listed under this user
- get "/user/#{ERB::Util.u(user.display_name)}/oauth_clients"
- assert_response :success
- assert_template "oauth_clients/index"
- assert_in_body { assert_select "li>a", "My New App" }
- end
- ##
- # fake client workflow.
- # this acts like a 3rd party client trying to access the site.
- def test_3rd_party_token
- # apparently the oauth gem doesn't really support being used inside integration
- # tests, as its too tied into the HTTP headers and stuff that it signs.
- end
- private
- ##
- # utility method to make the HTML screening easier to read.
- def assert_in_heading(&block)
- assert_select("div.content-heading", &block)
- end
- ##
- # utility method to make the HTML screening easier to read.
- def assert_in_body(&block)
- assert_select("div#content", &block)
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class OAuthTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
- include OAuth::Helper
- def test_oauth10_web_app
- client = create(:client_application, :callback_url => "", :allow_read_prefs => true, :allow_write_api => true, :allow_read_gpx => true)
- user = create(:user)
- session_for(user)
- oauth10_without_callback(client)
- oauth10_with_callback(client, "")
- oauth10_refused(client)
- end
- def test_oauth10_desktop_app
- client = create(:client_application, :allow_read_prefs => true, :allow_write_api => true, :allow_read_gpx => true)
- user = create(:user)
- session_for(user)
- oauth10_without_callback(client)
- oauth10_refused(client)
- end
- def test_oauth10a_web_app
- client = create(:client_application, :callback_url => "", :allow_read_prefs => true, :allow_write_api => true, :allow_read_gpx => true)
- user = create(:user)
- session_for(user)
- oauth10a_without_callback(client)
- oauth10a_with_callback(client, "")
- oauth10a_refused(client)
- end
- def test_oauth10a_desktop_app
- client = create(:client_application, :allow_read_prefs => true, :allow_write_api => true, :allow_read_gpx => true)
- user = create(:user)
- session_for(user)
- oauth10a_without_callback(client)
- oauth10a_refused(client)
- end
- private
- def oauth10_without_callback(client)
- token = get_request_token(client)
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize",
- :params => { :oauth_token => token.token,
- :allow_read_prefs => "1", :allow_write_prefs => "1" }
- if client.callback_url
- assert_redirected_to "#{client.callback_url}?oauth_token=#{token.token}"
- else
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_success
- end
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_read_prefs]
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- token = parse_token(response)
- assert_instance_of AccessToken, token
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_read_prefs]
- post logout_path
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.suspend!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.hide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.unhide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- session_for(token.user)
- post "/oauth/revoke", :params => { :token => token.token }
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
- token = OauthToken.find_by(:token => token.token)
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- end
- def oauth10_refused(client)
- token = get_request_token(client)
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "You have denied application #{} access to your account."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "The authorization token is not valid."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- post "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "The authorization token is not valid."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- end
- def oauth10_with_callback(client, callback_url)
- token = get_request_token(client)
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize",
- :params => { :oauth_token => token.token, :oauth_callback => callback_url,
- :allow_write_api => "1", :allow_read_gpx => "1" }
- assert_redirected_to "#{callback_url}?oauth_token=#{token.token}"
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_write_api, :allow_read_gpx]
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- token = parse_token(response)
- assert_instance_of AccessToken, token
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_write_api, :allow_read_gpx]
- post logout_path
- trace = create(:trace, :user => token.user)
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/details", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.suspend!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.hide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.unhide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- session_for(token.user)
- post "/oauth/revoke", :params => { :token => token.token }
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
- token = OauthToken.find_by(:token => token.token)
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- end
- def oauth10a_without_callback(client)
- token = get_request_token(client, :oauth_callback => "oob")
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize",
- :params => { :oauth_token => token.token,
- :allow_read_prefs => "1", :allow_write_prefs => "1" }
- if client.callback_url
- assert_response :redirect
- verifier = parse_verifier(response)
- assert_redirected_to "{token.token}&oauth_verifier=#{verifier}"
- else
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_success
- m = response.body.match("<p>The verification code is ([A-Za-z0-9]+).</p>")
- assert_not_nil m
- verifier = m[1]
- end
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_read_prefs]
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token, :oauth_verifier => verifier }
- assert_response :success
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- token = parse_token(response)
- assert_instance_of AccessToken, token
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_read_prefs]
- post logout_path
