# Use index.html as the index page
index index.html;
- # Include fastcgi configuration
- include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# Redirect trac requests for historical reasons
location /trac/ {
allow all;
# Map api.openstreetmap/0.n/... to api.openstreetmap/api/0.n/...
- if ($host ~* api\.(.*)) {
+ if ($host ~* ^api\.) {
rewrite ^/(0\.[0-9]+)/(.*)$ /api/$1/$2;
+ rewrite ^/capabilities$ /api/capabilities;
# Strip asset tags
rewrite ^/(.*)/[0-9]+$ /$1;
+ # Include fastcgi configuration
+ include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
+ fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $uri;
# Handle tiles@home requests
location /api/ {
if ($http_user_agent ~ "^tilesAtHome") {
+ location = /api/capabilities {
+ fastcgi_pass web_backend;
+ break;
+ }
# Set the MIME type for crossdomain.xml policy files
# or flash will ignore it
- location ~ /crossdomain.xml$ {
- default_type text/x-cross-domain-policy;
+ location ~ /crossdomain\.xml {
+ types {
+ text/x-cross-domain-policy xml;
+ }