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- trace = create(:trace, :user => token.user)
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.suspend!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.hide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.unhide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- session_for(token.user)
- post "/oauth/revoke", :params => { :token => token.token }
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
- token = OauthToken.find_by(:token => token.token)
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/preferences", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- end
- def oauth10a_with_callback(client, callback_url)
- token = get_request_token(client, :oauth_callback => callback_url)
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize",
- :params => { :oauth_token => token.token,
- :allow_write_api => "1", :allow_read_gpx => "1" }
- assert_response :redirect
- verifier = parse_verifier(response)
- assert_redirected_to "#{callback_url}?oauth_token=#{token.token}&oauth_verifier=#{verifier}"
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_write_api, :allow_read_gpx]
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- signed_get "/oauth/access_token", :oauth => { :token => token, :oauth_verifier => verifier }
- assert_response :success
- token.reload
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- token = parse_token(response)
- assert_instance_of AccessToken, token
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_not_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_allowed token, [:allow_write_api, :allow_read_gpx]
- post logout_path
- trace = create(:trace, :user => token.user)
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- signed_get "/api/0.6/user/details", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.suspend!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.hide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :forbidden
- token.user.unhide!
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/#{}", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :success
- session_for(token.user)
- post "/oauth/revoke", :params => { :token => token.token }
- assert_redirected_to oauth_clients_url(token.user.display_name)
- token = OauthToken.find_by(:token => token.token)
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- signed_get "/api/0.6/gpx/2", :oauth => { :token => token }
- assert_response :unauthorized
- end
- def oauth10a_refused(client)
- token = get_request_token(client, :oauth_callback => "oob")
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize
- post "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "You have denied application #{} access to your account."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- get "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "The authorization token is not valid."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- post "/oauth/authorize", :params => { :oauth_token => token.token }
- assert_response :success
- assert_template :authorize_failure
- assert_select "p", "The authorization token is not valid."
- token.reload
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_not_nil token.invalidated_at
- end
- def get_request_token(client, options = {})
- signed_get "/oauth/request_token", :oauth => options.merge(:consumer => client)
- assert_response :success
- token = parse_token(response)
- assert_instance_of RequestToken, token
- assert_not_nil token.created_at
- assert_nil token.authorized_at
- assert_nil token.invalidated_at
- assert_equal_allowing_nil options[:oauth_callback], token.callback_url
- assert_allowed token, client.permissions
- token
- end
- def parse_token(response)
- params = CGI.parse(response.body)
- token = OauthToken.find_by(:token => params["oauth_token"].first)
- assert_equal token.secret, params["oauth_token_secret"].first
- token
- end
- def parse_verifier(response)
- params = CGI.parse(URI.parse(response.location).query)
- assert_not_nil params["oauth_verifier"]
- assert_predicate params["oauth_verifier"].first, :present?
- params["oauth_verifier"].first
- end
- def assert_allowed(token, allowed)
- ClientApplication.all_permissions.each do |p|
- assert_equal allowed.include?(p), token.attributes[p.to_s]
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class ClientApplicationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def test_url_valid
- ok = ["", ""]
- bad = ["", "", "myapp://somewhere", "\n"]
- ok.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.url = url
- assert_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is invalid, when it should be"
- end
- bad.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.url = url
- assert_not_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is valid when it shouldn't be"
- end
- end
- def test_support_url_valid
- ok = ["", "", ""]
- bad = ["", "myapp://somewhere", "gibberish", "\n"]
- ok.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.support_url = url
- assert_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is invalid, when it should be"
- end
- bad.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.support_url = url
- assert_not_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is valid when it shouldn't be"
- end
- end
- def test_callback_url_valid
- ok = ["", "", "", "", "myapp://somewhere"]
- bad = ["gibberish", "\n"]
- ok.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.callback_url = url
- assert_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is invalid, when it should be"
- end
- bad.each do |url|
- app = build(:client_application)
- app.callback_url = url
- assert_not_predicate app, :valid?, "#{url} is valid when it shouldn't be"
- end
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class OauthNonceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- ##
- # the nonce has only one property, that it is a unique pair of
- # string and timestamp.
- def test_nonce_uniqueness
- string = "0123456789ABCDEF"
- timestamp =
- nonce1 = OauthNonce.remember(string, timestamp)
- assert_not_equal false, nonce1, "First nonce should be unique. Check your test database is empty."
- nonce2 = OauthNonce.remember(string, timestamp)
- assert_not nonce2, "Shouldn't be able to remember the same nonce twice."
- end
- ##
- # nonces that are not current should be rejected
- def test_nonce_not_current
- string = "0123456789ABCDEF"
- nonce1 = OauthNonce.remember(string, - 86430)
- assert_not nonce1, "Nonces over a day in the past should be rejected"
- nonce2 = OauthNonce.remember(string, - 86370)
- assert_not_equal false, nonce2, "Nonces under a day in the past should be rejected"
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class OauthTokenTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- ##
- # check that after calling invalidate! on a token, it is invalid.
- def test_token_invalidation
- tok =
- assert_not_predicate tok, :invalidated?, "Token should be created valid."
- tok.invalidate!
- assert_predicate tok, :invalidated?, "Token should now be invalid."
- end
- ##
- # check that an authorized token is authorised and can be invalidated
- def test_token_authorisation
- tok = RequestToken.create(:client_application => create(:client_application))
- assert_not_predicate tok, :authorized?, "Token should be created unauthorised."
- tok.authorize!(create(:user))
- assert_predicate tok, :authorized?, "Token should now be authorised."
- tok.invalidate!
- assert_not_predicate tok, :authorized?, "Token should now be invalid."
- end
+++ /dev/null
-require "test_helper"
-class RequestTokenTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
- def test_oob
- assert_predicate, :oob?
- assert_predicate => "oob"), :oob?
- assert_predicate => "OOB"), :oob?
- assert_not_predicate => ""), :oob?
- end
assert_not_predicate user, :active?
- def test_soft_destroy_revokes_oauth1_tokens
- user = create(:user)
- access_token = create(:access_token, :user => user)
- assert_equal 1, user.oauth_tokens.authorized.count
- user.soft_destroy
- assert_equal 0, user.oauth_tokens.authorized.count
- access_token.reload
- assert_predicate access_token, :invalidated?
- end
def test_soft_destroy_revokes_oauth2_tokens
user = create(:user)
oauth_access_token = create(:oauth_access_token, :resource_owner_id =>
{ "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}" }
- ##
- # make an OAuth signed request
- def signed_request(method, uri, options = {})
- uri = URI.parse(uri)
- uri.scheme ||= "http"
- ||= ""
- oauth = options.delete(:oauth)
- params = options.fetch(:params, {}).transform_keys(&:to_s)
- oauth[:consumer] ||= oauth[:token].client_application
- helper =, oauth)
- request = OAuth::RequestProxy.proxy(
- "method" => method.to_s.upcase,
- "uri" => uri,
- "parameters" => params.merge(helper.oauth_parameters)
- )
- request.sign!(oauth)
- method(method).call(request.signed_uri, **options)
- end
- ##
- # make an OAuth signed GET request
- def signed_get(uri, options = {})
- signed_request(:get, uri, options)
- end
- ##
- # make an OAuth signed POST request
- def signed_post(uri, options = {})
- signed_request(:post, uri, options)
- end
# return request header for HTTP Accept
def accept_format_header(format)